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Fight or Flight

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J'adore les romans de Samantha Young et Fight or Flight ne va pas échapper à la règle. De plus en plus l'aspect écossais des personnages est présent dans les romans de Samantha et ça me charme car on sent les origines d'une auteur que j'adore par dessus tout.

Ava Breevort est une jeune femme de 30 ans que nous allons adorer au fil des pages car c'est une personne entière qui ne fait pas dans la demie mesure que ce soit en amitié ou en "amour". Enfin ce mot ne fait plus partie de son vocabulaire depuis quelques années maintenant car elle ne veut plus placer sa confiance dans les mains d'une personne capable de briser son coeur en mille morceaux. Nous la découvrons dans un aéroport où l'éruption d'un volcan au nom imprononçable la force à rester clouée au sol. Pour son métier , elle voyage beaucoup et ce retard aurait pu être rangé vite fait au rang de mauvais moment si un certain Ecossais n'avait pas empiré la situation. Les joutes verbales vont donc très vite être de mise et ce viking ne l'empêchera pas de dire le fond de sa pensée. On ne sait pas si cette tension ne cache pas autre chose mais le destin va en tout cas s'amuser à les remettre sur le chemin l'un de l'autre. La faiblesse d'Ava sera peut être de ne pas savoir résister à ce regard bleu glacier, à cette barbe séduisante et à ce sex appeal qui se cache sous cet ours mal léché.

Mais Ava est une femme de caractère qui n'a pas dit son dernier mot et qui va petit à petit se faire une place dans le quotidien de notre héros. Ce que j'ai aimé chez elle est la relation fusionnelle qu'elle a avec Harper , sa meilleure amie, qui connaît tous ses secrets et qui surtout connaît son passé avec Nick mais aussi Gemma. Tout comme Ava, c'est une jeune femme passionnée qui ne vit que pour son métier et qui n'a pas de temps à accorder à l'amour. Ce sentiment peut vous affaiblir mais Ava garde toujours le contrôle de tous les aspects de sa vie. La décision qu'elle va prendre sera donc bien réfléchie et nous n'avons plus qu'à espérer qu'elle s'en tiendra bien aux règles car j'ai bien l'impression que sous sa carapace se cache une jeune femme meurtrie et blessée qui n'a jamais été appréciée à sa juste valeur. Si sa patronne Stella ou encore son amie Patrice savent qu'elle est une jeune femme sérieuse et professionnelle, on sent qu'elles ont un rôle quasi maternel à jouer dans l'intrigue. Mais attention à ne pas trop jouer avec le feu car Ava pourrait bien finir par se brûler.

Nous n'avons aucun chapitre écrit du point de vue de Caleb Scott, cet homme écossais de 35 ans, et cela renforce évidemment l'aura de mystère entourant ce personnages. Impossible donc d'entrer dans sa tête et de connaître ses pensées. Il ne laisse transparaître aucune émotion et sait parfaitement tenir les gens à distance. Il est arrogant, considère que dire merci et s'il vous plaît est au dessus de ses forces . Cela fait donc de lui un personnage rustre qu'on a dû mal à apprécier au début. Cependant la frontière entre la haine et le désir est très fine et il se pourrait qu'il ne résiste pas au charme d'Ava. Il a un grand poste à responsabilités et il est donc habitué à ce que les gens se soumettent à ses moindres exigences. Il a ce côté dominateur qu'on aime retrouver chez certains héros tant qu'ils ne sont pas blessants juste pour lui plaisir d'asseoir son pouvoir. Caleb va donc être très difficile à cerner et en tant que lectrice, on va tenter d'analyser le moindre de ses gestes ou de ses paroles. Il parle peu mais quand il ouvre la bouche , mieux vaut être ami avec lui qu'être son ennemi. Il n'a pas d'amis proches et sa famille est trop loin pour que nous puissions en déduire des éléments à son sujet. Seul Jamie un de ses frères fera son apparition pour pimenter encore plus l'intrigue. Ava parviendra t-elle à résoudre l'énigme Caleb? Pourra t-elle espérer qu'il se livre à elle?

