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A True Cowboy Christmas

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I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my unbiased opinion.

After Gray Everett's dad dies, he decides he should get a wife to be a partner around his ranch and hopefully be a good female influence on his 15-year-old daughter. Gray hasn't paid close attention to Abby Douglas, the girl next door, for years, but now he realizes she would be the perfect candidate for this marriage of convenience. Abby has been in love with Gray since she was 5 years old, so after getting over her initial disbelief, she agrees to Gray's proposal. Will this marriage be enough for her, knowing that he doesn't feel the way about her that she feels about him?

Despite Christmas being in the title, Christmas doesn't even get mentioned until the second half of the book. I was not a fan of Abby or Gray. Abby's constant thinking and talking about how plain she was got old fast, and while the blurb of the book claimed Gray has a “heart of gold,” that didn't seem remotely true until his complete personality change in the last 5% of the book. The writing itself was fine, so the other books in the series (I'm guessing about Gray's brothers) might be good; I just didn't care for this book.

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A True Cowboy Christmas by Caitlin Crews is a 2018 St. Martin’s Press publication.

As Gray buries his cold, hard hearted father, he vows to embrace the land that is his heritage and avoid becoming the bitter, hateful man his father was.

To that end, he approaches Abby Douglas, a woman who has a heart of gold, and is the polar opposite of his former wife, with a sudden marriage proposal.

Initially insulted by Gray’s version of marriage, eventually he convinces Abby to give it a try. But, once the deal is sealed, Abby’s unrequited love for Gray becomes even more unbearable and Gray’s personality quickly begins to mimic his father’s more than ever.

As Christmas approaches and Gray’s ‘no Christmas celebration’ rule still stands in effect, Abby must face some hard realities about her marriage. Will their marriage ever grow into something deeper or is Abby doomed to a lifetime of loneliness?

This is a heavy, dramatic, story about two people damaged emotionally by a parent who was more concerned about their own needs than that of their children. Gray believes he is incapable of loving someone and is still bitter about this first wife’s extramarital affair's.

Abby, who is dependable, reliable, predictable and practical, is exactly the kind of woman Gray thinks will make a good companion. No frills, no thrills. Just a man and a woman who entered into a partnership and agree to work together to make a home for Gray’s teenage daughter and give Abby the chance to have children of her own. But, Abby has issues with her self -image, believing she is plain and unattractive. While she has loved Gray for so long, never able to find a man to compare with him all these years, his obvious image of her doesn’t exactly make her feel sexy or desired.

Well, it looks like I’m in the minority once again. This book has been enthusiastically well-received with an overwhelming number of five- star ratings and reviews. But, sadly, this one didn’t blow me away.
Gray is a guy all us ladies want to feel compassion for, wanting to break through all those walls and barriers he has around his heart. He seemed to know, on an intellectual level, that he wasn’t the warmest guy on earth, but he wanted to love and be loved, he just didn’t know how and didn’t want to admit it.

But, I had hoped Abby would soften up those rough edges. Unfortunately, as the story progressed, I thought Gray was ruling his home with an iron fist. He was the boss and Abby was his employee. It was his way or the highway. He wouldn’t bend, not even the slightest for her. She always had to conform to his wishes.

But, here is the thing. I agree that love is hard, that it can hurt, that we can love people even when they are hard to love. I get that Abby’s disposition was not naturally combative, that she had confidence issues, that she was a ‘good girl’, that she’d made a deal with Gray, but frankly, she was a doormat. She didn’t have much pride in herself. Even when she did rise to the occasion and challenge Gray, she always backed down and eventually became resigned to her fate. Being nice doesn’t mean you can’t stand up for yourself or you should allow people to run all over you.

That said, I had pretty much given up on this couple, when finally, at the eleventh hour- literally- the holiday spirit finally made an appearance- and did so with relish. The ending was almost worth all the torture leading up to it.

