Member Reviews

What a sweet book! It's a little sad, too, but in a bittersweet way. Callie is every-grandmother...or she's just like both of mine...and her relationship with her granddaughter outweighs all else. The author does such a good job of building characters that I was concerned for her myself! The cab driver is, admittedly, much more patient that I probably would be in the same situation, but it's easy to see God's hand at play in the lives of each character. The ending, though sad, left you with a warm, fuzzy feeling of happiness.'ll just have to read it and see. ;)

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I'm pretty sure the first chapter's premise came from a meme: cab driver pulls up to house that looks like no one's home. Reluctantly going to the door, he finds an elderly woman asleep in wheelchair and takes her to medical appointment. That's where the meme ends and the novel begins. Over the next several days, former restauranteur Finn needs to pay his rent, but Callie, the elderly woman, is so insistent that he not only driver to her to the places she needs to go (including Christmas shopping), but bring her in to each and every one. That means he can't leave the meter running. That means he's out the cash - and plenty of it. He alternates between anger at Callie's granddaughter, Sydney, who apparently is too tied up in her work to care for her grandmother, and remorse for the way he treated his own mother when she was dying. Great story.

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I have read Terri Blackstock's other series books and am thrilled she has written a new book. This book grabs your attention and holds it to the end. True to form, it is Christian fiction but not at all "preachy". It reminds us to treasure every moment with our loved ones and if needed, to renew our relationship with Christ. No report or spoilers from me, but I would love to meet a character like Finn! ☺ Keep your Kleenex ready! I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson through NetGalley, Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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A fast, easy to read and very enjoyable book. Finn, a cab driver, is called to pick up a fare, Miss Callie, an elderly woman on her way to a doctor's appointment by herself. She is quite ill and disoriented. Finn is a gentleman at heart and helps her in multiple ways over the course of several days. Miss Callie's granddaughter Sydney is hanging on to her job as a defense attorney by her fingernails but does her best for her grandmother. Unfortunately Sydney's employer isn't concerned about Sydney's personal obligations unless they interfere with her work and when they do, she loses her job. Finn does his best to support Sydney several times when Miss Callie's health takes a turn for the worse. The three of them have found each other just when they needed it most. Strongly recommend.

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I love, love, love the characters in Catching Christmas. They are real and intense. They have major problems and are all lost in one way or another. Yet they come together and help each other heal. This is not your typical light, fluffy Christmas novel, but it is a totally satisfying read.

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This is a really sweet Christian romance that takes place around Christmas. I loved the character of Callie, Sydney's grandmother, who is determined to find a man for Sydney before she dies. Callie is a feisty lady who knows what she wants. Sydney is a young lawyer trying to meet the demands of her law firm and take care of her failing grandmother. Enter Finn, a cab driver who gets pulled into Callie's world and then Sydney's. The gentle progression of Finn and Sydney's relationship was heart-warming to witness and the religious aspects were under-stated but effective. I would have appreciated an epilogue to find out how their jobs changed and where they decided to live, but I finished the story with a smile on my face.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I have read a few book by this author in the past and she always has lots of mystery and intrigue. This was a different style of book for this author but she did an excellent job.

The story is about a confused older lady named Callie who develops a friendship with a cab driver named Finn. The two become friends since her granddaughter Sydney is fighting for her job.

Callie just wants a nice Christmas with family and the three work together to overcome the obstacles to help Callie get her wish with a hint of brewing romance.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading and reviewing this book. I was given a free copy from the publisher through netgalley for an honest review.

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**I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson through Net Galley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.**

Prepare yourself with a box of Kleenex because you'll need it and you'll do some laughing also because Callie at the age of 80 who has no filter when she talks. I haven't read any of Ms. Blackstock's other books and was very surprised by how much this story caught my heart and fell in love with Callie, Sydney and Finn.

It's Christmas and Finn Parrish needs to a lot of fares with his cab to pay his rent. When his dispatcher, Lu Ann, calls with a fare and he meets Miss Callie Beecher a frail 80 year old who has no filter on her mouth and says what she thinks. But she will soon have him driving all over the city with her trying to find a single man for her granddaughter by Christmas. Finn will be very reluctant to take Miss Callie on her various errands because he knows that the airport has higher fares but he'll soon be helping her out even on his days off. But when he meets Sydney he soon realizes that she'll become a huge part of his life.

Sydney Baston is a first year associate with a prestigious law firm and has been given a case that she knows is wrong to prosecute but his father is a huge client and she'll be the first to go after the firm loses some clients. Miss Callie is her grandma and arranges for the cab company to take her to appointments and errands because she can't. Little does she know that her Grammy is very ill and making plans for her granddaughter whether she wants them or not.

Even though the book deals with the loss of a parent (Finn's), Sydney's father not allowing her to be with her grandmother after her mother dies, and of course Miss Callie's gentle soul who teach them both the spirit of Christmas and it's true meaning never goes away it just needs a bit of prodding to help those who forgot to believe that it's truly a gift of the soul.