Bref, j'ai passé un excellent moment de lecture avec ce nouveau roman VO de Samantha Young qui nous permet de découvrir cet écossais rustre et dur à cerner. Caleb et Ava parviendront à nous faire rire de leur joute verbales mais les émotions seront aussi au rendez vous. Fight or Flight est une délicieuse comédie romantique qu'on dévore sans aucune modération

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The saying to never judge a book by its cover has never been truer. This stinkin' cute book cover is a little misleading as it promises lighter literary fare like a rom-com and that's definitely not what we get with Fight or Flight. My expectations may reflect in my rating. So please make sure you read other reviews before you decide not to give this story a chance.

Ava and Caleb definitely are complex characters. Both of them marked by their pasts they are still dealing with the fall-out. Ava is a beautiful young woman with a stellar career. You know, some of us might think that being too pretty, too beautiful is not a problem but when you're treated like it's the only thing people see and otherwise you're just a body without depth...that will do a number on you. So for that Samantha Young gets brownie points - it's an issue you don't see all that often in books.

Anyhoo, when Ava and Caleb meet they get off on the wrong foot. In the beginning I found their encounters funny - although Caleb was extremely rude most of the time Ava served up the comebacks he deserved. I loved to hate his arrogant, judgmental, bitter ass but at some point it just became obnoxious. Not saying please and thank you, refusing to be polite, that's childish and a major turn-off because it means you don't have manners.

“Can we just ignore this tiny, angry person and upgrade me now?” the deep, accented voice said somewhere above my head to my right.

Burned by their respective pasts, a relationship is nothing they want or need but there is a reason they are attracted to each other so of course at some point they become more than fuck buddies. As they got closer I started to see Caleb's sweeter and softer side but I have to admit I never really warmed up to him, there was always a disconnect that I can only explain with his bitter, cruel attitude that he kept for almost the entirety of the book. A shrink would probably say that's an unhealthy relationship.
“It’s sex with a guy who somehow manages to make me feel this small”— I gestured with my forefinger and thumb—“ every time he opens his mouth."

Not only once did Caleb say something only to admit that he regretted it the moment he'd said it. I get how some people don't have a filter but when it becomes downright mean then maybe they should start working on their self restraint. At some point Caleb hurt Ava so badly, reduced her verbally to the one thing that could hurt her the most and honestly, I didn't know how they'd come back from that. Ava's best friend Harper even told her.
"A man who knows what you’ve been through, who knows what saying that to you would do to you, doesn’t deserve you."

But I soldiered on and was hoping for Caleb to get his shit together which he ultimately did.

Now, everyone knows I love a good grovel but that only works when the heroine MAKES the hero grovel. And this is where the rating dropped under 3 stars. Caleb hurt Ava so much and I expected it would take a minor miracle for him to make her forgive him.
Even if he does care about me, I couldn’t be with someone who would choose to inflict that kind of pain on me just to protect himself...

Well that didn't last long. He said sorry, she said fine and that was that. WHAT???? After all that heartbreak, the cruelty, that's all we get? BIG FAT NOPE, NO WAY! I was offended on behalf of the sisterhood.

In general I thought that Ava's tendency to drop everything when Caleb was rather off-putting. I got that she felt irresistibly drawn to him but show some pride, dammit.
Now I think that this story would have worked much better for me if it had been told from both point of views. We only learn about Caleb's heartbreak in the last 20% and it just doesn't give you the chance to feel compassion for him because I never really found a lot to like about him to begin with.

However, this story wasn't a complete loss. Some things really stood out, like Ava's friendship with her best friend Harper who I really hope to see in another book. The banter in the beginning of the book was top notch and I loved how Ava gave as good as she got. I adored her when she put her ex in his place. The angst in this story is definitely something that will keep some people glued to the pages and in that regard Samantha Young is a master - I did gobble this book up and it makes me want to read Harper's story.

