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Love Like Ours

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LOVE LIKE OURS is the third book in the Sugar Lake series by Melissa Foster. This book is all about opposites attracting each other. The heroine is pretty prim and proper while the hero is a little more out there. So not only is this story about falling in love, but it’s also about letting things go a little bit and just enjoying yourself.

Now while I usually enjoy the light nature of Foster’s books I think this series definitely has a different feel to her normal writing style. It’s my least favorite of all her series and I think it might have to do with the fact that this one involves a publisher. The writing just seems a little less slowing and engaging and a lot of the dialogue seems a bit more forced in this series compared with her others. I just feeling like something isn’t clicking with this series and I had a really hard time connecting with the characters for some reason.

I almost didn’t finish it but I managed to push through. However, I’m not sure that I will go on and read the other books in this series. I already skipped book two and have no plans on returning to catch up.

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Emotionally Invested in this journey💚💙
I was so excited to be able to read this journey of Talia and Derek. Very family oriented while still being very hot, along with funny bits that I just love.
Writing about a debilitating disease from which there is no cure, in such a way to make it paletable for a romance genre takes guts, but I think it worked beautifully.
Loved Derek right from the start and his layers just kept peeling away to more deliciousness, both physically and emotionally. He was the perfect guy to break into Talia's heart, open it wide and find that which she had locked away years ago. She most certainly had some interesting layers herself. They were on an emotional plain all their own and it was heart melting. .
A read that pulls all your own emotions front and center until the end, and even still as I'm sure and hope we'll read more about this journey when the series continues with more of the family.
I received an ARC thru Netgalley, and
I am giving my honest opinion on a
Love Like Ours.
PS: I do love the cover but I couldn't help picturing Brock O'Hurn as Derek😘

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I really enjoyed this sweet and sexy story! It has so much heart and made me feel so many different emotions. Derek is positively yummy and honestly one of the sweetest down to earth men. He is amazing, caring for his father who has alzheimer's and trying to get his Masters degree at the same time. He works very hard as a bartender/dancer at a club to save up enough money to follow through on some big plans he has. I love his plans! He doesn't really have time for anything else in his life. Talia is also very sweet but very closed off as far as relationships because of a past relationship that left her with a broken heart. She prefers to just work, she is a college professor, and spend time with her family. I love her family!! What a fun group of people!!
Neither saw the other one coming! I adore the way they meet! And I love the way he makes sure it is not the last time he sees her. So cute! Their story is wonderful and watching Derek get Talia to step outside of her comfort zone and learn to live and love through him is such an amazing journey. The sweet things this man does for her will absolutely make you swoon. The way Talia fits in so nicely with his group of friends and with his father will make you smile. Her sisters and mother are awesome and meddlesome as usual but with her best interests at heart of course.
Talia and Derek are just so good for each other! This is another great installment in the Sugar Lake series!

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an copy of this book. Thanks to the author for providing a copy of this book via Netgalley.

This was my first Melissa Foster book and I really enjoyed and plan on starting the series from the beginning. This story really touched my heart. I have first hand experience with this awful disease as I had a close family member that suffered from it. I loved Derek from the beginning and this book had my attention from the first page and I didn't want to put it down. Derek and Talia were so much to read and I highly recommend this book.

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This third installment of the Sugar Lake series was a good addition. Talia and Derek's story was a bit different than other teacher/student stories in that Derek was not her student so it was not made into a cliche storyline. The storyline for the couple was different in that Derek was a care giver for a family member and that is relatable to many readers since his being a care giver is a major part of this book. I felt that both characters were well written in that Talia is rather an introvert and does not step outside of her comfort zone but she does come out more and Derek is more outgoing especially since he is an exotic dancer as well as a bar tender as a means to make money to fullfill his life dreams and goals. I continue to enjoy that in all of Ms. Foster's books, family plays a large roll and has a large importance for its characters. The plot moved along rather quickly and their relationship had an insta-love type feel in that their story moved quickly but it worked for the pair. I would recommend this book to others and I look forward to seeing where this series goes next.

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OMG...such a swoony read! I loved how Derek and Talia met. I really felt their connection and their insta-love was believable. Derek was so romantic while also being a totally commanding alpha male. I loved that he owned his dancing and his strength of character. Talia seems so guarded and I really enjoyed how she slowly came out of her shell with Derek's help. I love the descriptions of all the drawings and especially the journal that Derek gives Talia at the end. My only complaint and the reason this wasn't a five star read for me was I felt it ended too abruptly. Even just an epilogue would have closed out this story perfectly, but it was still super romantic and steamy!

