Cover Image: The Magic of Christmas Tree Farm

The Magic of Christmas Tree Farm

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Member Reviews

An incredibly delightful story that really illustrates the spirit of the holiday season. This story centers on three primary characters, all different and not really connected to one another except through the Christmas Tree Farm. Nina works at the farm but would rather skip Christmas and all the festivities as she is mourning the death of her father the year before. Holly is embarking on her first relationship with the most wonderful boy from school. Angie is trying to rebuild her family after she and her husband divorced, but she must get through to her son who isn’t so eager to trust her after she left.

Each story is separate but they all connect to one another as more is revealed. Throw in a winter wedding at the farm and teenagers trespassing and damaging property and I could not put this book down. I found all the characters easy to relate to and cared about what was happening to them and what would happen. This book has a definite Love, Actually quality about it as the connections between the characters are made clear. I liked all the characters, but Nina was my favorite and I was on pins and needles alongside her as she sorted out who her admirer was.

My Final Verdict: All things are possible at Christmas and this story highlights that nobody is immune to The Magic of Christmas Tree Farm. I highly recommend this book with a hot chocolatey beverage and fuzzy blanket.

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A wonderful read with charming characters and an engaging plot!! I look forward to reading more by this author.

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The Magic of Christmas Tree Farm is a great, heartwarming book. I loved the characters and thought this book was well written. I love anything to do with Christmas, and this book really was a treat to read. I look forward to reading more from this author in the future!

Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC.

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I really enjoyed this book - a lovely festive story of with ups and downs, sorrow, friendship, love, romance and hope. I liked each of the characters and found I could easily relate to their story. I also enjoyed the surrounding cast of characters too. I enjoyed the author's fun style of writing and the lovely setting of the Christmas tree farm.

A warm cosy Christmas tale to be enjoyed on a chilly afternoon snuggled on the sofa with a cuppa.

I can't wait to read more from Erin Green.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Favorite Quotes:

They’re about as funny as chlamydia, as my best friend, Demi, would say.

I’m dressed from top to toe in green Lycra, complete with a pointy hat adorned with a pair of pixie ears, freezing my ass off, in the company of twenty-four children aged four and below. I want to die. The screaming, whining and wailing is on a par with the soothing decibels created by a pneumatic drill.

I gather that’s most of what being an adult is about – pretending you have the answer when really you’re bricking it inside and hoping it doesn’t show on your face.

Bloody hell, we all want true love but Cupid’s arrow doesn’t happen for everyone…Twittering blue birds, cherubs and stomach flips aren’t guaranteed unless you’re watching Disney.

My Review:

This is only the second book I’ve read by the delightfully talented and ever appealing Erin Green, and I am proud to proclaim myself her newest fangirl. She is a master storyteller and I am totally enamored with her poignant yet insightfully observant, deftly executed, and wryly humorous writing style. The storylines were entertaining, well-paced, thoughtfully written, intriguing, and laced with clever levity. Her characters are realistically flawed and struggling with real-world issues, while indelibly human and eventually endearing, although, like most people I know, they were not always likable. I adored this engaging tale that alternated between smirk-worthy levity and squeezing my heart. The Presents for Heaven idea of buying gifts in honor of departed loved ones was ingenious.

