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Courting Darkness

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Courting Darkness picks up right where the His Fair Assassins trilogy ends: Brittany and the duchess have surrendered to France in the form of a marriage contract between the duchess and the king of France. Unlike the trilogy, Courting Darkness switches between two characters' point of views: Sybella (as in the narrator from Dark Triumph, #2 of HFA) and Genevieve, another novitiate of the convent, but one who had been sent from the convent to the French court about five years previously, when she was about 12. In the ensuing years, she and her co-novitiate Margot had been sent to Cognac with a French courtier who also happens to be an ally of the convent. But is he really???

The chapters switch about every other one or so between the two narrators as their journeys bring them closer and closer until they cross paths. Sybella --still trying to protect her sisters from their evil and violent brother Pierre-- goes with the duchess to France for the marriage ceremony and then on to another castle nearby for the honeymoon. Arduinna's arrow seems to ensure that the duchess and the king would be lovebirds, but things are more precarious than Sybella and Beast, et al would like them to be. How safe, really, is the duchess? And how much will the king let her rule Brittany as Queen of France? Will the regent continue to stick her nose into their affairs? Will Sybella be able to protect her sisters, the duchess, and her integrity now that Mortain's marque has disappeared? And what does that disappearance mean for the convent and the followers of the Nine?

Genevieve, several hundred miles away in Cognac, is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Her friend and co-novitiate, Margot, has captured the eye of the lord and gotten herself pregnant. This relationship between Margot and the lord has driven a wedge between her and Genevieve who still believes, five years after they had been sent by the convent to France, that a mission is forthcoming. As in her boredom, Genevieve stumbles upon a seemingly forgotten prisoner in the dungeons. But Genevieve is cautious --and suspicious. And her skills as an assassin have gotten rusty. Will the prisoner help her to find her mission? Will she be able to fulfill that mission or is all hope and purpose lost now that Mortain has effervesced into the ether?

While I enjoyed Courting Darkness, it drags on. In an authorial preface, LaFevers shares that Sybella in Dark Triumph helped her overcome her own #MeToo moment from adolescence. This explains why we get the Sybella side of the story. This further inquest into Sybella probably came from LaFevers's desire to further her own healing. However, it probably could have been either entirely excluded from the story or cut down significantly and focused more on Genevieve. (Of course, the second book in the duology might make it obvious as to why Sybella's point of view was so important.) Genevieve and Maurad's story was the one I was most interested in. And while Sybella's chapters kept us rooted in the context of the HFA trilogy, Genevieve doesn't know most of what occurred from the convent's point of view. Including some more of that context vis a vis Genevieve finally meeting up with Sybella at the castle could have been a great *tv announcer voice* "In last week's episode..." moment to make the duology more of an opening for new readers who may not have read HFA. I mean, Grave Mercy came out five (six when this'll be published) years ago, which is decades in the YA world. Think of New Who (when Christopher Eccleston was the 9th Doctor). The showrunners and writers made it an opening for new viewers to fall in love with Doctor Who; ostensibly, the reasoning being that they would want to go back and watch Old Who. I imagine Courting Darkness could be New Who to HFA's Old Who.

Will I be purchasing Courting Darkness when it is published next year? No; HFA doesn't circ well enough to supporting spending my measly budget on it. Did I enjoy it? Yes. I love anything with kick-butt female protagonists, especially if it's fantasy-ish+historical fiction.

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I feel badly about this, but I just never really got into this book. I remember liking the earlier ones but didn't reread them before starting this and therefore had a hard time keeping the characters and context straight. Gen is a hard character to like and that make it even more difficult. By the end I was into it and just as with the earlier one I really want to know what happens but HOW what happens happens is getting less interesting.

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I have not read LaFever's work before, but I do understand why people love her writing: it's descriptive and does a fantastic job of sucking the reader into the story. That being said, although this is marketed as the beginning of a brand new series, Courting Darkness really seems like a book for those who have already read earlier books set in the same world. Fans will undoubtedly enjoy the recurring characters that pop up in this book; however, I would not recommend it to a first-time reader of LaFever's simply because it is much more difficult to understand and love without that prior knowledge.

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LaFevers' brilliant characters always have heart and teeth, and this story of young women in fifteenth century France strikes more true in the #MeToo era than one could imagine. Continuing Sybella's journey from the previous series, the striking assassin struggles to protect her sisters and the Duchess against the intrigue of the French court. Genevieve, another novitiate, has lain in wait for a new mission for over a year, and when she sees the opportunity to "rescue" an important prisoner of war, she too will have to face the wolves of the world. I dearly love this world of saints, gods, and assassin nuns, but it's no escapist fantasy; the trials women face here are no different than what we see now.

