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Shadow and Ice

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Shadow and Ice

**received an ARC in exchange for an honest review**


Once again Gena Showalter brings to life a story that grips you from the beginning till the end. Knox and Vale’s story is filled with action, suspense, and sexual tension that will have you glued to the pages. Knox not only has to fight for his planet, but also his life. And during this time he will meet someone who could change everything for him. Their relationship will be tested but if they trust in one another they could finally find what they have been looking for. If you are a fan of Gena you won’t want to miss this book!

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Quite an interesting start to this series! I've read just about all of the Lords of the Underworld series, so I thought I knew what I was getting into when I started this book, and I'm happy to say that my preconceived notions were way off base. I will say that this book doesn't shy away from the visuals of war, it's bloody and descriptive (which I love!)

Unbelievably, there's chemistry between Knox and Vale; I say unbelievably because Knox is a supernatural warrior fighting for his freedom, and Vale is a woman on vacation with her sister and they happen to stumble onto the cave filled with frozen beings. The sisters inadvertently set the warriors free, thus getting caught up in the ongoing battle amongst the gods. The chemistry between Knox and Vale is hot, but it's their interactions that had me laughing at times; Vale's witty and snarky, and poor Knox hasn't the first clue of Earth and its societies today, since he's been frozen for centuries.

Vale might not have the first clue about what the war is about, but that doesn't stop her from fighting for her life (I mean who wouldn't, since all of the focus is suddenly on them?) Plus she's fighting for her sister's life as well, and that is what's most important for Vale.

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What an amazing first book in a NEW Gena Showalter series, I am digging this new world she has created.

A Lot happens in this book, as always because it is a first book in a new series, you get that eeehh what is happening feel, but as always she nails it.

I loved the writing, and the characters and I am excited for more.

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✦Blog Tour, Review & Excerpt: SHADOW AND ICE (Gods of War) by Gena Showalter
Publication Date: October 23, 2018
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Reviewed by: Reading in Pajamas/ Cori
Rated: 5 Stars

I am so excited about this new series! I’m obsessed with Gena Showalter’s new world of immortals after devouring SHADOW AND ICE. I fell in love with Knox and was cheering for Val. Gena Showalter always creates such great female characters. I want stories for all the characters now. It’s a toss-up on who I want more. I want them and I want them now! I’m adding my Gods of War addiction to my LOTU addiction. Fans of Gena Showalter’s LOTU Series will enjoy this series but you do not need to read the series before you pick up this one. It’s a separate series. I highly recommend this new series for paranormal romance lovers.

*Review copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.


Kindle | Amazon Paperback

✦PRE-ORDER: THE DARKEST CAPTIVE: A Lords of the Underworld Novella by Gena Showalter (Paranormal Romance) (Releasing 12/04/18) ➢ Kindle $2.99

Amazon Series Link
✦THE DARKEST FIRE (this is a bonus story and you don't have to read it to understand the series or the characters) ➢ Kindle
✦THE DARKEST NIGHT - Maddox (Violence) ➢ Kindle
✦THE DARKEST KISS - Lucien (Death) ➢ Kindle
✦THE DARKEST PLEASURE - Reyes (Pain) ➢ Kindle
✦THE DARKEST PRISON (Novella) - Atlas and Nike (another bonus story) ➢ Kindle
✦THE DARKEST WHISPER - Sabin (Doubt) ➢ Kindle
✦THE DARKEST ANGEL - Lysander and Bianka ➢ Kindle
✦INTO THE DARK - a compendium of The Darkest Fire and The Darkest Prison printed inside, plus the original The Darkest Facts ➢ Kindle
✦THE DARKEST PASSION - Aeron (Wrath) ➢ Kindle
✦THE DARKEST LIE - Gideon (Lies) ➢ Kindle
✦THE DARKEST SECRET - Amun (Secrets) ➢ Kindle
✦THE DARKEST SURRENDER - Strider (Defeat) ➢ Kindle
✦THE DARKEST SEDUCTION - Paris (Promiscuity) ➢ Kindle
✦THE DARKEST CRAVING - Kane (Disaster) ➢ Kindle
✦THE DARKEST TOUCH - Torin (Disease) ➢ Review 5 Stars | Kindle
✦THE DARKEST TORMENT - Baden (Distrust) ➢ Review 5 Stars | Kindle
✦THE DARKEST PROMISE - Cameo (Misery) ➢ Review 5 Stars | Kindle
✦THE DARKEST WARRIOR - Puck & Gillian ➢ Review 5 Stars | Kindle
✦THE DARKEST CAPTIVE (1001 Dark Nights Novella) - Galen & Legion (Releasing 12/04/18) ➢ Kindle $2.99

