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The Revolution of Jack Frost

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This is something of a light dystopian/science fiction novel written in a simple style that young teenagers might find appealing. The concept was interesting enough, but the execution fell a bit flat. There were far too many mild romance scenes inserted randomly throughout that detracted from the story. There were also too many unanswere questions or missed opportunities for extended world building. The characters also have done with a bit more personality and conflict - especially the group of secondary characters. They came across as docile sheep, following whatever instructions are given without question and not even twitching when they find out their world wasn't what they thought it was. The writing of the first half of the novel was a bit stilted, almost like a novice writer. The second half picked up pace and intensity. This wasn't a bad book, but it could have been better.

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*SavvyLBC Reviews, I received an ARC from NetGalley/Publisher for an honest review*

This book made no sense at all.
I was ecstatic to receive an ARC because I love story retelling and Jack Frost is one of my favorite stories. It's like it's trying to hard to fit into the Hunger Games and Maze Runner world. I expected more Jack Frost more folklore and less Maze Runner. All that aside the relationships were lacking. I didn't feel the slightest thing for any character. I don't even remember their names it was that disconnected and the world was a bit all over the place. Where they really in a snow globe after all because it seems like it all shook up and rattled.

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This book seems to be a very acquired taste. Either you will love it or hate it. Personally I really enjoyed reading about all the characters and I could quite easily imagine myself in the storyline. This will prove to very interesting if the author desires to develop this further at all.

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Since 2012, when Rise of the Guardians were made, Jack Frost is a known character. One of my beloved character, to be true, so when I found this book, I knew that I need this kind of retelling. But, to be honest, I'm truly disappointed.

At first it looked great, but it's just another story similar to The Maze Runner, with the difference this is without any logic. The characters are living in a snow globe where weather's changing however it wants. The winter lasts as the longest, so they need to harvest as much food as possible during spring, summer and fall. And that's everything you'll understand.
I was looking forward to seeing this kind of world, but it was just so boring. The characters don't work like they should. All of them are introduced just at random, as Genesis, the main character, suddenly needs a word with them, so I was just like - wait, when have they spoken about Red? I didn't understand the system of leadership, from the context I thought that Adam is the leader, but then everybody listened to Jack. WHY. And he himself was such a dull character, same as Genesis. They don't have the soul book characters should have to make themselves more real. There's also a romance going on between Jack and Genesis from the very start, but for me it didn't look like a real relationship. It was just some weird friendship with one-sentence-kissing. The romance wasn't working, the friendship wasn't working - so what should you want from characters then?

The world, the plot and the characters would need more explanations to make it easier for reader to read. I ended near the half of the book - as a reader you should ask questions what'll happen next, but I wanted to know just: What the hell is going on?! The plot was so boring, without any surprises or action, without any explanation what they were doing. The author's style didn't suit me well. I'm so sorry to rate this book so bad, because I was really looking forward to reading a good book with Jack Frost between the main characters. Although I hate unfinishing books and not reading them till the end, I don't have enough nerves with TRoJF.
I love the cover, though. That's really nice.

Huge thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me an arc ebook for an honest review.

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I really wanted to fall in love with a new tale, but unfotunately it just didn't happen. Slow pace, lack of explanations and directions made this read difficult. Picks up near end of story but I was already disappointed by that time.

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The Revolution of Jack Frost by KM Robinson was a pretty great read. I am a distopian book fan and this book did not disappoint. The cliffhanger at the end has me desperately wanted to read the sequel. A must read for fans of distopian books.

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Thank you to Xpresso Book tours for the arc of this book.
I struggled throughout this book, kept waiting for it to pick up and for something to happen.
I found it dull and a bit boring.

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*2.5 stars*

An interesting concept that is a bit too similar to another work for me to enjoy it.

“The Revolution of Jack Frost” tells an origin story of sorts to the infamous character who is very much a man in this book as he finds himself in a world known as the Snow Globe where the weather changes so fast and the only certainty is that winter will be long and harsh. Genesis, a young woman also in the Globe is completely entranced by her boyfriend Jack, but when he stars disappearing and the weather becomes even more unpredictable she sets off to uncover the secrets of their world before it unravels into chaos.

This is a bit of a sci fi story with fantasy woven in through the practice of story telling and creating the lore that is attached to this character and while I enjoyed that aspect to it the plot itself was very familiar. For me it’s almost like a weather focused version of The Maze Runner with similar motivations for the construct of the world and the experimentation based element that plays a large role in a post apocalyptic society where children are made to be the perfect guinea pigs for discovering a way to rejuvenate the old world.

It was really hard to enjoy this book as it’s own entity when the entire time I found myself referring back to that other series and don’t get me wrong it’s not a play by play retelling but it is almost like an au of sorts and for that I couldn’t get into it but if you haven’t read the former odds are this would be enjoyable but if you have I’d suggest skipping it.

**special thanks to the publishers and netgalley for providing an arc in exchange for a fair and honest review**

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Jack Frost as you have never seen him before, this time he's not flying around with the Guardians... this time he's stuck in a snowglobe experiment with those he cares about.

This is a unique take on the legend Jack Frost and has some aspects that Maze Runner fans may enjoy, experiments...forced to live inside of a dome that tests them and even puts their lives at risk. The story is told from Jack's girlfriend's point of view, Genesis, and how they're all trying to survive the harsh, inexplicable weather changes of their environment.

The characters are put through the ringer in this and as such, they do happen to grow quite a bit throughout the many twists and turns.

More is discovered in this dystopian world and the ending of the book is a massive cliffhanger that will have you pawing for the sequel.

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