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A great read intriguing keeps your attention was good I enjoyed it can’t wait to read more hope you enjoy it as much as I did recommend it

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5 Stars!!!
I was beyond excited for Talia’s story, but I never expected Derek! The superficial parts of Derek (i.e. looks, job, etc.) are not what I was thinking of when I thought of Professor Talia Dalton, but I am so happy it’s him. The emotions, caring, and selflessness present in this story are so very heartwarming. I was deeply invested in the relationship right off the bat, and I couldn’t wait to see the development. I loved so many moments in this book, and read it all in one sitting—just like the previous two in the series. I CANNOT wait for the rest of this series and will definitely be counting down the days until I can jump back into the Dalton family’s story!

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OMG - this story had me in tears. As someone who has a mother who suffers from Alzheimer's I could empathize with the character of Derek. The fact that he was lucky enough to find a woman who could support him in his father's care and encourage him in everything he is doing was perfect.
Derek and Talia make a perfect couple - they don't have an easy life but they manage to support each other and bring out the best in each other. They are both beautiful inside and outside. They are both strong, smart, and caring. You can't help but fall in love with them and their story and when the Happily Ever After finally comes you want to cheer.
I couldn't put this book down it was amazing. After reading this book, I can't wait to read more books by Melissa Foster. I received an ARC from NetGalley, and this is my honest review.

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Love Like Ours by Melissa Foster is book 3 in the Sugar Lake series. I have read a few titles by Ms. Foster (none in the Sugar Lake series though) and this book seemed to almost have a different writing style. The flow that her books normally encompass was, for me, missing from this story. It almost felt as if an up and coming author, not one with as much experience as Ms. Foster, wrote it. For that reason I can only give 3.5 stars to Love Like Ours. While the heavier storyline did nothing to influence me from the rating, Alzheimer’s is a prevalent topic these days, the overall writing style and storyline flow distracted me from enjoying it to its full potential.

Talia is a college professor and her family is driving her to distraction, literally. When she almost hits a man with her car she realizes she has to make some changes in her life. When the man shows up in the class she is substitute teaching in and expresses interest in her, she knows she needs to step out of her comfort zone to let that happen.

Derek is stretched at all ends of his life. Caring for his father who has early onset Alzheimer’s Disease, bartending, getting his masters degree, starting his own business, he doesn’t need one more distraction. But when he is almost mowed down by a gorgeous woman he thinks he could handle just 1 more thing in his life.

Talia and Derek could not be more opposite in most areas of their lives. But Derek helps Talia come out of her shell and take more chances in life. Easing her out of her comfort zone step by step. Talia helps Derek realize he can depend on other people to help care for his father and still make time for himself.

There are some really silly moments, like why a college professor wouldn’t check the roster of her class. And some great sibling moments which helps the story along. Derek and his father Jonah are a wonderful father/son pairing even with Jonah’s mind being tormented by Alzheimer’s. I received a copy without expectation for review, any and all opinion expressed are my own.

This won’t stop me from reading more stories by Ms. Foster, I may just stick with the series’ I know I’ve enjoyed and check back into Sugar Lake at a later date.

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Major swoon alert. You are going to fall in love with Derek so hard. Once you read this you will see why Talia didn't fight her draw to Derek. Derek is amazing. Just wow. I love how caring he is with his father. He's doing everything possible to take care of him even if that means giving up his job and finding a more flexible one in the process. He is a talented artist and oh so smart too. Talia is cautious and loyal to a fault even with her trust issues. You've met her a little in the previous 2 books in the Sugar Lake series. I love how both Talia and Derek are so family oriented. On the outside one would say they wouldn't be a match but once you see them together you get it. The sparks are undeniable. Talia and Derek are so hot together. I love how Talia just is so loving with Derek's father and she doesn't just walk away knowing things aren't going to be easy when it comes to Alzheimer's. I think they may be my favorite couple so far. Seriously Love Like Ours will have you going be still my heart, yes!! and awe over and over again. I love this book and I so can't wait for more of the Dalton clan.

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Love Like Ours
By: Melissa Foster


Making every moment matter!!

In the third book in Melissa Fosters Sugar Lake series we will have are hearts hurting from the very beginning. I found my self very drawn to these characters because it’s such an emotional and gut wrenching topic. The words are so captivating, the plot had so many twists and turns and not all that I was expecting, and many shocking moments.I have become a huge fan of this author. She writes with so much intensity and emotion pulled from each book it’s felt page after page. Some are quick witted story lines are so perfect and lets you believe you have a front row seat. So being able to read this love story didn’t disappoint. The authors ability to have two separate individuals struggling in their everyday life and try to navigate someone else’s thoughts, needs and desires was intense and gives all the fills.

Author Blurb: Talia Dalton lives her life on cruise control. Despite her successful career as a professor, she prefers protecting her broken heart to taking chances. She’s calm, cool, collected, and steady. Until the morning she takes her eyes off that familiar road and almost runs over the sexiest man she’s ever seen. It may not be the best way to start the day, but it might be the type of shake-up she needs.
Male dancer Derek Grant has goals, and nothing is going to get in the way of achieving them. As a graduate student and the sole caretaker of his ailing father, he hasn’t much time for relationships. Then Talia crashes into his life. Sweet, pretty—and so buttoned-up that he can’t wait to help her cut loose.
For Derek, falling in love was a beautiful accident waiting to happen. And it might be exactly what Talia needs—if she’s willing to let go of the past and embrace every surprise Derek has to offer.