#GodsOfWar #ShadowAndIce

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I’ve been a huge fan of Gena’s for awhile now. The LOTU series is one of my all time favorites so when I heard she was coming out with an all new paranormal romance series I threw all caution to the wind and jumped in. The beginning to the Gods of War series is intense and packed with everything you’ve come to love about Showalter’s writing. With that said Shadow and Ice is a completely new concept and isn’t like anything Gena has done previously.
“There is only one thing you need to know about me,” he finally said. “I will protect you as long as you are necessary, and as long as you do not seek my downfall.”
There were so many characters but it’s sort of understandable since it’s a new series. It did take me a minute to catch on and at times I had to go back and reread some parts. Vale is hilarious and fierce; her character was written well. Knox is an immortal fighting in a war called the All War. When Vale happens upon him and his kind it’s years later. Knox was intriguing from the start and I loved watching the main characters together. They fit perfectly.
The plot itself was hard to imagine since the world building, in my opinion, sort of happens fast, but once I was a few chapters in I was hooked. The story itself is fast paced and intense with a lot of gore, but the romance is right up there with the intensity. Overall, Showalter gives a good start to a series I can’t wait to get more of.

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When Gena Showalter announced she was writing an entirely new series about alien, Viking people in an eternal war for the earth, I already knew I was all in.

Shadow and Ice follows Vale London who gets lost with her foster sister in the Arctic Circle (don't ask), and stumbles upon twenty-ish frozen immortal warriors. To their dismay, the warriors start to break free as the ice melts and Vale is taken by the fiercest and sexiest of them all, Knox of Iviland. Vale is drawn into the All War: A massive war with no time limit and few rules where there can only be one winner, and all the losers die.

If I have said it once, I've said it 1000 times, introducing a new paranormal world is really, really difficult for authors. Even authors as seasoned as Ms. Showalter. I did enjoy most of this book. Vale was such a great heroine. She was the perfect balance of fierce and vulnerable. She adapted to the craziness of war WAY better than I would have.

Knox was another great character. He had depth, true pain, and for a while I honestly didn't know if he could be redeemed, which was super fun. His inner dialogue had me in stitches. I enjoyed the lack of insta-love. Knox and Vale both have real obstacles both within the war and emotionally that they needed to overcome to be together

Just to set the record straight, this book definitely does not end with a cliffhanger for the main couple. This is a romance novel, there is a happily ever after or at least a happily ever for now because, ya know, there is a war going on. This was the first book in a paranormal series so Ms. Showalter was setting the scene for an extensive, overarching story line, i.e., the All War. Are there more questions than answers at the end of the book? Yes. BUT I wasn't dissatisfied with the ending at all.

Just putting it out there, this book is violent. If you don't want gratuitous violence and battle scenes, this book is not for you. This is a book about war, and war with immortals means that limbs can fly and they'll still be ok eventually and boy, does Ms. Showalter highlight that.

What I think most people will have difficulties with is the insane amount of characters. There are lots of combatants in the All War, and they all have innate powers AND special weapons. My advice, don't try to categorize them too much while you're reading. Just enjoy the story and trust that Ms. Showalter won't let you get too lost. I found myself spending too much time trying to figure out who everyone was and what they did. There is a glossary in the back that you can read at the end, and it really clears things up.

