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The Perfect Friend

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Alex and Carrie meet at a support group and they help each other by responding to what they each want in life – Alex wants a child to love and Carrie wants someone by her side whilst she is dying. But what do they really want from each other? That question forms the basis of the plot.

There are plenty of lies in this story. There are also difficult issues of terminal cancer, eating disorders and domestic violence. Both of the women have a murky past they want to keep hidden. But what exactly are they lying to each other about, and why? What is it they both really want?

The extent of the lies made both women a tad unlikeable. Our heart strings are pulled at the end for both of them but it didn’t do much to dilute my dislike, in particular of Alex.

I’ve wanted to read a book by this author for a while, so when the opportunity came up on NetGalley, I took the chance.

Thank you to the author, NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book. This is my honest review.

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This book leaves you dizzy! In a good way!
I must admit at times I was getting a little bored and then wham the story would take a massive turn! It had me guessing through the majority of the book. The ending was another twist, a sad one at that
I will definitely read more from this author.

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4.5 Stars

Alex Appleby is a successful dressmaker. but she is a broken woman. Her husband has left her and her children no longer speak to her. She is part of a support group as she is suffering from adult-onset anorexia. One of the participants in the group is Carrie, a woman dying of cancer. Alex has taken Carrie under her wing and Carrie is now like a daughter to her.

The friendship goes far, far deeper as it becomes a case of "Operation Protect Carrie" as Carrie has suddenly been receiving threatening packages that Alex has been hiding from her. Is Carrie in danger, and now Alex too? What is in Carrie's past that puts her in danger now? What about Alex? There are things about her past that she is hiding, even at the cost of her own health.

The Perfect Friend is a book full of twists and turns. I have to admit to being very curious about Alex's altruistic motives from the very start. Alex, in her very private thoughts, was a liar, ruled by deceit. Every time I thought I had a bead on the truth behind Alex's life, I began to doubt Carrie's. I was completely thrown about! Talk about a psychological thriller! This book is that and much, much more. It is truly a "bitter taste of betrayal, secrets and lies".

I was truly left reeling after finishing this book. Every time I thought I figured out what was happening with the story, I discovered that I was wrong. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough as I was trying to unravel the mysteries. This is Barbara Copperthwaite's fifth psychological thriller and she did a marvelous job at keeping me on my toes.

Many thanks to Bookouture and to NetGalley for this ARC to review in exchange for my honest opinion.

Date of publication: July 5, 2018

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The Perfect Friend is a psychological thriller filled with twists and turns that you won’t see coming! Featuring rich, multi-faceted, main characters, both survivors of troubled pasts, that you will alternately love and hate. When you think you have the plot figured out, Copperthwaite throws another curve. Recurring themes of domestic violence, eating disorders, and lying for self-protection pepper this well thought out thriller.

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What is the Perfect Friend? Alex thinks she has found it in Carrie when they meet in a support group. Alex has lost her husband and her kids won't talk to her. She is an anorexic who feel helpless and lost. Then Carrie joins the group. Carrie is 20 years younger than Alex and is dying of terminal cancer. They find a friend in each other, and for Alex she has the chance to mother somebody and help them, something her own children will not let her do.

It is hard to write much more without giving anything away. This book is full of twists and turns that you will not see coming. Barbara Copperthwaite has a way of sucking you so far before sluggin you with something so far out of left field it has you realing. You will not want to put this book down, even if you tell yourself you will just read one more chapter.

A. Very big thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for my advanced copy of this book. All opinions expressed are my own and are in no way influenced by anybody.

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4-5 stars. Amazing thriller! Had you wondering who, what, why, from first page! Full of twists and turns and written in a way you're completely clueless, but yearning to find out.
Will be highly recommending in Chapter Chatter Pub this week'

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Thank you NetGalley, Barbara Copperthwaite and Bookouture for the free ebook in exchange for an honest review!

Alex is an anorexic who has husband and children who won’t speak with her and Alex is devastated. She meets Carrie in a support group and they become fast friends as Carrie reminds Alex of her daughter. Carrie finds out she has terminal cancer and Alex wants to do all she can for her to make her dreams come true. Alex only has Carrie in her life and she trusts her with her life, but should she?