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I re-read the previous three in preparation for this one. I'm really glad I did, because there are a lot of characters and plot lines to follow. But as in the first three books, they're all juggled perfectly. I loved this and can't wait for the next one!

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After the events of Dark Triumph, Sybella is a lady-in-waiting to the Duchess of Brittany, who has granted asylum to her younger sisters, Charlotte and Louise. Sybella and Beast are to accompany the Duchess to marry the King of France, and ensure her safe arrival. But threats lurk around every corner, and an attempt on the Duchess’s life and the mysterious death of a comrade leaves the group shaken and suspicious. Sybella’s vile brother, Pierre, also attempts to steal Charlotte and Louise back to the troublesome D’Albret household, forcing Sybella to constantly fear for their safety. In alternating chapters, readers are introduced to Genevieve, a trained daughter of Mortian who has been waiting 5 years for the Convent to call her to duty. Frustrated by her isolation, Genevieve frees a prisoner and flees to find her duty, and finds herself crossing paths with Sybella. Filled with mystery, romance and political intrigue, this first of a planned duology will delight fans of the original His Fair Assassin’s Trilogy.

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This was a book that everyone at the library was asking about because we are huge fans of the His Fair Assassin series and I've been told by our readers themselves that it was the best young adult series they have ever read. The means we has high anticipation and expectations for Courting Darkness.

Courting Darkness reflects on Sybella and her family and the obstacles and adventures she has endured and with her life taking a huge 180 she is in for quite the twists and turns up ahead. Then the book shifts and talks about the role of Genevieve and how she is an undercover assassin and she ends up befriending Sybella and their lives will never be the same.

I must say this was a good start to a highly anticipated second series from Robin LaFevers. This book kept us wanting more and keeping us on the edge of our seats with our hearts racing. It's similar to how we felt when we read twilight and House of Night for the first time and picking sides. Are we on team Sy or team Gen and that we are rooting for them to succeed.

This will definitely find its way on our YFantasy shelf and our young adult readers will go crazy for this. That is why we are giving it 5 stars! #CourtingDarkness #HoughtonMifflinHarcourt #NetGalley

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I was so hyped to find out we’d get more set in this world...and to see that Sybella was making a comeback? YAAASSSSSSSSS!!!

This series continues to master the combination of fantasy and history. I’m always blown away by the author’s attention to details and creative use. She doesn’t disappoint here.

I LOVED that we got to see Ismae and Duval again! I know to many they’re old news, but they’ve been my favorite couple and I need them to get married, like, yesterday! (Can that be next???)

I was a bit surprised to be reading more of Sybella and Beast’s love story. I kind of assumed that was...all well. But this was a more in-depth glimpse and I really enjoyed it.

As for the newbie, Genevieve, I was a bit hesitant. Only because I’ve never been the biggest fan of Annith, so for some reason, I was expecting another heroine to balance out the wildness of Sybella. But no. She was witty. I loved her character.

512 pages isn’t long for a fantasy novel. And while the pacing isn’t quick (nothing in this series truly has been), I still felt it ended too quickly. The plot is well-done. So many things are introduced.

I am so ready for the next book in this series. It’s going to be a long wait, but I may have to revisit the other girls just to quell my hunger.

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Sucked in from the very beginning. Sybella, yes, yes, yes. I haven't loved anyone so much in a long time. So wrong but so right. The descriptions and style was excellent and made it a smooth and quick read.

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I am new to LaFever’s work, but I had heard so many good things that I thought I work try this one out. Firstly, I understand why some readers love her work. The writing is very lyrical and the world is very in depth and detailed. There is a lot invested in these characters and their relationships. Unfortunately, for a new reader to this realm, so much is lost without going back to the beginning. I appreciated the experience of the novel and everything that it had to offer, yet felt that this is a work for those who already know the histories of these characters, which left me disappointed in the end. These devoted fans, I feel, will gobble this up and love every minute of it. I may, one day, venture to the start of this series (for even though it is marketed as its own duology, it is still very much a continuation) and see what I have missed.

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Just could not get into this. Love Sybella as always but the split perspective was bad, I didn’t like the other character; her story felt uninspired. The whole plot felt slow and nothing hooked me.

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Courting Darkness is a continuation in the world that Robin LaFevers has built. She goes back to build on the character, Sybella, whom is a wonderful, dark hero. If you enjoyed her, series before this one will hold a place in your heart. LaFevers has a lovely writing that flows without much effort. Before you know it, you are immersed in her plot and all the familiar characters are like seeing an old family. A must read for anyone who enjoys action, historical adventure, and twisty plots.

