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Tear Me Apart

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TEAR ME APART by JT Ellison.
Olympic skier, 17 year old Mindy Wright is about to have an accident that will uncover conspiracies and lies that will affect the lives of everyone around her. Excellent book, I couldn't put it down and found myself slowing my reading down so the book wouldn't end so soon! This is the second book I have read by JT Ellison and am very impressed with this author. She has definitely earned her ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐5 stars!

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Thank you for this early copy!

I would recommend this to anyone who loves a well-written thriller. I will be checking out more from this author in the future!

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I started to read Tear Me Apart by J.T. Ellison yesterday. I picked up and put down at least three books before I settled in with this one. You know how sometimes you just aren’t in the mood for a certain writing style or topic or you don’t have the patience for the story to pick up? That was me last night. For whatever reason, each book had something about it that didn’t resonate. But from the very beginning pages, I was hooked on this one!

I’m not too far into it but what I read has captured my interest. I will be diving back into this one tonight!

Here’s the plot:

Competitive skier Mindy Wright is a superstar in the making until a spectacular downhill crash threatens not just her racing career but her life. During surgery, doctors discover she’s suffering from a severe form of leukemia, and a stem cell transplant is her only hope. But when her parents are tested, a frightening truth emerges. Mindy is not their daughter.

Who knows the answers?

The race to save Mindy’s life means unraveling years of lies. Was she accidentally switched at birth or is there something more sinister at play? The search for the truth will tear a family apart…and someone is going to deadly extremes to protect the family’s deepest secrets.

With vivid movement through time, Tear Me Apart examines the impact layer after layer of lies and betrayal has on two families, the secrets they guard, and the desperate fight to hide the darkness within.

People often ask what I watch on TV and aside from a few shows, I really don’t watch much. You know what I do? I READ EVERY NIGHT!

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This book is a psychological thriller about Mindy a young up and coming Olympic skier and her family. When Mindy falls during a race and breaks her leg the doctors also discover that she has leukemia. When blood matches are done to see if her dad, mom or Aunt could be donors it is discovered that she is not related to any of them by blood. What is her mom Lauren hiding? As her Aunt Juliet who works for CBI tries to find a donor match all sorts of secrets and lies come to life. Fast paced and interesting suspense, with a good ending.

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Lots of twists in this one, so many secrets! I plowed through this story because I was dying to see how it unfolded. It didn’t disappoint!

The characters were great! Crazy details about some of them come out right until the ending! Reading about the work behind being, and also raising, an elite athlete was very interesting.

It’s hard to talk about the story without giving away anything so I’ll end by saying that the ending was strangely satisfying for me. I know that may horrify some of you but I’m sticking with it.

I will definitely recommend this author and check out her prior works. Thanks to NetGalley, the author, and Harlequin - Mira for a copy in exchange for a review.

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I am a huge fan of JT but ufortunately I wasn't able to get into this one. Thank you to netgalley and the author for an advance copy.

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I got off to a bad start with this one. Nothing really clicked for me through the first half of the novel.

Mindy seemed unrealistic. I felt like she was one dimensional. I mean she learns she has cancer and before any treatment options are discussed there she is cutting off all her hair. It just didn't work for me. Juliet was way too cliche and I couldn't quite understand the point of Jasper.

The second half was much more enjoyable. The mystery really started to come together at the height of Mindy's illness. You really started to get a clear picture of the point of the secondary characters and I got to a point where I actually got anxious thinking how this elaborate charade will all end

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This might be J.T. Ellison's best book yet! Deserves more than 5 stars. This is a story about a 17 year old girl, Mindy, who lives for skiing and aims to be on the Olympic team, After a bad crash on the slopes it is discovered she has leukaemia. She needs a cell stem transplant but neither of her parents are a match. Neither mother nor father is a biological parent. Lots if twists and turns but a book you won't want to put down. Another one hit out of the ballpark by this Author.

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I dove into Tear Me Apart head first and couldn’t put this addictive book down until I was finished! The storyline was incredibly well developed and the pacing was perfect. I love when a mystery/thriller shocks me and this book 100% delivered! I was so invested in the characters and their outcome- J.T. Ellison did a fantastic job with keeping me on hook! Tear Me Apart is a complete 5 star read that you won’t be able to put down! I LOVE J.T. Ellison’s writing style and I have to say this novel is my new favorite from her! Don’t miss this must read!

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Thank you to the publishers for the advanced copy. JT Ellison is one of my favorite authors. In fact, I thought the book was so good, I read it in less than two days. I loved all of the characters. I thought I might have had the plot twist figured out, but I didn't. This book kept me guessing until the end. Thank you for another fantastic read!

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Thank you to NetGalley and HARLEQUIN for an advanced read in exchange for this review.

Mindy is a world class 17 year old skier.  After a fall and injury, she discovers she has cancer.  Tests reveal that her parents are not her biological parents.  Not only is her life at risk, but who are her parents and where did she come from?  

I enjoyed the mystery in this book.  There's a mix of likable and unlikable characters (don't want to give too much away).  I found plenty to keep me guessing as the story unfolded.  I'm not sure I would have guessed all of the plot twists since many of them were unpredictable.   A good, solid read.

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J.T. Ellison's Tear Me Apart -- literally did tear me apart. I could not put this book down. Once again, Ms. Ellison weaves a tale so masterfully... crafting the perfect family with the perfect daughter, only to tear them apart. The story is full of twists, turns, and back story popping up to keep the reader off balance, but turning the pages as the ending is amazing. I'm a big fan of Ms. Ellison's books, but this one is by far my favorite... Highly recommended!

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