Cover Image: The Case of the Hidden Daemon

The Case of the Hidden Daemon

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I did not finish - I have tried reading this book on multiple occasions and just could not get into it.

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The Case of the Hidden Daemon (Dr Ribero's Agency of the Supernatural #3) is the third book in a series by Lucy Banks.

I've actually rather enjoyed this series overall! The author does a good job at really fleshing out her characters and giving them big, distinctive personalities. Quite frankly, half of my enjoyment of these books comes from reading what one could describe as the 'non-action' passages, where characters are just talking to each other.

The series follows the main character, Kester, as he struggles to figure out his place in the magical world that he had no idea was all around him; in this world spirits and demons live amongst humans, with some causing more trouble than others, naturally. His father runs a supernatural agency and as Kester has the ability to open portal doors between his world and the spirit world, he becomes a reluctant member of the team that is regularly dispatched to different parts of England to deal with pesky ne'er-do-well spirits.

In this book, Kester's girlfriend Anya has been kidnapped, there's a daemon causing general havoc around England, a dead rockstar, a rival supernatural agency and a lot of the familiar comedic situations that we have come to expect from the first two books.

What I struggled with the most in this particular book was the love story between Kester and Anya. Kester is a hapless character, it's true, but I found myself working overtime to contain my eye rolls and frustration with him in this book. As a result, this book felt slower paced and it was harder for me to get into.

Admittedly, this entry in the series was my least favorite, but it was still enjoyable overall.

I received this ARC as a courtesy from NetGalley & the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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The 3rd book of this series was just as captivating as the first. I just love this quirky group. The story opens just a couple of weeks after the 2nd one leaves off and the new mystery quickly develops. It was fast paced and full of snark, what's not to love?

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of this book, which I voluntarily chose to review.

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This is a great supernatural series (if you like that sort of thing, that is) and this is the third book in the series. I haven't read book 1, but I did read book 2 and enjoyed it enough that I wanted to get my hands on this edition. It was a bit of a slow start, what with Christmas looming, but I managed to read it relatively quickly.

Apart from Kester's continuing and crippling lack of self-confidence and his mooning about Anya, this story was well done. I like all the characters for different reasons (I'm convinced Mike and Serena will wind up together - they put on a good show of loathing each other), and despite Kester's lack of self-confidence, I have to say it's nice to see a male MC having these issues. Hopefully, this will change as the series continues. It's fine to have relatable characters, but I also read to escape reality and like my MCs to have a bit more backbone (than I do). He's smart and quick when he finally allows himself to slow down and focus on things. He picks his way through a daemon's centuries' old words and various writings, full of anagrams, to discover a plot to open a permanent spirit door that would allow spirits to move freely back and forth, from one plane to another. Obviously, this is not ideal, and Ribero's team is joined up with his sworn enemy Larry Higgins to assist the Government in solving this case.

He rescues his girlfriend from a kidnapping (or does he?), to then be 'kidnapped' himself to be used by the daemon and his human followers as the spirit door opener. The ending is a bit convenient, but there's also cliff hanger to carry us through to Book 4.

Overall, this is a great read and I find it very cleverly done, mixing just enough paranormal with real life places (Exeter, Bath, etc.) that I can find on a map. I'm very much looking forward to the next book in the series!

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Is there such a thing as a cozy supernatural ghost story? Considering that I am still confused as to which genre this series belongs – it seems too simple to be an adult book, but at times, too much for a young adult, so I continue to question where it belongs.

Dr. Ribero’s Agency of the Supernatural once again bumbles their way through a case that began in the last book, ‘The Deadly Doppelganger’, and jerkily moved the plot forward. This time with added intrigue of an odd cult that teams up with an old and formidable daemon that has inhabited more than one person and is on the lookout for the next.

Using anagrams, which I am not totally convinced were not used during the writing of other parts of this book, Lucy Banks reveals the secrets of who the daemon is and what his plans are. It takes the mind of the least likely band of characters of the Agency to figure out the code, but in doing so, realizes that he has been played and that once again, his heart has been broken.

Though I keep reading, I am not one-hundred-percent sold on this series. There seems to be something missing, that magical quotient that makes for the quintessential cannot put down series.

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Solidly written - this doesn't catch lightning in a bottle for me, really, but it does provide well-plotted, thoroughly cohesive urban fantasy for fans of the genre. I guess I just find Kester super annoying? Maybe the writing doesn't speak to me? I don't know but I don't think my apathy toward the book should put another reader off; it's just not for me.

