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Fight or Flight

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The things that you experience in your life, especially in the younger years, can often play a big part in shaping who you are now. Sometimes for the better. Some people carry the hard times around with them, that's why we often call it baggage. However, it is easy to judge people on their behavior without knowing where it stemmed from. This is told very well in this story that had me laughing out loud one moment and then crying the next - sometimes both at once.

Ava grew up in a home where she basically wanted for nothing, except her parents attention. They had a free spirited approach to life and it was almost like having a child was a bit of an inconvenience. This childhood made her crave control in her life, she set rules for herself and in an effort to be the opposite of her parents. After returning to her hometown to attend the funeral of an old friend Ava finds herself on a flight sitting next to the most arrogant man she has ever met, Caleb Scott.

Caleb is a devastatingly handsome Scotsman and he knows it. He is also arrogant, rude, impatient and sitting next to the most irritating woman he has ever met. Sure, she is beautiful but she is so annoying. She is also very easy to wind up so he enjoys playing with her just a little, purely for his own entertainment. The banter between them was absolutely fantastic. To him, Ava seems so uptight and he is the complete opposite. However, he does enjoy her company, even if he would never admit it.

When they end up on the same layover their paths seem to keep crossing and thanks to a bit of alcohol Ava finds herself opening up to Caleb about her reason for her return home. There is a definitely a very heightened level of attraction between them and they can both feel it so when Caleb proposes they spend the night together, the usually in control Ava agrees.

'I reached up and ran my fingers over the prickle of thick stubble on his face and whispered, 'Will it tickle my thighs?'

Ava has never done something like this before but tired of confining herself she decides to do what she wants to do, for once in her life. Having a wild night with a practical stranger couldn't be more spontaneous right? No strings sex with a man she will never see again may be just what she needs. I don't think that either of them expected just how incredibly intense it would be between them, as in the best sex of their lives. However amazing it was, they part ways and are left with lingering memories.

Therefore, when Ava attends a lunch with one of her clients she is shocked to see Caleb at the table. It seems that fate is not done with them yet. Just looking at him gives her warm tingly feelings in her hoohah but she knows that crossing that line again will not lead anywhere. She is a relationship sort of girl and he is only in town for a few days. He doesn't do relationships and seems to be able to separate emotions from sex. However, Caleb Scott can be very persuasive...

'You're not my type. Your hair, your makeup, your clothes, your attitude. You're too beautiful and you know it. And yet I'm desperate to have you again.'

What has Ava got to lose, just a few more days of the hottest sex of her life with the gorgeous Scotsman? Over the edge she goes and the thrill of it feels amazing. Until the really do part ways and she is left feeling like if he stayed they could have had something special. Or could they? Caleb Scott has his reasons for being the way he is, like Ava, he has put rules in place to protect himself. He is not prepared to break them for anyone, even if it means sacrificing his own happiness.

'I'd never been around a man who at once made me feel emotionally secure and insecure.'

Ava often thinks of Caleb, usually in x-rated day dreams but being with him was a bit of an awakening and gives her confidence to make some changes in her life. However, just when she thinks she is taking some good steps forward, Caleb Scott walks back into her life.

This is the point in this story where Samantha completely played with my emotions. I went through every conceivable one, it was exhausting! But, I loved every moment of it. I love how she took these two very different but complex characters and showed me how beautiful flaws can be. I did not expect to feel so much, the tears rolling down my cheeks were unexpected but were also reflection of how much I came to love Caleb and Ava. Loved this!

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Ava has not had a pleasant trip home. Burying her childhood best friend was only part of what made her quick trip home unpleasant. But the promise of a first class flight home helps her relax, until she learns her connection in Boston has been canceled. Through a series of unexpected inconveniences, Ava finds herself continually running into an irritating Scotsman on the same flights.

This series of run-ins fuels some powerful dislike and equally powerful chemistry. They may not like what they think they know, but Caleb and Ava hit it off in the physicality department right away.

Ava thinks everything will settle down once she finally makes it home, only to find one of her top clients is trying to set her up with the very man who infuriated her (and fueled one very fantastic night) through her recent layover.

They each have walls up in defense of their pasts. Though they don’t have a shared past, they were both hurt immensely and carry the baggage with them. They will need to figure out how to deal with the past if there is any possibility of a future.

I loved the banter between these two. They are both quick witted and don’t mince words when they are riled. There were times I wished one or the other would slow down and listen, or actually share what was on their minds, but their actions fit with who they were and the situations in which they found themselves.

I was further entertained by this book as I read it while taking my own air journey. It was so much fun to imagine those early scenes in the air while sitting in an airplane seat myself. I have to say, I’ve never had a seatmate as irritating or entertaining as Caleb ended up being! This was sweet, fun, surprise filled drama that turned adversaries into lovers into something so much more!

I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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Whenever I read a Samantha Young book I am genuinely impressed. I was lucky enough to receive an Advanced Reader Copy of this book and I have to say that I LOVED it! This is a book that I will have to read over and over. I loved it so much that I'm tempted to sit down and read it again.

