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What Happens in Vegas

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Bonni, Ava, Celia, and Fredi are not just best of friends but treat each other sisters, their friendship began since college and now that they have their own life and job, having a weekend getaway and reunion didn’t stop them despite their hectic schedule, and what’s more, the weekend is set in Vegas.

Bonnie got an email about a hotel promo in Vegas for a minimum of three nights, she sent it to her girlfriends which were delighted and have cleared their social and work calendar for this to happen.

It's a girl's night out that turns into a lifetime of adventure.

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I have chosen not to read and review this title. While I was drawn to this story by the blurb, I was not able to relate to the characters.

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i thought this would be a fun little read based on the cover and it was fun but kind of harder to get into in my personal opinion. I'll recomend it to anyone who likes romantic comedies!

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This is a great book with a wonderful story and well developed characters. This book will keep you reading long into the night. If you are looking for a great book, then you need to read this book. I am looking forward to reading the next book by this great author.

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I received a copy of WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS on Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to the publisher and author.

4 stars and here's why:

This is a quick read, and highly entertaining. Friends go to Vegas for a much-needed vacay and suddenly Bonni, a detective, wins big and her suite is upgraded. Soon she meets Quinn who is there for a poker tourney and sparks fly. He’s not your typical poker player, but he did give up the family business to pursue his dream of becoming one. If you love fast-paced writing, witty banter, and hella-fun characters, then this book is for you. Highly recommend!

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This was just okay for me. The writing didn't flow as well as I would have liked, it was hard to get into and stay interested in for me. I didn't really feel invested in the characters. I read an ARC, so I don't know if it like this in the final version, but using ', instead of " when someone was talking was VERY distracting. I guess it can be an author's preference, but I'm used to the double quotation marks. This was a first for me from this author, but I would be willing to giver her another read.
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced readers copy of this book.

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Bonni Connolly never wins anything, but when she scores the jackpot while in Vegas with her friends, it seems lady luck is finally on her side in a good way. Then her night gets even better when she meets Quinn Bryant - a man her complete opposite. For one, he's a professional poker player and she's a cop. Gambling and law enforcement don't mix. Not in her world. Yet, the more time Bonni spends with Quinn, the more she finds herself falling for Mr. Wrong. Will Quinn be able to convince Bonni to take a chance on him or will she walk away from her chance at happy ever after before someone else manages to break her heart?

When I first start reading a story I want it to pull me in from the very beginning and unfortunately this story didn't do that. The communications between the heroine and her friends felt a tad impersonal, monotonous and nothing like how I imagine close friends would be. Why go that route when it comes to communicating with good friends? However, in saying that, I liked the moment Bonni and her friends come together in Vegas, as there is fun to be had and memories to be made.

As for the dialogue, it was intense due to the main characters back stories, as the heroine hasn't had the best of luck in life or love. Is she destined to be alone forever or will the hero prove he's not like everyone else who has ever walked away from her? While the hero, he's been determined to do his own thing instead of falling in with his father's plans. Will he ever give the family business a chance? Will Quinn's brother be able to convince him that things are different now that he runs the company instead of their father? However, I really enjoyed this story because of the secondary characters, as Bonni's friends have interesting pasts when it comes to relationships that I look forward to learning more about.

With the heroine, she's strong and brave when it comes to everything she's faced in her past and I could understand why she reacts the way she does when it comes to Quinn and his profession since it's palpable he's a wanderer and more than likely not ready to settle down. I also liked how her friends help her when it comes to offering advice and supporting her in whatever decisions she makes. While the hero, he's confident, charming, driven to win when it comes to his career as a professional poker player and I liked how determined he was to win the heroine over. I also liked the decisions he makes when it comes to his future because it's palpable he can't give up the heroine. She's it for him.

Overall, Ms. Gray has delivered a read that I liked in this book where the romance was hot, but I thought the connection between these two was a little rushed and could have been built up a bit more. However, in saying that, their chemistry did get better as this story progressed. As for the ending, it was delightful and had me loving that both the hero and heroine were willing to fight for their shot together because Bonni needs Quinn in her life just as much as he needs her in his. I would recommend What Happens in Vegas by Shana Gray, if you enjoy the opposites attract trope, the mysterious strangers trope or books by authors Heidi Betts, Jessica Collins, Caitlyn Lynch and Carrie Ann Ryan.

