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Hidden Peril

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As always an absolutely enjoyable read! Captivating, enthralling, and with loveable characters. It's a great read, and I highly recommend it.

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Hidden Peril
By Irene Hannon

4 stars

A well-written and gripping crime novel.

Hannon has constructed a crime novel that draws the reader in from the first page, and keeps them hooked throughout the entire book.

Kristin Dane runs a fair-trade shop that features products from around the world. One by one, people connected to the shop begin dying. Detective Luke Carter wants to know why. But interfering in his investigation is the FBI, revealing an international conspiracy.

The plot is tight, with the story being cohesive and easy to read. The characters resemble real life and allow the reader to connect with. This makes the book enjoyable to read for pleasure, without taxing the brain.

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This title was provided by Netgalley and the publisher in return for an open and honest review.

#HiddenPeril #NetGalley

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I know when I open a book from Ms. Hannon that it is going to be a good one. From page one she grabbed my attention & took me on the journey. I always look forward to her books.

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I enjoyed this book just as much as the first book in the series. Interesting characters and a plot line that keeps you turning the pages. Looking forward to the next book in the series.

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FTC Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. A positive review was not required. These are my honest thoughts.

Suspense is one of my favorite genres and I know it well, so I wasn’t surprised to find lots of twists and turns and edge-of-your-seat moments in this one. A couple of major things (including the identity of a major bad guy and a huge plot twist near the end) were telegraphed much too early on for me… but that could have been because of my familiarity with the genre. Other readers most likely won’t see these two particular things coming.

I liked that there was tension throughout the story, because that kept me riveted to the pages in nearly every scene. The fact that the story revolved around terrorism felt organic and real-to-life accurate as that sort of thing is practically always in the headlines in this decade, unfortunately. It seemed all too realistic that ordinary, everyday people would get twisted up in the nefarious plot in various ways, and it made me appreciate even more the quiet little town I live in and the family I love and have been blessed with.

The romance side of this novel was nauseating to me. It overly emphasized the physical attraction and reactions and passions. This included extended kisses and a comment that the leading lady “needed to go stand in front of the air conditioner” after hearing the “throaty… intimate… note” of a guy's voice. I don’t doubt people deal with this sort of reaction, but it seemed so out of place and made the scenes between Kristin and Luke awkward and unappealing to me. I did somehow keep rooting for them, but they didn’t make that easy for me to do.

Kristin whined a few times about her best friends nosing into her personal business… but didn’t she do the exact same thing in the previous book of the series? I recall that she did, because it was annoying in that one as she came on too strong about it. Thankfully, she was toned down on that aspect in this book… but I don’t see how she had any room to argue that her buddies should have backed off.

I had hoped that the theater—one of Kristin’s passions in book one—would play a large role in this story, but it got shoved to the background and ended up being a mere footnote. I was greatly disappointed in this as I love theater productions and would love to see them featured more often in fiction. There was a wonderful opportunity to pull that aspect directly into the plot of this book, but that opportunity went completely to waste.

Overall, I was intrigued by the plot and seeing how the FBI and local authorities worked in tandem to figure out the mystery, and I enjoyed the tension and suspense-y vibes I was getting throughout the book. I enjoyed many chapters and scenes, but this would have been heightened had the romance taken a less physical-and-passion-reactions-to-heated-glances-and-voice-tones presentation.

Content: profanity, sexual terms (two), replacement profanity (a few), expletive, alcohol, tobacco

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Irene Hannon is a favorite with many Christian fiction romantic suspense readers. Her latest, Hidden Peril, was another great installment. Set in St. Louis, you'll see glimpses of past heroes, but the action centers on a woman Kristen Dane who runs a shop that highlights sustainable products from around the world. She's worked hard to create a place where their goods can be sold and help provide support to needy groups in hard countries. When first the woman who works for her is murdered and then a customer, local detective Luke Carter finds himself interacting with Kristen and slowly falling in love. There are so many layers and intricacies to the plot that I couldn't stay away. Hidden Peril was a great read and will satisfy readers of romantic suspense. I truly enjoyed this romantic suspense. The romance was realistic and the suspense a fresh, creative twist. A good read!

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I enjoy all of Irene Hannon's books and this one was no exception. Kristin truly has a heart for people. I love how the author shows that it isn't just a passing thing with her or her two friends, but that they all want to give back. They all have servant's hearts. Because of this, Kristin is unwittingly a part of something illegal and when it is brought to light, she is determined to do all she can to help the authorities stop the whole operation.
Luke is a detective and has issues from his past that have stopped him from moving forward with any potential romantic relationships. The author did a good job of describing that and it was completely understandable. Most of the time people are told they should just move on when their heart hasn't healed. Each person is different. The suspense was there, a bit slower than I'm used to for this author, but absolutely there. I figured out the bad guy before the reveal but that didn't diminish the fun of watching it unfold.
It was a 4/5 for me. I want to see how the 'last' of the three friends finds his happiness.
Thank you to the publisher for the review copy of this book. I received this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.

