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The Breakup

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The Break Up
By: Erin McCarthy


Two broken people who understand family disappointment!!!

He doesn’t want to like her. He’s created his own problems he doesn’t need even more. She keeps saying rude things she doesn’t mean. He keeps rescuing her from her family’s judgment and her ex fiancé infidelity. What happens when understanding turns to passion and so much more. The writing is flawless, and the words are so captivating, the plot had so many twists and turns and none that I was expecting, and many shocking moments."

Well let me start by saying I have become a huge fan of this author. She writes with so much intensity and emotion pulled from each book it’s felt page after page. Some are quick witted story lines are so perfect and lets you believe you have a front row seat. So being able to read this love story didn’t disappoint. The authors ability to have two separate individuals struggling in their everyday life and try to navigate someone else’s thoughts, needs and desires was intense and gives all the fills.

Authors Blurb: Bella: I know I’m a princess. I’m used to getting what I want. But all I ever really wanted was a husband and a family. Unlike my sister, Sophie, I’ll never have a brilliant career to fall back on. So what’s a bride to do when she learns that Prince Charming is a cheating snake just a few days before her fairy-tale wedding? With my fiancé begging for another chance, the only way to save the wedding is to even things out with a little revenge sex—and local bartender Christian Jordan seems like the right man for the job.
Christian: If gorgeous Bella Bigelow thinks sleeping with me will somehow lead to happily ever after, I’m not going to turn her down. The guy she wants to marry is a jerk, and her sister is fooling around with my estranged twin brother, Cain. So what’s the problem—besides falling for a woman who doesn’t know what she wants out of life? All I want to do is whisk her away from that church, take her to a cabin in the woods, and act out all our naughtiest fantasies. And I may just get the chance. . . .

I really enjoyed this book and it kept me engrossed throughout. I really loved the characters and the way they interacted with each other. This is a fun, hot, romantic must read book and I would definitely recommend this book to anyone.

This book has everything I love in a book. Then you add that it's beautifully written and believable. It is easily a five star read. Written in dual POV my personal favorite this story flows so incredibly well that the next thing you know your 80% into the book and loving every second of it. The believable way the characters interact is perfect. Run, Hop, Jump or use your (1 click) finger to do whatever you have to do and get this amazing book. It'll break your heart, you'll want to scream with frustration and it'll let you discover that love just might conquer all. The chemistry is steamy and sweet and oh so romantic.

Thanks Netgally for letting me read and review.📚💕

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I was initially a little leary of The Breakup. I'm not a big fan of cheating books so I was extremely happy that there was no cheating. Things happened close together, which is fine, albeit fast, but whatever. Bella was a bit hard to take at first she was a little over the top but after the fiasco on her wedding day with her jerk of a now ex fiance she comes around and starts to develop more and you see why she was the way she was.

I liked Christian in the first book so it was no surprise that I liked him in this one. His story (and Cain's) is all kinds of messed up. Ali makes her reappearance and I wish that had been a bit more of the story, it's an interesting circumstance and really added to why Christian made the decisions he did.

Christain was good for Bella and I'm glad they got their happily ever after.

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I read the first book in this series and was so interested in reading the story of two characters who had previously been rather unlikable. In the beginning of the book they are still pretty unlikable but over the course of the story they grew on me and I really liked reading about their interactions. I thought I was going to end up liking this book even more than the first until the ending, or non-ending I should say. In the middle of a real conflict suddenly everything is wrapped up in the most flimsy way possible and then we are given a pointless epilogue. I was so let down.

I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I was fortunate to receive a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I read the previous book in this series- The Hookup. I enjoyed that book but I think that I liked this one more because I couldn’t wait to find out what might happen between Bella and Christian. Their story was pretty steamy. They had such a connection and made each other better people. Bradley never deserved Bella - I think it was mighty big of her to not spread what he had done to cause her to run out on their wedding- he owed her more than a cottage!

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I wasn't a big fan of Christian or Bella when we met them in the The Hookup, but I ended up liking their story. I thought the build up and tension between them in the beginning was great. I really felt sorry for Bella and even though I wanted her to do things sooner, I understand why she waited until the last minute. I was really surprised at how naïve and sweet she ended up being and I like that that's what Christian fell for. He did some things that I didn't agree with, but the author didn't go into detail and there really was no relationship at that point so I could overlook it. When it came time to truly man up, Christian does, even if it is a little painful. Their happily ever after was the icing on the cake!