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I'm a longtime fan of LaFever's Fair Assassin series. Good news: this book is an excellent continuation of the series--it broadens the storyline and the world in a natural way. No feelings that the author is just trying to make a quick buck by forcing out a stale, reproduction of the first books. A FIVE star addition to the already wonderful Fair Assassin series.

That said--this book does fall away from the traditional format that LaFevers set up with the Fair Assassin series. It is not a standalone, and it is told from the point of view of two characters instead of one. Sybella, who we know and love from Dark Triumph (Fair Assassin #2), and a new character, Genevieve. I loved Genevieve's story, and often found myself wishing that Sybella was not part of this book--but as the book unfolds, you certainly understand why LaFevers brought Sybella back in, and can't fault her for it. I wish I had known that it wasn't a standalone before I finished it, I found myself a little annoyed when the book suddenly ended, and that was my favorite part about the Fair Assassin series--YA Fantasy Fic needs more standalone novels.

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Fantastic writing, with everything fans of the original series will love! Highly recommended for readers of Robin LaFevers, not necessarily for new readers.

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I enjoyed the His Fair Assassins series, and I liked how the series ended. Each of the three books had its distinct main story line which concluded at the end of the book. This one ended more uncertain, and I was not a fan. I would have liked more of a conclusion. Genevieve is a good addition to the other assassins, but I wish she didn't have to do certain things she did. I would also have liked more moments of happiness for the characters.

I would recommend this to fans of the first series. I think new readers might be a little lost as there was some much history and details in the other books.

Despite all that, I am giving it four stars. I liked revisiting the previous characters, and I look forward to a happy-ish ending (I hope) for all at the end of the next book.

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Robin LaFevers is a masterful storyteller! This book is full of court intrigue and non-stop action! In "Courting Darkness" we meet Genevieve, an assassin who has been embedded with French nobility for 5 years. She's had zero contact with the convent and is starting to question whether she will ever be called into service. Her wanderings fueled by feelings of betrayal, loneliness, and frustration bring her into contact with a prisoner who is more than he seems.

The story is told in alternating viewpoints between Genevieve and Sybella. Sybella travels to France to protect the duchess and to find Genevieve. Sybella knows there is an assassin in France but she has no clue where or how to find her. There is so much happening in this book and the stories of Sybella and Genevieve are weaved together so flawlessly that I could not stop reading! My only complaint is that I have to wait until 2020 for the next books, but seriously, that's no reason to not read this book as soon as possible. If you love the "His Fair Assassin" series then you need to read this NOW!!!

Bonus we get lots of Beast in this book! Plus, we hear from Ismae & Duval and Annith & Balthazar!!

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I am so excited that Robin LaFevers has continued Sybella's story in Courting Darkness. The rich tapestry of world, character, and dialogue that hallmark LaFevers's other works, create a remarkable read in this book. The story of Genevieve adds an alternate viewpoint enriching the world that LaFevers creates. This was a book that I could not put down. The only difficult thing will be waiting for the sequel.

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When I first started this book, I had to put it down. It has been a while since I was involved in the lives of death’s handmaidens, and I was very confused. Because I love Robin Lafevers and the assassins series, I picked it back up. I could go with a recap and jump into the action,but all in all I liked this book. Sybella is one of the best characters. She has had a hard life with constant deception and despair. Her relationship with the queen, Beast, her sisters, her convent sisters, and the people around her show what an amazing character she has become. I think the conversation in this book with Father Effrain reveals what a true woman she has grown into. The character of Genevieve was a bit annoying. I felt like she floundered a bit in this world. Granted, she was alone and doing the best that she could with no training or mentoring. I am glad I picked this book back up and kept on reading. I can’t wait to see what happens in the lives of Mortain’s daughters. Oh and by the way...the next one better have him in it.

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I LOVED the first 2 books in this series and this 3rd definitely DID NOT disappoint! Great Characters - Great Plot thick with mystery laced with romance!

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I received an eARC of this book in exchange for a fair review.
It was awesome to return to the My Fair Assassin world after so long away! It has been years since I read this series, so I opted to reread the first 3 books before I started this one! I’m glad I did, because this picks up just one week after the events in Mortal Heart. While this is being advertised as book 1 in a duology, to me it was Book 4 in the series! Sybella is back as one of the 2 main characters, and we are introduced to Genevieve as our second daughter of Mortain. Sybella has always been a favorite of mine and she did not disappoint for this book! Genevieve is a great new character and it was interesting to see a daughter who had been so long out of the convent and had only basic training. As always, there was plenty of political intrigue, plotting, mysteries, and subterfuge. I cannot wait for the next book, and I’m sad it’s so far away!

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