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This is an exciting series. If you've not read the first two books, you can still read this one and not feel lost. I strongly recommend reading the first two books and they are a great read also. Those that have read and are fans of Jonathan Stroud's Lockwood series will find this series just as adventurous.

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I continue to enjoy this series, although must confess that this was not my favorite of the titles... For some reason it felt a little sluggish to me - I had a tough time getting into the story and did not enjoy where one of the semi-major (in this volume, anyway) character's storylines went. Poor Kester's haplessness is starting to wear on me also. Often I find myself wanting to give him a firm shake and tell him to snap out of it. Still, the characters surrounding him are fantastic - I love the "Ghost hunters" at Dr. Ribero's agency and to watch the tension with the other companies as they struggle to keep Britain safe from the paranormal. I'm very curious to see where the new developments with Dr. Ribero will take the series also - that storyline is playing out in an unexpected way and I find myself exceptionally curious to see what impact it will have on the others both personally and professionally. Perhaps this will be the thing that forces Kester to come into his own...

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This is the first book I have read in the series and I must say that I will have to go back and read the others. I love the quirks and eccentricities of the characters and how they relate to one another. The mystery was enjoyable and kept me entertained. I received a copy from NetGalley and the publisher and this is my honest opinion.

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Once I started this book, I really wasn't sure where it was going to take me. Was it going to be a family drama, with a supernatural twist? A paranormal 'Office?' Was it going to be a self loathing 20-something who fell into a job he was ill equipt for, and in far over his head? It turned into a pleasant web of drama that happened to have a fair share of anomalous twists. I was interested and entertained throughout the book. Including the failed attempt at catching an Incubus. Even when you are at parts that you feel are a bit extra, you find later each event built to the climax of the book. The ending had me screaming for at least a teaser from the next book. Those are the best types of reads in my humble opinion. A good mix of balancing the normal, and the paranormal. Phenomenal. I hope there is more to come, and soon in the series.

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As was the case with the previous book in the series I really loved this. The band of characters is really comical. They each have a specific paranormal ability that helps them with their "ghost hunting". They all have flawed personalities and insecurities, and if they didn't work together they wouldn't work anywhere else. I do wish Kester would kind of find himself and his backbone. He keeps starting to find his courage and then he reverts to the naive, insecure, scared little boy. It doesn't help that people are constantly insulting him all of the time. I do hope that as the series continues Kester begins to conquer his fears and his colleagues begin to respect him. Overall, though I do really like the characters, they are witty and funny, and at the heart of it they really do care about each other.

This particular installment didn't focus on sending a spirit back to the spirit realm, but it did focus on daemons this time which is new for the series. I really liked the way Kester had to step up and solve the clues that the daemon left behind and the inclusion of the Thelemites, a cult-like organization that focuses on human-spirit interaction. As Kester and the agency try to figure out what the daemon and the Thelemites are up to, Kester is also trying to navigate a budding romance with librarian Anya. Anya has gotten herself mixed up in with the Thelemites and Kester is trying to protect her and fumble through his first relationship.

I will say I hate cliffhangers, this one wasn't too bad. The story does end, but it leaves you wanting more. I can't wait for the next book and to see where this is headed. There are so many different ways the story can play out and I'm so exited to see where it goes next. I have so many unanswered questions. Overall, I love this series and I highly recommend it.

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I love this series: it's fun to read, full of humour and quirky characters.
I loved the previous instalments and I loved this one.
This book is a real page turner, I was hooked since the first pages and read it in two settings.
The cast of characters is wonderful as usual and the plot was engaging, full of great ideas like the anagrams.
I cannot wait to read the next instalment as I want to know what will happen to the characters.
Highly recommended!
Many thanks to Amberjack Publishing and Netgalley for this ARC

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A cliffhanger. Really? Ugh.

I was really excited to see this book on NetGalley as I really like the first one [that I had to read when I got the second one as a "read now" earlier this year] and I liked the second one even more.
This one was a bit frustrating though and I spent quite a bit of time [figuratively] banging my head against my desk as I read this. I know that Kester is a bit of a doofus and I know that he is totally enamored with Anya, but R E A L L Y?? And this super fantastic agency is just NOT SEEING what is right in front of them?


