Member Reviews

MY KIND OF CHRISTMAS is a slow burn contemporary story that I was pulled in to from the very first page. To be honest, I fell in love with the cover the minute I saw it. I knew I would read it anyway, because I love Janet Dailey, but the cover really pulled me in. I mean, a cowboy and a cute, affectionate dog? Yes please!! What more could you want?🤗 This is the first book in the Christmas Tree Ranch series and you are going to want to jump right in, trust me! I loved everything about this beautiful story and I’m excited to recommend it to my reading friends. Janet Dailey always has a way of grabbing her readers and she never lets us go.

MY KIND OF CHRISTMAS really takes a turn that will have you unable to put this beautiful story down. Neither Maggie and Travis are looking for a relationship, but they can’t seem to ignore their growing feelings. Travis was an Oklahoma State Trooper who shot a suspected kidnapper but was later found guilty of involuntary manslaughter because the kidnapping was just a prank by two young girls. Janet Dailey writes some amazing, cowboy, all the feels stories! Travis is getting over spending three years in prison and Maggie is just what he needs! She just needs to convince him of that!💕. MY KIND OF CHRISTMAS screams Hallmark movie and will make the reader crave hot chocolate.

MY KIND OF CHRISTMAS is filled with twists and turns and will have the reader staying up way too late one night to finish! I had to know where Janet Dailey was taking us and what would happen to Travis and Maggie. I really loved how the whole community came to Travis and Maggie’s aid and only wanted them to feel loved and realize that they were home. Its a cute story. Will the Christmas tree war be exactly what Travis and his estranged dad needs or will it damage their relationship forever? There is so much heart in Janet’s writing that I’m always left with a huge smile on my face and my heart very happy. All of the characters are very interesting and believable, so much so that I felt as if I’ve known them for a very long time. I love how Janet does that to me each and every time.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through Netgalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I loved the characters and the storyline development of this book. It was absolutely one of my favorites so far and I can't wait to delve in to the next one that this author writes. The storyline was simple, enjoyable, and entertaining.

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I always love Janet Dailey books, especially around Christmas time. This was a sweet story that had the right amount of romance and tension to keep you reading Throw in a touch of suspense and you’ve got the whole picture. A fun light read to get you in the Christmas spirit.

**Thank you to NetGalley for gifting me this ebook.

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Janet Dailey does the Christmas Cowboy story again with My Kind of Christmas, bringing redemption, hope, and the chance of love into a charming tale set in Small town USA. I always love her beautiful stories and this one is no different. Worth a read for the holidays.

Thank you to the publisher!!

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What a sweet, wonderful story My Kind of Christmas was. Janet Dailey wrote a wonderful, heart-warming story about second chances, family struggles and falling in love.
Travis Morgan really held my heart. He was given a bad rap but was really trying to get his life together. His upbringing wasn't the best and now he has to face his past. With the help of an old friend, he may have finally found a way to save the old, run-down family farm. There is only one problem … he is again being accused of something he didn't do. Now, couple that with falling in love with the Mayor and still refusing to grant her her one wish, he can't help but wonder where it will all lead and when it will all end.
Mayor Maggie is one persistent woman. She has to put on the Christmas Parade but can't do it without Santa. Her only hope is Travis. He has the Sleigh so all she needs to do is find a new Santa. Unfortunately, the only one that will do it is the one person that Travis will have nothing to do with. She has to find a way to convince him that the Spirit of Christmas and the children of Branding Iron are more important than past transgressions. Besides having to get him to agree, she has to fight the feelings she's has for him … there is no room in her life for a man especially one as sexy, kind and sweet as Travis.
Unwanted advances and jealousy brings this story full circle, brings old hurts out in the open, brings the truth and reunites and unites. What could have been a disaster turns into the best thing that could happen to Travis and Maggie.
I really liked this Christmas story. As the season is growing closer and closer, you can't help but want to have the warm and fuzzy feeling that love and the holidays bring. And, that's exactly what Janet Daily brought to us. A little bit of love and a whole lot of forgiveness made this an enchanting story.

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Travis Morgan has had a rough few years. He returns to his childhood home of Branding Iron, Texas to rebuild his life. Maggie Delaney is the town Mayor who turns his world upside down. To make things more interesting, Travis' estranged father also lives in Branding Iron and would like to try to reconcile. Can these two hard-headed men put their differences aside or will the Christmas Parade be a bust?

This book was exactly what I expected it to be. Janet Dailey is great at these Western romances. Add that to a Christmas setting and I'm a goner. I loved the character of Travis. He's been dealt a tough hand and is still a good person underneath all of it. I loved the addition of the other two men who show up and help him get this ranch started. I REALLY love that this appears to be book 1 in a series, so I should get to know these other guys more. The best part of this book is the positivity that seems to be thread throughout. Dailey shows the good in all (or at least most) of these characters. There is one that is thoroughly unlikeable. I also enjoyed that there was a romance developed between Travis and Maggie that didn't start with physical stuff. They got to know each other as people and learned to love each other first. If you are looking for a quick, enjoyable Christmas romance, this one is for you. I give it 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Thanks to Kensington and Netgalley for providing a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Christmas, a cowboy, and a parade, all make for a very sweet satisfying holiday read!

