Member Reviews

I always love learning more about astrology as it's something I am new to and learning more about. I found this book informative without being overbearing and I really enjoyed it. It's a good reference for a newbie like me!

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If you are interested in more than just your daily horoscope in the newspaper, then read this book. From drawing a birth chart to the interpretation of the sun signs, the houses, etc, it is all in this slim volume to get you started on your astrological journey.

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I've always been interested in Astrology but most of the books I have picked up over the years have been a bit overwhelming. I have to be honest I was totally surprised how this small book was more useful to me than any other book I have had. It not only explains each of the signs but also gives you the sun, the moon, the houses and so much more. It shows you how to make charts, how to read them, and how to make them useful in your day to day life. The book is very well written and written for the beginner, I do believe that more advanced people could also find the information in this book useful if for nothing more than a refresher course.

I received this book from the Author or Publisher via and chose to leave this review.

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My friends and I are all big fans of astrology, so I did not hesitate to request this book when it appeared on NetGalley. There was stuff I already know, of course, but reading them with clear explanations and chart gave me a better understanding and reminded me of details that I forgot. It's a book that's easy to follow, and can definitely make people interested in astrology.

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A very straightforward book that is very helpful when looking into astrology. I felt like I learned without being weighed down with too much information or with words that were complicated.

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I found this book difficult to follow once it got past the more basic information about reading your natal chart. Once it got into transits and conjuncts etc. it become difficult to understand especially when I didn't have my natal chart with me. The first 2/3rds of the book did have a lot of interesting information and a lot of information of the signs and how they relate to a person's upbringing/childhood. I gave the book 3 stars because I didn't think it was successful at trying to cater to beginners, but also cover some more advanced topics. (that may be the fact that I'm a visual learner and I need to see things explained when it's more mathematical/scientific based) Disclaimer- You will need to use a website to create your natal chart in order to use most of the information in the book.

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I good book for students of Astrology. It explains the basics of the subject, Signs, Planets, etc. Though some more knowledge would have been good.

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Part, astronomy, part psych, part forecasting (as per the author), In Focus Astrology offers a simple and straightforward education about astrology so you can start practising immediately. Intended for the beginning student, it offers suggestions for free and not-so-free astrology programs, as the author states few astrologers actually hand-chart any more.

I found this book overly simplistic for my needs, however, it's in keeping with the rest of the In Focus series.

Would I recommend it to my readers, or friends? Perhaps if they needed something light and bright, straightforward and simple to get started. I would not recommend this for intermediate to advanced astrology students, or as a reference book.

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When I started being interested in Astrology I got my information online only. But if I've got the chance I prefer using actual print books - nevermind liking people getting paid for giving me information because that's a lot of work and I'm grateful for every useful tidbit of information.

So I was really happy when I saw this title on NG and got approved!

But the happiness didn't last. There may be people who like the way and the... the how? of information in In Focus Astrology but I didn't. I started skim reading and then I dnfed because I don't need this in my life - witchy or not.

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I was expecing Something fun and light about astrology and found myself having to concentrate a lot to be able to understand the content of the book. If you are already a connaisseur in astrology, i am sure you will like this book. but it was just not for me

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What I Liked

The first thing I noticed about this book was how beautiful it looked. Now, this might sounds a bit contrary to what you should write in a book review, but with this book the imagery throughout adds a lot. The reason I say this is because all images in this book serve a purpose. They either illustrate a star sign or they are a diagram of some sort. The style is cute, they are all informative, but not distracting in my option. Everything was very complimentary.

Now, this goes into my next point, this book is very informative. It talks about a wide array of subjects that are related to astrology. This include star signs, ascending and rising signs, the aspects and the houses as well. Even with all of this information and how in-depth it is, I was never confused. The language used to explain aspects of this field is very upfront, but done so in a way that is straightforward and not overly filled with jargon.

What I Didn’t Like

The one thing I think that would be a negative with this book would be that you really need to want to explore astrology. This book is not a book that you just would just jump into to know what astrology is, it is for those who want to the topic more in depth. I feel like this is more of a perfect book for those who have read one already or are very dedicated to learning about this topic.

Overall Thoughts

This guide is great for those who are really interested in learning about astrology. It is a very well rounded guide that covers many aspects of the topic. Not only does it cover the more known topics such as the signs such as Cancer, Taurus, and the other 10 zodiac signs it goes houses, planets, and more. It is really a great book to read and have on hand to reference if you are committed to astrology and learning all there is to learn about the topic.

* I received this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Great starter book for people wanting to learn about astrology. Brilliant illustrations and explanations.

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I got into Astrology because it's the passion of a friend so I was really excited when I got this book for review. And I think it is a good start for someone who does not know much about it, but at the same time it does not go into enough detail or explain things in such a way to help you better understand some concepts.

But it was a fun easy read.

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I picked up this book expecting a beginner's introduction to astrology. I was quickly overwhelmed by charts, symbols, and repeated statements that I would need an app or computer program to calculate charts which seemed to be needed if I were to understand anything else in the book. Maybe a good read if you've already got some experience with the more complex side of astrology, but left a complete novice like me confused and bewildered.

I received a digital ARC from the publisher via NetGalley.

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I’ve been reading this in focus series for a few books now and am more impressed with each book. Astrology has always interested me, but I recently got to the point that I really wanted to delve into it. I haven’t read many books on the topic, but this one is by far my favorite and the one I found most helpful. It was written in a way that was easy to follow and understand. I can’t wait to continue learning as much as I can about Astrology.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a digital copy of this book for review.

This is a beautifully illustrated volume which helps introduce the basic as well as some of the more overwhelming concepts of astrology. As a casual admirer of this field, I quite enjoyed the quirky art and detailed analyses provided by the author which helps familiarize the reader with different types of astrology, the use of different space bodies in charting your own birth data and their effects on different aspects of your personality. This could be an interesting choice for coffee table browsing or a stepping stone for those eager to learn more about the vast subsets of astrology.

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This is a great introduction to astrology, especially if you've never gotten into astrology until now, like myself. I've always been interested in astrology but my interest never went beyond my local newspaper's horoscope section.

I decided to give this book a try and I'm glad I did! It was easy to follow and fun to learn about my zodiac sign.

There's a chart with every zodiac sign on it to help you create your own chart. If you get a chance to pick this book up and are curious as to what your sign is all about, then this is the book for you.

#InFocusAstrology #NetGalley

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This is a good introduction to astrology. I think that those who want to get an introduction/ beginner look into this field, the book can be a good spring board.

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A quick look into signs, charts, and how people believe this affects personalities and lifestyle. Great for beginners or those looking for insight into signs other than their own.

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In Focus Astrology by Sash Fenton

Interested in learning about astrology and perhaps more about charts and how to create and read them? This book is jam packed with information to absorb and that will help you understand a bit more about the subject. I believe it is a book best taken in small sittings so that what is read can be retained then added to what comes next. There are more complex books on the subject but this would be a good book to begin with. It will take some time to learn it all but it is a treasure trove of ideas and knowledge gleaned over the years by the author who gladly shares it with the reader.

4 Stars

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