Samantha Young is able to create characters that just inspire you. The characters feel real, they feel raw, and when they cry it makes me want to cry. I love how in depth the characters in Fight or Flight are. They seemed so real to me. One thing that I absolutely loved about this book is the banter between the characters. The bantering just set this book apart. It's witty, and touching at moments.

The plot line was really interesting and something that I haven't read before. I loved how touching it was and I even loved how frustrating the plot line became. I wanted to scream at the characters at points which shows me just how invested I was in the characters.

Ultimately, this book captures the magic that Samantha Young had with "On Dublin Street" and added some amazing bantering. This is one of my favorites by her. If I could give it more stars, I would.

I received this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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"I never believed in fate until you."

This is why I read romance.
What can i say about Samantha's writing that I haven't said before?

This book had it all. All the passion and emotion. I was completely sucked in by this amazing story and couldn't help feel what the characters were feeling.

Ava and Caleb...the tension, I loved it!
Here are two completely different individuals who get off to a bad start based on first impressions and someone rudely cutting in line. Their actual interactions aren't helping matters, either. Why? Because for some crazy twist of fate they both keep running into each other, which works out perfectly for all of us.
Caleb thinks she's stuck up and Ava thinks he's an arrogant jerk... which he then proceeds to prove over and over again during the course of the book.

What starts as a one-night stand quickly develops into something more. The #1 rule? No emotions, which they're totally fine with because no way can they actually fall for each other, right?

Their shields are up, but they begin to crack.

I love how they're relationship starts to develop. It went from this weird, standoff-ish relationship into actual friendship where we start to learn more about them, why these two individuals are the way they are.
I feel like this book took me through the full spectrum of emotions. You couldn't help but feel for both of them even through frustration and anger.

I will be honest, I didn't read the synopsis to <i>Fight or Flight</i>. I wanted to go in without an idea of what to expect and I'm so glad it lived up to my expectations!
I am really looking forward to more, maybe involving a certain friend?

*ARC provided by the publisher & NetGalley in exchange for an honest review (THANK YOU!)*

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Ava and caleb had me hooked on there story right from the beginning of this story.
I devoured this book and wanted more of caleb and Ava story.

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“You have the power tae hurt me. Only you.”
“When you hurt, Caleb, I hurt.”

Some love stories not only touch our hearts but also have the ability to overwhelm our feelings as we capture every ounce of emotion along with the characters. We don’t simply read their love story, we become it. When their love story connects with us in such a way, we experience the honesty, joy, and pain the author elicits from their words. And that is exactly what happened in Fight or Flight. Wow! The way in which Samantha Young laid Ava and Caleb’s emotions so bare ensured their story touched every part of us. We found ourselves simultaneously caught between elation and heartbreak, and of course, we loved every anguished moment with the grouchy Scot and his ‘wee yin‘, Ava.

Ava and Caleb’s first meeting didn’t get off to the best start, with first impressions being quite critical on one another. An argument over a seat, carried onto their flight to Boston, in which the two strangers were seated next to each other. Caleb’s overbearing and rude demeanour grated on the polite Ava, whilst Caleb had the preconception that Ava was all beauty and high maintenance, with a lack of substance, and their criticism of each other didn’t abate during their flight.

“I just…..I need to feel like you want me. I need to feel that you see me.”

However, there was a passionate spark between the two that couldn’t be denied, and as fate, luck, or coincidence would have it, their paths would cross again in Boston through mutual friends. They acknowledge the spark, and with both not wanting a relationship, agree to a ‘friends with benefits’ hook up while Caleb is in Boston for a few weeks, however, conflict, feelings, and confusion creep in as Caleb’s time in Boston becomes more permanent, though he still doesn’t want a relationship which suits Ava just fine at this stage.

Whilst the physical relationship, the feverish chemistry, and banter was off the charts, and being that their connection was initially, purely physical, never once did the sex overwhelm the emotion and the story. In fact, it enhanced the connection between Ava and Caleb, allowing the familiarity, and adoration to simmer into an angsty yet beautifully authentic slow burn love.

“We’re all afraid of something, sweetheart. It’s up to us whether we stay and fight that fear…or whether we run and hide from it…”

What particularly worked for us was the fact Samantha Young chose to tell Fight or Flight solely in Ava’s pov. We love a dual pov as much as the next reader, however, there are times when the mystery surrounding the hero’s feelings binds us to the heroine so we experience the gut-churning emotion and hurt as she does, and the effect worked incredibly well in this story.

“I just…I need to feel like you want me. I need to feel that you see me.”

Our emotions were always kept on the hop, and we were completely rapt in uncovering why Ava and Caleb were so anti-relationship, especially Caleb. Just when we thought we had a handle on Caleb’s feelings for Ava, his actions would be so contradictory we’d be left with pondering exactly what was going on in his head. Our hearts wanted to believe he loved her, yet our heads continually questioned his actions and feelings throughout, and boy he did have us in a quandary.