This is my final Christmas review, I promise! If you are a fan of Hallmark movies or Fa La La La Lifetime this is the perfect festive story for you! A small town, a hero with a dark past, and A high spirited heroine...

Maggie is the mayor of small town Branding Iron, Texas, travis just spent three years in jail for a tragic accident.... not a likely couple, but the two of them are thrown together to plan an epic Christmas parade... there is instant attraction, but both of them try to quell the fire... Maggie was a tad bit on the annoying side, she needed to stay in her own lane a little more... travis was much more likable, and I did like his bond with his buddies... The book is fairly predictable but hey it’s Christmas y’all!🤠

An uplifting holiday read with a small town vibe, recommend!

*** Big thanks to Kensington for my copy of this book ***

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley and I am voluntarily reviewing it.

This was a wonderful story that was hard to put down. Don't start reading this late at night. The two main characters Travis and Maggie were great and Ms. Dailey gave them a good solid foundation. There was a little intrigue and suspense in this story along with the addition of two more characters that could lead to even more great stories about the Christmas Tree Ranch.

This is a solid sweet and clean Christmas story. There is a little kissing and nothing else. Also this story was written in my favorite dual POV format. Travis was an Oklahoma State Trooper who shot a suspected kidnapper but was later found guilty of involuntary manslaughter as the kidnapping was just a prank of two young girls. He served 3 years in prison. Maggie on the other hand is mayor of the town. The coming together of this two and overcoming the many hurdles they faced was totally engaging and hard to put my e-reader down. I truly loved Travis and seeing him overcoming his' hurt and seeing his true wonderful nature come through in the end was enchanting to read.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this story and highly recommend it to anyone.

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Janet Dailey's Christmas cowboy books have been an annual pleasure for many years now. My Kind of Christmas continues that tradition. Take a hard hearted cowboy who wants nothing to do with the rest of the world, mix in a meddling woman while adding in the neighbors who are determined to soften up his hard heart and you get the kind of romantic western that Janet Dailey is known for. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the good natured torture that cowboy Travis Morgan endured until he realizes that his heart belongs to Maggie and Branding Iron, Texas.

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This is the story of Travis Morgan and Maggie Delaney. He is a former Oklahoma State Highway Patrolman who ended up doing 3 years for involuntary manslaughter and she is the Mayor of Branding Iron Texas. He is trying to get his life going again after moving into his inherited ranch that had been abandoned. This really reminded me of a Hallmark movie. Sweet, but not much heat. It was a good solid story, well developed characters and I always enjoy Christmas stories.

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This is the first Christmas book of the seson that I have read. Really enjoyed this story with a cowboy hero in it. Travis was witty and fun to read. Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read this book. Now I have to go and get the others in this series.

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A town's mayor looking for a new Santa. A down on his luck rancher who just wants to be left alone. She needs his reluctant help. He doesn't want to have any thing to do with the Christmas celebration. When the attraction starts they find themselves working together. His past stands in the way of their happiness. She unknowingly has a stalker. Will their love help them over come their problems and give them My Kind of Christmas.

Travis needs to fix his windmill to get water. He watches as a car crashes into his gate on the icy roads. He's immediately attracted to the woman who climbs out of the car. They part not knowing each others names. A trip to town and a talk with the sheriff reveals who they're dealing with. When the man who plays Santa moves away its up to Maggie to find a replacement and get Travis to cooperate since he's inherited the neighbors animals and sleigh. He's suspicious of Maggie's motives when she shows up with food. He turns her down when its revealed what she wants. They can't keep thinking about each other. A trip to return her dish brings them together again. Maggie with help from her prospective Santa's girlfriend work to bring Travis together with his estranged father but have no luck. Travis doesn't know what he's doing with the animals so he calls his rodeo champion buddy to come and be his partner. They come up with the idea of using a grove of pine trees on the property as a way to make some money to get a ranch started. After a visit with Maggie Travis heads home and is in an accident. When the guy takes him home they discuss an idea when he finds out the guy is a veterinarian. He stays long enough to take care of the insurance for the accident then leaves only to return a short time later to take the guys up on their partnership idea. The three of them work to get everything ready to open just after Thanksgiving. Maggie meanwhile is still trying to find a Santa. When she learns the guys are working for Thanksgiving and not making a meal she does it for them. She gets strange feelings from an employee who asked her out on a date at one time. Travis's father finds out about their holiday business and it just makes the rift bigger. Maggie wants to know what has kept the two men apart. She apologizes to a long time friend. Travis finally reveals his past with his father. An attempt to shut them down takes place. He's leaving Maggie's late one night only the next day to be accused of setting his father's tree business on fire. Some one has been keeping an eye on Maggie and they're the one to accuse Travis. His father, Maggie and the sheriff come to his aid and the real culprit is arrested. A celebration takes place. Travis has an idea about selling trees at his father's hardware store. Maggie's world is perfect at the annual Christmas ball. Travis and Maggie declare their love and a proposal takes place. Travis's friends have some female attention.