While I don’t like the saccharine overdoses in many holiday themed romances, I do like my Christmas stories a bit sweeter than this one was. But, the story did redeem itself nicely in the end.
2.5 rounded up.

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Wonderful and unexpected cowboy romance. Gray loves working the ranch, connecting to the land that his family has worked for generations. As a single father, he realizes that he wants to have a larger family on the ranch and decides his neighbor, Abby, is the practical answer. Now Abby has loved Gray from afar for years. When he suddenly shows up and proposes marriage, well, she doesn’t know what to think because this is her heart’s desire. Yet, Gray hasn’t really spoken to her much over the years and they don’t really know each other. This was a crazy way for this couple to come together. Knowing Abby has always loved Gray, I felt that something good would ultimately happen for these two. But Gray, well, he was a tough one to crack. He fears becoming angry and ornery like his father which pushed him to build walls to protect himself. Will Abby be able to break through so that they both will find happiness and love? This was a perfect escape that surprised me along the way. I voluntarily read an ARC of this book and this is my honest review.

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I have to say when this book first started out I wasn't so sure about Gray's character. He's broody and gruff and the way he approaches Abby is odd. Yet the more I read the more invested I was and I couldn't help but hope that Gray and Abby find their way. The story pushes several emotional buttons and you'll find yourself laughing and crying as the story develops. Then there is the ending. It was simply perfect. Not rushed and truly believable.

Great characters, wonderful writing and an emotional story made this a great read and one I highly recommend.

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A True Cowboy Christmas by Caitlin Crews is book One in the Cold River Ranch Series. This is the story of Abby Douglas and Gray Everett.
Gray and his siblings have buried their father but there was no love lost with him but he is now working to keep the ranch and raise his teen daughter. Gray thinks that marrying is the way to help secure what he has and it leads him to think of his neighbor Abby in a new light. Abby has always had a crush on Gray but with him about 8 years older than her...she has never been on his radar. But then one day he comes to her with a proposal that she can't seem to say no too. But will this marriage of convenience lead to more?
Really enjoyed reading their story and look forward to more from this author.

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A True Cowboy Christmas

This book had allllll sorts of historical romance vibes for a contemporary romance. I mean the term ‘vestal virgin’ was used multiple times.

So, girl-next-door marries grumpy reclusive widow because she’s been in love with him forever. Ok.

There were some really great points of the book: Gray’s relationships with his brothers, Gray’s relationship with Becca, and Lily (Abby’s mom) was such a great antagonist, I loved to hate her.

It was the semi arranged, virgin-y part that rubbed me the wrong way. But I’ll totes read more of the series if giving the opportunity.

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A sweet book that I enjoyed! First time reading this author. Really liked her style! Looking forward to more characters like these!

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A wonderful read! A True Cowboy Christmas is the first book in the Cold River Ranch series. This well written story with great character interaction, Adam & Gray have great chemistry which collectively all of this made for an easy, enjoyable read. I will definitely be recommending, and I look forward to reading more

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A True Cowboy Christmas is the perfect book to help you get in the Christmas spirit. Gray and Abby have a strong chemistry that is so enticing. I love a marriage of convenience story that develops in to so much more. I have read numerous books by Caitlin Crews and enjoyed them all. Her writing style is easy to read and keeps me anxiously awaiting a happily ever after. I look forward to reading more books in this series.

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Rating 3.5

New Series my Caitlin Crews, based on small town.

We open with Gray Everett at the site of a funeral, his fathers. Not the nicest man, in fact a mean drunk pretty much. The ranch is now his and his two brothers. Gray has a teen daughter to raise. And is now reflecting on his life, realizing changes need to take place. He decides he needs a wife, someone loyal, stable and aware of the ranch life. His two brothers aren't interested in the ranch or helping. In fact they would prefer to sell, but no way would he allow that. As he contemplates all this after the funeral and heads back to the house he spots Abby Douglas, the "salt of the earth". That's when he decides she would make the perfect wife.

