Cover Image: Goldilocks and the Infinite Bears

Goldilocks and the Infinite Bears

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Goldilocks and the Infinite Bears by John McNamee was interesting enough while I was reading but ultimately mostly forgettable and I skim read most of it. I do want to give this book another try when I'm not in a reading slump though.

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'Goldilocks and the Infinite Bears: A Pie Comics Collection' by John McNamee is a book collecting some funny comic strips with quirks at the end.

The subjects are various fantasy characters among others. There is Robin Hood, the frog prince and, of course, Goldilocks, who breaks in to the bears house and finds infinite bowls of porridge, a punishment for porridge thieves. In one, a man wants to combine the powers of Thor, Green Lantern and a werewolf. The twists are where the punch line lies. The oddness of them makes them pretty funny.

I've read another collection by this author. The art is pretty simplified, but suits the humor well. The real draw here is the humor where the odd and dark punchlines jump out at the unsuspecting reader.

I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Oni Press, Diamond Book Distributors, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.

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Disclaimer: Obtuve una copia del libro gracias a Netgalley por una reseña honesta.

El autor nos comparte una serie de tiras comicas llenas de un humor negro y oscuro (muy adulto) donde habla de forma hilarante sobre fantasmas, superheroes y cuentos de hadas. El libro se lee super rapido, el arte es infantil/caricaturesco con trazos sencillos que contrastan con la tematica del libro. Pase un muy buen rato con el.

Ahora mismo me emociona comenzar a leer "Just Act Normal" del mismo autor.

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I love this type of book because in just one sample they connect you with the characters and make you die laughing.

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This is another of those single page story collections that are so common amongst the humor graphic novel genre.

As I read, I kept wondering “what makes this book different from the others?” and I honestly don’t know.

There are some good jokes and the art is pretty, but I think that’s it. A lot of the humor also relies on references to movies, which could be a good or a bad thing depending on who you ask.

Honestly, to me this was just another humor graphic novel.

Rating: 3 stars

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Goldilocks and the Infinite Bears is not your average fairytale or graphic novel; however, it is quirky and I thoroughly enjoyed it! It's filled with little sketches of different fairytales, and it was a delight to read. While I enjoyed reading it, it's not one that I would buy for my own shelves. I would buy it or encourage specific friends to pick up and read this one. It is definitely one for a specific audience in my opinion, but good.

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I kind of loved this??

A little comic book style book - it retells the popular Goldilocks story but with humorous antidotes and pop culture references. I loved the whole thing and actually found it kind of witty and refreshing. I've read so many comic books recently that seem like they're trying to hard but this one actually hit it out of the park.


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A humorous collection of simply illustrated pop culture comics that's worth a read. I'll have to seek out more of McNamee's work.

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This is a hilarious collection of comics.

Each comic is about page long and has parodies of fairytales or popular characters. I loved them, and I laughed out loud many times. For example, Super Mario runs through tunnels, but he forgets that his actual job is to unclog drains. That makes fun of how the games have drifted so far from the original premise.

There were multiple stories from the story of Cinderella. In one, Cinderella goes to a pawn shop with her jewelry from the fairy godmother, and it turns into bugs after midnight. Another one makes fun of the fact that Prince Charming doesn’t actually know what her face looks like.

Though there are references to kids stories, it isn’t a collection for children. It is a laugh-out-loud collection of comics.

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This book is very funny! Love the frog especially, but so many of these cartoons make you think and make you smile.

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I couldn't enjoy most of the comics! :c
The illustrations were pretty, but I felt that the humor in most of the comics was forced. Sorry.

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This was unexpectedly hilarious! Mostly reimagining endings to popular stories, movies and the like, "Goldilocks and the Infinite Bears" starts out with what Hell is like for endless table of porridge options none of which are just right! I laughed out loud at multiple panels, but I think my favorite was the spin on Jurassic Park: "Oh no! The raptors learned to use doors!...Oh no! They've learned nunchucks!...Oh good, they're learning non-violence....Oh no! They've learned religious bigotry!" (It's funnier with the pictures, but you get the gist ;-) )

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Loads of fun. Like most web comics, it's pretty light. But it's awfully funny. McNamee uses fairy tales and other pop culture references to point out other cultural failings. It's got a bright and appealing art style.

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I found McNamee's absurdist humor and cynical jabs at pop culture hilarious. The artwork is basic stick figures, but that actually works towards getting the joke across. McNamee skewers everything from fairy tales to Batman to Godzilla. If you like pop culture at all, you'll dig this book.

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I love this style-- short and sweet comics. I especially love this style when said comics are actually funny, and that is fortunately definitely the case in this book. A fun afternoon read to be sure.

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Thank you, NetGalley for the preview of this Digital ARC.

This was such a fun collection of webcomics. It was hilarious and made me laugh out loud so many times.

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A hilarious collection of comics that will be sure to have everyone laughing. A collection of story tale retellings, I simply loved it. I think this would make a lovely addition to my coffee table collection.

A huge thank you to NetGalley for sending me a digital copy of these book previews in exchange for an honest review. I truly appreciate it!

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“Pie Comics began as a college comic strip way back is the mid '00s, when flip phones roamed the earth. But it wasn't until a shoulder injury forced John to simplify his drawing style and improvise the comics instead of actually sitting down and writing them that Pie Comics became the beloved strip it is today!”

I’ve never read or heard of Pie Comics, but I wish I’d found them sooner! I was expecting a graphic novel with a plot, maybe a retelling of Goldilocks, and it seems like lots of people who have read this thought the same. This was almost better than I thought it would be. It’s just a collection of adorable and hilarious comics. Each comic was wonderful and just my kind of humour, with the cutest illustrations. I would absolutely love to read more from McNamee because I loved this collection so much!

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Never read anything like it. The illustrations are cute. But to be honest. the humor is not my type of humor, so I didn't find this book funny. Sorry...

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Goldilocks and the Infinite Bears is an amusing comic strip that has an off-the-wall take on a variety of topics, most of them a variation of a fairy tale (Goldilocks, the Frog Prince, etc). John McNamee's drawing style is much more simplistic than many comics you will see. At first it was a little bit off-putting, but after a couple strips the drawing style gave the strips an added character that contributed to its charm. There were quite a few that made me laugh out loud, and many that made me run to my friends to get them to enjoy the joke with me.

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