I really wasn’t sure how to explain this novel without giving anything away because there are so many things going on in this novel. Just enough to keep you wondering about who the real dangerous person is here. I loved that every time I thought I had the plot figured you, the author sent us another twist and completely changed the plot on me! I loved that the ending was just a crazy mixture of twists and totally surprised me with each and every one. I loved the characters in this one and I often felt sorry for both of them at different times. They really were alike in more ways then you know until you finish the novel.

I really enjoyed reading through this and seeing how both ladies were lying to one another. You think you know the little lies that they are hiding, but let me tell you, you know nothing yet! This book was one of those ones that I guessed over and over who was fooling who and it was awesome. I would highly recommend this book and I’m so happy that I had the opportunity to read it!

Pick it up July 5!

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Oh my Barbara have certainly climbed the ladder of awesomeness on our list of awesome authors! I can not even tell you how many times I swore I had these cast of characters pegged. Yup, I had it all figured out (like a dozen times)! The first time I thought I "figured it out" I thought to myself "well that was fast. Now how will I get through the rest of the book"?
But wait a minute... was I wrong! I seriously couldn't put this book down. Every time I turned the page, something more exciting revealed itself! We absolutely LOVED the utter suspense, bat shit crazy characters, and the plot twists that thickened by the chapter! Can we give a book 10 ? We don't do that often but this one totally deserved it!
The absolute best part of this book was being able to bounce ideas and theories off of my book bestie. We are intense readers of this genre and we often guess the major plot twist before the end of the book. Not this one! You know a book is great when you can't wait to discuss it with others!
When an author combines a crazy cast of characters, a rollercoaster of plot twists, and a shocking twist at several points in the story... you most certainly have a recipe for a top thriller of the year!
If you can read this book and guess who the liars, cheaters and deceivers are... kudos to you, but I think you're kidding yourself!
Now, of you'll excuse me, I have to find a cure for this book hangover so I can begin my next read!

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This book waxed and waned for me. There were times when I was really trying to figure out what was happening and times when I felt like I lost that tension. I had some trouble feeling a connection with the characters in the book. It was fine, but not a real winner for me.

Three stars.

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Barbara Copperthwaite is a master of the psychological thriller model. If you are like most people, you take on face value what you are told, and the narration is so simple, so natural, you don't suspect anything is awry as the story begins to unfold. But this is set up with a narrator who tells you up front she is a liar.

Alex certainly looks like an anorexic and has the recent serious history to prove it. She's attending a support group where she's met Carrie. Poor Carrie, a woman half her age who is terminally ill with cancer. Alex feels an affinity for her immediately, the mother in her kicking in. They are both suffering, as Alex's husband took their kids and left.

The author weaves some of Alex's backstory in an out of the progression of Alex's treatment. The formative years. And there are pieces of Carrie's story--how does a young, healthy woman confront the time she perceives is left to her.

Gradually suspicions begin to percolate and they don't stop with Carrie. Your trust is beginning to erode with both of them. Two and two aren't adding correctly. First person switches from the original narrator to Carrie. If you didn't like Alex before, now you won't like Carrie.

They only have each other, but that unconditional love and support is beginning to look as if it's built on shaky ground. There are twists and switchbacks, little twice-told tales that confirm what you thought you knew. The plot is fraught with tension and then the legs are swept out from under you.

Yes, it's possible that you suspected a few real truths along the way. I discovered I was wrong about fifty percent. This one will keep you guessing until the end. I'm betting you can't predict all of it and in the meantime, it's a nail-biting, entertaining read.

I was granted an ebook download by the publisher and NetGalley and greatly appreciate the opportunity to read and review. Recommended for mystery, suspense, psychological thriller fans.

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This is a great book.
You really get drawn into the lives of Alex and Carrie and really feel for them both.
Alex is anorexic and attends a support group where she meets Carrie who is coping with cancer.
There’s a twenty year age difference and Alex admits she wants to mother her.
This is a tricky one to review as I don’t want to give anything away as the book is full of twists and turns.
I found the story quite intriguing and it makes you think about people you’ve met in the past and the effect they had on your life.
One thing I can say is that this book will have you hooked from the word go.
Thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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A great story with a fabulous plot. At times I got lost in the truth and lies of the characters which added to the edge of your seat drama. Clever and many twists and turns. I felt very sorry for both characters in the end but neither was a perfect friend. Sure to be a best selker and one to pack in your suitcase this summer.