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Hidden Peril keeps true to Hannon’s great writing and will keep the reader turning the page.

It’s been twenty years since Kristin Dane took a vow with her friends to do what she could to make the world a better place and she is now making that happen with her fair-trade shop. She has products from around the world and is able to bring attention to these areas and their needs by the products she sales. When people connected to her shop start dying, Kristin gets involved in the case. She begins working with Detective Luke Carter. He has just started working with the St. Louis PD and is pulled deep into the case hoping to find answers. Kristin and Luke work with the FBI in a case that spans the globe and is more complicated than any of them first believed. Together they work to stop this killer before more people die. Hidden Peril is the second book in the Code of Honor series and I loved the way this story played out. The way the story spanned the globe and brought about history and awareness to events not commonly talked about made it all the more interesting. Some authors have a way with making certain characters especially evil and Irene Hannon is one of those authors, I felt the evil and let it roll with the story in the direction it was meant to go. Nothing seemed forced and the characters meshed well together. Kristin is the type of character that is easily relatable, and you want to pull for and see her succeed.

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An exciting book, that connects Syria with Saint Louis and helping the needy with terrorism, Hidden Peril offers a satisfying read with a heartwarming story. Could Kristin Dane’s fair-trade import shop be connected with recent murders? Might her life also be in danger? The twists and surprises in the plot add quality to the can’t-put-it-down thriller and make you want to read more by this talented author. I recommend this faith-based story. I received a copy from Netgalley. All opinions are my own.

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I cannot say enough good things about Hidden Peril. It was so well written and the characters were easy to relate to and easy to like. The book has just the right amount of suspense, action and romance to make it a great combination.

Kristen Dane is a shopkeeper who has a heart for those in need and suffering. In her shop she sells items from all around the world. When one of those items is being used for dangerous things, Kristen finds herself in the middle of a murder mystery.

Luke Carter is a detective that is new to the department. He meets Kristen at a wedding and is immediately attracted to her. He is a widow that felt he would never find anyone who interested him again. But Kristen peaks his interest. When he finds himself involved in the investigation that directly involves her, he is the one protecting her from very real danger. As Kristen and Luke work together to take down a terrorist ring, they build on their relationship until the two are feeling very strong feelings for one another.

Hidden Peril is a classic Hannon novel that will keep you interested right up to the very satisfying end. I received an ARC of this book and this is my honest feedback.

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Irene Hannon is already on my list of favorite authors for romantic suspense. Hidden Peril is the second in the Code of Honor series. So far this is a keeper series.

Kristen Dane runs a small retail business which includes the importing of goods that support high risk charities abroad. She comes across her assistant murdered and the circumstances bring her in contact with Detective Luke Carter whom she briefly met at a friend's wedding.

Luke, finds himself reluctantly drawn to the classic beauty but he has sworn off relationships since losing his young wife tragically. However, over the course of the on going investigation, they get to know more about each other. Kristen has a poor connection with her parents that she regrets.

Things escalate when more murders are linked to Kristen's shop and terrorism ties are suspected. A very good read. Thanks to Revell Publishing for allowing me to read this novel through Netgalley.

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Classic Irene Hannon...enjoyed every page of this novel....I'm sure that you will too. Experience this will not be disappointed.

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As kids, Kristin Dane and her two best friends made a pact that one day, each would make the world a better place. Twenty years later, each is fulfilling that pledge in their own unique way. One is a cop, one directs a kids camp for underprivileged children, and Kristin owns and operates WorldCraft, a fair trade store featuring products from all over the world. The last thing she expects to find in her peaceful little shop is the body of her clerk, brutally murdered. When a second body turns up, killed the same way, suspicion starts to mount that the shop is connected somehow. As Kristin cooperates with law enforcement to catch a killer, she finds herself in the middle of a potential terrorism plot. Can they stay out of the crosshairs of the mastermind behind the plot they've uncovered?

When Detective Luke Carter is introduced to Kristin Dane at his co-workers wedding, he feels the first stirrings of interest that he's felt since his wife died three years ago. Meeting her again at a murder scene is not in his plans, but as they work together to uncover the reason her shop seems to be at the center of two murders, his interest grows to attraction. Can he protect the woman he's beginning to care about from an enemy they can't see, or even find?

