Member Reviews

As I've learned to expect, a beautifully written and fun read. Kendrick writes wonderfully believable stories with flawed but truly good heroes and heroines

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A big thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Presents for the ARC. I am voluntarily reviewing this book. Somehow, this book for lost in my TBR folder! I enjoyed this book. Yes it's predictable but still a good read. Molly is just nice and Salvio is redeemable. Molly's brother needed a kick in the pants! Just another quick, fun read. 3.5 stars

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Harlequin advertises this book as a "classic" Christmas romance. It is in the sense that the housekeeper is poor, taking care of her brother and gets fired from her job and is taken care of by the "hero". A remake of Cinderella which I didn't care for all that much. I received a copy of this ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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A cute story. I enjoyed the writing and the characters as well as the plot. I just didn't connect with it as much.

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I was provided an e-copy by Netgalley. Molly is the long-suffering housekeeper to Lord and Lady Avery. Lady Avery is an evil witch who had designs on her guest Salvio de Gennaro (a multimillionaire tycoon). Frustrated that she couldn’t get what she wanted from him, then angered because she found out that her housekeeper spent the night with him, she got even with Molly by firing her right before Christmas. Now Molly’s pregnant and homeless. Remembering the business card Salvio gave her, she calls his assistant and immediately accepts the temporary position she’s offered at Salvio’s Cotswold home.
Molly is supposed to be plus sized, wholesome, and innocent, but not a complete pushover. Salvio’s as arrogant, sexist, bitter man. When he finds out about the pregnancy, he decides to take her to Italy to meet his family and tell them that he’s engaged to her, hoping that will stop him mother’s incessant nagging about children.
I gave this story 3 stars because this is an overused trope. While the writing is good, you know what to expect and are slightly bored with it. It’s about time that HP starts switching it up some and giving us strong female characters who are fearless. Most readers use books as an escape and don’t want to read about women we are, we want to read about women we wish we were.

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Harlequin Presents superstar Sharon Kendrick is back with an explosive festive contemporary romance packed with red-hot passion, sizzling sensuality, heart-wrenching pathos and searing emotion: The Italian’s Christmas Housekeeper. A five star romance that continues to cement her position as one of Harlequin’s most talented and best-loved authors, The Italian’s Christmas Housekeeper is another winner for this wonderful storyteller.

Putting herself last has become second nature for Molly Miller. The shy housekeeper has not had the best of starts in life. Her mother had fallen ill and died when she was just twelve years old, leaving Molly to take care of her younger brother Robbie as she struggled, scrimped and saved to keep the wolf from the door and a roof above both of their heads. Since then, Molly has had her plate full trying to keep Robbie out of trouble whilst she took on jobs that would enable her to pay off the massive debt which her gambler brother has accrued. Having found a job working in the Cornish mansion of Lord and Lady Avery, Molly is quite content with her life living in the isolated house. However, her safe, ordered and sedate life looks set to come to a dramatic end with the arrival of the Avery’s new house guest, Italian billionaire tycoon, Salvio de Gennaro.

Salvio has come to the Avery mansion to secure a deal that would see him get his hands on some land which he can develop. With Lady Avery showing an interest in him that is anything but professional, Salvio cannot wait to leave Cornwall behind and head back to London. However, when he claps eyes on the shy and voluptuous housekeeper Molly Miller, it looks like Salvio might have found a reason to stick around. The curvy maid is nothing like the supermodels he usually dates, but there is something about Molly that intrigues him. Unable to stop himself from kissing her, the two of them end up sharing a night of passion which ends up having some serious repercussions…

Finding herself pregnant with Salvio’s baby is not ideal – especially as Molly has her hands full having to scrape together enough money to pay off her brother’s debt! When she finds herself jobless and homeless, Molly finds herself with nobody else to turn to but Salvio, the man who had made it perfectly clear that although he had no qualms about sharing his bed with her, his heart is completely off limits! When she tracks down Salvio, he immediately comes up with the perfect solution to their predicament: a marriage of convenience that is devoid of feelings, emotion and love. However, keeping their hands off one another soon proves to be easier said than done!