The only part I really didn't like in this story was all the details about characters who already died in the war or we only met briefly before they died. Unless they're coming back in later books (which, with paranormal, you never know) I do not care about them.

Overall, I really did enjoy this story. Was it the best Gena Showalter book I've ever read? No. But I do think this is setting up to be an exciting series, and I love the fact that I have no idea where any of it is going to go. There is a lot up in the air, and I am excited to see what happens next!

**I received an ARC of this book in order to provide an honest review**

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I have loved previous books by this author and true to the writer I know her to be I absolutely loved this story.
We are getting a world that is basically going from one place in time to the future. With Gods of war finding regular everyday average humans. Although a rift and an ice storm nothing gets them out of their contracts.
Knox is one kick butt ask questions later warrior. Nothing and no one stands in his way, and he wants no partners until... Enter Vale, a human woman who frees him from the ice he has been a slave to for centuries.

We get a ton of action in this book, it's a bloodfest of sorts as each player drops. I hope we see more of these players in future books.

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Ah, how great is to combine a far deadlier Hunger Games-style war and immortals! And worlds beyond your imagination which are not exactly sci-fi but not completely Paranormal either!

Vale and her sister, N0la are snow-stranded in the wilderness and they find shelter in a cave where they find their way into a long-standing war.
The All-War.

From there both sisters become entangled with battles, immortals who are hell-bent into destroying each other in order to win for their rulers.

And as Vale partners with Knox in order both to fight together, save Vale's sister and discover what powers Vale has, everything will become even more complicated.
What I loved on this book was the pure action. It felt like a movie you couldn't stop watching as everyone fought with every imaginable weapon! Knox was an amazing fighter as also Vale despite her need to train.

At the same time, I also enjoyed the refreshing plot and the vast possibilities of how this series can evolve. I kept counting in my mind how many books there might be here and the number even went up to 20.

Also, the heated level of swoon-ness here is scorching. While I still have my qualms into how Knox and Vale came to become a couple, and also how both became idiotic over each other (thus the missing star), I enjoyed their banter and the way they slowly opened up to each other. Knox's background story was tragic too.

One last part I am anxiously waiting over will surely be the second book where Bane, Zion and Nola will be featured. And while Zion has a brotherly role in the book, he may be hiding more than he shows.

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oh man, what a bummer.

i *wanted* to love this one. i really, really, really did. it's only my second book by this author but would you look at that gorgeous cover? who wouldn't want to love it? i swear i saw this pop up on edelweiss and netgalley and i was declined, but then it appeared again and i was approved... whatever. i was super stoked and now i wish i hadn't received it, because i can't help but think or hope that i didn't enjoy it because it was an ARC. the other book i've read of hers was also an ARC, but it was a contemporary. i own a bunch of her other books, including the rest in that contemporary series and her super popular PNR series, i just haven't gotten to them yet.

anywho. so there's a part of me that thinks that maybe the ARC wasn't super amazing and the published book is? i want to give it another go to see, but not anytime soon, i need a bit of a break.

first off, the formatting was all jacked up though i try not to let it affect my opinion of a book, when you have to concentrate extra hard to figure out what one word says, it takes you out of the book.

this was super slow at the beginning and took me a hot minute to get in to. it was also a huge info dump and it took a long time for me to get my head wrapped around everything. i get that it's the beginning of a series, and you've got a lot of info to cover but it's just hard.. by the end, i understood everything, but it was a struggle at first.

i also thought it was just a smidge too long. the slow pace at the beginning and the info dump mixed with the length made it feel like a bit of a slog. once things start to pick up, it's unputdownable, sure, but it takes a long time to get there.

i sound like i hated it and i really didn't. i liked it, i just wanted and expected more. there was a lot of good in this book - it's funny and sexy, the characters are unique and fun, the banter is there and so is the chemistry. i did like it. i will read the next one in the series, whenever it comes out, but i'll re-read this one first and hope the published version flows a bit better than the ARC.

i really hate shitting on books, i really don't want to come across like i hated this because i didn't. it had some good things going for it and i did like it. i just didn't love it, unfortunately, and that could just be me and it's the wrong time for the book, or it could be the ARC. like i said, i'll definitely continue the series and re-read this one.

