Cover Image: The Stranger Within

The Stranger Within

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I loved this latest instalment in the DI Hamilton series. It’s great to see Hamilton showing more empathy for some of his colleagues. You can tell from reading this book just how much research the author has put in regarding Dissociative Identity Disorder. The book was very fast paced and intense. This is definitely my favourite in the series so far, each book gets better and better.

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Fantastic book, fast paced gripping read. Hamilton and his team are a great bunch of characters. Can’t wait for next book in the series

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The Stranger Within is the fourth book in the DI Hamilton series. The author does give enough background to any readers that may not have had the fortune of reading the previous books but I would recommend if possible, reading them in order or at least going back to the start as they are fabulous books.

Hamilton is a character who really appeals to me. It's obvious he is a genuine and nice guy and I love the glimpses that we get of his home life as it really is important to the man he is today. His family background is tainted with sadness and I love seeing the bond between him and his wife. 

The case Hamilton and his team are working on is probably one of the hardest they've had to deal with yet. It is anything but straight forward making it a tougher case to crack. It certainly makes it an engrossing story for the reader and the author delivers a chilling, yet thrilling reading experience.

The Stranger Within is a compelling page turner of a read. I think in today's world where mental illness awareness is more important than ever before, I enjoyed seeing the subject being brought into books also. A current and gripping read that you will struggle to put down.

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This was my first book from Tara Lyons. I wish I had read the previous 3 books in the series first, so as to know more about the characters and their backgrounds. I felt like an intruder!

The Stranger Within is a fast-paced, suspenseful and somehow dark thriller, dealing with the mental disorder known as Dissociative Identity Disorder or DID.

The story delves deep into the human mind and soul, showing us how the wounds, inflicted in our childhood, both mental and physical, can over a period of time, converge and become a raging monster ready to lash out at whoever or whatever it perceives harmful and evil.

Grace Murphy, who has a mental disorder, escapes from a hospital for the criminal, killing a security guard. Now she is on her way to right some wrongs and take some lives.
Would D.I. Hamilton and his team be able to stop her? Would she be able to stop herself before it is too late?

Thanks to Tara Lyons, Bloodhound Books and NetGalley for providing me with an advanced copy.

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Absolutely fantastic, suspenseful psychological thriller that follows police officer Denis Hamilton in a case where he the must see shades of gray in his black and white outlook on life! This story has many twists as a woman who is arrested for murder has multi-personalities due to severe sexual abuse as a young teenager. We learn along with Hamilton, the amazing power of our brains, as a totally different personality is shown as an escape when life hits a period of turmoil.
DI Hamilton gets some insight into the suicide death of his own daughter recently, starting to understand that the woman who escaped from the hospital may actually be seeking someone to help her, to understand things that she can't herself! I could not put this book down after starting to read it! The author keeps the words flowing and characters three dimensional. I was able to learn more about psychology and the workings of the brain, in an exciting story that keeps you on the edge of your seat!
This is the fourth book in the DI Hamilton series, and I must go back to read a few I missed!
I received an ARC of this story from author Tara Lyons and Netgalley, who I thank for an incredible adventure, and I am able to put my thoughts into this review to assist other readers into grabbing this book!!

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I feeel as if I've been waiting a lifetime for this book to come out. Was it worth the wait????? Too right it was, I loved it.

The story is based on Grace who has Multiple Personality Disorder which I found really interesting but also so sad at the same time. The author certainly did her research because at the beginning of the book I didn't know very much about the disorder but now I do.

We get the background to Grace and the reason why this disorder was triggered later in her life.

This is book 4 in the DI Hamilton Series It's always great to catch up with him and the team.

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This is a pleasant, interesting and undemanding series in which the principal characters are well drawn and the crimes well thought out. In this book the theme is multiple personality disorder and the effect it has on those who suffer from it. I enjoyed the story but, unfortunately, it was let down by the disappointing number of grammar, vocabulary and spelling mistakes.

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Tara you kept me up late last night as I couldn't put it down!!

As with the previous books this one is a fast paced and compelling read that had me hooked from the very first page. Tara's knowledge of London is excellent. The plot is gripping and well structured and the subject matter very well researched.

If you are looking for a Can't Put It Down, well written British crime thriller then look no further. I highly recommend this book and give it an easy 5 *****.

***This is book number four in the D.I. Hamilton series, it can be read as a standalone but I would recommend reading the previous books, especially book number one, In the Shadows, if you want the background to this story.

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When this title came up my reading list I knew it would be good.
A patient with multiple mental health issues escapes from a secure hospital, kidnaps one of DI Dennis Hamilton's team. He receives a note informing him that he has 24 hours to find her. The clock is ticking.
The escaped patient Grace Murphy has never got over what happened to her as a young girl. Grace has invented multiple personalities to protect her and these are doing her bidding.
As DI Hamilton begins to get some insights into her illness maybe he can come to terms with no longer feeling guilty about the death of his daughter.
This author never disappoints, her books are dark and gritty. A really good read.
I would like to thank the author Tara Lyons, Bloodhound books and Net.galley for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for giving an honest review.

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Another winner in this series. I love Hamilton, he is a great character.
I have a horrible feeling that this may be the last book, I hope not!
My thanks to Netgalley for this copy.

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