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I wanted to read this book and i couldn't decide it. But this sneak peak is amazing. I am going to read the whole book asap.

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I liked the premise but for some reason this sneak peek and the storyline didn't manage to pull me in.

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This book is so intriguing, and I can't wait to read the whole thing. I love the idea of a band of female pirates. So cool. I felt like this sneak peek wasn't quite long enough for me to get the tech or the world completely... I wish that the whole book would have been available. I guess I'll just have to wait. It will be interesting to see how the entire book holds up to the beginning.

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The sneak peek for this book was a pleasant surprise and gave me a chance to see if this would be a book for me. I didn't know a ton about the synopsis other than the fact that it was clearly a book about ships and or the water so going in blind was interesting. I like the premise of the story but man do we dive right in.

I like the high stakes and the female heavy characters, but I'm not sure that it is going to be a book that I end up reading. The 'blossom' drug that's concocted reminds me a lot of Leigh Bardugo's Jurda and I didn't really feel attached to the story or characters within the first few chapters. Which does not mean that it's not a good story or well written, just not a story for me.

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Holy smokes. Even though this is just a preview of the novel, I am in love.

These first few chapters are already filled with hardship, loss, and war. The writing is phenomenal and shows a movie in your head. I wish I didn't just have a preview and that I had the whole novel!! I'm already invested in these characters and story.

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I didn't connect with the main character - I found myself skimming about halfway through the sneak peek. The author is clearly really into Mad Max and tried to incorporate that into the story, but I found it distracting hearing descriptions of the characters putting on war paint before a skirmish.

Based on the sneak peek, I wouldn't want to read the entire book - but your experience may be different!

I got this sneak peek for free from NetGalley, which has not biased my review in any way.

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Parker clearly has a gift with words. I was on the edge of my seat within seconds, and I felt everything as Caledonia did. Her love for sailing and her family, her determination to take down Aric and the bullets, and her leadership in the face of danger shine so bright. I think I’ve found my new favorite YA heroine! Everything about this book thrills me and I can’t wait to be able to read the full novel!

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An interesting beginning to what I'm sure is a great book. Getting this sneak peek into the story has made me very intrigued, and I hope that one day I will be able to acquire a copy and read the full book!

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The first three chapters of this book hooked me, especially at the end of chapter three when it ends abruptly as the girls' ship is under attack and one of the girls is captured by the enemy. It was so sad to read about Cal and Pi losing their families at the beginning of the book. I love reading books about pirates and adventures on the sea, so this book appealed to me as soon as I read the description. So far this book is well written with vivid descriptions and complex characters that draw the reader right into the story. I can't wait to read more about these brave girls and their quest to avenge their families.
I received a complimentary copy of this sneak peek from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are completely my own.

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First Thank You to Netgalley and the Publisher for allowing me this peek into Seafire!

Wow, this sneak peek only makes me want this book even more! I was delighted with what this mini arc had to offer! I was surprised by how much intense action was presented in such a short span! I loved how the story just pulled you in from the get go and only improved from there. The clear sisterhood of her ragtag crew of female cohorts is amazing to behold in such a short amount of time! I was gagging over the brief but intuitive character development presented. I can't wait for the full tale to be told!!!

Four years after the tragic choice that ended her family's lives and lost her her mother's ship, Caledonia finds herself the captain of her own vessel! Yet it's not all clear sails as they trudge along for in the distance lies one of Aric's ships heading to it's fleet, but not if Cala has anything to say about it.

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Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for providing this sneak peek. All opinions are my own.

This three chapter sampler is ACTION-PACKED. Worldbuilding is done well so far. I would classify as a Mad Max x pirates. I can’t wait to read the rest of the story!

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This sneak peek arc features the first three chapters and instantly puts you in the middle of the action and shows you exactly why the Caledonia is the way she is - trust issues and all. I was so invested in just the beginning that I completely forgot that what I was reading was - in fact - just a sneak peek. 😭 SEAFIRE has been on my TBR since last year AND I already have it preordered. I can not wait!

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So in love. So very much in love. And it also solidifies why Penguin is just the best at finding fantastic authors because I got to meet Parker at a Penguin Brunch at the most recent conference and she was lovely, funny, and fabulously interesting.

Now to Caledonia. Love her. Love her lady crew. Love her drive. Love her spirit. Love her dark skeletons in the closet that lead her to doubt anything a Bullet would do because she was tricked once before and it cost her her blood family. Then she created her lady pirate family for all of their quirks and skills and united against the evil Aric and his Bullets who he keeps control over by feeling them Silt, a drug as dictators often do. She chooses to stay at sea rather than be at the whim of his army and attack his fleet of ships where he keeps his soldiers, his food, and more in the hopes of exacting revenge against the loss of her family and the slim chance that any of them could ever be alive.

