Member Reviews

I found this a solid sci-fi/fantasy read especially in the young adult genre. I thought everything was done very intricately, but easy to follow.

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Our world runs in cycles that change like a person shaking one of the snow globes we found in the storage room of the bunker when we were kids. Two days of Spring, a week of Summer, four days of Fall, following by a month of Winter. Most days, I wouldn't mind if our world feel off whatever shelf it is sitting on, smashing the cycle.

First reading of the summary, I thought this was a reimagination of the story of Jack Frost but in a frozen dystopian setting and a lot more kick-butt action scenes. As the winter becomes colder in Texas, I just need good books to cuddle up next to my electronic heater. Is that too much for this pipsqueak to ask for?!

Instead, I am slowly rumbling down a dirt road in my Kia snowmobile, brushing aside a manipulative relationship and so much angst from these teenage characters. Rather than an interesting world building, my car was sputtering along a thick layer of snow as the story moved slower than a snail on top of a super slow.

Genesis, the female protagonist, is one of the leaders of a small group of children and teenagers who are trying to survive. Their dystopian world involves shortened seasons of Spring, Summer, and Fall followed by a prolonged brutal winter - and winters are beginning to last longer and become more brutal in the past few cycles. It's taking everything for Genesis, her aggressive boyfriend Jack, and their friends to gather enough supplies for their group to survive, but tensions among the group worsen after Jack becomes more secretive about his outings.

This book and its premise sounded interesting when I first picked it. Dystopian was extremely popular in the 2010s; and The Hunger Games, Divergent, The Maze Runner, and so many other popular novels were part of this era. However, Robinson's try fell short. Her writing and character development was choppy and hard to read. Genesis is unbelievably naive, and Jack is manipulative and possessive when Genesis talks to another male. Thus, Robinson's attempt at a romance between Genesis and Jack feels forced, and the love triangle between Genesis, Jack, and Nathaniel is too much. Having a romance without that slow burn or a prefix can be done; however, Robinson needed to create more favorable characters then.

Besides the character development, I felt that the world development and plot was lacking as well. Having only read a third of the book, I may have missed on the majority of the world-building, but Genesis discussed little about her environment and contributed to the my confusion of the events and actions of Genesis and her group.

While I have barely read 10 books before the end of 2023, I desire to spend my limited time wisely; while I am extremely grateful to have gotten this book for free in exchange for an honest review, I do not believe this book is particularly interesting to me nor has the development that I desire. I hope to read more of Robinson's books in the future that involve a lot more excitement and intricacies, and I will continue searching for the world's most perfect book (besides any of Cassandra Clare's, duh!) before the end of my time!


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Well the concept was great but the story was not well written. Too long in parts and too short in details in other parts. Characters were glossed over in favor of plot lines but those were sort of all over the place. Maybe more editing would have made this a better read.

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This is easily the worst book I've read all year. Yes it was worse than Catwoman and I didn't think anything could be as worse as Catwoman. I requested this from Netgalley solely on the fact that it had Jack Frost in the title, and then the premise sounded nice as well. It sounded really YA-ish if you know what I mean, along the lines of a company is trying to ruin the world and these teenagers must save it. But it wasn't even bad because of that, it was bad just because the characters sucked.

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Okay okay okay, I thought this was going to be an amazing story based on Jack Frost, and it just… it lacked so much and wasn’t in the direction I expected. I didn’t enjoy jt sadly.

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This book is one of my all time favorite books I have read. I truly could not put it down. I ended up ordering a physical copy after finishing it.

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This was fun, but didn't wow me. I enjoyed some of the characters and the world, but it was just ok.

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I couldn’t get into this book. I tried multiple times and it just didn’t grab my attention. I skimmed through hoping something would grab me but nothing ever did.

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This book was not anything like what I was expecting. It was actually a really weird story and the writing itself wasn't anything special. I found the characters shallow and really didn't care what happened to them.

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The premise of this book was so gooood! Lots of Maze Runner vibes. I went into this blind, as I don't read the synopsis of my books, and thank gosh I did because the synopsis is, frankly, shit. If I'd read it before I started the book, I'd be giving this 2 stars. The massive reveal in the book is stated at around 60%, so it makes the whole entire book a complete waste. But I appreciate how the relationship is already established, and the family they make at the bunker, and how they all develop and work together.

I read the last line of this book and I almost threw my Kindle across the room. For once, FOR ONCE, I thought that a character <spoiler>would actually die, and stay dead,</spoiler> but instead there's a continuation of this story that wasn't made clear on GR? I thought this was a standalone, yet it is not. I'm a lot salty about that.