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It's a royal rumble and the gods have come to play an all out war. Other realms, unknown to mankind, have been fighting for centuries in the All War. A Hunger Games meets Game of Thrones battle that pits the best of the best warriors from each realm against one another for total control of the new world. Reigning four time champion, Knox, is out for blood once more. He's more than determined to win the world for his tyrannical king; he's out to win for his freedom one and for all. Ready to battle it all against the fiercest competitors, Knox is prepared for every eventuality. Except for one human female.

Vale is just trying to survive the wintery cold of her current lost state, along with her sister, when fate decides the throw them a bone; more like a cavern out of the elements actually. But its not the cave that saves her, its the contents inside that alter her reality. Encased in ice are warriors from ages past and one in particular, dark and sensual catches her eye. When suddenly the ice breaks and the cavern erupts into a battle for the ages with Vale and her sister caught in the crossfire. Swept away by the dark hero (or villain?), Knox, Vale learns of past wars, other realms, and a fantasy that no one could dream of happening right in front of her. When fate deals a final blow and enters Vale into the war as a contestant and therefor granting her immortality. NOW Vale has to battle the world, Knox, and her destiny written in stone.

As Knox and Vale battle each other and other combatants, they each struggle with an internal battle as well. Fighting attraction and trust issues is no easy feat when your own instincts, and now powers, pull you in every direction. Vale has to battle past memories, a now side effect of her powers mixed with her synesthesia. All while trying to convince Knox to fight by her side as an ally rather than as her captor. A reverse Stockholm Syndrome occurs when Knox's own internal and immortal instincts tell him the Vale is necessary to his survival, he just doesn't know how or why. An ally is always a weakness and Knox has never possessed a weakness...since the death of his beloved daughter. But as Vale chips away at his defenses (internally and physically), Knox discovers a new side of himself, that's stronger than anything he's ever faced.

Love. This story is about love. And sex and violence and power and control but beyond all that LOVE conquering all. A message conveyed in every caress from Vale. In every sacrifice from Knox. In the lengths Vale and her sister will go to find one another again amidst battle. Not to mention those willing to die in this battle to protect the ones they love not even on the planet. Filled with explicit and entertaining fights scenes to rival and blockbuster, this story will have on the edge of your city dying to know how Vale and Knox can overcome every obstacle that threatens to tear them and the world apart. An amazing 5 star read from the genius fantasy mind of Showalter and I'm dying to hear just what comes next from the Gods of War.

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This is the first book in the brand new Gods of War series by one of my all time favorite paranormal authors and I just knew this one was going to be a huge success! I've devoured every incredibly addictive story this author has written about vampires and other paranormal creatures and was over the moon when I saw that she was doing a series about immortal Gods and absolutely couldn't wait to get my hands on this book!

Knox of Iviland is an immortal warrior who believes that caring about others is a great weakness and has been badly hurt before because of letting someone in. He's upfront about his beliefs and has built impenetrable protective walls all around himself over the centuries to keep everyone out. Fortunately for Knox, Vale is a fiery cannon ball that tears right through his walls, leaving one stunned immortal God in her wake.

Vale is a perfect match for Knox and I loved the two of them together. I hope this series is going to have so many books and I can already see who's going to be featured next and I can't wait!

I highly recommend reading this great paranormal story to anyone and I look forward to so much more from this amazing author!

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While on an adventurous getaway in the artic Vale London and her foster sister, Nola, become separated from their guide. They end up stumbling upon a centuries-long battle known as the All War. When Vale inadvertently enters the War, she’ll end up fighting for more than her life, she’ll be fighting for the planet.

All Wars are fought by various realms when a new unclaimed land is discovered. When Terra (aka Earth) was discovered its resources make it extremely coveted. Knox of Iviland was born and bred to be a fighter. He’s won four All Wars in the past for his King, but Knox is tired of living as a slave, and his determination to win this particular All War is only masked by his plans to kill his King once he get back to Iviland in order to secure his true freedom.

