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Perfect Harmony

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This book was one big, cheesy trope-fest: love triangle(s), enemies to lovers, quirky parents, uptight overachiever vs. leather jacket-wearing bad boy, unrequited love, toxic friendship, etc.

Not all of it was bad, mind you. The characters were cute and, for the most part, likeable, I enjoyed Albright's descriptions of them playing music (together) and she did mostly nail the romance part. On the other hand, it was very repetitive and predictable, and all the teenage highschool angst I've fortunately moved on from decades ago made my head hurt. I had to keep reminding myself that I am not the intended audience for this kind of book., which is why I'm not withdrawing a star for how juvenile it felt at times.

So if you're looking for something light and fun and don't mind a very (very!) YA feel, you might want to check this one out.

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DNF at 25%. It's been over four years since I received this ARC. I gave it a go and have decided it is not for me. It interested me then and no longer does now.

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Although this sounded like a good read, I was unable to get into it. I'm sure there are other readers who will enjoy this title.

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Music in books are some of my favorites especially if it involves romance. The way music and romance flow together in a book are beautiful!

This book while it took me forever to read because of time issues i still enjoyed so much. Pippa is such a well written character and would love more books with her in them!!!!

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This was cute with a lot of potential, but another one that didn’t really keep my interest for too long. I found myself taking forever to finish and kept getting distracted—nearly DNF’ed but i pulled through. It’s cute, though!

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It really is difficult to choose between goals or romance. But we know the priority should be our goals because romance will come whenever and wherever we're ready. This book teaches us to achieve our dreams and at the same time, do not forget yourself in the process.

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Thank you for the opportunity to read and review this title! I really enjoyed this sweet and heartfelt romance and would recommend it to people I know. :)

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I was intrigued by the description of the foe to love plot line, and overall, the story did not disappoint. This book is a delightful romantic, angsty, YA romance. Pippa was my favorite character, and I enjoyed the development of her relationship with Declan. Yes, the ending was predictable, but it did not take away from my enjoyment of this story.

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This YA novel following two budding cellists in high school had a lot of potential, but was derailed by the subpar writing and problematic plot choices. The main character is obviously in a toxic friendship with one of the characters, and yet keeps returning to it, somewhere in the middle of the book, an irrational love square develops, and everything is just needlessly messy. The love story isn't half as redeeming as it should be either--the whole book leaves a lot to be desired. Points for writing about two musicians and of course, the general readability of YA, despite many (many) eye rolls in this case.

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So for this novel, I just had trouble getting into it. The plot was the only read thing keeping me going through it, but I definitely struggled. It wasn't that the book was bad, but the writing at times felt awkward. It felt like there was no rhythm with is ironic for a book with so much music. I recommend it for people who like plot-centered stories and music!

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This book was definitely not what I expected it to be, but I ended up liking it quite a lot to rate it with 3 out of 5 stars.

There were a lot of YA clichés, tropes and instant love scenes, but I did enjoy the way it handled music and the life of a girl who loves what she's doing. Also, the friendships, the families and siblings in this novel, as well as the bonds between the characters were beautifully written and they truly made me appreciate Pippa more as a protagonist.

Overall, "Perfect Harmony" was one of those easy-reads for me. A YA novel, with a heroine that fights for what she wants, but with a few cheesy tropes, that sometimes make you roll your eyes.
Perfect for the fans of music and the "To All The Boys I've Loved Before" series.

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Warm and fuzzy. It made me think of Lola and the French Kiss and I did think it was a bit cliché but I really enjoyed it.

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This book was so cute and adorable. It was sweet, romantic with a great female lead. I loved the music aspects, and not being musically talented myself, the musical theme was perfect. I loved how it wasn't instant love, it keeps the story line more realistic. I love the enemies to lovers trope, it's my guilty pleasure. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves the cute love story line book.

I loved Declan, he was just a character I fell in love with just like I fell in love with Pippa. I mean how great of a name is Pippa! It's so original just like this YA book.

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Really good book within this genre. Cute, clean and fun characters. I found that I could relate to several high school experiences of the characters within this story, making it seem pretty realistic.