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I enjoyed this book. A group of old friends come together in Las Vegas for a much needed relaxing vacation. Bonni who needed to relax because she is a detective ends up winning big and the girls are upgraded to a suite. Than she meets Quinn who is there for a poker tournament. Quinn gave up the family biz to pursue his passion playing poker. He is really good. But after meeting Bonni he realizes maybe there is more to life. I loved the authors way of putting you into the setting. I could really feel like I was there with the girls. I love when an author can do that. I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a cute quick romance.

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It was a very fun and quick read. Story revolved around friends who go for a weekend in Vegas. All girl weekend soon becomes something more for Bonni when a handsome gambler sets his eyes on her. Quinn is in Vegas for gambling tournaments, but as soon as he sees Bonni dancing he knows that she is special. Soon they find themselves drawn to each other. What was supposed to be a weekend to unwind for Bonni, and that of gambling for Quinn, becomes so much more for both of them. But they can't work, a cop and a professional gambler isn't an ideal combination. Plus they're in Vegas only for limited time. However, what about after Vegas? Must they leave what happened there behind? Will they even be able to do that? Read the book to find out. ;)
I really enjoyed it, story is simple, well-written and characters are great. However, there were a few boring stretched out parts when it comes to the four friends. Although, not all bad, as I did enjoy their girly talk, all in all it's worth the read.

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Cute, fun, quick read!

This book is the first in a series about thirty something college girlfriends who decide to take a wild, freeing weekend in Vegas. Bonni, Celia, Ava and Fredi have lives a decade after college, but they have remained close friends. This book is the story of Bonni and Quinn. Bonni is a cop who was working in Toronto, and she has been working non-stop. While in Vegas, she catches the eye of Quinn, a professional poker player. Their chemistry is instant, but Quinn lives out of hotel rooms and his suitcase. And Bonni’s weekend away is ending soon. But what if....?

Thank you to Netgalley and Entangled Publishing for the opportunity to read and review an ARC of this book. I am providing my honest review.

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Bonni sent out an email as her latest case had been kicking her butt and she wants to go to Vegas for a getaway weekend with her best friends - her girls from college they had met in a women studies class- Celia, Ava, and Fredi. The girls always had each others backs. Bonni couldn’t be more grateful for her girls. They all decided they could get away for the first weekend in March. Bonni gets to the casino bar early to get the lay-of-the- land. Bonni is a cop Bonni knew to: always beware of your surroundings, have a back up plan, and know your escape plan. Bonni sighed as some of the stress eased in her body. Bonni needed the break after the last few months. Bonni was determined to do her best not to look beyond the surface of things while on vacation. Bonni felt like she had come home, home to her girls. This had been the first time the girls had been able to all get together since Celia’s wedding. Celia had gotten pregnant with twins and the man walked away but Ava told Celia not to hate all men because of him. Celia was a stay-at-home mom who wrote greeting cards and magazine articles to try to keep afloat. Celia was classy, cool, and looked like she had it all together. Bonni and Frefi were the thrifty ones. The last few months Bonni had been so deep in a case that she had no life. Work, home for sleep and fresh clothes, then back to work. Her only release had been working out in the police station’s gym . Celia’s babies daddy and her ex was a cardio surgeon yet was fighting her on child support. Bonni and the girls went into the casino and Bonni was the first to use her free play from the hotel/casino and she won a jackpot of one hundred grand. The manager told Bonni after going through of the paperwork of the large win told Bonni had been given an upgrade as a celebratory gesture. The women were put in the three bedroom presidential suite. Bonni decided to share her winnings with her friends shopping, alcohol, show tickets, at the spa, whatever comes up. Bonni wondered if they were still young and silly enough to do everything they had done in college. Bonni was determined this was going to be a- once in- a lifetime, no- holds barred trip. Quinn was doing his usual ritual for the night before a tournament began: sitting at the bar and chilling with a drink. One of the highest payout poker tournament started tomorrow and Quinn planned on winning it. Quinn was looking at the dance floor as he actually liked to dance. His mother had made sure Quinn and his brother knew their way around a dance floor. Then Quinn saw her and was mesmerized. This woman intrigued Quinn and he had to meet her. Bonni and Quinn’s eyes met and it was the first time he was snagged in a way he hadn’t thought possible. It was like she saw right through him, past his outer shell and deep down through the layers. No one had ever looked at Bonnie before the way Quinn did and it was paralyzing in a wonderfully erotic way.
I enjoyed reading this book, It was a quick, easy, fun read. I loved that Bonni won a lot of money not very realistic but makes a great read. I really liked how the women all stayed in contact and close after graduating college. Some parts of this book seemed a little rushed to me especially the ending. I really liked the plot. I liked the way the author showed some of the world of the professional poker player. I felt like I was there with everyone and really enjoyed that. Bonni and Quinn had some really hot chemistry and I liked them together a lot. I liked the characters and the ins and outs of this book and I recommend it.