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4.5 stars

“My physical appearance was just a small fraction of who I was. I was more than a pretty bauble to hang on the tree of a man’s world.”

After a horrible trip to her childhood home, Ava just wants to get the heck out of Arizona and back to her apartment in Boston. Her attempts at everything in the airport from first class upgrades to meals to the coffee cart are thwarted by a rude Scotsman…. who happens to be her seatmate on her flight. Their hatred for each other soon turns into a night neither of them will ever forget.

By chance Caleb reenters her life when Ava had thought he was just a one night stand, and the two decide to explore their physical attraction even further…

“When you were infatuated with someone, you failed to see their imperfections. When it was more than a fixation, you still cared about them in spite of their flaws.”

First off, Samantha Young is romance royalty. She delivered THE BEST ANGST in any romance novels, hands down. She’s also one of the few authors that I don’t skim sex scenes (yes I am weird and I do that most of the time). When I read a book by Young, I am enthralled from the very beginning, all the way to the last page at the end. I always say this too but I love how she manages to write characters from different countries and nails it every time, there are never cultural inaccuracies which blows my mind.

There are similarities in this book to On Dublin Street, a heroine with a messed up family past and a best friend who dies tragically (not a spoiler it’s in the beginning of both books). But the similarities end there. I loved Ava. She was such an incredible female character unlike many we see in this genre. She’s gorgeous but wants to be valued as more. She works hard but remembers to be kind. Caleb was an amazing alpha-hole, but was nice at the right points. I wish we had gotten more of his side of events but I still really loved him too.

I have two things to gripe about in this book, the first affected my rating the other did not. At the end of the book, what was done to Ava, there needed to be a lot more fucking groveling. I was actually appalled at the lack of groveling at the end considering Caleb’s words and actions. The second thing I have to gripe about, I friggin hate the cover of this book. I know it’s the newest rage in romance and we have The Hating Game to blame for it, but the cover of this book does not match the inside at all and I am looking forward to when (if) they change the cover in the future. I want to reiterate, the cover did not affect my rating.

“We’re all afraid of something, sweetheart. It’s up to us whether we stay and fight that fear… or whether we run and hide from it.”

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I always love a good enemy to lovers book and Fight or Flight is no exception.
It's a fun quick read although in saying that it is sad and emotional in parts but I loved it and adored Ava and Caleb. At first Caleb comes across selfish and obnoxious but once you get to know him you will fall for him as I did!
I enjoyed their banter throughout the whole book and loved the Scottish dialect too.
Overall a fabulous book! Thanks Sam!!

Here is a quote I loved from the book (you'll have to read it to find out what this is in relation to!):
"You've developed champagne tastes, Caleb. You can't go back to cheap wine."

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I’m kind of torn when it comes to my thoughts about this book. I really, really enjoyed reading it as a whole but when I stop to think about the story there are a few things that keep it from being a five star read for me.

I really, really didn’t like Caleb for the first few chapters. He was a jerk. I actually worried that I wouldn’t be able to get past my initial impression of him. Thankfully, I did. However, I still don’t like the way he treated strangers and service workers and when I think about it, he never really redeemed himself over it. We just didn’t see him in those situations as frequently so it was easier to forget that part of his personality. After we get to know more about him and what he’s been through, some of his standoffishness made more sense and watching the way he seemed to soften up around Ava did help to see how they were perfect for each other but I still had reservations about him.

I liked Ava and her strength of conviction. After everything she’d been put through with her family and “friends” it would have been easy for her to become bitter and jaded. Which she was, to a point, when it came to trusting in love and relationships. However, I found myself really impressed with her ways of thinking. I love how carefully thought out her opinions were and how calmly and rationally she explained them to people. When she explained why Caleb should be nicer to people, when she showed up for her best friend Harper and explained why she needed to forgive herself...they were all very mature and thoughtful conversations that I wish I read more in often in books. I adore how she stood up for herself with honesty and strength. She never pretended to be anyone other than who she was. .

