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The Sadist and The Stolen Princess

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Member Reviews

One man must find a way to obtain family forgiveness while avoiding scandal. The stakes are high, the demands calculated, and the desire is inferno.

If you love time travel romance, overcoming your past, discovering your desires, and being accepted for who you are, read this.

A great story of love, hope, and while this book did not have graphics, the published book will. Jenn's photography is first rate and makes her stories unique. Don't miss out on a fabulous adventure!

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The Sadist and The Stolen Princess is a kinky and sexy story by Jenn LeBlanc. There's a decent amount of adventure in the mix as well.

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When I chose to read this book, I had no idea time travel was involved. Boy, was I ever pleasantly surprised! The characters are so well matched to each other, so well written, and so easy to root for. I had no complaints, whatsoever, and will absolutely read more by this author and suggest this title to friends.

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Mostly, this book is an enjoyable read. The intriguing aspect of the novel is the time travel. Ms. LeBlanc has an interesting little twist. While there are a few historical inaccuracies that I spotted, I can ignore them because it is a time travel romance.

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I sooo wanted an ARC of this book. First, the cover is gorgeous. Absolutely mouthwatering and you can already get a good idea about the book itself. Than I had to buy my own copy too, because unfortunately the ARC did not contain the images. Oh, but was it worth it! Sensual, hot and sexy as hell. I loved everything about this book. The characters, the story, the writing... Everything, you name it. I absolutely recommend this book to anyone who loves historical settings and alpha males with a little bit of "dark" twist.

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A time travel book with a dash of erotica. I would highly recommend it, never read a historical romance with the alternative lifestyle storyline. I enjoyed it and will read more from this author. Seeing how there are more books in this series.

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An odd read to be sure. I typically don’t enjoy time travel romances and honestly felt this novel could have been better without it. In the end, I am not sure how I feel about and not sure what to say. While the book had some good aspects, it didn’t leave an overall impression on me. I love when they add BDSM to historical romances but I felt the author could have done more with it.

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This is a Time Travel adventure and the first one in a series that I have read. The story concentrates heavily on the relationship between the two main characters, both of who are finding new depths of emotional and sexual interaction that only the one is able to give to the other.

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Interesting read. Seems to bounce around a lot and loose focus on current situation. Had a hard time starting it and actually had to restart a few times. Found the story itself leaving me dull in a few places. Once you get into the story there are certain aspects that drive you forward and make you want to continue on so my frustration was only in short bursts

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This is my first time reading this author and I'm a bit disappointed in this tale. First off there are so many historical inaccuracies in this novel. I understand that it's a time travel story but who has condoms in the 1800? How does a man in the 1800s not see that there is something distinctively weird about the heroine when he first meets her? How does he not question her speech, her mannerisms?
Then he gets off on her fear and her desire for pain? Wtf? When does she say she likes that? Seems a little rapey to me. Perhaps those readers that like the Bdsm may enjoy this novel. Just not my cup of tea.

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I am still a relative newby with historical romance,so finding the books that suit me is a challenge. And unfortunately this book proved a challenge for me. The history was patchy in its correctness and the story just left me not being able to connect with it. Maybe a time travelling historical romance is not for me i think. I am sure there are many fans of such books but for me i will have to pass…ess-jenn-leblanc/

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The Sadist and The Stolen Princess by Jenn LeBlanc is book 6 in the Lords of Time Series. This is the story of Madoc and Willow. I haven't yet read the previous book, so for me this was a standalone book.
Madoc is the heir now to The Warrick title but had been thought to be dead because his father had him kidnapped and taken to India where he was treat harshly. Now he has been 'found' and the Queen wishes him to take it over and make amends for his family. Willow is from 2018 and somehow while reading a book is taken back in time where she meets Madoc. Madoc doesn't think Willow will be attracted to him because of his scars inside and out. Willow is attracted to Madoc which only grows the more she gets to know him.
I enjoyed their story.

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Hopping in a series in the middle (or the end) is not always easy, but this one is the exception. Madoc is one character you feel you know very well, but also have no idea of what is going on behind his expressions. When Willow falls into his life, it is just one more distraction that he must face. But her secrets and her strangeness play a huge role in his future. Will he be able to make amends for the role he played in torturing family? Will he be able to reintegrate into society? Will the waif he picked up at the pub become more to him than just a stranger?

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Really good! I loved the characters and loved the story. Definitely had a naughty twist to it. The setting was great and I just was drawn in and it left me breathless, that's for sure. This is definitely one to check out!

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I have been waiting for his book for a long time and I was not disappointed.

Madoc is forced to return to London and take up his title by the Queen. The Queen demands that he make amends with his family. Out of stress, he visits a birch mistress. Madoc finds a woman and attempts to help her.

Willow was researching a clue she had found about a birch mistress in the Victorian Underground in 2018 when she is taken through time to the very spot she was researching. She realizes that Madoc is the man that she has been looking for - her other half.

While there are a few historical inaccuracies that I spotted, I can ignore them because it is a time travel romance and you have to suspend reality. I loved Madoc. He was a tortured hero. Madoc was perfect for Willow. I loved the relationship between them. This was a great book that I enjoyed from beginning to end!

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC provided by NetGalley, the Author, and Publisher. Thank You!

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I thoroughly loved reading the extraordinarily phenomenal romance story. While Willow is researching the underground of the Victorian Era, she faints and Madoc, a duke, discovers her, takes her home, and tries to find her family. Willow and Madoc are drawn to each other, and Willow falls for the Duke not wanting to go back to her own time period. Read the highly recommended love story that captures the reader from the beginning of the story until the end. I reviewed a copy of an ARC through NetGalley.

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George James Madoc Danforth is the heir apparent to The Warrick title and estate has been resurrected. He was thought to be dead after his father had him killed and he was kidnapped and sent to India where he lived a hellish life. He’s been commanded to go back and make amends with his family by the Queen. He’s returned to London where he meets Willow at a brothel known for its BDSM. Willow has been living in the twenty first century when she wakes up finding herself outside the Iron Duke and askes for Madoc’s help.
She’s lost and has no idea where she’s at or how she’s come to be outside the place she was just reading about in the twenty first century. Madoc slowly comes to trust her and their relationship grows. He learned what he knows about BDSM from his father man where intimacy had to involve pain otherwise it would not arouse him. His life has been hell on earth, he’s become so disfigured and scarred it’s hard for him to imagine Willow will respond to him and his advances. Madoc makes it clear pain should never bring harm, just pleasure to be mutually enjoyed. This was a captivating book of two wounded souls each searching, Madoc searching for forgiveness from his family and Willow finally feeling as if she belongs to someone and belonging. The author does an excellent job intertwining the sexuality and BDSM into the story and delivering a great story. This is my honest opinions after I voluntarily read a copy of this book that was provided to me with no requirements for a review.

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Not a bad story. Good dialogue helps move the story along. I liked how the author developed the "romance" the between 2 main characters.

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Whenever I am given the privilege of an ARC, I always give my promise to leave a fair and honest review. I have said before, I am not much of a time traveler story kinda girl. Despite that, this was some kind of tale! Thoroughly enjoyable. Worth your time and money.

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This was an interesting read with an unexpected time travel twist. Very different from what I normally read but I'm glad I gave it a chance.

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