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Book Review
Title: Perfect Harmony
Author: Emily Albright
Genre: YA/Contemporary/Romance
Rating: *****
Review: In the opening to Perfect Harmony we are introduced to Pippa Wyndham who is a top cellist and wants to get into Goddards which is the best music school and she has her audition today. Pippa has always had a crush on her childhood friend Noah who is best mates with her brother but when Declan Brogan transfers to her school from New York and he is also a cellist she knows she is going to have some competition for the top spot and first chair. Pippa and Declan immediately dislike each other but I have a feeling as this book is labelled as a romance that at some point there will be a love triangle between Pippa, Declan and Noah. When Pippa and Declan are forced to work on a duet together in order to pass their class I was hoping this would lead to some surprising situation given the fact they are both fighting for the same thing.
As we approach the ¼ mark in the novel, Pippa and Declan seem to be tolerating each other in order to practice together and she and Noah are getting along great and it also seems like he is going to ask her to the Winter Formal although he gets blocked by Pippa’s brother. I really like how both guys are into Pippa, but they are two contrasts, but both have their flaws, Noah is a little shy while Declan comes across as a little cocky, but I think in Declan’s case this is a mask he hides behind but I am not sure about Noah yet. However, when Quinn announce she is going with Declan to the dance, Pippa gets jealous although she doesn’t understand why when she has had a crush on Noah for years and is getting everything she wants.
As we cross the ¼ mark in the novel, Pippa and Declan’s piece seems to be going great, but she is beginning to notice feelings she is having for Declan but with bringing Noah to the dance she isn’t sure how she should treat either of them, but it seems the pair are getting closer the more time they spend together. However, when they go to the dance with their respective dates they realise how they feel about each other. Pippa ends up kissing both Noah and Declan in the same night but only one kiss gives her fireworks, but this is complicated when Quinn confesses that she likes Declan as well and Pippa isn’t the kind of person to hurt her friends. All I can say is teen drama. Pippa and Declan are perfect for one another but when they don’t get into a competition they applied for, Pippa is really disappointed, but it also seems that Noah won’t take a hint and leave Pippa alone.
As we cross into the second half of the novel, Noah and Quinn catches Pippa and Declan kissing and it causes a major rift between them especially between Pippa and Quinn and no matter what Pippa does Quinn won’t even hear her out. Meanwhile, Pippa manages to keep her first seat, but she decides she and Declan had better let things cool off a little before deciding whether or not they should actually get together although it does seem pretty clear that they are already in a relationship, whether they realise it or not.
As we approach the ¾ mark in the novel, there is no change in the relationship between Quinn, Pippa and Noah but she and Declan can’t seem to be away from each other for long. Things change when Pippa lets slip that Quinn likes Phillip and when she and Declan get into the competition they didn’t make it into because of a disqualification. As they jet off to New York for the competition we see Declan and Quinn putting things right between them despite what is happening with Quinn and Noah.
As we cross into the final section of the novel, Pippa gives Declan some advice on dealing with his father who divorced his mother after Declan caught him cheating on his mother with his new wife and the pair finally seem to getting around the idea of being together as a couple. The last ¼ of Perfect Harmony was just perfection the place Pippa and Declan’s relationship ends up after everything they have been through was perfect and everything was done so right. The only issue I had with this novel was there was a little too much teen drama for me but that can’t be helped when the book is set in high school. Overall, I loved Perfect Harmony and would love to see a sequel of how the character’s relationship work while being in college and moving into adulthood.

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A light-hearted, easy read that held my interest and broke up the very academic and heavy reading to which I've been drawn lately. This one left a smile on my face and was exactly what I expected.

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This was an enjoyable read. I liked the family dynamics of the siblings. I also enjoyed the classical music element.

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I confess that I picked up this book because I love a good rivalry and YA books and in fact, the rivalry between Pippa and Declan was great and excited and the moments of them together playing was very good. But I really do not like love triangle very much and in this case many love triangles. Quinn did not deserve Pippa's friendship and Pippa did not deserve the attention of Noah and Declan. So boring at many times... I believe that if the writer would have concentrated in the rivalry, the amorous confusions of the protagonist and had created a better and more coherent drama between Declan and Pippa, in the end, the book would have been perfect.
2,5/ 5 stars

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*sigh* This was so PRECIOUS! I love a good romcom-y book and this absolutely hit the mark. Pippa and Declan are rivals for the first chair in their school orchestra, but they become friends and start to like each other more than Pippa thinks is advisable. There's a lot of waffling on her end and there's a LOT of repetition throughout the book, but the adorableness of the story really outweighed my irritation with reading the same plot point summarized 20 times through her narration. So, so cute. So cute.

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*I received this ebook for free through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I liked the general plot of this novel, especially how ambitious our main character is, however I did find it slow at parts and it took me a while to get into it. Towards the end I found myself frustrated with how the plot developed, and I am conflicted on how I feel about the ending. The carefully selected quotes at the beginning of chapters throughout the novel were a nice touch.

There are many key characters in this novel, all well written and definitely relatable at times. However I did find them frustrating at points too, some elements were fairly predictable and didn’t necessarily add to the story for me personally.

Overall this was an alright novel, I wasn’t as hooked on it as I thought I would be, but I still was interested to see how the plot developed. If you are a fan of YA romance novels then this might be the book for you.

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