‘My feelings were most definitely engaged, but I buried that truth, knowing if I let those feelings reign it would lead to an inevitable war between us. A war for Caleb Scott’s heart.
A war I knew I’d lose.’

We laughed, we cried, we swooned and we ached as Samantha Young’s words hit their target. This love story was heartfelt, raw, complex and honest, with the author delivering insurmountable feelings between Ava and Caleb. He wasn’t an easy man to love, but love him we did! We adored this book, we loved Ava, and desperate to hear more from the secondary characters. Leo, Jamie, and Harper…we want to hear your stories because they captivated us as much as Ava and Caleb did! We do wish the epilogue would have given us a little more though. Considering what Caleb and Ava had experienced in life, a glimpse into their future would have been the icing on the cake.

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Samantha Young keeps checking off all the boxes when it comes to premium book content! Strong characters balance out an even better story, making me want to frequent my local airport.

Ava and Caleb met flying the friendly skies but nothing about this trip was friendly. What couldn’t be denied was the strong appeal these two had for each other. Irritation may have been how they started but the rest... you’ll just have to read and find out.

Flight or Flight was one hell of a ride. I was involved from page one and didn’t stop till the end. I knew going in that Samantha wouldn’t disappoint and I was correct. I loved every minute and I whole heartily believe you will too.

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I'm ashamed to say that this is the first Samantha Young book I have read, but after reading Fight or Flight I can not wait to read her other books.
This story was everything and so much more.
I loved the fact that these two characters hated each other at the start. When people meet they always have this impression on how they are based on their clothes, and how they act. But we aren't always right about these things and first impressions do matter.
Caleb Scott is the sexy, arrogant Scots man. He is the CFO of a company but when he first meets Ava, he isn't in a suit. He looks like he's in a motorcycle club and Ava makes assumptions about him.
Ava Breevort is our female character, Caleb makes assumptions about her and he couldn't be more wrong. She's had a bit of a bad past, some terrible things happen to her, where she got her heart broke. Ava is an amazing women considering her past, but she has built her life up to something she is proud of and she should definatley be proud of what she has accomplished in her life.
I fell into Caleb and Ava's story, it was so addictive and had to keep putting things off to read it. I didn't want to go to work, do family stuff or clean my house. They felt like a big interuption on my time with this book. I stayed up late to read it, even though I told myself just one more chapter.
I loved Ava and Harper's relationship, they are friends but more like sisters. They are all the other has and if I ever wanted to have a friendship then it would be like these two. They would do anything for the other and that definatley showed in the book. I'm kind of hoping that Harper has her own book and maybe gets to know Caleb's brother a bit better, her story is interesting and I really want to know more about her and her past.
I loved this book so much and I can't wait to see what else Samantha Young has to offer us. Maybe more of these characters :)

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“You have the power tae hurt me. Only you.”
“When you hurt, Caleb, I hurt.”

Some love stories not only touch our hearts but also have the ability to overwhelm our feelings as we capture every ounce of emotion along with the characters. We don’t simply read their love story, we become it. When their love story connects with us in such a way, we experience the honesty, joy, and pain the author elicits from their words. And that is exactly what happened in Fight or Flight. Wow! The way in which Samantha Young laid Ava and Caleb’s emotions so bare ensured their story touched every part of us. We found ourselves simultaneously caught between elation and heartbreak, and of course, we loved every anguished moment with the grouchy Scot and his ‘wee yin‘, Ava.

Ava and Caleb’s first meeting didn’t get off to the best start, with first impressions being quite critical on one another. An argument over a seat, carried onto their flight to Boston, in which the two strangers were seated next to each other. Caleb’s overbearing and rude demeanour grated on the polite Ava, whilst Caleb had the preconception that Ava was all beauty and high maintenance, with a lack of substance, and their criticism of each other didn’t abate during their flight.

“I just…..I need to feel like you want me. I need to feel that you see me.”

However, there was a passionate spark between the two that couldn’t be denied, and as fate, luck, or coincidence would have it, their paths would cross again in Boston through mutual friends. They acknowledge the spark, and with both not wanting a relationship, agree to a ‘friends with benefits’ hook up while Caleb is in Boston for a few weeks, however, conflict, feelings, and confusion creep in as Caleb’s time in Boston becomes more permanent, though he still doesn’t want a relationship which suits Ava just fine at this stage.

Whilst the physical relationship, the feverish chemistry, and banter was off the charts, and being that their connection was initially, purely physical, never once did the sex overwhelm the emotion and the story. In fact, it enhanced the connection between Ava and Caleb, allowing the familiarity, and adoration to simmer into an angsty yet beautifully authentic slow burn love.

“We’re all afraid of something, sweetheart. It’s up to us whether we stay and fight that fear…or whether we run and hide from it…”

What particularly worked for us was the fact Samantha Young chose to tell Fight or Flight solely in Ava’s pov. We love a dual pov as much as the next reader, however, there are times when the mystery surrounding the hero’s feelings binds us to the heroine so we experience the gut-churning emotion and hurt as she does, and the effect worked incredibly well in this story.