When Vale lands in Knox’s crosshairs, he can’t bring himself to end her. In the end only one can win, and what starts out as an uneasy alliance between the pair, heats up into full-blown attraction neither of them will be able to resist.

There is a lot going on in Shadow and Ice, and from the way things progress, there’s so much more to come. To be honest the complicated start to the world-building is what brings this down a star for me. It took a bit before the story became consistent, not just with the mythology, but with the tone as well, volleying back and forth between tongue-in-cheek funny and too serious. Once things evened out a bit, and the story really found its legs, and I’m here for it 100%.

Gena Showalter has created this awesome almost perfect blend of the sci-fi and fantasy genres in Shadow and Ice as these warriors seemingly come from different realms, or as I saw it planets, and they tend to have some innate power, coupled with weapons or objects also imbued with powers. Think alien Vikings. It’s a very interesting premise and probably the thing I enjoyed most was learning about the different combatants and their powers. There are quite a few, however, and they tend to run together, but Showalter does a good job of highlighting certain warriors. I’m sure we’ll learn about more in upcoming books.

I liked the predicament in which Knox and Vale find themselves. Their attraction to one another tampered by the fact that, in the end, one of them will have to die. While Vale is pretty steadfast in her beliefs and is a survivor through and through, it’s Knox that undergoes the biggest transformation. He starts out as a hardened warrior who never makes alliances, or, if he does, quickly reneges. He has no family left, his one goal is just to win, and Vale comes along and throws all his beliefs out the window. I want to believe they can find a way to end the War with both of them still alive.

It seems, though, that this series will follow a separate couple in each book. The end is fitting for Knox and Vale, but it by no means signals the end of all their problems. I’ll be interested to see how Gena Showalter continues to solve the overall conflict while switching perspectives to different characters.

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DNF @ 23%

I tried, I really did, but I could not get into the writing or the characters as the story was very long-winded, inner-thought heavy, suffered from slow pacing, and had generally immature characters that never felt real. After weeks of it not holding my attention, I decided to give up and let it go. I hadn't read Gena's books before so I'm unsure if this is her typical writing style, but if you're a fan of hers I'm sure you'll enjoy it. I think the premise is really amazing and it's unfortunate that I won't be able to find where the author took it.

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This book is the first in a new series and I will admit, world-building is not my favorite thing, but it is a necessary evil. There isn't a whole lot of time spent on this, and for me, this works out really great. Sometimes the start of a paranormal romance series can get bogged down in the details, but this book didn't.

Vale and her sister Nola are hiking in the frozen mountains when their guide ditches them and they are days away from being in some serious trouble. When Vale stumbles upon what looks like an ancient cemetery on ice, she is fascinated. When the ice breaks and things get real, that's when this book really starts to come alive!

When we meet Knox, he is in full warrior mode, doesn't know what year it is and has no other way of life other than the one he has only known. He needs to fight for his freedom from a king who will use and do anything to gain lands and power.

Knox is so focused on gaining his freedom, he doesn't see Vale as anything more than a nuisance, at least until something happens that makes him question his whole way of thinking. Vale has to change also to survive and learn how to get by with or without Knox's help.

I'm going to keep this a non-spoiler review, so I won't go further than that, but I will say that the chemistry between Knox and Vale is fantastic and HOT! Knox is an alpha male all the way and I loved every second of him. He had to learn to adjust just as much as Vale did and the give and take, while keeping his alpha-maleness, was what I loved most. Vale was no pushover and it was so nice to read a paranormal romance where the heroine wasn't a damsel in distress.

I will definitely be reading the second book in this series and can't wait to see where it takes these characters!

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2.5 stars

I really enjoyed Gena Showalter's YA White Rabbit Chronicles series but it's been a long time since I've read any of her adult books. As a HUGE paranormal romance fan I had high expectations for Shadow and Ice though and was really looking forward to starting this new series. I hate to say it but unfortunately I ended up feeling a little disappointed, this wasn't the worst series opener I've ever read but it definitely didn't wow me and to be honest I'm not sure if I have any interest in reading the next book.