It was frustrating and then to leave it with a cliffhanger was just irritating on top of the frustration.
And Kester REALLY needs to develop some self confidence. I hope that what happens to him at the end of the book stiffens him up a little and helps him see that he is better than he thinks he is. He is a great character when he isn't moaning about how stupid he is. CLEARLY he isn't stupid, he just makes mistakes and he needs to see the difference [though the stunt he pulls at the end of the book IS stupid and he needed smacked and hugged for that].

I am pretty sure I have one of the bad guys figured out, but I really, really, really, hope I am wrong because its going to be very, very, very, messy if I am right.

Really looking forward to the next one [have to be because, you know, CLIFFHANGER].

A thank you to Amberjack Publishing and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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"Still recovering from the case of a serial killer spirit in Lyme-Regis, Dr Ribero’s agency is soon confronted with an even greater threat: a reckless cult conspiring with an ancient and powerful Daemon to open a permanent spirit door so that spirits have unfettered access to the human realm. Having just witnessed the lethal consequences uncontrolled spirits can have on the unsuspecting, the agency joins forces with several others to prevent the cult from unleashing chaos and ending the world’s fragile protection from dangerous spirits."

October Gothic goodness!

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Gloriously English, supernatural comedy series.

Picking up where the previous book, ‘The Deadly Doppelganger’ left off, the rag tag bag of spooky sleuths, led by the reluctant Kester, are reeling from the disappearance of Kester’s girlfriend. Anya is being held captive by a mysterious cult, The Thelamites, an ancient secret society who believe that spirits and humans should live harmoniously together.

What do they want with Kester’s girlfriend? Is there something more spooky and sinister that Dr Ribero’s Agency of the Supernatural need to investigate?

It’s important to point out that this is the third in a series from Dr Ribero’s Supernatural Agency and, unlike the previous books, it does not stand alone, and knowledge of what came before is essential to fully appreciate the book.

First off, I love this series and love the bumbling, fumbling characters that the author has brought together.
After three books the main characters from the agency are now well rounded, and lots of time has been invested in them, they’re like comfortable, old friends, and it is a joy to watch them grow as the series has progressed. It does feel like there is so much more to be revealed about them.

The connection and interaction between them is superb, and it is the heart beat of the book. In fact, there are so many characters involved, some from the previous books and some new introductions, that it should be hard to keep them all busy and interesting, however the author achieves this to great effect. We’ve got rival supernatural agencies, the mysterious Thelamites, a centuries old Djinn together with a lovesick incubus. That’s just to name a few. It’s just great fun choosing and following your favourite character.

My only very slight disappointment is that I wish we had more of Dr Ribero himself, however, I think (and hope) this may be explored further in another book in the series.

It’s not a just a character driven book though, the plot holds up well, with lots of twists and turns and, without giving too much away, ends on a real cliff hanger.
I also really enjoyed the problem-solving element that the team have to undertake in order to progress the case, this added something different to the previous books and elevated interest.

This is a great addition to the Dr Ribero series and leaves you wanting more. I would love to see this transferred to the small screen as a TV series, I think the British setting, and especially the South West, would be the perfect backdrop, for this deliciously light, supernatural comedy, full of English whimsy.

Book 4 very soon please?

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in return for an honest review.

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This is quickly becoming one of my favorite series! The merging of Ribero and "the Higgins" agencies worked even better than I expected. The characters all have endearing quirks and a few definitely have room to expand and let us learn more about them. This book focused primarily on Kester's relationship with Anya, as well as his father's less than clandestine arrangement with Miss Wellbeloved. I suspect that more about their relationship and about Kester's mother will be revealed in subsequent books. I'm totally hooked and eagerly await the next one! Thank you to Netgalley and Amberjack for granting my request for this book.

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Another wonderful supernatural mystery in the series

The series continues with this excellent third book, which I enjoyed as much as I did the second book. It has everything I want in a supernatural mystery: a great, well-paced story, good action and especially, well-developed characters. The banter between the characters is excellent and I felt I got to know them even better. I strongly recommend this book for anyone who wants to read lighter fantasy.

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Having read the case of the doppelgänger I was hoping that the writing would have improved but sadly not. Again I liked the idea and some of the characters. However I wanted to give the main character Kester shake. Too much of his self deprecating. This writer needs friend to honestly help her to rephrase all the sentences so that they don’t grind. It’s so nearly a good book but sadly this time I gave up before the end.

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I adore this series. The characters are charming and brilliant, and the plot has so many twists it kept me on my toes.

The use of anagrams and lyrics just show how much of a genius Lucy Banks is, and I loved every single second of reading this.

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