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An Anonymous Girl

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Thank you to St. Martin's Press for the free review copy of this novel. All opinions are my own.

This is a great thriller that leaves the reader wondering what is going on and who can be trusted. I enjoyed how this book has a psychiatrist as one of the main characters. Being a psychology major, I enjoyed seeing psych. studies show up in fiction literature because it helps add depth to the novel, and I find them interesting. 

I really enjoyed the vulnerability of Jess. It is what made the novel what it was. Without her character being this way, there wouldn't have been as good of a 'thrill.' The alternate point of view, is also wonderfully creepy. That's what really adds to the complexity of the novel. 

I do have to say my favorite part of the novel was the epilogue. If you've read the book, you know why - how awesome the last few lines were - and if not, you really should check this book out just to see how it ends. I definitely did not see it going that way.

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Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martins press for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

Let me start by saying, I LOVED the Wife Before Me. I was super excited to be granted an ARC from the publisher and from NetGalley. I read this book in two days!
Jessica's is a makeup artist living in NY City. The story starts with her at her appointment with two college age girls. One of them mentions that she received a reminder for a "behavioral study" the next morning that she has no plans on making. She mentions there is compensation which gets Jessica's attention. She makes the decision to show up in the girl's place and thus begins her intense road with Dr. Shield.

This was a great pyschological thriller. There was no hidden mystery or a "who done it" vibe to it. It was clear from the start who was the anatogist and that there was something seriously disturbed with them.

Great read!

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I was a huge fan of “The Wife Between Us”, so when I heard about this book, I had to read it! I devoured it in two days, and it would have been less if I didn’t have to take care of kids and go to work! This is a carefully thought out psychological suspense novel that will keep you guessing until the end. The premise hooked me from the beginning—a young woman with secrets from her own past participates in an anonymous study on ethics and morality, with the promise of generous compensation—yet she sneaks her way into the study, which immediately makes one question her morality. Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen are an amazing writing team, and they’ve certainly knocked it out of the park once again!
Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for an early digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed this one! This was a step up from The Wife Between Us. The debut novel had too many superfluous twists whereas this one had just enough to keep things interesting. I loved the psychological aspects of this as well as the mentions of various studies. I’ll definitely be picking up future novels from this author!

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Awesome psychological suspense! Very well written character study. What starts as a study on morality quickly goes off the rails for a young woman who entered the study in an immoral way. Fast paced, addictive read, impossible to put down. Fans of The Wife Between Us will love this book. Be warned don’t start this book late at night because you will lose sleep.

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After having loved The Wife Between Us, I was delighted to get a copy of this novel and it lived up to the hype! I'm a sucker for psychological thrillers, flawed characters, unreliable narrators, and breath-taking twists; this book has it all! When Jessica enrolls in an ethics study, she is hoping to make some extra money but she has no idea that the psychologist behind the study has a personal agenda that will rock her world and those of the people to whom she is closest. I kept thinking to myself, "Well, I didn't see THAT coming!" You may think you know what's going on but you probably don't. This book speaks to many themes: morality, retribution, infidelity, guilt, betrayal, secrets, and lies. Really had my head spinning! This is one you do not want to miss!

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I have never had a favorite book because I tend to go from book to book and often forget the plots of the books I read - even if I found them to be amazing! I will never forget An Anonymous Girl. I will recommend this to everybody. I love psychology and I throgougly enjoyed the psychology references made by Dr. Sheilds and Jess. My mind was blown more times than I could count. I am so bummed to be done with this books. I could see this becoming a huge film if the authors allowed it. A girl can dream, right?

This book is about Jessica, a gal who is willing to participate in a study for some extra money to assist her family. This book is about family members that hold a lot of guilt, while unaware that each other feels the same. This book is about a couple who have lied to each other, one out of love and the other out of fear and self preservation. This book is about a young woman who had a strong level of love and trust. This book will rock your whole world.

I apologize to my boyfriend because I was so distracted while reading this book.

I was extremely lucky to receive a free copy of An Anonymous Girl from NetGalley. My opinions are honest and true.

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Seeking women ages 18–32, that kind of lines everything up for this home run story. It is slow at times (maybe a tad much) but stick with it for an enjoyable thrill-read told from the view of the creepy doctor and willing therapist. Is it as good as "A wife between us", maybe, no, who cares! Some nice surprises tucked in the corners I thought for an overall god read.

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An Anonymous Girl by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen, Wow! I wasn't sure if I was going to like this book but OMG, I read it in 1 day! I did not want to stop for anything other than going to the bathroom and then only before it was to late. This story grabbed me and dragged me through to the end! I liked the way it was written and the way the characters are fleshed out and their stories are told, very interesting and intriguing. I will be looking forward to more from these writers!! Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for allowing me to read this ARC book and give my own personal opinion.

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This was one of the best books I have read in a very long time. The book took several unexpected turns and never made me lose interest. I don't want to give too much away, but I felt the ending had a sort of poetic justice, and seemed fitting to the rest of the story. This is going to be a very easy book to recommend, as it will appeal to a wide audience. Can't recommend this one enough!

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Psych Thriller Gone Round the Bend

Do not put the words obsessive and love in the same sentence and expect anything other than a disaster.