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"... We all have locked boxes inside us that only certain people get the keys to."

How do we process a story knowing the narrator is a liar? What to believe and what not? I don't know actually! I am still reeling from the shock!

The perfect friend is a perfect book for messing with ones mind and definitely a treat for readers who enjoy psychological thrillers. Despite of being slow at places (which as the story processes proves vital for building the clear image), there are so many lies, twists and secrets! There might be some you can guess, but other will surely take you by surprise!

Thank you #NetGalley for this awesome treat called #ThePerfectFriend!!

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4.5 ⭐️

The Perfect there such a thing?

Alex is a self proclaimed liar, recovering from adult onset anorexia after her husband left her, her two children following him. It is at a support group where she meets Carrie, suffering from terminal breast cancer. The two quickly develop a mother-daughter type relationship, with Alex eager to atone for her past by helping her new friend in her hour of need, at the expense of concentrating on the complex issues that led to anorexia taking her life hostage.

From the onset, the reader is led to believe that there is far more to the story than what we are first told. As we delve further in, as a result of strange occurrences, Alex begins to question whether Carrie is who she claims to be. These questions have us doubting whether the character's version of events is that of truth or delusion. This certainly piqued my curiosity, having me eager to find out who the liars and deceivers were amongst this crazy cast of characters.

Admittedly, it was slow going for quite a while, the plot alternating between past and present, concentrating on building up the themes of controlling behaviour, hallucinations, anorexia, domestic abuse and cancer. But fret not, as all is very necessary to this well constructed plot. You will be well pleased once the multiple twists have your pulse racing and your jaw dropping, with each chapter revealing another layer of dizzying duplicity and " oh my gosh, I didn't see this coming " type moments, toying with your brain matter to the very end.

This psychological thriller will have you completely undecided as to who the liar is and who is not. I love it when an author can play an expert game of back and forth trickery of the mind, playing with it as if it were a pummeled tennis ball on a Wimbledon court. I highly recommend this to all who enjoy a good mind whipping.

Many thanks to Barbara Copperthwaite, Netgalley and Bookouture for an ARC in exchange for my honest opinion of this book. It was my pleasure to read my third novel by this author, this one being my favourite.

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The Perfect Friend by Barbara Copperthwaite is a psychological thriller that follows two friends, Alex and Carrie. Having read a couple of other novels from the author I knew I wanted to read this one but a big plus for having a character with my namesake in the book because I really have a tendency to grab those!

The ladies, Alex and Carrie, met while at a support group and were drawn to one another. Alex’s husband has left her and her two children, twins, will not even speak to her and has developed anorexia from all of the stress. Carrie has been battling cancer for a while and this time it has caught up with her and the end is getting near.

One would ask how in the world could a story about two best friends that need each other for support could fall into the psychological thriller category? But this being a novel from Barbara Copperthwaite I knew there was going to be some twists and turns coming. I’ve gotten to the point that going in to one of her novels that I just don’t trust her characters but I do enjoy the ride waiting to find out what they’ll have in store for me. Again this would be another that you have to dive in and uncover all of those secrets and when you think you are done just think again.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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4 beguiling stars to The Perfect Friend!

Alex has lost it all. Her husband has moved out, and her children want nothing to do with her. All she has is her closest friend, Carrie, who she trusts implicitly. But should she?

Alex has anorexia, and she meets Carrie in a support group. Carrie has terminal cancer and likewise has no one to depend on other than Alex. It’s the perfect storm of circumstances to unite two needy best friends. Carrie also wholeheartedly trusts Alex, but should she?

If you like unreliable narrators, you’ve scored two here! The Perfect Friend is a quick, captivating read. At first I felt deeply for Alex and Carrie and their personal struggles, but then I was not sure where I was being led by these two! My inner skeptic put my guard up, but that did not keep from enjoying their story.