Abby Douglas has been crushing on Gray since forever. Her heart was broken when he married and crushed for him, his grief when his wifed died. After Gray's fathers funeral Abby finds Gray at her front door with a crazy and wild proposal. Would she marry him? Abby wrestles with his reason for the marriage but in the end she new she loved him and couldn't say no. Abby also realized that his daughter need a mother and had a soft spot for her as well.

I really enjoyed this but also struggled at times. The beginning was to me a little slow, too much internal dialogue to me honest which this author has a tendency to do. Another issue I had was at times I felt more like a spectator of the story instead of being immersed in there lives and story. Didn't feel drawn in at times. I really liked Abby but at times struggled with Gray. He was almost a little to calculated and distant for me. Secondary characters where very good. Loved Grandma, Gray's daughter . I'm looking forward to reading the brothers story for sure. Pacing was bumpy at times. Storyline was good.

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A True Cowboy Christmas (Cold River Ranch, #1) by Caitlin Crews I give this 4 1/2 stars... Thanks to the publisher and #NetGalley for letting me preview this book. The is Abby and Gray's story..they enter in to a marriage of convenience... they both have serious hangups from their parents and it takes a heart wrenching story to tell their tale. I loved Abby from the start and Gray also ...even if some times I wanted to kick his butt. There is some laughter, tears, steamy sex and a sometimes painful journey to get to their very HEA. I am looking forward to the nest Cold River Ranch book...which brother will it be?

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Cowboys are definitely my favourite genre right now, and throw in a Christmas theme, and I’m all in. Caitlyn Crews has penned a wonderful story with endearing characters, a well-developed storyline, and a hint of more to come. Abby and Gray had amazing chemistry and the banter and dialogue was fun, but clever too. A True Cowboy Christmas was a very easy read that many will thoroughly enjoy.

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I liked this story and am intrigued as to what will happen in the rest of this series to Gray's brothers. This was a little different take on a fake relationship/marriage of convenience. Gray and Abby were nothing more than neighbors who grew up in the same small town. Gray has an epiphany when his father dies that he does not want to be like him and something that would help him would be if he got married. Problem with this is he doesn't date and doesn't believe in love after what happened with his first wife, his 15 year old daughter's mother.
Abby has always just been there. She is dependable and reliable and has been secretly in love with Gray forever. So when he out of the blue with no preamble asks her to marry him after some thought she says yes. Of course she doesn't want to just be dependable and reliable which is what makes things good about this story.
It was sweet, sometimes stressful and even sexy to watch these characters develop as their relationship develops. However, because we know there will be a HEA, it's easy to get through the tougher moments.

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A True Cowboy Christmas by Caitlin Crews is a heartbreaking journey to hope and forgiveness. A family well-known has gone through years of hell. Their father/grandpa made their worst memories haunt them, repeatedly. Even now, once buried, the dead man seems to curse them still. It takes the courage and bravery on a young girl/daughter of a rancher and a young woman to show the family what love is. 

Caitlin Crews swept me up in this new story.  I could not help but feel sympathy for each of the main characters. Their pain became mine. Sorrow, loss, emptiness seemed to hover over their heads. All until a rancher suddenly decides to make a beautiful woman his wife. From there, a glimpse of hope vibrated throughout the novel. I sat on the edge waiting...dreaming for what might come. This talented writer did not disappoint me. I was in love. Overall, I recommend it to all.

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After burying his abusive father, Gray sees his neighbor, Abby, in his doorway and decides to marry her. Gray is a hard uncompromising man, but he is a good and solid one. Abby has secretly loved Gray for a long time but she doesn't understand why Gray would ask her to marry him. I received a free copy of this book from the publisher through Netgallery. This is my honest and voluntarily given review. This is a good character driven story about how people can adjust to the wrongful view that they have been given of themselves. Both Abby and Gray learn to look at themselves differently. I really like this book and look forward to reading more by this author.