Like I said, I’m torn about my feelings because I didn’t love the Hero the way that I normally do but I did like Caleb and Ava together so that was a definite plus. The writing was fantastic and I even found myself tearing up at a certain point in the story. Stirring up my emotions is an important part of reading for me so that was also a plus. Without going back and analyzing every aspect of the story, it did leave me with a warm feeling and an absolute want to read more about the secondary characters in it. So while I can’t say that I LOVED it, I definitely recommend that others read it.

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I'm such a fan of Samantha Young, so it was a no brainer that I wanted to read Fight or Flight. It isn't always a normal occurrence that someone will choose a book based on an author. While we have our favorite authors, we still choose to read the next book based on our feelings. And did I have huge feelings to read this rom com?


Fight or Flight begins with a terrible occurrence at an airport, at the ticket desk no less. The event continues on board the flight, and mid-air the situation becomes border-line appalling. Now, I am a fan of hate-to-love, but I was unsure of the intensity of this trope in the beginning of the story. Was it too much, too fast? Possibly, but it could have also been Young's choice to prove that opposites can attract.

Now, I will say that given recent current events, I almost stopped reading. I don't think there are triggers in this story, and I feel that the unfortunate timeline of events just catapulted how this story began, but I also believe that there are a few times where bad luck is just that.

Young creates these characters that come from very intricate backgrounds, and also have very specific pasts. But I trusted Young to bring me to the story qualities that I believe in, and stay for. I related to Ava on some level, and it took a while for Caleb to warm up to me, but at the end of reading Fight or Flight, I believed in these two.

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Eva finds the Scotsman rude and arrogant. Yet, it does not stop her from enjoying her one night with him before they go their separate ways. Chance finds itself in their path as they keep meeting in Boston and their one night turns into more.

I enjoyed how each character changes from the beginning of the story to the end and how it affected the other character. It was nice to see a strong female lead who is still vulnerable. Caleb appears to be more aggressive, but is only hiding behind it. I like how they are both flawed in different ways and yet complement each other. I have enjoyed Samantha's books from the beginning and look forward to the next adventure.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I would like to thank NetGalley, InkSlinger PR, and Penguin Random House for this privilege.

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Fight or Flight had the perfect balance of engrossing banter and gut-punching romance to create an addictive read. Initially the connection between Caleb and Ava was born out of a mutual lustful detest, but it soon morphed into an all-consuming attraction that swooped in and knocked me to my knees. Their whip-smart banter was fun and hilarious, but Young expertly gave it roots that dug a little deeper with each encounter, ensuring they had to quickly feed it with more than just their words.

What I expected to be a lighthearted romance fast became a story that completely enfolded me into their lives and burrowed into my heart. Their magnetism was so instinctual and powerful that I couldn’t help but fall into this carnal need that floated between them. What was so brilliantly done, though, was the deep bond the reader could see them falling into and how wholly organic it felt—especially when both characters were so resistant and blind to what was building between them. There was an immense depth to each of them as characters and that greatly affected how strongly their connection came across; that fine line of Caleb’s cantankerous and jerkish ways was perfectly straddled to still show his ability to feel, and likewise with Ava’s armor remaining true to character without overshadowing her big heart.

Fight or Flight was deeply romantic and moving. I was brought to tears by its beauty and how wonderfully it depicted its heroine. I couldn’t have wished for a better man to be allowed into Ava’s heart and I could easily fall back into reading it again because of the feelings it gave me. Young hit it out of the park with this love story, and I look forward to seeing her reinvent herself with the next one.

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I haven’t been this sad to write a review in quite some time. I fully expected to love this book for three reasons:

1. Samantha Young wrote it and I’ve rated all of her books at 4 or 5 stars.
2. It’s enemies-to-lovers! My favorite trope!
3. The hero is a grumpy Scot! What could go wrong with that?!

But at the end of the day: AVA DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER.