“I just…I need to feel like you want me. I need to feel that you see me.”

Our emotions were always kept on the hop, and we were completely rapt in uncovering why Ava and Caleb were so anti-relationship, especially Caleb. Just when we thought we had a handle on Caleb’s feelings for Ava, his actions would be so contradictory we’d be left with pondering exactly what was going on in his head. Our hearts wanted to believe he loved her, yet our heads continually questioned his actions and feelings throughout, and boy he did have us in a quandary.

‘My feelings were most definitely engaged, but I buried that truth, knowing if I let those feelings reign it would lead to an inevitable war between us. A war for Caleb Scott’s heart.
A war I knew I’d lose.’

We laughed, we cried, we swooned and we ached as Samantha Young’s words hit their target. This love story was heartfelt, raw, complex and honest, with the author delivering insurmountable feelings between Ava and Caleb. He wasn’t an easy man to love, but love him we did! We adored this book, we loved Ava, and desperate to hear more from the secondary characters. Leo, Jamie, and Harper…we want to hear your stories because they captivated us as much as Ava and Caleb did! We do wish the epilogue would have given us a little more though. Considering what Caleb and Ava had experienced in life, a glimpse into their future would have been the icing on the cake.

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I LOVED this enemies to lovers book.
It was a page-turner from the get-go.
(“Get-go” is such an odd phrase)

Don’t let this book cover fool you.
It makes it look more like a straight rom-com.
While it does have humor, the story is also a little angsty between the main characters with some secondary character drama, as well.

To me, these covers look like a middle school paperback my daughter would want to buy at the yearly Scholastic Book fair, but honestly, they have been some of my 4-5 star reads so I beg of you –

Ok, for my review.
One of the barometers, for lack of a better word, I use to rate a book 5 Stars is that it’s unputdownable.
I was reading on my flight to Boston (ironically where the majority of the book takes place) and when they announced, “At this time, please ensure that your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright and locked position …”, I wanted the flight to be longer because I had to see what was going to happen next.

I attended a beautiful wedding in Boston and have to confess that each time I went to the restroom during the reception, I tried to sneak in a page or two while either waiting in line or on my walk back to the ballroom.

The blurb describes how the main characters met so no need to rehash, but the fact that he was so grouchy to her and she gave as good as she got was fun to read.
Ava was a strong character and very relatable.
She had experience betrayal in her past and I like how the author let small details of it unfold.

Caleb was yummy. Between his accent, his honesty and his tenderness despite his broodiness and abrasive armor, I couldn’t help but crush on him right alongside Ava.

Fate seemed to put these two in each others paths, but it never seemed OTT unbelievable.

The entire story is told from Ava’s point of view.
This seems rare nowadays and “old school” (meaning 2008-2015), but Caleb was always so direct and honest so we pretty much knew where he stood at all times except near the end so it totally worked.

Anything else would be spoilers so I’ll conclude with saying it’s been a while since I’ve read a book where I was itching to get back to.
I loved their banter, their explosive chemistry, Ava’s best friend, the romance, Caleb’s broodiness, the heartache and raw emotions that I experienced alongside Ava and the unexpected swooniness that Caleb possessed even when he didn’t mean to be.

You need to read this book and I can’t wait to re-read it.
I will definitely buy the audiobook because on top of being an awesome read, I’m a sucker for accented narrators. 😍

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I had such high hopes for this book, and I genuinely thought I was going to love it when I started. Sadly, I left the book feeling nothing but angry and disappointed. There were so many things that didn't work for me, and the first one being where it all started: their one-night stand. Let's think about this a minute. If you encounter a man on a flight who is unbearably rude to you and makes you then do you go from that to that same night wanting to sleep with him?

They were both snapping and insulting each other on the flight and not a fun bantering sort of way. From their first interaction, their hate was mutual and fierce. If it was just a misunderstanding or a bad first impression, that's one thing. But no...he's consistently ill-mannered and selfish throughout the book. Her initial reaction towards him is understandable because she had just come from a very emotionally and physically draining funeral. Her patience was at an all-time low. What was his excuse? She dresses in high end clothes and she's well put together, so clearly she's a carbon copy of his despicable ex-fiancé. He continues with this unfair judgement of her during their short term affair while he's in town.

Honestly I was keeping an open mind throughout this, but as they really got into their casual sex arrangement, it became glaringly clear that she was putting herself in a really unhealthy situation. As her past is revealed about the total lack of love from her parents, and the way her ex betrayed her, I was sad for Ava. All of the important people in her life (with the exception of her current best friend) have caused her to believe that she is nothing but a beautiful, empty shell. Pretty to look at, but nothing of substance on the inside. And here she is with this man who only reinforces that belief by wanting nothing from her beyond her body.

He's a coward. To the extent that he had to retreat at the first sign of any warm feelings towards each other because she might get ideas about what it meant. He only reluctantly agreed to add friends into their benefits after she tried to tell him she was done with him, knowing it was unhealthy. They can be friends, as long as she understood that it didn't mean anything. This is a theme through the book: it doesn't mean anything.