Overall, The Perfect Friend was an original and entertaining read, and it kept me beguiled from beginning to end.

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Don't we all love to have that one good friend? The one you would give everything to and know you will get the same in return? But then again, this seems more like a perfect friend and they don't really exist, do they?
Reading this book felt like watching a tennis match. When you thought you had it figured out, the ball changed camp and you were forced to look at the story from a different angle and start your own investigation all over again. And I can assure you this happened more than once! This kept me reading with interest the whole time and I hated it when I had to put the book down to do something else.
The story was built exactely the way I like it : the way it messes with your mind and makes you think about striking up friendships in the future ... or maybe you are the one not to be trusted ...
Thank you, Barbara Copperthwaite, Bookouture and Netgalley.

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Alex and Carrie meet at a support group meeting for women that are having problems and want support. Alex has anorexia and Carrie has cancer. They are drawn to each other quickly and become fast friends. Alex has lost her family and she takes Carrie under her wings like she is her own daughter. Alex will do anything to protect Carrie and to help her with her terminal battle with cancer.

Alex finds notes that are being left for Carrie and when Carrie finds the final threatening note, Alex tells Carrie that she has taken the other notes as she did not want Carrie to be under any more duress than she already was with the Cancer. Carrie tells Alex about her ex-husband Andy and how it would be him that is after her.

The big problem is that they are both liars. ' Who believes a liar, even when they're telling the truth'?

This book was interesting and kept my attention enough A times I did find it a bit hard to follow. I thought that the flashbacks was about Alex and her upbringing, but later it seemed to change to being about Carrie and her upbringing so the writing really needed to be perfect and succinct. The writing was acceptable but not exceptional. I found no spelling errors or any glaring grammatical issues which makes for better reading. The book was interesting but I did not find myself on the edge or feeling gripped by it. It wasn't a book that I would stay up all night reading. I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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Oh my Barbara have certainly climbed the ladder of awesomeness on our list of awesome authors! I can not even tell you how many times I swore I had these cast of characters pegged. Yup, I had it all figured out (like a dozen times)! The first time I thought I "figured it out" I thought to myself "well that was fast. Now how will I get through the rest of the book"?
But wait a minute... was I wrong! I seriously couldn't put this book down. Every time I turned the page, something more exciting revealed itself! We absolutely LOVED the utter suspense, bat shit crazy characters, and the plot twists that thickened by the chapter! Can we give a book 10 ⭐️? We don't do that often but this one totally deserved it!
The absolute best part of this book was being able to bounce ideas and theories off of my book bestie. We are intense readers of this genre and we often guess the major plot twist before the end of the book. Not this one! You know a book is great when you can't wait to discuss it with others!
When an author combines a crazy cast of characters, a rollercoaster of plot twists, and a shocking twist at several points in the story... you most certainly have a recipe for a top thriller of the year!
If you can read this book and guess who the liars, cheaters and deceivers are... kudos to you, but I think you're kidding yourself! 
Now, of you'll excuse me, I have to find a cure for this book hangover so I can begin my next read!

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Four Stars. Alex Appleby aged 44 is a recovering Anorexic working as a seamstress in Tynemouth. She's been at rock-bottom and managing to climb back up. A credible perceptive portrait of her condition with controlling behaviour, OCD, delusions, hallucinations and manipulation thrown into the pot. At a support group, she gravitates towards Carrie aged 24 who deems to be terminally ill with cancer. She can't do enough to make Carrie's path easier as she has chemo treatment and raises money for her. Then a grenade is tossed into the relationship as Alex becomes suspicious that Carrie is not the woman she thinks she is and starts to check her out. What is going on? Alex is way out of line, and it beggars belief how invasive she becomes with her interfering and controlling behaviour. One of them is a pathological liar; both are liars? The scandalous duplicity made my head reel, and I became hopelessly baffled between truth and lies. Nobody trusts a liar even when they tell the truth. It surprises what lengths people will go to to find love, acceptance and fit in. Is Carrie mad or bad? I found the format baffling with the "then and now" and I had to keep backtracking. I didn't like the long letter at the end. It's a fairly slow read but an interesting one with a deliciously complex theme. I enjoyed it. Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture.

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