I have loved every Samantha Young hero I've read and there have been some utter assholes in the mix but Caleb is like Pure Asshole. The other guys would have a layer of kindness beneath their assholery, which helped you believe in their goodness. It took 40% of the book before we finally saw Caleb's nice side. Bastard Scot was super mean to Ava, arrogant, and entitled throughout the story. He was incredibly rude to service workers and his reasoning never made any sense. How you treat wait staff and service workers is a mark of your character and this was not a good sign. I could only hope he would be redeemed—and that it wouldn’t just be Ava rationalizing his poor behavior.

However, I made peace with Caleb's character flaws because it's a romance and while Ava should have bailed at least three times before this point, she didn’t so I tried to appreciate the Bastard Scot for who he was. He did help Ava process some difficult circumstances from her past, which was great, but he was also the King of Mixed Signals by giving her a tennis bracelet. Um, I need “friends” like that. I also didn’t like how he had these major expectations of her (i.e. not dating anyone else even once he went back to Scotland and hadn’t communicated with her at all) while not conceding that they were more than just two people who liked sleeping together.

I cannot tell you how deeply I came to despise Caleb. He’s the first hero I've ever hated. He was just awful to Ava, time and again. Of course, he screws up majorly and even though I knew they were going to get their HEA, I was hoping a much better man would come along to swoop Ava off her feet. At one point she said she couldn't be with someone who would inflict that kind of pain on her just to protect himself and I was cheering her on. But then she just took him back like no big deal. It was so disappointing.

There were a few other problematic aspects, including sexual ethics (Melanie did such a good job detailing this in her review) and a strange abortion subplot that was unnecessary and not handled with any nuance. (Content warning for partner violence, loss of a loved one, past parental neglect and child abuse, slut shaming, talk of miscarriage.)

For as much as I was side-eying Caleb and questioning Ava’s sanity, I could not stop turning the pages. I had to know how this would end and I kept hoping I would end up loving it after all. Young’s books are so readable and enjoyable, when when your reaction is along the lines of, "what now?!” I adored Ava’s best friend Harper and really hope she’ll get her HEA in the next book.

This may have been a miss for me but I’m still a devoted Samantha Young fan. Hopefully her next hero will be someone worth rooting for.

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3.5 Stars

I'm a fan of Samantha Young's books, but I must say that Fight or Flight is the book I least liked about it. Not a bad book, but it also didn't meet my expectations.It is a book of love and hate between the protagonists and had some parts that I liked and others not so much.

Ava meets Caleb at an airport where both are in a flight to Boston and of course an animosity between them. Caleb is rude and definitely an asshole.But that does not stop Ava from being attracted to this handsome asshole, which makes her go to bed with him. Nothing wrong with that since she does not plan to see him ever again as soon as the plane lands.Only it seems that fate has other plans for them and they meet again, and they seem to be unable to maintain their attraction for long.

I think the biggest reason I didn't like this book as much as I would have a name: Caleb.Certain attitudes of this character deeply irritated me and I delayed to sympathize with him and even so when I stopped hating he still wasn't enough to make me love this story like the author's previous books.However I must say that I loved Ava's relationship and her best friend and I hope that in the future she will win her own story.

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Good lord! I’m never disappointed when this author comes out with a new masterpiece, and let me tell you Fight or Flight was no exception. This book was loaded with Scottish humor (love the slang, especially at the end), down right fan worthy hot and steamy love scenes, definite emotional at times, moments where you wanted to smack Caleb and Ava up alongside the head, and incredible writing that made you want to keep turning page after page even though you needed to get up early to go to work. Caleb and Ava had an instant love hate relationship, but I absolutely loved the interaction and chemistry between the two, especially on the plane rides. Loved Harper and Jamie and cant wait to see their next book, Stella and Patrice were hysterical. Even though it was a bit long in parts, this author knows how to mesh together even the most complicated characters into something pretty special. Adore her and everything she writes, this book is definitely a winner!

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC copy of this book.