Shadow and Ice had so much potential, Gena Showalter has created a universe full of different realms all populated by different types of immortals. Each time a new realm is discovered a new All War is begun where one warrior from each realm is selected to battle to the death for the right to control the new world. The warriors are usually slaves who didn't choose to join the war but unless they win they die so they're all very serious about taking that winning spot. The latest All War is being fought over control of Earth as we know it, humanity isn't aware that this battle is going on and any humans who get caught in the crossfire are collateral damage and not to be worried about.

For Knox this is the fourth All War he has fought in, he won the previous three and has been promised freedom from his slave bonds if he wins this one too. For centuries Knox has longed for freedom so that he can take revenge on the king who imprisoned him and he's not going to let anything get in the way of achieving his goal. Imprisoned in ice for hundreds of years along with nearly all of the other All War participants Knox has been trying to break free to continue the battle for his life.

Vale is a human who is on holiday with her sister before they settle down and start their own business. When they end up separated from their guide and alone in an arctic wilderness they find shelter in a cave and are shocked to discover frozen statues of warriors trapped in the ice. They are even more shocked when those warriors suddenly come to life and start battling against each other. Vale ends up being kidnapped by Knox who wants to get information from her about how much the world has changed while he was imprisoned but all she really wants to do is find her way back to her sister and get them both to safety.

This series sounded a bit like it was going to be an adult version of the hunger games with immortal warriors battling it out for supremacy so I was really excited to see how it would go. I honestly expected to devour this book but it actually ended up being quite a slow read and a bit of a slog to get through. I think some of the problems came from poor world building, I had a lot of questions about things and there were a lot of things that never became clear even by the end of the book. We are also introduced to a ridiculously large cast of characters and I had trouble keeping track of who was who and what weapons and special abilities they all had. The battles were quite hard to follow and the fact that you know most of these characters are going to die made it hard to stay invested in the outcome of the story.

I also found it really difficult to get on board with the romance between Knox and Vale. Knox kidnaps her and even when she tells him her sister will die if Vale can't get her the medicine she needs he has no intention of helping either of them. Rather than being angry and hating him for that Vale spends all her time panting after him like a dog on heat. I mean really, someone kidnaps you and doesn't care that your sister is going to die and within five minutes all you're really thinking about is how hot your kidnapper is? Does that sound realistic? Overall I found Vale irritating and a lot of the things coming out of her mouth were so juvenile that even my 14 year old nephew wouldn't be caught dead saying them (for example: "Because foxy Knoxie deserves a party with his doxy" - seriously I couldn't make this crap up!). It was like she was trying too hard to be cool and just came across like an idiot. Knox wasn't much better but at least his character had changed and grown by the end of the book. I'm so disappointed that that GORGEOUS cover was wasted on a hero I can't drool over though!

The only reason I'm even slightly interested in reading the next book is that it's going to be about Nola and Bane who both came across as more interesting than Vale and Knox even though they had far less page time. I just don't know if that is enough to persuade me to try it though.

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At first this book was a little hard to get into, but absolutely don't give up as your in for a real treat! It's really quite understandable as this is an all new series with a very different and new concept that i've never come across before, it really does need a lot of world building to set the stage for the series to playout on so that you as the reader can understand all that is going on in the background of each of its characters. Shadow and Ice really lived up to my expectations, it's a Sci-Fi romance with a great plot that really got me excited with it's action packed fight scenes and cunning plot twists. I was totally spellbound while reading this book.
Knox of Iviland is a warrior who was purposely born into slavery to fight in the All Wars for his evil King Ansel is one amazing hero, he has flaws just like most characters but on the whole he is a man of honour that has been used and has suffered loss that makes him trust no one. He has one goal and that is to win his freedom.
Vale London is just an ordinary woman on vacation with her sister Nola. She is fiercely protective of her as she suffers from fibromyalgia, which as a sufferer of the condition myself helped me sympathise with her character and of the pain that Nola would be going through.
Together Knox and Vale were a explosive mix of fire, passion and stubbornness. They had amazing chemistry on and off the battlefield that turned into a raging inferno between the sheets.
This book was so very well written with much attention to detail, and even though the story at times does become a little dark and grim it only added to the plot and gave it more depth and clarity. So much happens in this book that it will leave you begging for answers, and this is surely to guarantee that you will want to keep reading this series as each new book releases. I know that im am totally hooked already.
To summarise, great plot, wonderful characters and world building that totally flawed me. Gena Showalter I salute you for writing the start of a series book that just totally blew me away and left me wanting the next book already.