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The Revolution of Jack Frost is, well, a bitter disappointment.

The problem with this story is that it is inconsistent. It surrounds people who live in something reminiscent of a giant snow globe, and at times the language of the novel suggests that they know they are living in a globe and other times where they have no clue.

It leaves the reader a little confused as to what the characters know and do not know about their life and circumstances. It just is not written clearly until the ultimate revelation that the characters are unaware of their situation.

Adding to the confusion is the poor pacing. The Revolution of Jack Frost takes way too long to develop. The story follows Genesis, a girl living in the snow globe and dating one character named Jack. They live in a globe where the seasons change unexpectedly, creating a dystopic world for the reader. Moreover, while the concept is interesting enough, given the confusion of the novel, it is unclear how this is supposed to be a retelling of Jack Frost.

Overall, the story lacks substance. It is poorly paced, lacking detail to ground the reader in the novel. It takes too long to connect to the fact that they are a part of an experiment. However, what is worse is the characters and the lack of personality they have.

The romance between Jack and Genesis feels forced; it lacks chemistry. The dynamics between Jack and his so-called friends are also unbelievable. It seems that even though the characters have grown up together, there is still an inkling of mistrust between them. It does not make sense given how they are supposed to be the best of friends. Once again, this is the language failing to make the story believable.

Final Thoughts
Ultimately, The Revolution of Jack Frost is a bitter disappointment. The storytelling lacks cohesion and personality, failing to ground the reader in the plot. While it should be a retelling of Jack Frost, it barely gives the character Jack a voice to shine and connect to the reader.

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This book is about of world in a dome of controlled harsh weather to try to climatized humans. Genisis and her boyfriend Jack start to realize something is wrong and try to save the day!
The idea behind this book was really interesting but I dont feel it was done well. There was not enough world building when we could have had something very interesting. The characters had a bit of an awkward relationship to read.
All around not my style of book.

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Definitely a great winter read!
I enjoyed the plot and the characters. Definitely something I would pick up again.

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Sadly this one wasn't for me. It felt like a very generic ya dystopian, even if the premise was quite original and what drew me in.
I felt like all characters were pretty bland, especially Genesis and Jack, they had no chemistry and if it didn't say they were in a relationship, I never would've guessed. There were some instances in dialogue where Jack would say something like : "Stop talking woman" and I just wanted to hit him pretty bad, not sure if that was supposed to be cute or quirky (even though I wanted Gen to shut up for almost the whole book cause she was pretty stupid and reckless and I wish she wasn't a main character).
Also Nathaniel was such a weird character and he was constantly glaring at Jack which made me chuckle.
I had some issues with pacing and overall logic of this book cause it didn't sound believable enough even if it is fantasy/sci-fi. Writing pulled me out of the story a lot and honestly I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

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The Revolution of Jack Frost was a decent book, the pacing and characters were a little off at times but I haven't read many books centring around Jack Frost.

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It took me some time to read this book, and I don't what to tell. I had high expectations and in the end it was a little anticlimatic and confusing. I guess the author had a great idead but somehow didn't deliver and that's a shame because I knew the potential of this story.
The worldbuilding it took me until the end of the book to understand and even then I was still confused.
I guess what I truly liked was the main character, Jack. He brought something more deep to the story, something that I could understand. He was perfectly grey and not at all the good type of person, whch is my favorite kinda of person.

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Unfortunately this book just wasn't for me. I got pulled in by the title and the idea of a possible Jack Frost retelling. I kept waiting for the story to pick up, and I found myself trying to force myself to finish the book. When that happens, books become immensely less enjoyable.
I wish I'd been able to enjoy this book.

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I have recently gotten into retellings, so I'm not an expert on the the topic.

First things first, I loved the cover! So beautiful, I think I would have read the book no matter what.
I can't say Jack Frost is one of my all time favorite characters, but, like I said, beautiful cover.

It was interesting to bring the story in the modern days and it kept my interest until the end, but that was pretty much it.

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Fangirl here, and very interested in reading this. Jack frost is one of those characters that just stay with you because his story is so interesting. It stayed the same through this story.

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How to start? Hmmm.. Okay so the concept of the story got me.. it’s good but then as I read it and it unfolded the interest died.. the story is all over the place. the romance is not in a very good timing like, the world is ending what are you to doing? Get your priorities straight!!! That kind of thing..

Thank you Netgalley..

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