This book was un-put-downable from the first page. It gets rolling pretty quickly, and the villain is NOT who anyone suspects. While the suspense is intense, the romance between the two main characters is a sweet counterpoint to that. Luke and Kristin are obviously interested in one another from their first encounter, but Luke's "hands-off when they're involved in an investigation" policy keeps them dancing around that attraction for most of the book. I liked that they still found ways to be together, even if it was just for a short chat.

Romance readers will love the love story in Hidden Peril. Suspense readers will love the heart-pounding thrills in the book. When Irene Hannon comes out with a new book, it always tops my list of "What to Read Next." Hidden Peril did NOT disappoint! I highly recommend!

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Oh how I loved this book! Irene Hannon never disappoints me. She really did her research on this one. This book kept me up later than normal reading because I didn't want to stop!

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I am enjoying this new series by Irene Hannon! I loved getting to see how the characters are doing from the first book, and to continue to see the dynamic relationship between the three childhood friends (as well as how the new members of their inner circle add to the dynamics of the group). The storyline was solid and though I could guess pretty quickly who was going to be the villian, the reasons and hows were still unknown. I loved the way the mystery unfolded and am looking forward to reading the last book in this series!
I was provided a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Terrorist Suspense with Twist of Romance
The suspense started on the first page and continued throughout. The terrorist plot was very relevant to our lives today, was well researched, and totally believable. The characters were strong, well developed, and likable. Although the book is primarily a mystery, it included romance, tragedy, and family conflicts most everyone can identify with. I especially liked the portrayal of a female who is independent, strong, and secure in her faith. Hidden Peril proves that language and romance can be clean and still be exciting. I had not read the first book in this series, but this story worked well as a standalone book. I would enjoy reading more books by Irene Hannon.

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Intrigue, Suspense and Romance

When given the opportunity to read Irene Hannon’s newest book, Hidden Peril, I jumped at the chance. She’s quickly become one of my favorite writers. This is the second book in the Code of Honor series and characters Kristin, Colin and Rick continue on this in this book with Kristin as the main focus.

Hidden Peril is a gripping and suspenseful mystery, but it’s a little different because terrorism is part of the plot. When you see stories on the news about ISIS and terrorism you don’t think it’s going to impact your everyday life. But what if it did?

Kristin Dane is not your ordinary woman. After graduating college, she served in the Peace Corp in Ethiopia for two years. When she returned home, she still had a vision to try and make a difference for good in the lives of people who live in war-torn countries. When Luke Carter meets Kristin at the wedding of a mutual friend, he probably didn’t anticipate encountering her again, especially in his role as police detective. Luke’s path intersects with this intriguing and beautiful woman when one of Kristin’s employees is found dead. Is the death of a monk 10,000 miles away in Syria possibly connected?

One of my favorite things about Irene’s writing are the characters. They are good, decent, nice people that you’d like to know. They grow, change and heal the brokenness in their lives. In this book, you see wonderful examples of committed friendship between Kristin, Colin and Rick.

Hidden Peril was very suspenseful and kept me guessing to the end. Though I suspected who the bad guy was, I didn’t know how that would be revealed and what would happen to the people at the end of the story.

I greatly appreciate that Irene Hannon is able to write good books, with interesting likable characters and intriguing situations without resorting to filthy language, or immoral sexual situations. I appreciate how she weaves the Christian faith into the character’s lives.

If you like intrigue, mystery and romance, be sure to read Hidden Peril by Irene Hannon. It’s another great read by a wonderful author.

I would like to thank NetGalley and Revell Publishers for the opportunity to read Hidden Peril in exchange for an honest review. I was under no obligation to give a favorable review.

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A Christian novel that's really suspenseful and no character besides the too soon identifiable terrorist is a non-believer. So the book isn't preachy.

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I often like Irene Hannon’s books and this one was a pretty decent one, although it wouldn’t be my favorite. There was a lot of foreshadowing and I knew almost from the beginning what the real name (or at least the one he was using in his day to day life) of the antagonist was. I like it better when I can’t tell who it is or there are a couple of options that it can be so I don’t know who it is right away and it keeps me guessing. Nevertheless, the suspense kept me in the book and how the author was going to wrap up the plot. I found that the book had more innuendo than is normally found in Christian fiction but still would be considered clean. It is a decent Christian romantic suspense novel for people who enjoy reading in that genre.

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The book starts in a monastery in Syria with the death of a monk, it continues to St. Louis to a Fair Trade shop that sells unique gifts from third world countries with the murder of an employee. The local PD discover that items are being shipped to promote terrorism in the US. Kristin Dane, the owner of the shop and Luke Carter, local law enforcement must work together to find the murderer and stop the terrorist threat before it's too late.

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