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A delightful Christmas story based on a quirky “thousand year old” lady with dementia, her attorney granddaughter, and a former chef, turned cab driver.

These three peoples’ lives become interwoven in a surprising, sweet way that brings laughter and tears as you travel this journey with them. You quickly learn to love Callie, the grandmother who tries to find a “love” for her granddaughter, Sydney. Finn, the cab driver, finds this adventure life-changing as he finds redemption for his feeling of not being with his mother in her last days.

Christmas Day brings surprises that change all of their lives.

This is a wonderful, Christmas book that I highly recommend to everyone.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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What fun to see another side of Terri Blackstock’s writing talent as this story and her characters are endearing, quirky and the topics and situations are laugh out-loud. Funny and sad. I liked her balance.

Sydney Batson is a first-year law associate with a ridiculous case she’s sure not to win. She’s been doing her best to be there for her grandmother in between her other obligations. She calls for a cab to pick up her grandmother and take her to the Dr. enters in cab driver Finn Parrish to the scene. He knocks on the door no answer. Then he sees an older woman in a wheel chair all dressed ready to go. He goes the extra mile for Miss Callie who reminds him of his mother he lost a few years back.

Sydney and Finn meet because of Callie. They both are caught up in the tornado of her intentions. Finn says to Sydney, “I’m glad she entangled me in her schemes. I’m honored to have been there with Sydney…”. And I’m glad I had the chance to meet the God she trusted in. I hope someday I can trust him like that, too.”

Callie is all excited to celebrate Christmas this year. Finn could care less, and Sydney was overworked, and sleep deprived to care about celebrating. But Callie had big plans for Christmas. Finn and Sydney couldn’t help but make her dream come true.

I enjoyed Callie, Finn and Sydney as they check off the items on Callie’s list. I couldn’t help smiling from ear to ear. It’s a heart-felt, fun story filled with love, healing, redemption and a reality check on what’s most important in life. This is a fun read that makes you think, celebrate life and its creator.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the Publisher/NetGalley.. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”

Nora St. Laurent
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As a first-year law associate, Sydney Batson knows she will be updating her resume by New Year’s if she loses her current court case. So when her grandmother gets inexplicably ill while she’s in court, Sydney arranges for a cab to get her to the clinic.

The last thing cab driver Finn Parrish wants is to be saddled with a wheelchair-bound old lady with dementia. But because Miss Callie reminds him of his own mother, whom he failed miserably in her last days, he can’t say no when she keeps calling him for rides. Once a successful gourmet chef, Finn’s biggest concern now is making his rent, but half the time Callie doesn’t remember to pay him. And as she starts to feel better, she leads him on wild goose chases to find a Christmas date for her granddaughter.

When Finn meets Sydney, he’s quite sure that she’s never needed help finding a date. Does Miss Callie have an ulterior motive, or is this just a mission driven by delusions? He’s willing to do whatever he can to help fulfill Callie’s Christmas wish. He just never expected to be a vital part of it.

What a good "feel good" book. Finn and Sydney are both in a struggle about finding themselves. Finn has a failed restaurant and Sydney is trying to win an unwinnable case in court. Her bosses don't see the need for her to take time off the take care of her ailing grandmother. Finn keeps telling everyone he's just the cab driver. As the story unfolds, they both find what's the most important.

I enjoyed this book and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys a feel good book.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

What a wonderful Christmas offering from Terri Blackstock! Finn had me laughing from the beginning, while Sydney made me sad. Miss Callie is a wise and wonderful grandma—who is determined to fix Sydney up with the love of her life. It’s all about love! You won’t regret spending time with these 3 folks!

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I have been a fan of Terri Blackstock for a long time now but never knew she could write such good romantic Christmas books as well. This one is a favorite of mine now!

Finn is a cab driver that likes to put on a big front of a big tough guy, but when he is called to the house of Miss Callie, we learn that he has a soft side and will not leave an old lady out on her own. Miss Callie is taken care of by her granddaughter, Sydney, who is a first year law resident at a major firm that is downsizing right before Christmas. When Sydney realizes that something is going on with her 80 year old grandmother, she calls and makes a doctor's appointment for her but knows that she can't miss the time from work in order to take her. Sydney arranges for a cab to take Miss Callie to her appointment and her cab driver is none other than Finn.

When no one comes out of the house when Finn blows his horn, he knows that he should just drive off and leave, but does not have the heart to do that. Finn goes to the door and quickly realizes that Miss Callie is asleep in her wheelchair. Finn has not signed up for all the extra work of getting Miss Callie in and out of the cab as well as her wheelchair, but he knows that she is going to a doctor's appointment and realizes it must be important. So, Finn goes out of his way to help Miss Callie.

Miss Callie is always falling asleep and is very confused and repeats herself something awful, but Finn just does what he has to do. Finn goes out of his way when he realizes that Miss Callie hasn't called him to pick her up after a couple of hours. Finn goes back and makes sure that Miss Callie has been seen and come to find out she hasn't. Finn wonders who would leave an elderly person to fend for themselves at a doctor's appointment.

