Member Reviews

There is more to reading someone's hand than just looking at the lines of the palm. This book explains how the shape of the hand, fingers and fingernails are as important as the lines of the palm, the fingerprints and so many more lines.
I was actually impressed how many different lines there are to be considered in a hand reading.

Very interesting read. I liked it and being curious about palmistry, I tought this was a really good book for the curious reader like me

Palmistry- Your Personal Guide (In Focus) by Roberta Vernon is a comprehensive guide on the art of reading hands. I have read a lot of books on palmistry and this one far exceeds all of them. Everything that you need to be able to effectively read someone’s hand is included, from the lines on the palm, to the shapes of the fingers, the colour and feel of the hand, etc. This is where this book stands out. Including tips and tricks on how to read the entire hand is not something you will find in an average palmistry book. I especially loved the chapter on fingerprints and skin ridge patterns. The information in that chapter was unique and intriguing. I wish that there were illustrations earlier in the book that clearly showed what islands and chains look like on the palm because it wasn’t clear in the descriptions given. The chapter on the health of the hands was ingenious and I know most readers will probably jump right to that chapter. There were lots of unique tidbits included throughout that I haven’t read anywhere else. Such as travel lines, and timeline predictions using the lines on the palm. The illustrations were clear and were almost on every page so I didn’t have to constantly flip back and forth. This book is great for beginners and those who have more experience. I guarantee that you will learn new methods and will have your palm right under your nose when reading this guide. After reading this book, I will never look at my hands in the same way again, so go and get your hands on a copy of Palmistry- Your Personal Guide (In Focus)…no pun intended.

This is a great primer to learn about palmistry. I enjoyed reading the old tales of palmistry and how they have affected today's view. I am always curious about things I don't know, so I really enjoyed learning where the idea that your future could be seen in your hands. I came out of the book understanding what is and isn't. But I had more questions and I couldn't even really read my own hand.
In Focus Palmistry is great for anyone wanting to learn and understand the technique but you'll have to look further to be able to actually do the techniques.

“In Focus Palmistry: Your Personal Guide”by Roberta Vernon gives a comprehensive review of what our hands are telling us. Introduces readers to the ancient craft of reading hands to tell a person's fortune. From analyzing palms, fingers, fingerprints, mounts, and nails, learn how to discover the hidden strengths and weaknesses within yourself and others. Chapters cover looking at hands; the fate line; the Apollo line or sun line; marks, colors, and warts; and skin ridge patterns. Includes an 18 x 24-inch wall chart for quick reference. Highly recommended!
Pub Date 22 May 2018
Thanks to Quarto Publishing Group – Wellfleet Press and NetGalley for the review copy. Opinions are fully mine.
#InFocusPalmistry #NetGalley

I found this book very interesting. Looking at my hands and trying to figure out the things it told about me. The hand is divided into half and each side is read. The hand is described as having planets that all mean something. The fate and life lines are only part of the reading. It can tell the future, the past and the present. It is so informative that I would love to have my hand read by someone with so much knowledge. Well written with so much emphasis on things other than predictions including the health of the person whose hands are being read. I received this book from Net Galley and Quarto Publishing -Wellfleet Press for a honest review and no compensation otherwise.

My review has been posted to my blog & Goodreads.
Review has also been tweeted as usual.
Thank you! :c)

That's definitely one of the most interesting books I've ever seen. It's so much more than I thought. It's not about just palm reading here's a lot of info about palm and fingers and - obviously - how to read the lines. I know I'm going to pick up this book again and again until I learn it deeply.
If I need a rating, it would be 4/5, but I don't like the idea of rating a non-fiction book. Which is actually funny, bc I don't ever read non-fiction. But this - and a few others - really picked my interest.
On a side note, the absence of a kindle edition really annoyed me, since I had to read it on my laptop, instead of my kindle
♥I got a copy from the publisher through NetGalley and this is my most honest uninfluenced review♥

I was attracted by this book as I wanted to learn something about palmistry. This book met all my expectations as it's full of charts, examples and very clear explanations.
A very useful book that guided me to understand how this ancient practice works.
Many thanks to Quarto Publishing and Netgalley for this ARC

I appreciated the layout of this book. There is a mix of illustrations, boxes, diagrams and text. I found it interesting to identify both the shape and element style of my hands and learning what the radial and ulna sides of the hand are. I found the idea behind busy and empty hands fascinating. I found it interesting to learn about the mounts and different parts of the fingers. There was information on finger shapes and fingerprints. I felt like I learned a lot about myself. I will be honest, I had a hard time finding some of the lines on my own hands, but I don't think that was the book, I think it is my hands. And, indeed, the author states that not everyone has all the lines. I found this book fascinating, easy to read and understand and recommend it to anyone interested in learning more about reading palms.