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The Perfect Liar

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Member Reviews

This was a highly enjoyable twisty-turny thriller! I kept on thinking I knew what was happening but kept on being proven wrong. An original and tautly written tale that keeps unfolding in unexpected ways. Delicious ending.. Bravo!

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AMAZING!! Wow, like really wow. I love a good thriller and this one did not disappoint at all. I'm so impressed. It definitely captures your attention by the first page and keeps it until the end.

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This book has so any twists and turns it keeps you on your toes! Max, an artist & teacher & Susannah, single mother of teenager Freddy, are both far from perfect in this thrilling story. They meet. They marry. Then someone starts leaving notes on their door. I know who you are. Did you get away with it? I saw you do it. Are the notes for Max or are they for Susannah? You’ll have to read this amazing story to find out!

Disclaimer: I was given a free advance copy from NetGalley in return for my honest review

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This was an ok book. I was hoping for more suspense but this was extremely predictable and a bit tired. Not much original here and I had a hard time liking any of the characters. The end was awful....almost incomplete. It had potential but I felt that maybe the author just ran out of steam. I would give this 1 & 1/2 stars but since no half stars will give it two.

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I am not in love with books that have unlikable characters as the protagonist, although this did keep my interest. It is a fairly quick read,

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I love this book! Anyone who loves a psychological thriller that keeps you guessing until the end will love this one. The start of the book was brilliant and I really loved every part of this book. The storyline is exciting and suspenseful and you never see or expect the numerous twists that are coming up next. I didn’t want to put it down. It was suspenseful, mysterious, intriguing, and thought provoking. It just keeps you wanting more as you try to figure out what’s happening. Great read! Highly recommend. I will be reading more of this author.

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I really enjoyed The Headmaster's Wife so I was excited for The Perfect Liar. However, although it's an engaging novel, I was ultimately a tiny bit underwhelmed. Based on the description this story seems like it would be somewhat fast-paced and suspenseful. But because of the way it's organized, the pacing feels off. Too often we get bogged down by back story. We also perhaps know the truth about Max/Phil too early. I also felt a bit of distance from Susannah. This being said, I certainly read until the end and was anxious to see how the story would wrap up. The ending felt satisfying. And on a sentence level the writing is great. I guess I just wanted it to be a tiny bit faster pace (and this is saying something because I'm a fan of slow moving literary fiction).

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This was a suspenseful book. Full of twists and turns you won’t see coming!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own

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I enjoyed this book. It’s the first book by this author that I’ve read. The twists and turns while learning about Susannah and Max, both past and present, will keep you on the edge of your seat. And it keeps you guessing until the very end. The only thing I wasn’t crazy about was how long the “chapters” were. Instead of regular chapters the book is broke up into “notes”. Overall a very good book.

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Great read ! In May of 2014, Susannah, her husband, Max and teenage son (by her first husband) Freddie, moved to Vermont from New York City. This, due to the appointment of Max to teach at the university for a 3 year contract. The house was a part of the contract. After jogging, Susannah finds a note on the door; "I know who you are". She is quite unnerved and calls her husband to see if he feels the police should be involved. Max told her that it was probably a kid's prank. But Max got to thinking about how jealous those in academia could be and began to think about his fellow professors in the art department.

Back when Max and Susannah had been only married a month, they went to have a drink with Rose (Susannah's best friend) and her date. A guy approached Max, " Holy, shit, Phil! I almost didn't recognize you - you've got no hair" "Sorry, the name is Max." Outside the guy persisted as the couples left the restaurant. "It's Todd, I know you!" Max turned around and punched the guy. (He told his wife and friends the guy had a knife).

At a work department meeting, Max narrowed the note-writer down to David. So Max and Susannah have David and his wife over for dinner. Susannah could see that Max's eyes were blue darts of hate aimed at David. Even so, David and Max go jogging in the woods the following day. There just happens to be a waterfall there with a strong current that has killed before.

The following week they go jogging again that is when David says, "You never went to CalArts, did you?" This is when Max pushes David into the water and is forced to drown. Max, wisely, follows him into the water and is hit on the head by a rock - it looks less like murder, that way. Even though the coroner called the drowning of David "accidental" Detective Scott, on the case, is still not convinced. The Detective gives Susannah her card and tells her to call if she has a "story to tell".

We learn about Max's true background and the background he deems to tell his wife. He softens this by renting a house in Cape Cod for a week in July. This, after another note; I saw you do it". Suzanne stupidly asks Max, "Who are you going to kill now?" Max grabs her wrist - the first time he ever hurt her. She has had it. She takes Freddy out of town after draining as much money as possible from the bank accounts. Freddy texts Max about where they are. He likes Max. Max finds them and, again, there is friction between husband and wife. But Freddy had seen something, too - a long time ago...

Excited to be at Cape Cod (despite the not so little lies they all might hold)… Suzanne makes a phone call...