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3.5 stars

This is my first read from Caitlin Crews, and I am glad I picked it up to read - I mean hello, cowboys and Christmas, let me at it!

Abby and Gray's story kind of had the olden days, wild west mail order bride feel about it (I think it was even mentioned at some time, but I have terrible bookzheimers).

I gotta say, I wanted to nut punch Gray a lot of the time. He was so stubborn, and at times down right mean that I wanted Abby to walk away (and there were a couple of times I thought that was going to happen).

Oh abby, how my heart hurt for you. I just wanted to wrap you up in a big bear hug and tell you that you are beautiful, you are wonderful, your mother is a cow lol.

I loved the banter between our lovelies, even when I wanted to slap Gray. He was so completely clueless at times, which could be adorable but could also be so incredibly frustrating.

I am looking forward to learning more about Gray's brothers, and am looking forward to their stories in the future.

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Absolutely a great Christmas Read💚💙
The holidays aren't always a good time for everyone, but it can also be the perfect time to change what you can, and accept what you can't.
Fantasy and reality meet in this romance giving you all the feels. The heat is there, but only enough to make you want more.
Gray and Abby both coming from broken families, how each has and is dealing with it, just shows there are choices.
This was so well written, getting in their heads and their hearts.
Abby was beautiful inside and out, and seemed to have an empathy for Gray. Gray just didn't want what he considered messy complications, like you can't miss what you never had. His daughter, Becca, was a wonderful character addition, wise but confused. Abby was exactly what they both didn't know they needed, just as much as she wanted them, but didn't know she needed also.
It just made for an excellent read with an unexpected, and very HEA.
I received an ARC thru NetGalley and am giving my honest review.

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Can you let go of the past? Gray wants his brothers to believe in him and let him run the family ranch. But things aren't working out as they want him to sell and he just can't do that. This ranch has been in his family for generations and he isn't about to walk away form his responsibilities. He knows that things have to change his daughter Becca is getting older and she needs a woman's touch and he knows the perfect one. Abby can't believe that Gray wants to marry but it is for all the wrong reasons but she can't say no as this is what she has always wanted. Things aren't going so well as Gray wants a wife that isn't going to question him and that will do what he thinks is right. This is not what Abby signed up for she loves Gray and Becca but she can't stand by and allow Gray to treat her this way. She just wants them to have a family Christmas together but Gray won't allow her to do that. His family never celebrated Christmas so why start now. But Abby is trying to be understanding but she also has her mother do deal with. And it has become too much for her as she just wants to be happy and married to the man that she loves. Can Gray see the damage that he is doing and can he accept that he is in love with Abby and that he can give her everything that she wants? Can he get his brothers to believe in the ranch and bring them back home? A really good read. Abby knows what she wants & she isn't afraid to go for it even if it means that she gets hurt. And she is strong enough to stand up for herself and she is good for Gray it just takes him a while to figure it out. She has been through so much with her mother and she is still such a loving and caring person. Liked how she fought for herself. Gray just needs to get over the past so that he can be happy. I was lucky enough to receive a copy via Netgalley & the publishing house in exchange for my honest review.

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A True Cowboy Christmas was a fantastic read featuring a modern marriage of convenience that doesn’t go quite how our hero planned.

Gray Everett is devoted to the family land and is determined to ensure the family’s legacy continues. With his two brothers pushing Gray to sell the land now that their father has died, Gray must work harder than ever to keep the land he’s worked his entire life while still managing to give his daughter a good life. Enter Abby Douglas, Gray’s longtime neighbor and the perfect answer to all his problems. When Gray proposes a marriage of convenience, Abby is sure he’s lost his mind but she finds she can’t refuse.

Gray’s entire life is wrapped up in the ranch and taking care of his daughter Becca. He can’t fathom a life outside of the ranch and will do anything to keep his life the way it is. After his first marriage ended in disaster with a wife who regularly cheated on him and died while driving to see her current lover, Gray is sure love isn’t for him.