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Bella and Christian were amazing in The Breakup. This story was sexy, full of spicy banter and a perfect story of love hitting you out of nowhere. Erin McCarthy is a new to me author but I will check out her other stories asap. Bravo! 4 stars!

I would like to thank Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book for an honest review!

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What I liked:
The writing style
The characters
Dual POVs
Part of a series: The Jordan Brothers


What I didn't like:
When one of the main characters has sex with someone else after they have slept with each other.

I look forward to reading the other books in this series.

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Apparently I read this book according to my kindle but I can't remember anything about it. That says a lot about this book.

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Another good story from Erin McCarthy. I didn't feel instant chemistry between Bella and Christian but I stuck with them and liked how their relationship grew.

I received an ARC from Netgalley for an honest review

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I loved how this was so different from anything I’ve been reading lately. The pages just flew by! Even when I wanted to smack some sense into Bella in the beginning, I still enjoyed it. Great storyline, wonderfully done all around. Would definitely recommend!

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Bella Bigelow is an upbeat, sweet and happy person. She is also dreading getting married to a man that doesn't make her feel like she is getting her fairy tale wedding with a HEA. Christian Jordan is a bartender with his own set of problems. Between Bella and Christian, the pages heat up. The banter between them will have you laughing. Camp, Christian son is such a sweetheart and Bella just loves him. In the shadows is Ali, Camp's mother. She makes you want to not like her. She is also causing problems for the Jordan boys. I love the ending to this book.

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I liked this story. It’s sweet and sexy. It took me a bit to warm up to Bella and also Christian a little bit too, but once their relationship started to blossom, I was behind them. I felt like getting to know them together redeemed some of their not so finer qualities of the past. I enjoyed watching them fall in love; I think they understand each other so well and are perfect for each other. Love the epilogue!

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The Breakup by Erin McCarthy follows Bella and Christian. They first meet at a bar and are instantly attracted to each other, but Bella is getting married. In two weeks. However, Bella discovers her fiance is a disgusting cheat, so when she finally wises up and dumps his lying ass, Christian is there to pick up the pieces (and the runaway bride!).

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I honestly don't know what there was not to love about this book, the story was great, the characters were well developed and the plot had a nice flow to it.

This is Sophie and Christian's story, Sophie is set to marry what she thinks is the man of dreams, he's rich and comes from a good family, but is that really enough when she finds out that he has been cheating on her for their entire relationship? In walks Christian to save Sophie from the confines of a loveless marriage.

The sparks fly the minute that Sophie and Christian met on the night of her bachelorette party, and when they are finally together you will feel the connection that they share.

What I loved most about this book series was that the stories were about the women of the book, most romance stories are all about the men, so for this author to make the women shine was just amazing.

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I totally fell in love with Cain and Sophie in this first book of Ms. McCarthy’s new Jordan Brothers series. They are as different as night and day, never expect to see one another after their one night together. Opposites attract? Perfect chemistry? Karma? Whatever it is makes for a fun but very emotional read.

Sophie is one of those who takes everything in a literal sense. She loves numbers and science – neither one messes with you because they’re each straight forward and to the point. She’s worked hard for years to get where she is, so now it’s time to see what all the fuss is about when it comes to sex. To her way of thinking, a hookup will work just fine – get rid of the virginity and finally know what other women are always so excited about. So she and her sister Bella head to a bar on the Maine coast – where Bella is getting married soon – and Sophie is taken with the first man she spies.

I love a tortured hero, and Cain Jordan is definitely one. We know early on he’s been betrayed by those closest to him, so he drinks himself nearly into oblivion so he won’t have to think about his screwed-up existence and the rift with his twin brother, Christian. Booze and sex keep his mind occupied until it’s time for work, and then he does it all over again day after day. He’s first drawn to Bella, the beautiful sister, when the ladies walk into the bar. But he’s soon fascinated by Sophie and her no pussy-footing around, her awkwardness and complete honesty. They agree a night of no-strings sex is what they each need, so off they go.

These two are so endearing together. As different as they are, they also have common ground in their relationships with family. Sophie has forged her own path, even though Bella is the favorite. Cain has left the good man he is behind for alcohol and anger. Sophie sees that goodness in him, while Cain learns to live again through her charming naivete and innocence in looking at the world. His redemption is painful but necessary to come out on the other side to be the man Sophie needs.