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This was a difficult book to like in a lot of ways. The beginning paints both characters as both irresponsible, judgmental, and unlikable. They get together for a one night stand, and honestly, it's believable as a "hate fuck" where the sexual tension is high, but as they develop a relationship, it's harder and harder for me to believe they'll experience an HEA. Caleb's behavior in the book is...well, MEAN. She keeps calling it honest, but it just feel that he's defensive and his anger makes him lash out. The "low moment" at the end is devastating and I really wasn't interested in seeing them back together. These folks need therapy and the idea that a conversation or two could miraculously "fix" these deep-seated problems seemed laughable.

I personally found the issues around safe-sex and condom usage to be very uncomfortable. He unilaterally decides to stop using condoms telling her "I'm clean" and that he's seen her taking her pill. Several times the book implies that Ava likes sex better, or that it feels better without condoms, which is just bizarre messaging. Especially since the first time it happens is during what she thinks will be a one night stand. Wouldn't she care more about PROTECTING HERSELF than thinking it feels good? There's abortion-shaming, which I'm not down for at all--and honestly as an excuse for Caleb's behavior, it was lacking.

Lots of content warnings needed. Lots of serious stuff goes down in this book, and the blurb and cover make it seem like a light and fluffy read. It's not. That's fine---but this book was super all over the place, and it's one of the few books I could remember reading where I genuinely had trouble with the HEA. I think maybe these 2 really would be happier apart than together.

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Samantha Young is a fantastic storyteller. She is a superstar! I love reading her books. They always have some uniqueness to them and aren't plain cookie cutter. It is what keeps me coming back for more.

Fight or Flight does start off quite aggressive. This is a enemies to lovers romance. Some people will love it and some will hate it. Please push through and give it a chance.

This story is told from Ava's point of view. I liked Ava. She is a strong woman and can hold her own. It definitely took me a minute to warm up to Caleb. I'm a sucker for a hot, tattooed, Scottish hunk. It was fun seeing them try so hard not to fall for each other. I wouldn't be surprised if we see Caleb's brother and Ava's best friend starring in a book of their own in the future. I'm requesting it be written now. You never know where life is going to take you and who you are going to meet. So read Fight or Flight and enjoy the ride.

I voluntarily read an early copy.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

3 stars

I find myself oscillating between "I like this" and "meh". I do enjoy an enemies to lovers story so long as the characters don't get carried away in their hatred for each other. This skirted close to that line in some of Caleb's judgmental comments about Ava early on and if I were Ava, I would have had a much harder time getting past them. I did enjoy the chance encounters that forced them to spend time with each other and pursue their relationship.

I didn't enjoy how Young added in 'aye' into Caleb's dialogue but very little other Scottish phrasing that would have added some believability to the dialogue. It seemed as though she went through the book with a Find and Replace feature and inserted 'aye' whenever it made sense to insert it. My point is, it seemed a little forced.

I did enjoy the relationship between Harper and Ava. I wish we could have had more of Harper, but I suppose that we might see her again in another book.

In all, this was okay. I didn't hate it, nor am I telling everyone I know about it.

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I couldn't put this book down. I read it in about 24 hours. Caleb and Ava might be my new favorite Samantha Young couple!

If you like hate to love romances, this is the book for you. Caleb, a handsome Scotsman, literally bumps into Ava at the airport, which is only the beginning of a long line of run ins that they continue to have as they try to make their way from Phoenix to Boston. They fight with each other from the time he almost knocks her over until, well they fight just about the whole book, but as they get to know each other it turns from mean to playful banter. Both of them have judged each other by their appearances and they both start their journeys out in a bad mood. As they find themselves stuck at the airport hotel for the night, they end up finding that while they don't like each other, they are attracted to one another and things take off from there.