When their convenient marriage gives way to a love that simply cannot be denied, will Molly and Salvio find the courage to tear down the barriers that are keeping them apart and claim this last chance of happiness? Or will they let their insecurities condemn them to a lifetime of loneliness and despair?

Nobody writes passion and intensity better than USA Today best-selling author Sharon Kendrick! The Italian’s Christmas Housekeeper is a tempestuous, captivating and enthralling tale that I devoured in a single sitting as it packed with beguiling drama, powerful passion and sizzling romance. Molly is a terrific heroine and it’s a joy to go along with her on her journey and see her grow from a shy girl to a strong and confident woman. Salvio is a delectable Presents hero with a heart of gold readers are going to love. Sexy, charismatic and handsome, this is a gorgeous Neapolitan hero who is simply irresistible!

Fast-paced, hugely enjoyable and absolutely unmissable, The Italian’s Christmas Housekeeper is the perfect Yuletide romance to lose yourself into this holiday season!

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Well now... this was one suite but frustrating Sizzling romance...

The blurb says this is a Cinderella story, but somebody failed to notify the hero in this book! This book was very reminiscent of a oldschool Harlequin romance... you know the type you picked up at the neighbors garage sale? I mean this in the best possible way, sometimes it’s just nice to escape... also I have not read a romance like this in a long time, so it was quite nostalgic...

Molly is Shy and stressed with the burden of her brothers gambling debt... while working as a Housekeeper for a very evil woman she meets Salvio.... after a night of passion Molly end Salvio agree this is just a one night stand... BUT after evil lady finds out she sacks Molly and Molly ends up working for Salvio... and then our prince Salvio has a complete personality change....

Molly was very likable although a little too insecure...Salvio started out as a dashing hero, but then he turned into a pompous ass... will the real Salvio, please stand up... I was as frustrated with Salvio if not more then Molly... so did these two resolve their issues? Does prince charming ever show up? You will need to read this book to find out!

Recommend two all true romance lovers...

*** many thanks to harlequin for my copy of this book ***

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Usually it doesn't take me long to read these Harlequin Presents books but I was having a hard time with the one.

The book started off strong but then I was slowly losing interest in the book so it took me a week instead of a day to read this book.

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The Italian's Christmas Housekeeper by Sharon Kendrick is the story of Salvio de Gennaro and Molly Millar.
I am such a big fan of Harlequin books....they are what started me on my path to loving Romance stories. This story was true to the Harlequin romance history where there is a poor innocent young women trying to survive in the world. A handsome, Rich, Playboy hero who is thrown off his feet when he meets the heroine. Thrown in some Christmas cheer and you have the prefect Harlequin Romance story....loved this one!

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The docility of our heroine, Molly, will have you gritting your teeth, the author seems to take inordinate pleasure in reiterating in various ways the fact that Molly is overweight throughout this modern romance, and also refers to the hero as The “Neapolitan” throughout, all three of which are odd or off-putting. Nevertheless, this is an okay read and the reader will be interested enough in the outcome of Molly’s one night stand with The Neapolitan, Salvio De Gennaro. - Megan Osmond

This review appears in Romantic Intentions Quarterly #3 - October 2018

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If you like Cinderella type romances, you will love this story about a self-made millionaire, Salvio de Gennaro and Molly Miller, a maid who is in charge at an estate where Salvio is visiting.

Molly ends up pregnant after sleeping with Salvio and she soon loses her job. Salvio had given Molly his assistant’s business card in case she ever needed another job. Molly is hired to work at Salvio’s Christmas party at his Cotswold home. Salvio is shocked to come home and find Molly in his house and when he learns of her pregnancy, he decides to use it to his advantage. His mother has been on him to marry so he takes Molly back to Italy where they spend Christmas with his parents and tells them they are getting married. What happens next is a real test of their characters and deepens their relationship even more. But it is soon threatened again. How they work through their issues made for a good story and a perfect happily ever after.