After the constant we are just sex mantra, he goes back home. They were never exclusive. He never contacted her while he was gone, and six weeks later when he suddenly reappears, he expects to pick up where they left off. Imagine his distaste when he finds out that she can't see him for sex the next night because she has a date. He treats her coldly and blows up, asking if she's had sex with the other guy. This, coming from the man who doesn't want her. BUT NO ONE ELSE CAN HAVE HER! She needs to pine away and wait for him to return. Pining in a sexual haze, not an emotional one, because that would be bad and scary. Of course, addicted to his talents in bed, she rushes to his place to tell him that she wants to now be exclusive friends with benefits.

I was holding out on judgement until his past was revealed, which to be honest, it took quite a long time because he didn't want to share anything of himself with her. After learning what it was, I was left very confused as to why this was supposed to excuse how he treated her from beginning to end.

The one thing that I loved and adored was Ava and Harper's beautiful friendship. It was an emotional bond between the two of them that really hit me right in the feels. Their complete and utter support for one another, their understanding and unconditional love made me tear up on more than one occasion. I wish I could have felt that for Ava and Caleb, but some books are not for you, and this is clearly one of them.

When it comes down to it, I just don't find this type of hero appealing, and he pushed every single button I have that turns me off. I know many people go for hate sex, douchebags, and friends with benefits, but there wasn't anything about this story I found to be romantic or loving. Many things made me uncomfortable about their non-relationship, including the underlying message in her acceptance of his behavior. That we can accept rude, offensive, hurtful behavior if they're hot and good in bed. Even at the very end after his epic mistreatment of her, she never made him work for her to get her back. This didn't sit right with me at all.

Some books of Samantha Young's have been an enthusiastic five stars for me, and others were just the opposite. There seems to be no in between with me for this author. Unfortunately, this one was a miss.

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Samantha Young’s latest romance is the quintessential escapist read—a flirty, funny, yet incredibly emotionally resonant love story that sinks its hooks into your heart and makes you both laugh and cry. What starts off as a light-hearted, banter-filled battle of wits quickly evolves into a touching story about love, connection, and new beginnings, turning an enemies-to-lovers trope with an unrequited love twist into so much more.

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I desperately, desperately wanted to like this book. I have been a Samantha Young fan for years, and I usually think her books are the perfect balance of emotion and romance. Unfortunately, I was about a hairsbreadth away from DNFing this book for the majority of it. Only my curiosity about how Caleb would be redeemed from his jerkface tendencies made me finish.

Fight or Flight is an enemies to lovers, hate at first sight, romance between Caleb, a surly Scot, and Ava, a polished and successful interior designer. Caleb and Ava meet while on two different flights on their way to Boston. They have explosive sexual chemistry, which they explore early and often, but clash personality wise. After a one night stand while traveling, Caleb and Ava meet up again in Boston and become friends with benefits, which is where their relationship stays for most of the story.

Let me start with the positives. The only love story I enjoyed in this book was Ava’s relationship with her best friend, Harper. Their steadfast support for each other in the face of true emotional turmoil brought tears to my eyes many times. I desperately want Harper to have her own story, preferably with a more palatable hero.

When I first started this book, I was a little turned off by Ava. She is a drop-dead gorgeous woman living in luxury with credit card debt because of her expensive shoe habit. She seemed a little self-absorbed and a lot pampered. Luckily, after I learned about everything she overcame with her emotionally abusive parents and crazy relationship history, combined with a passion for her job, I was entirely on her team by the end.

I also want to point out that this is a very well crafted story. Samantha Young is a veteran author, and it shows. There are many twists and turns throughout this book, most of which I didn’t see coming. The actual story never dragged and the only reason I was having a hard time finishing this book, is the hero.

Speaking of the hero, I will move on to the negatives. I disliked Caleb so much that I had to put the book down a few times. He was calculated, cold, and emotionally stunted. I am not talking about the sniping Ava and Caleb did while they were still enemies. I’m talking about the continual mixed signals he sent Ava and his constant hot/cold attitude while they were friends with benefits. Ava was continually making excuses for Caleb, including his deplorable manners with waitstaff. He refused to say “please” or “thank you” to servers because that’s just him and he’s grouchy ugh. Just no. Be polite.

Basically, this is how their relationship worked: Ava was expected to listen to Caleb complain about his work problems, divulge all her emotional baggage without anything in return, sleep with him at will, be exclusive without any other expectation of support, and anytime, ANYTIME, she brought up the fact that she wasn’t happy with this arrangement, Caleb reacted with anger and lashed out at her. God forbid she take away her smokin’ bod and hot sex.

By the end of the book, I was just hoping Ava would meet someone who would treat her with a little warmth. Leo seemed cool, I am sure he would have appreciated Ava. But no, we got a rushed HEA and barely any groveling. I might have bumped this up a half a star if the hero had been genuinely humbled. Unfortunately, he wasn’t, and I was left feeling cold.