Ava returns to her life as a beautiful, put together, successful interior designer in Boston. She never expects to see Caleb again after their tryst at the airport. Caleb happens to be friends with one of Ava's design clients and friends, who also wants to set them up. They agree to be friends with benefits, as Caleb will be staying in Boston longer than planned to work through the financials at his company's US office. As you can imagine they get to know each other and eventually fall for one another. They both have some baggage to deal with along the way, and I love the way they handle their issues. There were a couple of scenes where Caleb was being all possessive neanderthal man, but he stopped when he realized Ava wasn't really enjoying that and they talked it out. I really appreciate when characters talk through their issues.

Samantha does great banter, it is something I look forward to when reading one of her books. The banter between Caleb and Ava is excellent as is the banter between Ava and her best friend Harper. I also really loved the dialogue regarding the issues all of the characters had to face in their backstories. I felt like each of them was well developed, and while they had flaws they owned them and knew who they were. Also there is plenty of steam, the chemistry between Ava and Caleb is perfect.

I love Ava's best friend. I hope to see Harper get her own story or atleast a novella at some point. I need to know how her story ends. She is such a great character. I loved their friendship.

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I absolutely adored this cute airplane romance. Samantha Young does not disappoint! Fans of her On Dublin Street series will love this book. It is fitting with The Wedding Date and The Kiss Quotient. Who can resist a tall Scot? I can't!

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4.5 stars!
OH MY GOD! What do you get when you cross a broody, Scottish, alpha-Neanderthal CEO with a sassy, unapologetically honest, powerful woman? You get Samantha Young romance PERFECTION.
I LOVED Fight or Flight from Ava and Caleb's very first hateful encounter—when he basically hits her out of the way and steals her First-Class seat on a flight to Boston.
Hateful glares, banter that had me laughing out loud and smiling, and oh the angsty "I want to hate you but I think I love you" gives way to HOLY HOT sexy galore!
Each character has a back story (including the secondary characters who I adored and want and NEED to know more about) and the hard topics will touch your heart and soul emotionally. I literally devoured page after page because I couldn't get enough of these characters... I was completely and utterly obsessed with them!
Truth be told, I have not read a Samantha Young book in some time. Maybe it's because of timing and having such a busy blog schedule or because the books didn't grab my attention but this one reminded me of why I love her writing so much.
Readers who love completely fun, sexy, relatable characters and a love story built on fate and what's meant to be will absolutely LOVE this book. Fight or Flight is my new fave from this author and dare I say that Caleb gives Braden a run for his money. *gasps!*

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There are just some authors that when you have an opportunity to read an ARC copy of a much anticipated and Amazon named "Best Book of the Month" book, you run, don't walk, to your reading device and DEVOUR that book in one sitting. Or at least, that is exactly what I did.

Samantha writes in a way that it's like my friend reading retelling me a story that happened to her; I just get sucked in and don't ever want the story to end.

The story opens up in a very high stressed location for everyone; the airport. Ava Breevort is attempting to fly home to Boston after a VERY emotional trip to her childhood home in Pheonix. In attempts to make that flight a bit more tolerable by upgrading to first class, she is cut off by the very handsome Scottish Viking God, Caleb Scott. Their electric, hostile encounter leads to a hilarious turn of events where they are unable to run from each other. This encounter leads to a layover that we all have dreamed of having.

After the steamy layover, the two decide to keep their physical relationship going, I mean, what could possibly go wrong, right?

I won't go into really any more detail because really, this book is worth the read.

While I am unable to really connect with the main character, Ava, I can connect with the pain that she experiences. Her pain is real and is felt through the book. But so is her love and her loyalty. I personally would want someone like Ava as a friend, she may seem perfect, but like us all, she isn't, and that is how we all can connect.

Now, my favorite character would be the antagonist in this story. Caleb Scott. How is it possible for Samantha Young to have created a fictional character that I would like to sit next to on my next flight?! I mean, this guy is a tall glass of water with a shot of yummy on the side (I personally have a soft spot for gingers...even blonde gingers).

This book has everything you would want in an entertaining romance read. It has laughable situations, heartache, drama, sexy love scenes (is it hot in here or is it just me?), and characters that you love.

If you are a fan of Samantha's On Dublin Street series, you will enjoy Fight or Flight.