Abby was raised by her grandparents as her mother Lily was unreliable and would flit in and out of town at her leisure. Lily berated Abby her entire life and Abby has a number of abandonment and self-image issues as a result. Abby has never had a serious relationship in part because of her self worth issues and in part because she’s loved Gray since she was in second grade.

Gray and Abby’s relationship definitely doesn’t proceed the way most relationships do these days, but I think it ultimately worked well for them. Gray’s proposal of a marriage of convenience shocks Abby at first as the two hardly know each other and Gray botches it a bit when he inadvertently insults her. But once the marriage does proceed, Gray and Abby easily settle into a routine. There are definitely a few bumps in the road though when Gray realizes Abby is her own person and isn’t go to listen to his every word. The grand gesture at the end of the book by Gray is incredibly sweet and provides the perfect setting to set things right between him and Abby.

Throughout the book we see quite a bit of Gray’s brothers Brady and Ty as well as his daughter Becca. Gray’s relationship with his brothers is tenuous at best and the three are always at each other’s throats, though they do make some progress by the end of the book. Abby’s grandmother and later her mother appear quite frequently and Abby has very different relationships with each of them. Abby and her grandmother are incredibly close whereas her relationship with her mother is much more strained. Abby’s two best friends Hope and Rae make numerous appearances and I really enjoyed the three’s friendship.

A True Cowboy Christmas was a super enjoyable read and I’m looking forward to future books in the series. I highly recommend this book if you’re in the mood for a Christmas romance.

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Netgalley sabe que me gustan los vaqueros así que me mandaron este libro para reseñar.

Abby Douglas no sabe qué hacer cuando su amor platónico de toda la vida, Gray Everett, le pide que se casen. Este sexy vaquero necesita una mujer sensata que no le tenga miedo al trabajo, que tenga raíces en Cold River y que sea una buena madre para su hija adolescente. Y no hay nadie mejor para el puesto que Abby, la vecina del rancho contiguo. Esta chica ha vivido en Cold River toda su vida y ama el lugar. Es perfecta para Gray pero este no busca amor, él solo quiere practicidad pero con la época navideña acercándose, al final este vaquero va a tener que abrir su corazón a las posibilidades.

El enfoque de los capítulos iba de Abby a Gray y el sentir de cada uno era muy diferente. Los de ella siempre tenían un toque de humor porque las situaciones en que se metía esta mujer a veces eran hilarantes, siempre que hablaba con Gray ella terminaba sonrojada y diciendo disparates.

Por su parte los capítulos de Gray solían estar plagados de pesar y melancolía, su situación familiar fue horrible, su padre los trataba muy mal a él, sus dos hermanos y a su mamá. Al final esta terminó escapando para nunca regresar. El tipo era un borracho que siempre puso a los hermanos unos contra otros, era un amargado que con insultos y golpes aterrorizaba el rancho. Su muerte fue el catalizador que lleva a Gray a buscar la compañía de Abby; no quiere terminar como él.

Abby también tuvo problemas en su niñez. Con una madre que odiaba vivir en el pueblo pero adoraba criticar a su hija, la mujer crece con una autoestima muy baja. Afortunadamente para ella, sus abuelos estuvieron siempre a su lado.

Me provocaba mucha tristeza la situación de los protagonistas y la autora hace un gran trabajo proyectando los sentimientos y pensamientos de los personajes. Logra pintarnos el panorama de una manera en que te metes de lleno en la historia y quieres desvelar no solo lo que les sucede a Abby y a Gray sino a los hermanos de él y las amigas de ella (quienes espero que protagonicen los siguientes libros). Creo que todos han sufrido mucho en sus vidas y quiero verlos felices al final. La autora logró llenar de vida a los personajes secundarios tanto como a los principales y sus reacciones me impresionaban por lo reales que se sentían.

Ya quiero tener los siguientes volúmenes de esta nueva serie.

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