I am in the minority with my feelings on this book. It totally worked for other people, and I truly hope it works for you. I just will never reread this book unless it’s to read the parts about Ava and Harper because girl power!

**I received an ARC of this book in order to provide an honest review**

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Dear Braden,

Our time together has meant so much to me, so you must believe me when I say I never thought I would see the day where my love for you would be challenged. Forgive the cliché but it just happened. One moment I’m reading about Interior Designer Ava Breevort and her airport experience from hell, and the next I’m thrust into a deliciously-banterful exchange between herself and fellow flight passenger, Caleb Scott.

If I may be so bold as to say, I’m quite literally ruined for all other enemies to lovers romance stories. In the spirit of honesty I did go in expecting to enjoy it but nonetheless I was caught off guard by the chemistry that kept me on my toes throughout. Like yourself Caleb is a successful CEO, and I was insanely attracted to his arrogance and penchant for riling Ava up. To add insult to injury, he’s Scottish.

Might I be so audacious to say I see some of him in you? Both strong, protective modern day neanderthals with hearts in the right places. At the threat of oversharing I enjoyed the intimacies he and Ava shared. It’s always fun to see the mighty fall, and the arrangement they shared crumbled like a piping hot… well, crumble.

In the past I have always been so quick to refer to you as my favourite Samantha Young Hero and although you have not been relegated you will have to make space on the podium to share with your fellow countryman. That’s a compliment in itself, right?



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Final Score - 4.5 Stars!

The book starts off with an assumption from an otherwise ass (and I say that because that's how he comes across) of a man. Caleb is judgmental, blunt and insensitive - otherwise an ass. That's not to say that Ava is/was always in the right - she did poke the bear so to speak. However, first impressions are a big deal to me and well, I identified with Ava more so than Caleb. My feelings for Caleb were a slow burn - he didn't completely win me over enough, but the overall ending was plausible for me and enjoyable to read.

What can I say about Samantha Young's books that hasn't already been said by me and countless others? Everyone I've talked to has not only read her On Dublin Series (and LOVED it as much as I do). Her style of writing about funny, witty, and sarcastic characters - you can't help but be blown away with each and every new book she releases. They're just that good! And with FIGHT OR FLIGHT, she's added an element of heartbreak I'm sure every woman - especially nowadays - can relate to. The story was engaging - I could not put it down - and chemistry between Caleb and Ava was strong. I will be buying the paperback/hardcover to add to my ever growing collection of Samantha Young books.

I definitely recommend this one.

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5 “You’re All I Need” Stars!
Ava Breevort is a beautiful, successful interior designer living in Boston. She unexpectedly has to travel back home to Arizona after an old friend passes away, and is forced to face the past she's tried so hard to forget. Desperate to return home to Boston, Ava is relieved to learn there is one first class seat left, that is until an arrogant Scotsman named Caleb Scott steals her seat. Things continue to go downhill from there, and she can't stop clashing with Caleb. She finds him obnoxious, offensive, rude, and uncivilized. He completely infuriates her, but also flusters her. He's like a blond, tattooed modern day viking. He's absolutely gorgeous, and she wishes she didn't feel this intense physical attraction towards him.

Their journey home is plagued by unexpected delays, and during a layover their anger turns into uncontrollable passion. They decide to explore all this sexual tension and explosive chemistry between them. They are being spontaneous and not overanalyzing things. Just enjoying each other while it lasts. He was offering her a rush and escape she couldn't turn down. No attachments, and incredible pleasure. She couldn't believe she could desire a man she disliked so much. He's not even her type, but damn is he sexy, and leaves her breathless with one touch. He gave her unbelievable no strings satisfaction while overwhelming and owning her completely. She was insatiable for him. Thank goodness it was only temporary. She would go home, never see him again, and would only have the memory of the night she'd never forget. Then Caleb unexpectedly shows up in Boston.

Ava & Caleb begin to spend some more time together now that he'll be in Boston. Something that's to remain casual soon starts to feel all too real. Ava'a faith in love had long ago been destroyed, and she'd learned the hard way love hurt too much to be worth it in the end. Caleb is turning out to be different from what she expected. As his redeeming qualities are revealed Ava realizes he could be very dangerous to her heart. Will she protect herself from being hurt or risk her heart for love?

This book was phenomenal! By far my favorite book I've read by this author, and I love Samantha Young's books! This story was incredibly sexy, full of hilarious banter, and packed with emotion. I loved everything about it! It was an easy five stars for me, and will be in my top reads for 2018.

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J'adore les romans de Samantha Young et Fight or Flight ne va pas échapper à la règle. De plus en plus l'aspect écossais des personnages est présent dans les romans de Samantha et ça me charme car on sent les origines d'une auteur que j'adore par dessus tout.