So, click the link below and pre-order this book today, it releases on Tuesday, October 9th!


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Thank you Netgalley and Berkley for providing me with an ARC!

So much love! So addicting! This was my first Samantha Young book, and now I’m dying to read all of her other ones! This is super fun enemies-to friends with benefits-to lovers trope and I had such a great time devouring it.

It’s about this career driven woman named Ava, who meets this ridiculously hot Scottish man at the airport and then they’re forced to sit next to each other, bickering the entire way through. I loved the banter and the witty dialogue. These two hate each other but their is still a strong sexual chemistry. They’re both attracted to the other but since they hate one another’s personality, it just makes sense to bang it out with no plan of feelings ever getting involved right? When Caleb ends up in Boston for a short business meeting, they decide once wasn’t enough and they take up a sexual relationship, but then they start to actually like each other and then decide to becoming friends. Slowly they begin to open up to one another and fall for each other, fighting it the whole way through. Both have broken pasts and they are terrified of history repeating itself.

Such a fun plot! The enemies to lovers trope is my favorite and I can’t stress enough how WEL it is done here. These two truly fall in love and it’s beautiful to watch. Caleb is beyond hot, especially if you love alpha males. He was Sam Hueghan in my brain and I had a great time with him. (They even compare him to Outlander!) I will say though I wish the groveling at the end was a bit more. I would loved to see more of them as an actual couple, but the location of where he showed up was great and the epilogue was very sweet.

I really loved Ava! I thought she was a strong protagonist and had a lot of depth to her. Her backstory was so sad and I felt so bad for her! I loved her friendship with Harper and the subplot of what was going on with Harper was crazy. So much angst! But a great message of strength.

The ANGST! made my heart hurt! I didn’t see some things coming and was on the edge of my seat a good portion of the second half.

I really hope we get another one because like Caleb said, Jamie needs to find his Ava! And I want to see more of these two! Really great story and I can’t wait to read more of Samantha Young’s book!
*races to pick up On Dublin Street*

Be sure to grab this one as soon as it goes on sale! You don’t want to miss out on Caleb and Ava’s love story!

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FIGHT OR FLIGHT is the kind of book that reels you in with an initial feel of light, fun and hateful banter. However, it is not long before this becomes a pretty intense read and whilst I wasn’t expecting that, I was so into the characters and the story, that I welcomed it. This is a book that builds and builds and I am here for all the story development, for ever. In fact, I didn’t want it to end.

Caleb Scot is a vision to behold but an utter, rude jerk of Glaswegian persuasion and being seated next to him on two flights and a number of queues, tests Ava beyond her capabilities. His arrogance seems unparalleled and his inability to emote drives Ava to distraction. Yet, there’s definitely a bubbling of something underneath.

“Seriously. Some omnipresent being is playing with us. No two people can keep bumping into each other like this without the help of some twisted Fate.”

As the story moves to Boston, the characters pan out to include some meddling work friends, family and most importantly one of the side characters I adored, Harper. There’s a depth to this story telling that makes it possible to tell part of Harper’s story without feeling like a distraction from the main event. These elements are what made it a great book.

As I grew to know Caleb and Ava better, I fell in love with both of them for themselves and I cheered for them together. I wanted more than their arrangement and I wanted them both to see their potential as individuals and as a couple. These two had chemistry in buckets, exploding buckets of gunpowder. As Ava began to see the real Caleb, the revelations were pretty, damn good.

“...that sardonic smirk, his fierceness, his surprising gentleness, his honesty. He didn’t say a lot, but it made you pay attention when he did, and moreover, most everything he said made sense. There was a blunt kindness to Caleb that I appreciated and respected.”

FIGHT OR FLIGHT made me read at 2am to finish, it grew to such an intense package, I needed the end and yet didn’t want it. This book deserves every star it earned along the way and Samantha Young was on fire writing this one. It is a perfect stand alone contemporary romance.

I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

Reviewed for Jo&IsaLoveBooks Blog.

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