It's a sisterhood and it's a beautiful, heartwarming sisterhood and their rules are sister. trust your sisters and "fight together or not at all". They have their jobs and their own foibles but together they are strength and perseverance, even after Pisces asks Caledonia to harbor a Bullet who betrayed his own kind to save Pisces. He has information and once the information is uncovered. The pirate ladies must decide what's best because the machine of Aric's army is tough and their ship, the Mors Navis has taken plenty of beatings (as well as the all-female crew) and may not be able to hold up in another battle.

The character development and setting are pitch-perfect. The action sequencing never really slows or dulls. It's as sharp as the ladies' wits and their weapons. It's the perfect mix of revenge and badass ladies that is on par with the hardcore lady types of Miss Quinzella Thiskwin Penniquiqul Thistle Crumpet's Camp aka the Lumberjanes and doesn't make a statement about being anything other than who you are (a reformed Silt addict and Bullet, an orphan, a stowaway). It's uncomplicated for all of it's interconnected complicatedness which shows competence in plotting and writing! I can't wait to share widely and darn it that this one is not actually out until August because I ALREADY NEED THE SEQUEL. Parker, help a lady librarian out!

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I’m hooked.
Cala is a character I will follow into the depth of an apocalyptic world, wherever it may lead. The chapters a short and full of action; I can’t wait to read more.

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This is a sneak peek, so I'm not sure how much feedback I can give! I am really excited about this book, and I am looking forward to reading the whole thing based on what we were provided.

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I just got a sneak pick from Netgalley and now I'm so fucking mad with myself. This was one of those books I wanted to read but wasn't too excited. Now I just wanna fucking murder someone cause I so definitely need this fucking book. Holy shit. Everything was so fucking interesting! And wow the book starts with action and then we have more action! And honestly the scene with the first Bullet I would never see it coming lol I was expecting like three or four different possibilities and then LMAO I would kill for this book right now, honestly.

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The first 3 chapters of this book was a great appetizer that left me wanting more! Caledonia and her female crew are braving the waters to try and demolish the drugs that their enemy uses to control his army. I have read a few female pirate books lately and wondered if this would be the same, but there seems to be such a strong motivation among these girls. This is not about treasure of about something as mundane as that, this is about freeing themselves and others from oppression and that is something we can all connect with lately!

Thank you to NetGalley for a sample of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Seafire follows captain Caledonia Styx and her fierce crew of female pirates. Betrayed by one of the Warlords Bullets, Cal is determined to make them pay for everything shes lost. The Warlord has been growing his crew of Bullets by stealing children from near by villages and getting them addicted to drugs. With the biggest fleet ever seen on the seas getting revenge wont be an easy task, but the crew of the Mors Navis are ready for a fight. Set in the future after the rising tide has left very little land, some futuristic technology still remains, but for the most part the people have reverted to older traditions where pirates reign supreme.

Besides the amazing and fierce female characters, we get a real and complexe main character with a touching back story. Yes she's badass, but she makes mistakes and has her doubts. The awesome female friendships also felt very authentic. Their crew is pretty big so its makes sense we didnt get to know all of them well, but the ones we do get to know were fantastic. I loved the found family aspect of their crew. Pisces has been with our main character since the start. She speaks her mind and keeps Cal on her toes. Not wanting Cal to lose herself in their quest for revenge.

Hime was definitely my favorite side character. She was saved from the Warlords crew and fought to recover from the drugs she was given. Now shes found her place as their healer and started a relationship with another female pirate. I think this was the first time Ive read about a character using sign language to communicate. I also loved Lace, Redtooth and the young crew member they pick up along the way. Even though we dont get to meet the antagonist in this first book I still felt his presence. The way he gets people addicted so they will do what he wants struck a cord with me.

The world was super fascinating with the mix futuristic technology and pirates. I never thought Id see two of my favorite things together. This book just brings the reader on a thrilling adventure filled with high stakes and gripping fight scenes. The author isnt afraid to kill of some people. I would have prefered no romance, but at least we got very little of it. This is my favorite pirate book to date. Had I been able to read the egalley instead of the physcial book Im sure I would have read it even faster. It was just very easy to get immersed in. I loved the premise of an all female pirate crew taking on a vicious warlord. The sequel is definitely one of my most anticipated books.

I got physical ARC from publisher and this review is based on that.

Will share review on my blog, Amazon and Goodreads closer to publication day.

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