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I am a big Gena Showalter fan, so I was excited when I found out she was developing a new series. I was also interested by the subject. I like the concept of warriors from different realms being sent to a planet in a winner takes the planet scenario, in a contest called the All War. In this case, they are fighting for Terra, aka Earth. It is sort of like the Hunger games on a galactic level. The warriors are essentially slaves that are fighting for their rulers.

I admit; it took me a couple of chapters to get into the story. I think that often happens with a new series. A lot of groundwork needs to be laid out.

I enjoyed the characters. Knox of Iviland, mistaken for the god Loki on Earth, is a powerful warrior who wants to win the war to become free and avenge the death of his daughter. He is a hardened and fearless warrior. That is until he meets human Vale London. Vale accidentally becomes a contestant in the All War. Both characters develop a lot throughout the story. Especially Vale, who is thrown into an environment she didn’t know existed. Vale and Knox have great chemistry. I like how they challenge each other.

SHADOW AND ICE is skillfully written. The scenes are well described and imaginative. I like that the story starts out on Earth in the past 1026 AA (After Alliance) during Earth’s Vikings and ends up in the present day. This is one of those stories that becomes more riveting as you continue to read it. I am interested in seeing where the series goes. I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book.

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Rating 4/5

When I saw Gena was releasing a new series, I immediately requested a copy of this and was elated to see my wish was granted! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher - here is my honest review in return.

- Characters -
Vale finds herself replacing a warrior in a war to protect Earth - a warrior she accidentally killed. As such, I really wanted her to be this strong individual who starts to train to be deserving of such a prominent role. However, she was nothing like that for me. Throughout the entire story, she remained just a horny little girl who constantly just wanted in Knox's pants. She had very little growth and development. Knox's character was so much better! Yes he was the usual broody, male intent on sacrificing his lust in order to fulfill his duty. But he overcame that and turned into such a more emotionally relatable human being so I thank Vale in that sense because her humanity helped him to remember it's okay to want what you want. I also expected their chemistry to be MORE - all of Gena's previous romances were so lustful and passionate but I felt this was a story more focused on the war versus their budding romance. Which is okay but in comparison to her previous works, it's not very high up on the romance radar (with the exception of Vale's horniness - ugh). Part of me understands that Knox's character is due to the fact that he is Viking based - so his characteristics and personality reflect his selfish nature and Vale's modern traits give her that feisty nature which is seen with their dialogue and arguments. But I still wanted more from both of them.

- World -
This world was so out there! It was fantasy defined and had so many elements I didn't know which to stop to look at! It was so big that I wish the author took just a step back to focus on just a few parts of it before expanding to its whole, especially as this is the first in the series. I feel like BECAUSE it's a series, she could have slowed down a bit on the world building. BUT it provided such masterful illustrations that I didn't need to imagine much. The detail was bountiful and kept me interested in learning more about it. It is most definitely an original concept as well and I can only imagine what she will create with the rest of the books.

- Plot -
The plot was very intriguing - again definitely an original concept. But the pacing was so fast with it that I had a very hard time comprehending it all. This again makes me wish the author took a step back with it and slowed it down a bit so I could appreciate more.

Overall, I really enjoyed this start and can't wait to read more! While not one of my favorites of Gena's, I'm hoping the sequential novels expand more and I can enjoy it better.