Janet Dailey is a master of the Christmas story. She writes with just the right touch of humor, love, conflict and danger every time. Her books are always a joy to read. I'm looking forward to the next book in the Christmas Tree Ranch series. Will the partners find true love like Travis did and will their ideas come to fruition.

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I'm not a fan of this one. The writing itself isn't horrible, but I felt like things would happen out of nowhere. There would be no lead up or anything. Travis was okay, and it was explained why he acted the way he did. Maggie on the other hand stuck her nose into anything she wanted to, and felt like she was justified doing it. I'm sorry, but just because there is going to be a parade doesn't give you the right to interfere in people's personal lives. I honestly didn't make it to the end to find out what happens. I just wasn't invested in the story or the characters.
I voluntarliy reviewed an advanced readers copy of this book.

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Great story of redemption, reuniting with family and the joys and trials of falling in love. These characters work so well together. The story gives you hope and has you believing in the magic of Christmas. Really enjoyed this book!

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Christmas Tree Ranch #1, This was a good getting into the Christmas spirit book. The romance was a little forced. I guess it was love at first sight because the attraction was pretty much right off the back and they didn't actually spend a lot time together get to know one another before declaring their love for each other and that just didn't work for me. I have no problem with instalove but I need something to back it up and this didn't have enough of that. The romance part of this was a miss for me everything else about this book I loved.

Travis Morgan was an Oklahoma State Trooper before a stupid misunderstanding lead to a death and he spent the last three years in prison. Branding Iron, Texas is his start over, a beaten up ranch he inherited from his mother's side is all he has, well that and his father who lives in town but their non-existent relationship doesn't count. Travis would be happy if he just stayed alone but before he knows it he's agreed to take care of two giant horses and old dog and a handcrafted wooden sleigh. Desperate in need of help now because he has no idea how to take care of horses he calls his best friend, Conner, which was excellent timing because Conner needed the work. Now the guys just need a way to earn money to keep the ranch running, the ranch has a surprise in store for them.

Meanwhile, the new mayor Maggie Delaney is trying her best to be the kind of mayor her father was before her but then the man who played Santa moves away and she has no one to replace him in the Christmas parade. The one man who would be perfect for the job won't do it because the son who hates him is in possession of the horses and sleigh. Maggie doesn't give up easy she's got a plan. For Travis the troubles are only just beginning. Overall it was a good read. I could see it as a Hallmark movie.

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I received an arc from Netgalley. This is a refreshing love story of new beginnings and new love. Great read and one you do not want to miss out on reading.

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Classic Janet Daily and a sweet Christmas love story. I enjoy reading Christmas stories and I’m also a fan of Janet Daily so it was a great treat to have the two combined. I enjoy meeting Maggie and Travis. A story about redemption, forgiveness, friendship and finding love. I’m hoping there’s more to come from their friends Connor and Rush! My thanks to NetGalley the author and her publisher for letting me read an advanced reader copy of My Kind of Christmas.

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A cute, sweet romance My Kind of Christmas is an enjoyable Christmas romance. I just loved Travis, he and Maggie were well suited. The characters interaction and the overall story made for a wonderful weekend read. If you are looking for something sweet, then this is a must for you

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As usual Ms. Dailey does not disappoint with her Christmas book. The main characters were both extremely strong individuals that fought their attraction due to their differences and their pasts. It was interesting to watch them find their way to each other. The side stories, one about Travis' relationship with his dad and also Travis' relationships with his friends/roommates gives this book more depth. I loved the ribbing that Travis' friends give him with regard to Maggie. An enjoyable read for the Christmas season!!

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This is a voluntary review of an advanced copy.

Cute, emotional story that gets you in the mood for Christmas! Travis got a bad break after a kidnapping case led to the death of an innocent man, which cost him three years in prison.

After spending a year living alone on his mother's ranch, he starts collecting partners and comes up with a business that will help him financially but also hurt his estranged father's business.

Lots of drama along with a pretty clean romance as Travis and Mayor Maggie fall in love. Since this is book one in the Christmas Tree Ranch series, I am hoping that we will soon find out if Nash gets his vet business started and if there is anything between him and the judge! And who will there be for Connor, the retired - down on his luck - rodeo star?! And, will the town need a new constable, and will Travis be interested? Looking forward the the next book in the series!!

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