Dr. Shields is a well-known psychiatrist and university professor who happens to be running a morality study on young women.

Jess is a twenty-eight year makeup artist living in NYC and working hard to make ends meet. Under false pretenses, she attempts to join Dr. Shields’s study since it pays five hundred dollars for what seems like simply answering a few Myers-Briggs type questions. Jess is accepted into the study and hands over personal information.

Soon, Dr. Shields make Jess an offer to expand the study requiring even more from Jess, much of it confusing and outside her comfort zone. Jess seems specially chosen and at first is flattered however flattery soon turns to fear as Jess realizes Dr. Shields reach into all aspects of her life. As Dr. Shields’s true motives are discovered, Jess must learn to match wits with the master of a high stakes game.

Jess’s motivations for making more money are for a worthy cause however her reasons are exploited and her judgment becomes clouded as she falls deeper into a trap, risking all, including those she loves most. Meanwhile, Dr. Shields expertly weaves a sinister web drawing in her prey and capturing them wholly.
This is the second collaboration between the authors and promises a thrilling game of cat and mouse which will leave you breathless.
BRB Rating: Read It.

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Received an ARC from NetGalley.

I really enjoyed reading this book. It fascinated me and held my attention. I even lost sleep just so I could find out what happens. However, I wasn’t very satisfied with the way it all was wrapped up at the end. It just didn’t seem right following the themes of the rest of the book. Maybe that’s just me though. I still did enjoy the book and believe other fans of psychological suspense type books would enjoy reading this.

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I received this as an eARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you.

3 🌟's

I'll preface this by saying I have not read The Wife Between Us. Since fishing this, I am very excited to.

This book was very gripping and kept me guessing. Basically the entire time. I had half guessed most of what was going to happen, but the end still had me shocked. The characters developed well over the course of the novel, adding for sure to the overall suspense.

With all of that being said, I felt that the book ended rather abruptly, and entirely to neatly. I felt the ending came across slightly as the easy way out and after the build-up, it was a slight disappointment.

I look forward to reading more from these authors!

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I loved The Wife Between Us from these 2 authors and I expected a good read with An Anonymous Girl. I wasn't disappointed! What a great read!

Thanks for this ARC.

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This book is written by the same authors who brought us The Wife Between Us. I didn't get the same shock factor with this book as I did the Wife Between Us. It was definitely a slow burn, and I tore through the pages to see how it ended. While not as gratifying as I had hoped, I still enjoyed the writing of the book and waiting to see what happened next.

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Wow! I read this book in 2 days! It kept me on the edge of my seat and I never knew what was coming next! Thanks for writing an awesome book!

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Jess, is a make up artist who is barely making ends meet.

She overhears a client’s conversation one evening about a morality and ethics study being conducted by Dr. Shields the following morning, which will pay $500. She doubts that Taylor, the college student talking about the study, will be up early enough to attend, after her evening out, so she shows up in her place, and is allowed to participate.

She becomes Subject 52.

She begins to answer a series of questions and despite the fact that she was not supposed to be a part of the study, she is just the kind of participant that Dr. Shields has been looking for.

Dr Shields asks her if she would consider expanding her role in the study, for significantly higher compensation...

Of course, Jess says YES...

But will it be worth it? Is what the DR asking of subject 52 ethical and moral?

The chapters alternate...Jess and then Dr. Shields; with the Dr’s chapters sounding to me like what a psychiatrist would record about a patient on tape, though the Dr was actually taking meticulous notes on a yellow legal pad.

Completely different from “The Wife Between Us” this story is less about shocking twists, and more about the build up of tension as you discover WHY the Dr is conducting the study and the lengths the Dr will go to “in the name of research”. (Don’t worry! There are still plenty of surprises!)

I was riveted! No sophomore slump for the collaboration from these two talented ladies!

I would like to thank Netgalley, St. Martin’s Press, and the authors Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen for allowing me to read this arc in exchange for a candid review! This book will be available Jan 8, 2019!
Pre-order now!!

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Overall, a creepy suspenseful tale of a young woman who lies her way into a psychological study on morality. A shift occurs when the study is seemingly over and a game of cat and mouse involving lies and infidelity occurs. Consistent for the most part with some unexpected twists yet an unsurprising end.

Copy provided by the Publisher

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Slow going into it , not as crazy or creepy as The Wife Between Us was ,but it's just as good , it did take me a while to get into the story unlike The Wife Between Us , and I know that each story is different and so is the characters , while I did like the story I didn't like the characters at all. Can't wait to see what their next book will be .With that said I want to thank Netgalley for letting me read review The Anonymous Girl in a change for my honest opinion.

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I was so excited to get a copy of this book, having loved The Wife Between Us! I dove right in and it had such an eerie storyline. Jess was a very complex character who had a lot of baggage from mistakes she made when she was young. She still holds a lot of guilt and tries to cover it by doing things that are reckless. I can understand her reasoning for trying to join the study because it seems like easy money, that she really needs. But things get so strange so quickly with Dr. Shields. I felt like Jess was a formidable opponent in the game of cat and mouse that began between her and Dr. Shields once Jess caught on to her manipulations. I flew this book, as I did The Wife Between Us, it didn't have the big surprises that The Wife Between Us had but the mind games really kept the story interesting!

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