When Finn and Miss Callie get to know each other a little better because she calls and requests Finn the next couple of days, he finds out that she is determined to find someone for Sydney to have as company after she is gone. Miss Callie knows that her time is coming to an end and she doesn't want Sydney to be all alone.

This is a great story that will remind you to remember the important things in life and to not take time with loved one for granted. Terri Blackstock gives us a great read with this one. You will not be regret picking this one up to read that is for sure!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of this book.

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It was an honor to read this book! 'Catching Christmas' is so incredibly touching I had a hard time reading through my tender tears. There is a delightful grandmother, Miss Callie, who is devoted to her overworked lawyer granddaughter Sydney. Bring in a cynical, emotionally wounded and out of work chef who is driving a taxi and you have a story filled with love, humor and life changing grace. I can't recommend it highly enough for anyone who appreciates a Christmas story. I would give it 10 stars if I could.

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Catching Christmas is a sentimental holiday story by author Terri Blackstock. Finn Parrish, once a Cordon Bleu trained chef and restaurant owner, is now a taxi driver. He gets an unusual fare at the home of a senior lady who needs transport to a doctor appointment. Little did he know the effects this call would have on his emotions and his life.

Miss Callie Beecher is 80. She is confined to a wheelchair and is showing signs of dementia. Her one wish for Christmas is to give her granddaughter Sydney a wonderful Christmas and a connection that will last well beyond Miss Callie’s lifetime.

Sydney Batson is a first year lawyer with a large firm who has been given an impossible case. The minor son of their largest client provided alcohol to his college dorm, then drove inebriated and ran into a Burger King. As an entitled son of an arrogant father, Sydney is being asked to do highly unethical things, the one hurting her heart the most being the demands on her time when she feels she should be spending the time with her grandmother.

A lovely holiday story of loss and love and forgiveness. I did enjoy this story and do recommend it!

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This is one of the best books I've read in quite was very hard to put down and I finished it in a couple of days. I fell in love with Grandma Carrie and Finn!! It was a touching story connecting 3 lives in unexpected ways. It also helped Finn and Sydney get back to their faith. This is a book I will read again. Thanks Terri Blackstock for another winner!!

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A Christmas novel in any time of the year is special. Terri Blackstock is known for writing suspense novels, but she decided to switch it up and write a contemporary feel good story that takes place during Christmas. She has written some contemporary novels before, and I have enjoyed them too. With Catching Christmas, Blackstock introduces me to a tale of second chances and forgiveness. Finn, the hero is a cab driver who used to be a chef who needed forgiveness for his mother's funeral. While Sydney, the heroine, is the overworked lawyer who feels bad about not taking care of her grandmother. The story has a happy storyline and a feel good ending but not passing through some sad moments first. The romance sprinkled through the ending felt nice and not overwhelming. I enjoyed the story and am glad that I spent the time with it. This is a sweet little novel that took no time to finish. I recommend this novel to fans of Karen Kingsbury and Melissa Tagg's Christmas novels. This story would fit right in.
I received a complimentary copy of Catching Christmas by Terri Blackstock from Thomas Nelson Publishing, but the opinions stated are all my own.

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A sweet book that happens at the Christmas season but is much more than a Christmas story. It is a story about unshakable faith, lost faith and harsh realities. The characters are spicy and people you might like to meet - maybe. Callie is a person who shows strength in weakness that is an inspiration to all.

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Terri Blackstock is a favorite author of mine.
When I saw that she had a Christmas book coming, I anticipated a great book.
I was thrilled and pleased with the book. It did not disappoint!

This is a heartwarming story that will grab you
and you will enjoy reading!
I could not put it down, and I will look forward to Christmas time now!

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Not only is Terri Blackstock a master of suspense, she has mastered the sweet romance genre as well. Catching Christmas, her newest story, takes the reader on a fast-paced ride through the Christmas season for Finn Parrish and Sydney Clifton.

Finn, a top-chef-down-on-his-luck-turned-taxi-driver, gets a call from dispatch to pick up a fare in a residential neighborhood. He’d rather work the airport scene, but he needs to pay rent. What he finds when he shows up changes his life forever. Despite his annoyance with his new customer (and her odd requests), he gets drawn into her life. In the process, he faces issues from his past. In the end, he feels like God has given him a divine do-over. And introduced him to the love of his life.

Sydney Clifton has her dream job working for a large firm, but despite her hard work she can barely keep things together. Her grandma (Sydney’s only living relative) has apparently gone off the deep end. Sydney doesn’t know how she can take care of her grandma AND work full time. Especially when her law firm starts laying people off right before Christmas. She tries her best, but when she gets a stinker of a case and her grandma’s taxi driver leaves her hostile messages on her phone, she doesn’t think she can sink any lower. Maybe it’s time to change her dreams.

A fast-paced, whimsical, and sweet romance just in time for Christmas.

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