Ava Breevort est une jeune femme de 30 ans que nous allons adorer au fil des pages car c'est une personne entière qui ne fait pas dans la demie mesure que ce soit en amitié ou en "amour". Enfin ce mot ne fait plus partie de son vocabulaire depuis quelques années maintenant car elle ne veut plus placer sa confiance dans les mains d'une personne capable de briser son coeur en mille morceaux. Nous la découvrons dans un aéroport où l'éruption d'un volcan au nom imprononçable la force à rester clouée au sol. Pour son métier , elle voyage beaucoup et ce retard aurait pu être rangé vite fait au rang de mauvais moment si un certain Ecossais n'avait pas empiré la situation. Les joutes verbales vont donc très vite être de mise et ce viking ne l'empêchera pas de dire le fond de sa pensée. On ne sait pas si cette tension ne cache pas autre chose mais le destin va en tout cas s'amuser à les remettre sur le chemin l'un de l'autre. La faiblesse d'Ava sera peut être de ne pas savoir résister à ce regard bleu glacier, à cette barbe séduisante et à ce sex appeal qui se cache sous cet ours mal léché.

Mais Ava est une femme de caractère qui n'a pas dit son dernier mot et qui va petit à petit se faire une place dans le quotidien de notre héros. Ce que j'ai aimé chez elle est la relation fusionnelle qu'elle a avec Harper , sa meilleure amie, qui connaît tous ses secrets et qui surtout connaît son passé avec Nick mais aussi Gemma. Tout comme Ava, c'est une jeune femme passionnée qui ne vit que pour son métier et qui n'a pas de temps à accorder à l'amour. Ce sentiment peut vous affaiblir mais Ava garde toujours le contrôle de tous les aspects de sa vie. La décision qu'elle va prendre sera donc bien réfléchie et nous n'avons plus qu'à espérer qu'elle s'en tiendra bien aux règles car j'ai bien l'impression que sous sa carapace se cache une jeune femme meurtrie et blessée qui n'a jamais été appréciée à sa juste valeur. Si sa patronne Stella ou encore son amie Patrice savent qu'elle est une jeune femme sérieuse et professionnelle, on sent qu'elles ont un rôle quasi maternel à jouer dans l'intrigue. Mais attention à ne pas trop jouer avec le feu car Ava pourrait bien finir par se brûler.

Nous n'avons aucun chapitre écrit du point de vue de Caleb Scott, cet homme écossais de 35 ans, et cela renforce évidemment l'aura de mystère entourant ce personnages. Impossible donc d'entrer dans sa tête et de connaître ses pensées. Il ne laisse transparaître aucune émotion et sait parfaitement tenir les gens à distance. Il est arrogant, considère que dire merci et s'il vous plaît est au dessus de ses forces . Cela fait donc de lui un personnage rustre qu'on a dû mal à apprécier au début. Cependant la frontière entre la haine et le désir est très fine et il se pourrait qu'il ne résiste pas au charme d'Ava. Il a un grand poste à responsabilités et il est donc habitué à ce que les gens se soumettent à ses moindres exigences. Il a ce côté dominateur qu'on aime retrouver chez certains héros tant qu'ils ne sont pas blessants juste pour lui plaisir d'asseoir son pouvoir. Caleb va donc être très difficile à cerner et en tant que lectrice, on va tenter d'analyser le moindre de ses gestes ou de ses paroles. Il parle peu mais quand il ouvre la bouche , mieux vaut être ami avec lui qu'être son ennemi. Il n'a pas d'amis proches et sa famille est trop loin pour que nous puissions en déduire des éléments à son sujet. Seul Jamie un de ses frères fera son apparition pour pimenter encore plus l'intrigue. Ava parviendra t-elle à résoudre l'énigme Caleb? Pourra t-elle espérer qu'il se livre à elle?

Bref, j'ai passé un excellent moment de lecture avec ce nouveau roman VO de Samantha Young qui nous permet de découvrir cet écossais rustre et dur à cerner. Caleb et Ava parviendront à nous faire rire de leur joute verbales mais les émotions seront aussi au rendez vous. Fight or Flight est une délicieuse comédie romantique qu'on dévore sans aucune modération

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The saying to never judge a book by its cover has never been truer. This stinkin' cute book cover is a little misleading as it promises lighter literary fare like a rom-com and that's definitely not what we get with Fight or Flight. My expectations may reflect in my rating. So please make sure you read other reviews before you decide not to give this story a chance.

Ava and Caleb definitely are complex characters. Both of them marked by their pasts they are still dealing with the fall-out. Ava is a beautiful young woman with a stellar career. You know, some of us might think that being too pretty, too beautiful is not a problem but when you're treated like it's the only thing people see and otherwise you're just a body without depth...that will do a number on you. So for that Samantha Young gets brownie points - it's an issue you don't see all that often in books.

Anyhoo, when Ava and Caleb meet they get off on the wrong foot. In the beginning I found their encounters funny - although Caleb was extremely rude most of the time Ava served up the comebacks he deserved. I loved to hate his arrogant, judgmental, bitter ass but at some point it just became obnoxious. Not saying please and thank you, refusing to be polite, that's childish and a major turn-off because it means you don't have manners.

“Can we just ignore this tiny, angry person and upgrade me now?” the deep, accented voice said somewhere above my head to my right.