Superb till the last page! I most highly recommend this read. It is fast and it will not let you down.

Many thanks to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for a quick and highly enjoyable read !!!

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Thank you to NetGalley and St Martin's Press for the advanced read in exchange for this review.

Susannah, a young mom and widow, remarried well to Max, a former painter tured speaker of the arts. They've recently settled into Vermont when Susannah starts finding notes with I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE and DID YOU GET AWAY WITH IT on the door. Max dismisses these notes as a prank, but Susannah suspects that he isn't being truthful.

There are some good aspects to the story. It alternates between Max's POV and Susannah's. Some of the story that unfolds is quite unpredictable, which is appreciated in this genre. Max is unlikable and Susannah is far from perfect. You get a lot of their history too, which is helpful in deciding who you are going to root for. At times, I could tell that this was a male author during Susannah's parts. There's a lot of "Titty and Ass" comments made about her, and the tone it elicits comes across as inappropriate. Even the language during their more intimate moments seems strongly tilted more towards a male writer. There's not anything wrong with this, but it does make it seem like those parts were written without too much care. She feels much more underdeveloped than Max, too.

A the story quickly unfolds, everything kind of happens all at once. It's not a bad read overall, but I did feel something was missing. I can't exactly explain it without spoiling it. Still a decent read, but not for me.

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Review: THE PERFECT LIAR by Thomas Christopher Greene .FANTASTIC book. It is a rollercoaster ride and a twisting turning snake all in one! So many surprises. I found myself worrying about one of the characters even though he was a murderer and used identity theft to secure his perfect new life. I must read more by this author.

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The novel is a perfect portrait of two people married to each other and facing a major crisis in their lives. First there is Susannah a young and still very beautiful woman. She had been married, quite happily to a man that was older than her. He became the father of a boy with her but unfortunately passed away shortly after the child's birth.
Susannah has the luck to attract an interesting and intelligent young man at a party that her boss throws for members of the New York art community. Max heard about the affair and decides to try and crash order to get contacts to further a career he is working on in the art world.

Susannah is helping her boss handle the details of the party, sees Max and makes a play for him. which turns out to be successful. Than with the help from her boss Max advances his career and manages to get a good teaching position with a Vermont based university. The couple and the boy are happy to leave New York and move to the area with the added luck of finding a beautiful home near the school.

A perfect life becomes opened to them when it is suddenly spoiled by the appearance of a strange note pinned to the front door. The note is not addressed nor signed but says,"I KNOW WHO YOU ARE" Both Max and Susannah are devastated by the note since each has secrets that they want to keep to themselves and not share with anyone else. The novel brings the reader into the minds of both and develops a scenario that keeps the reader glued to the book awaiting the answers. These are not evident, although logical based upon the clues developed during the read.

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Great book. I usually like books that examine marriages, especially mysteries, and this book did not disappoint. This was a great premise with good character development. It turned out to be quite a thriller and kept me interesting until the end.

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Imagine coming home to a note on your front door that reads I KNOW WHO YOU ARE. For Susannah and Max, the note is chilling as both have secrets in their pasts that could threaten their futures. But of course, neither of them knows the other's secret so things get dicey pretty quickly. When Max's "friend" accidentally drowns after a river run, Susannah suspects Max is protecting himself and becomes frightened that he may eventually harm her. But she has her own deceptions and is shocked when the notetaker is revealed. Great twists and turns up until the very end. May have you gasping a little as well!

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A psychological thriller that keeps you interested and intrigued.

Susannah is clever and an artist but she lives in a continual state of nerves and has never achieved or accomplished anything for herself.

Susannah is rejected by her family for not conforming to their idea of the “right” marriage. Getting pregnant to her psychiatrist and later widowed, she makes a life in the Art World. Susannah then meets Max, her dream husband, and she and Freddy, her son, start their new life.

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I really enjoyed this book, the characters were well developed. It had an interesting plot. I would be interested in reading more.

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What a heart stopping thriller!!!! The Perfect Liar is a super fast paced novel that will have your head spinning! When I first started The Perfect Liar, I had a conspiracy theory that I was sure was correct, which ended up being the first of 3 theories and let me be honest— they were all wrong! The deeper of got into this book I think I said “oh my god” out loud at least a dozen times. Having enjoyed Thomas Christopher Greene’s novels in the past, I was excited to dive into The Perfect Liar and I’m so happy it lived up to my expectations (and then some)!

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Thank you to Net Galley and St. Martin's Press for an e-arc of this title in exchange for my honest review. This was a roller coaster ride of a book. There were some portions I didn't care for, such as when Susannah kept thinking/talking about her previous husband. He just seemed creepy, which I guess is the point. The characters were well done, and although I could see some things coming, I had a sense of realizing I couldn't stop it, which is the mark of a good psychological thriller to me. I really enjoyed this book a great deal. I highly recommend it.

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