Member Reviews

A collection of amusing, heartfelt stories that show the joys and difficulties of being a mother. It’s never an easy job, and sometimes, as this collection of narratives show, you feel like you are lost, failing, and have no clue how to correct how far you’ve gone off path from where you envisioned yourself as a mom, but as you learn from reading this, you’re not alone.

A very empowering book for all moms. Motherhood is not easy. It helps when you know your not alone in your journey.

I am not a mama but I am really interested about everything around motherhood as I work with newborn and children. This book was really interesting and empowering for mums as there is such a big pressure about education and kids!

A great read for the first time mom in your crew. Also helpful for mothers recovering from infant loss, difficult labor/delivery, or childhood illness.
My biggest hope is for this title to be turned into an audiobook. It would be awesome to hear the voices of all these women sharing their stories.

Motherhood is such a hard job and everywhere you go people are telling you that your doing something wrong. This book was such a breath of fresh air. I found it encouraging and inspiring and it made me feel less alone in this journey of motherhood. Moms should stick up for each other and support one another. This book was like finding a tribe of mom friends!

A great compilation of essays for fellow mums. A good read for any new mums or mums to be, about the ups and downs of parenthood.

Enjoyed this group of essays about motherhood.
Many thanks to Netgalley, the publisher, and the author for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

This book is a compilation of short essays that read like blog posts from about 20 different mothers. Each chapter has a general theme with 5 essays on that general theme. There are four basic chapters, with intros and a summary by the author/editor.
Chapters include general themes like embracing the unexpected and finding your tribe, but the essays didn't necessarily reflect their themes that well at times. Each essay starts with a bio and glamorous photograph of its author. The bios are clearly written by the authors themselves and I found them pretty off-putting with the way they talked themselves up. The main author/editor did this too, saying she was "an international model, world traveler, socialite, free spirit..." etc. in her past and now was an entrepreneur, author, coach, mother, etc. International model? She couldn't just say model? And socialite? Why will I benefit from parenting "coaching" from this lady?
As a mother of 5 whose oldest child is 20, I honestly didn't find most of it very interesting or helpful. It might be a great fit for someone new to mothering, especially of a special needs child or in situations that seem less than ideal. Most of the essays seemed to focus on each mother's journey accepting and dealing with motherhood as it came instead of how it was dreamed of. If you enjoy reading people's birth/motherhood stories, you're likely to enjoy it.
The book seems to be self published (the author co-owns its publishing company) and the essay authors seem to be bloggers, though it wasn't really clear even with the bios.
I received a digital ARC of this book for review purposes via Net Galley.

I am not a Mama, however I am in the stage of my life where it is something I am thinking about. I found this book informative, supportive and just fascinating. I am loving hearing over people's stories in motherhood. I think if you are a mother, a soon to be mother or a thinking about it mother, this book is perfect for you!