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Forget My Name

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This was a strange book, told in two very different storylines. The first part was alright, but the characterisation wasn’t that great, I felt that the main subjects were somewhat two-dimensional, I didn’t really get a sense of any of them. The story seemed very far-fetched, and the police response a bit over the top for the situation of a woman who’s lost her memory. The relationships between Laura and Tony was not at all convincing, even before the arrival of the mystery woman. The other relationships came across as cliched.
The second part of the storyline was also very far fetched and unbelievable, and all too predictable in my opinion. . The ending was very weak, despite the tense build up.
Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for my copy of this book in return for an honest review,

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This Novel drew me in from the start, which is no mean feat given the number of books I have read recently. I found the characters very real , inasmuch as they could have been drawn from the archives of a real crime scenario. The writer portrayed the medical elements in a detailed and concise manner, which added to the more horiffic descriptions. I found myself second guessed on more than one occasion, and even when I knew what was about to happen, it was with bated breath. This would make a great Movie!
I would thoroughly recommend this Novel and would like to thank Netgalley and the Publishers for the opportunity of reading this ARC.

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Forget my name is a brilliant psychological thriller that grabs you from the very start with many twists and turns. I liked the characters and I loved the twist at the end .Brilliant I would definitely recommend.

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How do you know who to trust.....when you don’t even know who you are? I really enjoyed this book, it was an intriguing read with plenty of twists and turns. A new authot for me and I look forward to reading his first psychological thriller.
Thankyou to NetGalley for a copy of this book to review

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The background in which this is set is well portrayed to fit the story. The characters are well drawn and the background information about memory loss and the way it is used is enough to support the story without being too descriptive. The plot? Well, that is full of surprises and takes the reader on a challenging journey.

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Great read. Not my usual genre but I was gripped throughout. I will definitely look out for more from this author and will be recommending to others.

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The initial storyline seems traumatic and complicated enough and then Monroe really puts a cog in the works - although it helps in some way to explain events so far, this new plot adds more potential for intrigue.
The concept of losing one's memory is horrific enough but this horror is further increased when we later discover the reason for the main character's amnesia. Enough medical detail is included for the lay reader to accept the causes and developments of this.
My only problem with this book was that I find the character of Tony is just a bit too immature at times and, despite the tense situation, I can't accept that Laura would walk out on their relationship quite so soon. However, despite this, the plot moves forwards and thickens until the tense climax.

Thank you to NetGalley for this copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This pulled me in from the first page, the girl can’t remember her name and she can’t remember why she’s knocking on the door of this particular house. How does she know it so well? The new owners take her in and the story unfolds. However, what is Tony’s secret and why is he so interested in a girl who has lost her memory, could she really be who the police suggest? A cleverly written book which kept me hooked to the end.

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An excellent psychological thriller, hooked me straight away. Likeable characters, evil villains and plot twists a plenty. I'll be looking out for more from this author.

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This is a very twisty thriller featuring lots of lies, hidden motives and a little unreliable narration. The book has a truly great opening chapter - a woman gets off a train and goes to a house in a small Wiltshire village, having lost her memory and her handbag, so she has no identity and cannot remember her name, but insists she lives there. The couple who own the house take her in overnight, in the belief that she may have lived there as a child, and the wife takes her to see their GP the next morning. From there onwards there are quite a few coincidences and assumptions made.about her possible identity, with speculation rife in the village. It becomes apparent that more than one person has things they'd rather keep hidden.

The book has quite a wide range of characters and I particularly liked the grizzled police detective and his tough, female, tech-savvy sidekick. The baddie was particularly nasty - their identity became obvious at around 70% although I mis-read the motive and thought it could have been more sophisticated than outlined, considering the person's background.

"Forget My Name" flows nicely and the author certainly knows how to end chapters on cliff hangers and reveals. Just about all loose ends were tied up by the end, which was satisfying. 4.5 stars, definitely recommended for those who enjoy mysteries or thrillers.

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Strong plot a fabulous book. Well written. Got into the story straight away, It is almost like your on a journey and you are unsure when its going to end. Please don’t let this be the last time we hear from this author.
Thank you to both NetGalley and head of Zeus for my ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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The premise behind Forget My Name is an intriguing one. A girl shows up at your doorstep, she can't remember anything about herself, not even her name, but there are flashes where she can remember the layout of the house that you live in, indicative of childhood memories coming through. You take her in because she's befuddled, she faints at your door and what else are you meant to do? Except what if everything is not as it seems? What if she's someone you can't trust? What if she's dangerous? What do you do then?

I liked this book, but there were things that infuriated me. Some parts were so far fetched that it was hard to believe it, does life really tie itself up in neat little bundles? Are coincidences really so common that the extraordinary becomes the ordinary?

I think it's a good read, I'd even recommend it to others. But I wasn't surprised by anything, all the big twists I'd seen coming and I was left wanting more. Good characters, good story line, just missing a bit of pizzazz for me.