I really enjoyed this book and it kept me engrossed throughout. I really loved the characters and the way they interacted with each other. This is a fun, hot, romantic must read book and I would definitely recommend this book to anyone.

This book has everything I love in a book. Then you add that it's beautifully written and believable. It is easily a five star read. Written in dual POV my personal favorite this story flows so incredibly well that the next thing you know your 80% into the book and loving every second of it. The believable way the characters interact is perfect. Run, Hop, Jump or use your (1 click) finger to do whatever you have to do and get this amazing book. It'll break your heart, you'll want to scream with frustration and it'll let you discover that love just might conquer all. The chemistry is steamy and sweet and oh so romantic.

Thanks Netgally for letting me read and review.📚💕

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When I think Melissa Foster can’t top a previous story she pulls out all the stops!
This book filled to the brim with emotion, humour, love and family.
She tackles a difficult topic for many with poise and dignity.

If I had 10 stars to award, they’d be hers.
I’d love for there to be a follow-up in a couple of years time where we see his dreams and hard work, come to fruition.
A must read and looking forward to more Sugar Lake stories soon.

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Not a bad story, but I got confused - much like Derek's dad. The parts regarding dealing with Alzheimer were fascinating. I liked the way Talia had to grow out of herself, but the reasoning for her withdrawal didn't seem to make a lot of sense.

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This story touched my heart as it dealt with Alzheimer's, an issue with many families today. Derek is the main caretaker for his father and when he meets Talia, he can’t help but fall in love with her. Both are cautious, yet both realize this may be much more than they had anticipated. Throw in Momma Dalton’s love potions and you have a great Sugar Lake book - a five star read.

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Where can I find myself a Derek? Talia was so lucky to have almost hit him. Not only is he sexy but he's sensitive too.

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A good romance novel is a fine dance between attraction and angst. I read this book because I wanted a light, happy read after a lot of dark thrillers. This was definitely light. It lacked any tea angst keeping the main couple from being together and how they got together felt too easy. The things that could have been struggles — her lack of test and experience, for example — were barely given enough time to be glossed over. Kind of strange to read a book where I like both main characters and still fell “eh” about at the end. It was good. Not as good as the 1st in this series, but much better than the 2nd. Hoping the author pulls it together and writes Piper a good, full story!

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I am a big fan of Melissa Foster, and have really enjoyed reading the Sugar Lake Series. Talia wants her family off her back about finding love and romance. One day while fighting about her non existent love life on the phone, she almost runs over the most beautiful man she has ever laid eyes on. Talia can't believe the physical response she has to this guy. They have nothing in common. Derek is a bartender/exotic dancer and she is an reserved college professor. Can Talia look past his profession that helps pay for his grandpa's Alzheimer's and act on the push and pull chemistry they both can't deny. If you like opposites attract tropes you will love this book! I recommend anything by Melissa Foster!

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Love Like Ours was such a treat! So much so, it should come in a Sweetie Pie Bakery box!

The Dalton family returns in this third book of the Sugar Lake series. This time, it's Talia's story. The careful professor has been hesitant to date, but her sisters aren't having it. This loving tale reminds us that we never know what anyone else is going through in their personal lives. Will Derek's interesting career choice become a deal breaker? It's always hard to resist the magic of her mother's love potions (much to the eye rolls of the family).

Melissa's descriptions and word choice for character dialog is so realistic, you really get to know the characters and their different personalities. I smiled and giggled many times throughout the book. So many amusing scenes. The romance is off the chart in this one. Page after page, I got sucked in and lost track of time! Another great aspect of this book is how Derek's drawings create a vivid mental picture of important moments of their story. So clever!

I hope we see more in this series because I would LOVE to know what will happen with Piper, and if Ben and Aurelia ever get their acts together. Will Fletch find a love interest? I'd also enjoy reading more about the success of Derek's business venture in the future. So many places to go with this intriguing family.

Here are some of my favorite quotes:

"I don't know, Teach. Is this like when adults offer kids candy to take a ride in their van? I'm smart. You've got to show me the candy first."

"You can trust me to be careful with your heart."

"Which one called you--the sugar pusher, the not-so-sweet mama, or the one who thinks s** is a breakfast entree?" (this cracked me up)

"Life is short," India said. "We capture the good times when we can."

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This was a fun, sexy contemporary romance. Talia has a successful career and protects her heart after a bad break-up. She almost runs over a sexy man in a parking lot, and then sees him in the class she is teaching. Derek is a graduate student, takes care of his ailing father and makes a living as a male dancer. While he avoids an accident with Talia's car, he falls for her on sight and puts his efforts towards convincing Talia to take a chance on love. I enjoyed this book and would recommend it to others.

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