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Sometimes you read a book that’s well-written, but it’s just not for you. That’s the way I feel about this book. I’m not faulting the author. I was expecting more of a light, simple love story and this is definitely not that, The author is actually very good and I’d read another one of her books. I liked the story of Nina in this book, but just could not get into the Nick/Angie story. The Holly/Alfie story seemed so out of place in this book that it ruined the storyline for me. So some of you out there will love this one, but it’s just not my type of story.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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The Magic Of Christmas Tree Farm was the first festive book I read this year that brought something extra into the game. Most festive reads are all about that warm, fuzzy feeling you get around the holidays. You could easily compare them to a mug of hot chocolate milk. Warm, sweet and comforting. But The Magic Of Christmas Tree Farm is something different. It is still warm, sweet and comforting. But with a little extra pinch of cayenne pepper into the mix.
It might sound pretty heavy but the book is a little darker than normal festive reads. Don’t let that scare you! Because in my humble opinion it is without any doubt an extra reason why you should read this book. The story contains divorce, dating, heartbreak, grieve, sickness, family, falling in love, fighting for what you believe in and of course Christmas. The story of Holly, Nina and Angie feels real and that made it so compelling for me.
The story is told from 3 different perspective. The ladies all in a different part of their lives. Holly is de youngest of the three. She is a teenager and still in high school. She is struggling with some problems at school and at home. I actually quite liked her chapters. Followers of my blog now I read quite a lot of YA and I must say that the voice of Holly is very well written. Her character is well developed and she can stand her own between the other two ladies. Nina is a twenty something who is grieving after the loss of her father. Her story touched me the most on a very personal level, because (and this is not a spoiler) her father was struggling with MS. A diagnosis I have had for almost over a decade now. So I have to admit that Nina’s storyline sometimes really hit home. Angie is the oldest of the trio and I just couldn’t stand her as a character. But that didn’t take away any of my reading enjoyment. I disliked Angies character and her actions, I really enjoyed her overall storyline. Although I have to admit that I kept on wishing she wouldn’t get a happy ending. Is that really awful of me?

Over the course of the story the tree ladies cross paths and their stories intertwine on more levels then first meets the eye. I really enjoyed the complicated bonds between all of the characters. At first you explore the very obvious connection, but as you dig deeper into the story more and more connections are made. This kept the story surprising and really well thought through.

The Magic of Christmas Tree Farm is a refreshing breath of air between the overly sticky Christmas reads. (Which I love also, don’t get me wrong.) But if you want something more complicated with rocky relationships and some heart-breaking situations , this is absolutely the festive read for you!

Review will be published on my blog 17/12/2018

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Lovely festive Christmas read. Perfect for over the long winter nights. Magical storyline. Great characters that pull it all together

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This is the story of three women, Nina is 25 and working at Christmas Tree Farm, loving her job but still grieving from the loss of her father. Holly is still at school and struggling as she is being bullied by some other girls, but then the school heartthrob takes an interest... could that change everything..... and Angie who walked or on her husband and son and now regrets her decision and wants them back

A lovely Christmas read that works well with the change of characters telling the story, a book that leaves you with a happy warm feeling

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I really liked this charming Christmad romance. It really put me in a holiday mood! The setting is perfect and the characters well developed. Bring on the eggnog! Thank you netgalley for the arc of this book. The opinion is soley mine.

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I really struggled with The Magic of Christmas Tree Farm and after trying to persevere I had to give up. Sorry not for me.

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Perfect setting--a Christmas tree farm--for a jewel of a Christmas romance.

Many thanks to Netgalley, the publisher, and the author for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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A perfect Christmas read
It was such a lovely enchanting read with lots going on
Such an easy read and well written

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This is one of those books that really brings the spirit of Christmas alive. With multiple POVs, it was very interesting to see how everything tied together. It was a very cute story that brought about a smile on my face and one that I would recommend to those who want a lovely cute family and romance oriented book. It covers a broad variety of different relationships, from the teenage lovers all the way to the middle age relationships. It’s a heart-warming read that I am very glad I read.

My favourite character by far was Nina. She was such a warrior and I felt for her a lot. I wanted the best for her and I just loved reading about her journey in the book and seeing where it all ended up. It was just lovely. On the other hand, I really struggled with Angie. I both understood her and found her infuriating. I feel she is a little bit like marmite and will probably split readers’ opinions on whether she’s a good character or not! I also really liked Holly and Alfie. I thought they were really sweet and lovely to read about and I wanted to wish them all good things for the future.

The most important part of this book by far was Christmas Tree Farm, how it brought people together so well. I loved it as a setting so much. I loved how much the family loved it, loved how much the staff treasured working there and just got a lovely homey feeling from the place – a Christmassy feel, if you will! At one point I started crying in the book because of something that happened to the farm – it didn’t even truly affect the characters but I was lost in my own emotions for the place. This to me is a very good sign of an author creating such a wonderful and moving setting for the book.