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From the start I was loving the new world Showalter created. The old-world/sci-fi boy that meets today's millennial girl is a fantastic mashup that I just plain loved.

As the first in new series, Shadow and Ice, this book had me hooked right from the beginning. It's been awhile since I've read a Showalter novel and I forgot how much I love her writing. The passion mixed with just the right amount of humor is always spot on. I can hardly wait for more Gods of War.

Knox of Iviland, The God of Darkness - and no that doesn't mean he's Satan - his literal power is over shadows and darkness - although with his cold personality and icy way he treats his enemies some might consider him similar to the Lord of the Underworld. Shadow and Ice is a book filled with war and blood, but it is also filled with lots of humor, it's a wonderful balance. Given Knox's name - there are lots of adorable (p.s. he hates that word) opportunities to sex up his name that he doesn't understand. He's a man who is centuries years old and all the euphemisms and slangs of the twenty-first century don't easily translate to a God of his time.

"Vale" Valerina London is just your ordinary girl out on vacation with her sister, Nola. Sure they might have been abandoned by their guide and left to potentially freeze to death in the vast tundra of the arctic, but every vacation has its setbacks, right? While venturing out to save their own lives, Vale stumbles upon the Gods who have been trapped in ice for centuries (they were mid-battle when they locked into their icy prisons and it just so happens that they begin to thaw when Vale stumbles upon them.)

"He'd known centuries had passed. He just hadn't realized he'd gone thirteen hundred years without speaking with Ansel."

Knox has more than just the gift of shadows and darkness, he also has a very intuitive insight he calls his eyaer. That insight speaks to him and has saved his life over and over again. The eyaer also tells him that Vale is necessary. As much as Knox does not want the complication of a woman in his life, he picks up the mortal - against her will mind you -  and brings her with him as he escapes his icy prison. Knox has always worked alone. Alone is good. Alone has always kept him alive. His eyaer better be right or this mortal woman will get him killed before he has a chance to win the war.

"I'm not your friend. If you trust me, even for a moment, you'll regret it." 

Vale isn't keen on being kidnapped, even though it saves her from dying in the freezing tundra. She is ripped away from her sister, Nola, and that weighs on her mind throughout the entire story. Vale is no wallflower and gives as good as she gets. She didn't have an easy life growing up and she isn't willing to just sit around waiting for Knox to ravage her, kill her, or send her home without her sister. She either wants his help, wants to bed him, or just have him go through with his numerous threats already. She doesn't sit patiently overly well. Willing to fight for what she wants may end up getting her killed, but it also may work in her favor when the time is right.

"Considering she'd beheaded a woman, gotten stabbed, been captured and kissed by a murderer only to be kidnapped by other murderers, today's threats were just more of the same. Part of her new normal."

Their push and pull, their give and take, neither trusting the other as neither should because who really trusts any stranger upon meeting them especially a man who calls himself the God of Darkness and a woman who can melt the icy heart of the very god himself?

The war is waging on, who will win?

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I loveeeeeed Shadow and Ice as it was an amazing start to the Gods of War series. I don't even know how to describe it other than being an epic story filled with romance, adventure and adrenaline rushes galore. Think the Hunger Games but so much better. I loved Knox and Vale as they were sexy, strong and fantastic together. I loved their chemistry and how they were strong and independent on their own but together formed an amazing partnership.

Without giving away any spoilers, Valerina "Vale" London by chance comes across Knox of Iviland and a large group of combatants in an All War and unknowingly becomes a player in this high-stakes game of kill or be killed where there can only be one winner. But what happens when Knox and Vale as fellow competitors grow closer and form a connection.

This story was outstanding. The world building was extensive but something to be expected in a first book of a new series. I loved how Vale was a gamechanger for Knox as she roused all these foreign emotions he learned to turn off after countless years fighting in the All Wars. She was a new beginning for him. Likewise I loved how Knox was able to see the real Vale and helped combat her insecurities. All in all this was a great start to the series and I look forward to reading Bane and Nola's book! Bravo! 4 stars! ~Ratula

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