Member Reviews

Thank you to the publisher for my eARC copy of this book. Unfortunately I didn’t love this book and therefore didn’t finish, I just didn’t connect with this one. Not for me, sorry.

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A chilling insight into the psyche of a woman totally on the edge. It’s brilliantly written and an amazing journey with characters you can really relate to

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This was such an excellent read. It was a book that had me hooked from the very start. AN awesome but also chilling read.

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Helena, the smart, perfect business woman has a new employer, Ashley. Ashley is ruthless and wants to succeed and doesn’t care how she does it. From two points of view and two timelines we see how Helena is thrown out from a life she has complete control over and how Ashley takes over everything. Helena ultimately loses a part of herself and blames Ashley for the destruction of her life.

This was a very clever book and had me gripped. Definitely a book club talking point. Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for this arc in exchange for my honest review

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Wow, what a thrillingly scary read!! The story is told from the perspectives of two strong women, that of Helena and Ashley. The book jumps between the present and the past, but its done so smoothly, its not confusing, and forms a nice part of the timeline. The book was well written and thrilling until the very end. Recommended.

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Firstly I would like to thank Netgalley and the publishers for allowing me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

With POVS from both the past and future from both main characters, this read certainly had me at the edge of my seat throughout. It kept me guessing from start to finish and that shocking end twist had me gasping!
A brilliant read from this author and I'm really looking forward to reading 'Unfollow Me'.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for providing me with an ARC of this book in return for an honest review.

This book was one which I was so excited to read, after hearing so much about it on social media. However, in reality, it didn't deliver. I was bored of this story and finished it just to say that I had but I had no interest in the outcome. I hadn't bonded with any of the characters and this probably didn't help. The saving grace was that it was easy-reading.

I would happily try something else by this promising writer but the office setting and the slow burn just didn't make this an enjoyable read for me.

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A modern novel that tells the story from the alternative points of view of the two main characters - one you are encouraged to like and feel sympathy for and the other you are led to despise and even hate.
Although you suspect there is more to the road accidents that occur on a regular basis Duckworth withholds enough information to provide an interesting ending to the book.
The underlying theme is an emotional one that sometimes confuses and often upsets.
A very often depressing read this is also very interesting.

Thank you to NetGalley and Quercus books for this copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a good read overall. A bit too drawn out in places and felt more like womens fiction than a psychological thriller.

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This was an absorbing story of a career woman, totally committed to her job, who inadvertently becomes pregnant. The trauma of leaving her job, a very difficult delivery and subsequent post natal psychosis, almost completely destroy her. Eventually with lots of support she recovers and has a chance to live a normal life again.

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Full review to come.
I deeply apologize, but life is a handful lately and I'm using all my free time to read, not review. I hope everybody understands.

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A great read! Enjoyed the way that the narrative flicked back and forth between then and now, to reveal subtle hints that something had happened between Helena and Ashley while building the backstory of how it had got to that point. There was a lot of foreshadowing but I was actually quite shocked at the reveal ... didn't see it coming at all! It's a little chilling how quickly Ashley starts to take over Helena's work life (to personal life to some extent) which adds a lot of tension as the "then" parts of the book develop. Highly recommended and will definitely look out for more books from the author in the future!

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Difficult to review this book without putting in spoilers which I don't want to do. Suffice to say Helena is a successful businesswoman who takes a younger woman, Ashley, under her wing, giving her responsibility and a step up. Ashley will undermine anyone to become a success and Helena starts to feel undermined. There is far more to this novel than rivalry in business and the two main characters and their strengths and weaknesses are well portrayed. The relationships these two women have with each other, their work colleagues and their respective families is well-developed and there are surprises galore. Can't wait to read the next book by this author.
Many thanks to Netgalley/Charlotte Duckworth/Quercus Books for a digital copy of this title. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Fantastic novel. Kept me hooked from start to finish. Loved the twists as the story unfolded and the redemptive ending was fantastic.

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I am torn between a 3.5 and a 4 star rating for this book. I enjoyed the build up and the backstory of the relationship between Ash and Helena the most and the interesting dynamics which changed as Helena progressed through her pregnancy. But I found the present day part a bit confusing and although it all made sense in the end it left me feeling a bit deflated and empty. That being said I would read more from this author in the future as there was potential. Thanks to Quercus, Netgalley and the author for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Helena is a confident and successful business woman heading her own department in an international make-up company. Then Ashley is interviewed and taken on and everything goes out of kilter.

The story is told in a present day and back a year or so style, and although I felt that sometimes the timeline wasn't quite clear (only realising we'd gone back/forward after a paragraph or two,) it worked well to show how quickly Ashley was taking over and Helena was spiralling down with pregnancy, childbirth and depression.

Both main female characters had their faults, pushy, deceptive, unfaithful etc., and the author making them both unlikeable at times made them feel realistic, more true to life, just a bad combination when they got together.

I thought the book was well written and well plotted, it had a couple of unexpected twists at the end and I enjoyed it very much.

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Ambition, rivals and the perfect job and life. Great read with twists I didn't see coming. Thank you qriting a fab book and letting me review it. Brilliant read

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'The Rival' is described as a crime thriller, but I would say women's fiction is much more accurate. The basis of the story focuses on the horrors motherhood can bring with it, gossip-y office politics and toxic relationships, all of which may be compelling to some, but that doesn't make it a thriller. Most likely due to that I found it rather tedious and predictable, and although the writing was solid and the characterisation more than satisfactory, I just didn't care about the outcome. I like some real grit to my crime fiction, but as I say this revolved around two bickering women and one of them wanting what the other has. If you enjoy women's fiction/chick lit this may be something you'd appreciate, however, I know seasoned crime readers will be thoroughly disappointed with this mundane, run-of-the-mill tale.

Many thanks to Quercus for an ARC. I was not required to post a review, and all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

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Helena is a high flying career woman when she employs Ashleigh\Ashley an ambitious but inexperienced young woman. Helena is initially shocked, but then impressed at how badly Ashley wants to progress within KAMU (Kiss And Make Up).

Helena encourages Ashley’s ambition, after all, she has always wanted to mentor someone successfully.

When a new project comes along, Helena realises that perhaps she has underestimated Ashley’s ambition, but once again encourages it, as they become the new office dream team. They are formidable together and really want to make the new project a success.

Then Helena discovers something that threatens to shorten, or at least significantly change her successful career. She confides in Ashley, believing that the young woman will be supportive, but doesn’t get the support she so badly needs.

Quickly the dynamic changes between them, Helena begins to feel sidelined by her protege and as time goes on, begins to realise that ambition can be a very dangerous weapon indeed.

Without saying too much more, The Rival is a novel that shows just how far some women will go to get what they believe they deserve, no matter who or what they harm in the process. A must read.

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If you are looking for a great psychological thriller then this is the book for you.

The story focuses on two career driven women working, Helena and Ashley. We here about them in the present, where Helena is living in the countryside with no job and no baby, despite being a mother. She blames Ashley for the situation she is in but is it all down to Ashley ? The book also tells us the story of the past, when the two women starting working together and the relationship that they had. What events really led to Helena’s situation ?

This is a good psychological thriller that will have you hating the characters one minute and then loving them the next.

Thank you to Quercus books and NetGalley for a digital copy of this book.

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