Overall this is a lovely book to read. It will make your heart sing by the end of it. I felt a little disconnected from some of the characters and plot points but generally I really loved it and the characters I did like and felt connected to, definitely made it worthwhile. I would have liked a little more of some of the little mini stories in the book and for some of the other parts to be tied up a little more but these are just niggling issues I had that fortunately didn’t affect how much I really enjoyed reading this book. So, if you’re looking for a book that will lift your spirits and make you wish it was already Christmas, give this book a read!

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We follow the lives of Nina, who works at Christmas tree farm but can’t manage any Christmas joy since her father died a year ago. Holly, who is being bullied at school but finds happiness with Alfie. And Angie, who left her husband and son when she found her longstanding marriage just wasn’t enough to fulfil her life. I must say I really didn’t like Angie and some of the other characters and the ‘magic’ at the end didn’t really make up for it. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was not the "fluff" feel-good story I was imagining it was going to be. The author takes us on a roller-coaster ride of emotions. The content deals with grieving in it's many forms; from the death of a loved one, the death of a marriage/family; the loss of innocence/trust. There are 3 main characters that the entire story revolves around: Nina, the 25 year-old Christmas Tree Farm employee; Angie, the woman who walked away from her marriage/son; and Holly, the teenage girl with 6 sisters and a loving family who is a target for the "mean girls" at school.

I feel that the story was well written. In the beginning it was a little hard for me to catch on to the change of character focus from one chapter to the next; but, then it smoothed out for me once I found each characters "voice". The story takes place in the 3 weeks leading up to Christmas and we get to "live" with each person during this time. I liked the insight we were given into each characters psyche and felt that they were well-developed.

All-in-all a good book that I enjoyed reading and was happy that the author had an epilogue in the story too; so we can see a little into the future of each of the main characters.

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5☆ Enchanting, Feel Good, Perfect Christmas Read

THE MAGIC OF CHRISTMAS TREE FARM is my first Christmas book this year and wow what a book!

It was such an enchanting & addictive read that had a little bit of everything.
First loves, school bullying, dealing with grief, reconnecting, starting over, new beginnings, Christmas, relationships, divorce, Dating, love, heartbreak, humour and some gorgeous Christmas Trees & a few animals.

That pretty much sums up Just how fantastic this book is.
Ok so I'm not going to discuss the plot as I know I'll probably give something away.
But what I will say is.... the story is told in 3 points of view, Angie, Holly and Nina.

Angie, recently divorced from her husband, but now they are trying to rekindle their relationship.
Holly, gets bullied at school by 'The Mean Girls' she is experiencing Love for the first time as the popular lad asks her out.
Nina, works at The Christmas Tree Farm. Been there a few years. Best friends with Twins Zach and Bram. Lost her father a year ago but still grieving.

I loved all three characters they are so well written and very relatable characters.
But Holly stole my heart, I wish she had more storyline. Lots of young girls/women will be able to relate to her story.

I also loved Nina, she intrigued me, she comes across as strong but she has a vulnerable side that she eventually lets people see as she asks for help.

I didn't warm to Angie straight away, she annoyed me. Trying to win her husband back, but still pushing him away, confused me let alone him lol

This is a story of three very different women and their struggles, challenges and triumphs in the lead up to Christmas as they face the prospect of Christmas alone.
It's about relationships, connections, starting over, friendship, romance and humour.

THE MAGIC OF CHRISTMAS TREE FARM  is such a compelling and addictive read I devoured it in one day.
If you are looking for an enchanting, warm, Feel Good Read, with the essence of Christmas, love and humour then you won't want to miss out on reading this Fabulous book!
I highly recommend it!!

Thank you to Aria books for this copy which I reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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Likeable seasonable read. Nice story based around three main characters backdrop being a Christmas tree farm.

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This is a fun, go to,make you happy kind of Christmas story. There are several stories going on at once but it all revolves around a big Christmas tree farm. The characters are all treated very well there and have worked together for years, kinda like family ya know? It follows 3 women in different stages in life having to make bittersweet decisions and how these decisions will affect their lives. In the end they discover things about themselves,life,love and the happily ever after of Christmas. Fun!
Pub Date 04 Sep 2018
I was given a complimentary copy of this book from Aria through NetGalley. Thank you. All opinions expressed are my own.

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