Thank you to Harlequin and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Okay, something I just want to say that, it's really me nit picking but it bothers me deeply. Through this whole novel almost... it's known that the main character is curvy.... the way some character characters go on about her it's more like she's overweight... does that cover model even look curvy at all? Not not me, she's just as thin as any other model on these kinds of books and that doesn't bother me, the thin models.... what bothers me is in this book, the MC isn't a skinny chick, so the cover model should fit the MC. At least in my opinion.

Anyway! Now to the story, it was a cute little romance read, it said something about a Cinderella tell but the prince in this story is a little more.... mean than the Disney tale we all know and love. He has his reasons to be the way he is and we do learn them and it all makes sense but I still feel so freaking bad for our girl, having to deal with all this heartache till it all works out.

The writing is perfectly fine, easy to follow, the romance does build up, at least on the part of our prince, it hits our girl pretty early but girls are usually better with their emotions than guys, so that all made sense to me.

Overall, it's a cute read that will bring tears to your eyes but leave you with a bright smile on your lips.

Will go live on the blog: 9/12/2018

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Sharon Kendrick is one of my favorite HP authors, and The Italian's Christmas Housekeeper is one of the reasons why. Molly Miller has been taking care of her family since she was too young to have to do it. When her father ran out on his ill wife, Molly was left with the care of her mother and her 12-year-old brother. Now that her mother is gone, Molly has taken a live-in housekeeper position as a way to pay her brother's gambling debts. As Christmas approaches, her employers entertain wealthy, gorgeous Salvio DeGennaro. Molly is smitten, but knows he is far above her station.

Salvio, for his part, is sickened by his fawning hostess. It's obvious the married woman is angling for a spot in his bed, even as her drunkard of a husband looks on. However, he can't take his eyes off the shy housekeeper. Her curves make him sit up and take notice. When he hears her weeping after everyone in the house has retired for the night, compassion - a rather foreign concept to him - takes him up the stairs to offer comfort. What transpires seems inevitable,

When Salvio leaves before the sunrise the next morning, he also leaves Molly to face her infuriated employer - the woman he scorned. She waits until the week before Christmas to fire Molly for her "infraction", leaving her with few options. She calls the number Salvio left for her, and his PA hires her on the spot as HIS housekeeper. Can she work for the man she still has feelings for? His reputation for staying with the women he beds is not good, so what will he do when he discovers she's in his home, and carrying the consequence of their night together?

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This was okay. I've read others like this with way more body to keep you interested. I never really felt an honest connection between them and the last chapters proved it.

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I have to say that I loved loved loved this book! I read it in one day and I couldn't put it down. Molly was sweet and kind and she was housekeeper for the Avery family when she met Salvio. He was rich, handsome and the sexiest
man she had ever seen. Salvio couldn't take his eyes off of her and that one night he heard her crying and invited her up to his room was the start of something neither had any control of. From there all hell broke loose and the chemistry between these two was off the charts, honestly it was awesome. Yes I know this has been done before but it never gets old and this writer did a wonderful job telling this story. I would highly recommend this book.

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Very good Harlequin-but Sharon is one of my fav authors! I liked the brooding hero who slowly learns how to love and the heroine was shy and reserved but had a strong backbone when she needed it!

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Sharon Kendrick is one of the best Harlequin Presents authors and her latest the Italian's Christmas Housekeeper won't disappoint. This is a quick fun read with plenty of twists and turns and of course a HEA. A perfect read for a day at the beach.

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This is Salvio and Molly’s story. He is a wealthy Italian and she is a housekeeper. He asks her to spend the night with him. She gets fired for sleeping with him and getting pregnant. She calls his assistant to help her get a new job. The assistant gets Molly a job being Salvio’s housekeeper for one night. He sees her and she tells him she’s pregnant. He asks her to marry him. She agrees but has a miscarriage. He still wants to marry her. There are many twists and turns in their relationship. It was great fast read.

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