Burned by their respective pasts, a relationship is nothing they want or need but there is a reason they are attracted to each other so of course at some point they become more than fuck buddies. As they got closer I started to see Caleb's sweeter and softer side but I have to admit I never really warmed up to him, there was always a disconnect that I can only explain with his bitter, cruel attitude that he kept for almost the entirety of the book. A shrink would probably say that's an unhealthy relationship.
“It’s sex with a guy who somehow manages to make me feel this small”— I gestured with my forefinger and thumb—“ every time he opens his mouth."

Not only once did Caleb say something only to admit that he regretted it the moment he'd said it. I get how some people don't have a filter but when it becomes downright mean then maybe they should start working on their self restraint. At some point Caleb hurt Ava so badly, reduced her verbally to the one thing that could hurt her the most and honestly, I didn't know how they'd come back from that. Ava's best friend Harper even told her.
"A man who knows what you’ve been through, who knows what saying that to you would do to you, doesn’t deserve you."

But I soldiered on and was hoping for Caleb to get his shit together which he ultimately did.

Now, everyone knows I love a good grovel but that only works when the heroine MAKES the hero grovel. And this is where the rating dropped under 3 stars. Caleb hurt Ava so much and I expected it would take a minor miracle for him to make her forgive him.
Even if he does care about me, I couldn’t be with someone who would choose to inflict that kind of pain on me just to protect himself...

Well that didn't last long. He said sorry, she said fine and that was that. WHAT???? After all that heartbreak, the cruelty, that's all we get? BIG FAT NOPE, NO WAY! I was offended on behalf of the sisterhood.

In general I thought that Ava's tendency to drop everything when Caleb was rather off-putting. I got that she felt irresistibly drawn to him but show some pride, dammit.
Now I think that this story would have worked much better for me if it had been told from both point of views. We only learn about Caleb's heartbreak in the last 20% and it just doesn't give you the chance to feel compassion for him because I never really found a lot to like about him to begin with.

However, this story wasn't a complete loss. Some things really stood out, like Ava's friendship with her best friend Harper who I really hope to see in another book. The banter in the beginning of the book was top notch and I loved how Ava gave as good as she got. I adored her when she put her ex in his place. The angst in this story is definitely something that will keep some people glued to the pages and in that regard Samantha Young is a master - I did gobble this book up and it makes me want to read Harper's story.

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4.5 stars

“My physical appearance was just a small fraction of who I was. I was more than a pretty bauble to hang on the tree of a man’s world.”

After a horrible trip to her childhood home, Ava just wants to get the heck out of Arizona and back to her apartment in Boston. Her attempts at everything in the airport from first class upgrades to meals to the coffee cart are thwarted by a rude Scotsman…. who happens to be her seatmate on her flight. Their hatred for each other soon turns into a night neither of them will ever forget.

By chance Caleb reenters her life when Ava had thought he was just a one night stand, and the two decide to explore their physical attraction even further…

“When you were infatuated with someone, you failed to see their imperfections. When it was more than a fixation, you still cared about them in spite of their flaws.”

First off, Samantha Young is romance royalty. She delivered THE BEST ANGST in any romance novels, hands down. She’s also one of the few authors that I don’t skim sex scenes (yes I am weird and I do that most of the time). When I read a book by Young, I am enthralled from the very beginning, all the way to the last page at the end. I always say this too but I love how she manages to write characters from different countries and nails it every time, there are never cultural inaccuracies which blows my mind.

There are similarities in this book to On Dublin Street, a heroine with a messed up family past and a best friend who dies tragically (not a spoiler it’s in the beginning of both books). But the similarities end there. I loved Ava. She was such an incredible female character unlike many we see in this genre. She’s gorgeous but wants to be valued as more. She works hard but remembers to be kind. Caleb was an amazing alpha-hole, but was nice at the right points. I wish we had gotten more of his side of events but I still really loved him too.

I have two things to gripe about in this book, the first affected my rating the other did not. At the end of the book, what was done to Ava, there needed to be a lot more fucking groveling. I was actually appalled at the lack of groveling at the end considering Caleb’s words and actions. The second thing I have to gripe about, I friggin hate the cover of this book. I know it’s the newest rage in romance and we have The Hating Game to blame for it, but the cover of this book does not match the inside at all and I am looking forward to when (if) they change the cover in the future. I want to reiterate, the cover did not affect my rating.

“We’re all afraid of something, sweetheart. It’s up to us whether we stay and fight that fear… or whether we run and hide from it.”

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I always love a good enemy to lovers book and Fight or Flight is no exception.
It's a fun quick read although in saying that it is sad and emotional in parts but I loved it and adored Ava and Caleb. At first Caleb comes across selfish and obnoxious but once you get to know him you will fall for him as I did!
I enjoyed their banter throughout the whole book and loved the Scottish dialect too.
Overall a fabulous book! Thanks Sam!!

Here is a quote I loved from the book (you'll have to read it to find out what this is in relation to!):
"You've developed champagne tastes, Caleb. You can't go back to cheap wine."

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