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This is a creepy book, when someone steals your ID and pass themselves off as you, it’s enough to drive anyone insane when no one believes you are who you say. The person who’s posing as your self tends to be believed more than yourself. Although it was a decent book, I have read similar books to this. In parts I kept getting this feeling I have read this book before. It was well written and a well put together book. Although I enjoyed it. I can’t say it gripped me no disrespect meant to the author and definitely would be interested to see what your next book is like. On the whole just slightly above average for me

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Lots of twists in this story. Just when you are expecting it to go one way it moves somewhere else. One of those books you don't want to put down until you hit the end.

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Forget my name is a brilliant psychological thriller that grabs you from the first chapter and never lets go ! It starts with a woman turning up to a house in a sleepy village and claiming she lives there but has no knowledge of who she is ! but from then on the story twists and turns ,all is not what it seems .Just when you think you know the ending, boom another layer is revealed and gradually all the pieces slip into place .I liked the short chapters and the characters and best of all I loved the twist at the end .Brilliant I would give this book 10 stars if I could .Many thanks to the Publisher ,the Author and NetGalley for my review copy in return for an honest review

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The premise of this book is intriguing, and the first few chapters draw you in but then …. the plot becomes rather disappointingly improbable. Shame as the idea of a visitor turning up your house with knowledge of your house, but is suffering from amnesia and does not know who she is, sounds like an encouraging plot.

The visitor is invited in and the drama starts to unravel. Initially, the wife is friendly, and welcoming. By the following morning, the wife is worried about their visitor but the husband is far more supportive. Why?

Events quickly unfold, and we learn that a previous occupant of the house, Jemma – a lady who looks similar to the unwelcome visitor – was a murderer.

The story centres on dementia (Alzheimer’s) and chemically induced amnesia. One of the main protagonists in this story is also suffering from early onset amnesia, and that becomes a key factor in the mistaken identity. Beginning to sound improbable??

There are too many unlikely coincidences – for example, the real Jemma (now released from mental hospital) turns up at a critical moment, and is shot by police.

I found the story implausible but despite the shortcomings in the plot I did read the whole book. There are some interesting facts, and medical revelations that main interest. Disappointing after such an intriguing start!

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A great premise for a good read. Amnesia is always a easy format to base a mystery or thriller on. This novel being ine of those is a good read, one which was hard to put down. However there are annoying points, descions made to keep the mystery going which are unrealistic and unbelievable. For example, 'Jemma' refuses to give a DNA sample or have her phot taken to help identify her. Given she is desperate to find out who she is, this is ridiculous. Obviously it needs to be this way to keep the mystery going but I found it rather annoying. I did enjoy the read but once these inconsistencies arrose, I finished the read quickly and cannot rate it as highly as a result.

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I don’t really have much to say about this book. It was lacking in energy for me, I didn’t enjoy the unrealisticness of the story as a whole and couldn’t connect it to something that would happen in real life and in these sorts of books, I look for the believable aspects.

Most of it didn’t actually make sense, the story itself was lacking points that would stick out to a reader or even draw them in. The way everything was described was quite basic therefore I was unable to invest emotions into this book.

May work for others but for me I just couldn’t enjoy it to it’s full potential. I did enjoy some areas which is why it’s at a 3 star and not a 2 star but there’s not much to write home about with this book.

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After reading the blurb on this book I couldn’t wait to start, as it sounded like I could really sink my teeth into it and was I disappointed? Definitely not!!! The first line “I can’t remember my own name” had me intrigued straight away.

A mystery woman arrives at Tony and Laura’s house claiming she lives there,but has Amnesia and no proof of I.D. They let her stay but who have they invited into their home!!

This is a twisty thriller that draws you in. I didn’t guess how this would end and thoroughly enjoyed trying to guess how this book would end.

Thank you to Netgalley for my copy in exchange for a review.

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When a book begins by introducing a protagonist who can’t even remember their own name, it’s a pretty safe bet there’s going to be some unreliable narration going on. I was definitely correct when I made that prediction about two pages in; there are at least two unreliable narrators in this story, out of the several the book hops to. Although the mystery of who the woman with no memory might be is intriguing, the main plot and suspense of the story was too slow to get going; we really only understood what was going on in about the last 10% of the book.

With the stakes finally raised, it stumbled to a climax which wasn’t quite horrifying enough given the lead-up; with what had been explained to us about the main villain’s wants, I expected there to be rather more of a ‘big reveal’ about his past activities and why he’d chosen his particular victims.

As a psychological thriller, I wasn’t really all that thrilled. Though I learned some interesting things about the biochemistry of the brain and about seahorses, the stakes didn’t get high enough, nor was the protagonist really sympathetic enough, for me to get really invested in the book. It was just ‘ok’ and therefore I’m giving it three stars.

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