We don’t get much when it comes to the why of the betrayal by Christian, but I know that will be addressed in The Breakup, which is out in August. I like the turnabout that brings Christian and Bella together in that book. But if you’re looking for some chuckles and pulled heartstrings in the meantime, I can recommend this book for both. Quite satisfying all the way to the last page.

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I really loved Cain and Sophie's story but Bella and Christian? Wow. I would love to be able to give more than 5 stars!

Christian, even with his aversion to commitment thanks to Ali, is just one swoony S.O.B.! The way he loves Camp and would do anything for him, even though he sometimes has his doubts, just makes him seem so much more real.

I really hope Charlie is next!!

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This was my first book I read by Ms.McCarthy. I believe this books belongs in the New Adult category. With that being said, the book was a bit immature for my tastes. The scheme that the heroine came up with to get back at her fiancé was completely ridiculous. I’m giving 3 stars because it wasn’t written poorly but it just wasn’t my cup of tea.

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I picked this one up because I had the pleasure of reading and loving the first book The Hookup. That was a phenomenal read for me and I needed to know all about the mess these two were going to create. And I wasn't disappointed, it was such a good read I picked it up late at night and didn't stop reading until I was done.

Told from the dual perspectives of Bella and Christian, we are introduced to what happens during the hookup, as this was taking place at the same time. Bella is engaged to be married and it's the weeks leading up to her fairytale wedding when she finds herself with some information she didn't want to know. A bit of a ditz, Bella is used to shaping her world to fit what she wants to happen and this isn't going to change, yet she has to decide what she's going to do, live with the unfolding story or move on. She's a woman who isn't used to making her own choices that would be deemed 'selfish' she's a people pleaser who is caught between her needs and what is expected & so this decision really throws her for a loop.

Christian is still trying to make up for the biggest mistake in his life. He regrets his choice but he can't hate the results because he got his son from it. He hurt his other half, his twin Cain and while he wishes he could change it, it's done and he's tired of being judged for it. As part of a local family well known for the trouble their father always gets in he's trying to make changes for son, so that he can be proud of him. Yet he can't seem to stay out of a certain brand of trouble. Bella is the worst kind, but he can't stay away.

Despite what everyone sees and thinks of them, these two have some serious baggage and depths to them. Even I kept judging them and had them confront those judgments as the story progresses was pretty wonderful. I loved that despite it all Bella still has faith in people and in love. She's way more practical than others believe and she can be flighty and afraid of facing any kind of confrontation, but when pushed she can and will meet the challenge.

I loved the journey these two went on. I loved reading as they developed a friendship somewhat and then when they crossed the lines into more. Bella was a weird mix of confident and shy and when she tried to change what she thought was wrong with her had me cracking up. I loved that she called herself a prude and confronted that. I loved that Christian was such an amazing guy who helped her confront her fears and was very honest with her about he wanted; because he did that it allowed her to confront her own desires and needs. It was pretty amazing to read. Holy moly their intimate scenes were just smoking hot, while also being sweet and funny because Christian made the moments fun for her as well.

I really enjoyed that for Bella she knew she was considered a throwback because she has always wanted to be a mother and yet she was comfortable with that. When she decides to go after what she deserves it's amazing to read. I loved how she confronts her fiance and even how she handles Christian when he gets out of line.

My favorite moment came when she was in the pharmacy and faced a moment we have all dreaded when the pharmacist can't tone down the volume when telling you about the side effects of your meds. I laughed because been there and know the feeling. I loved what happened next especially because her sister is so upfront and funny while being real.

A fun and refreshing read. I flew through it and really loved when they had their real moments along with their funny moments. I would really love more from the family and really would love their sisters' story. I recommend highly my loves.



Shatter by Erin McCarthy
Rome by Jay Crownover

I hope you enjoy as much as I did my loves, and as always Happy Reading my loves,

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I wasn't a big fan of the characters in this one. The hero was a pretty big asshole. Self admittedly but it was hard to empathize with him. The heroine was sweet but was a doormat. I really dislike pregnancy storylines and I felt like it took away from her having any growth. It seemed like there was still a lot to work through and all of a sudden it was a HEA epilogue

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I read the book1 and I loved it. So I knew book 2 would be amazing. Here is the thing about Erin McCarthy’s you never know what way it’s going to go. I love that about these stories. This book has a little bit of everything. I am really hoping for a book 3. I need every part of it. So many unanswered questions.

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