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What Happens in Vegas is the perfect summer read. It's light and fun, some sexytimes, humor and feels. I really liked that the friends were brought together by a spur of the moment trip. They haven't been around each other for awhile but you could still see that they were the best of friends. I really liked Quinn too. He wasn't perfect, but was perfect for Bonni.

I'm also really looking forward to books about the rest of the weekend girls and their stories.

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A wacky and wired thirty something trio of girlfriends go wild in Vegas. The author creates genuinely believable and very descriptive events that these ladies get up to. There is so much going on that you sometimes lose track of what is happening to whom.

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This was a quick and easy read, and I enjoyed the friendship/reunion between the four female characters Bonni, Ava, Celia and Fredi. As well as the romance between Bonni and Quinn.
Yet, I didn't feel the two came together, particularly well, and for me the romance kind of took over. But it was still a good read and there were plenty of fun moments. As well as a few sparks. So if you're in the mood for an extremely light-hearted read, with engaging characters, then you should certainly check out What Happens in Vegas.

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A weekend in Vegas is usually a whirlwind  of activity, where nothing is too serious, and fun memories are created.  This book perfectly encapsulates a weekend in Vegas. It's a quick read with likeable characters.  Best of all, it's light and doesn't take itself too seriously.  Every rom-com has to have that will they/won't they moment, but there are times when an author tries to make it too serious.  Not the case here; even that "oh no" moment is brief and fits the tone.  If you're looking for a fun summer read, I highly recommend this book.  I look forward to more about this foursome of friends!

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Fun story about an out of control girls weekend. Likeable characters, enjoyable storyline. Cute romance

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This is a quick and easy read when college friends who are now scattered around the country decide to reunite for a mini vacation to Vegas. They couldn't be more different (understatement). This story centers around Bonni who is a detective working in Toronto and has been buried in her work and needs a break. When she plays the free chips at the slot machine they're given for staying at the hotel she wins and wins big. The hotel upgrades them to a post suite and she generously shares her good fortune with a shopping trip, spa days and etc with her friends. She also meets a man in town for a poker tournament. She's not a gambler. She's not sure what to make of this man Quinn except for the fact that he makes her feel things she's never felt. The story then ping pongs between the Quinn and Bonni and some outings and chats with her friends. I had a rough time liking her friends with the exception of Ava, who seemed the most level headed. The others were just too over the top and at certain points in the book I felt they detracted from the storyline. Silence would have been golden.
back to Bonni and Quinn, Quinn is the brother who wanted no part of the family business leaving it all up to his brother to handle. Quinn set his life course to be a professional poker player and he's one of the best. It also means he lives out of a suitcase, no place he really calls home and seems to like it that way. Bonni has him reconsidering his choices. But when the chips are down, and wagers made who folds first?

**advanced reader copy from NetGalley and Entangled for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own**

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It was ok - not great not horrible just ok.

With that said this is clearly a series. Im guessing the next book is the H brother and h best friend that I think will be super fun.

This one there just didn’t seem to have a lot of spark or pep just reminded me of okay-ness

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I thought What Happens in Vegas was a quick, fun read. This would be a good beach/ vacation read. I enjoyed it.

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3 stars
When friends go to Vegas, craziness ensues. This is your typical Vegas book. Crazy times. Unexpected adventures. A romance thrown in. There felt like there was something missing though. I felt this was more story about friends reliving their youth than a romance novel.

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