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Lying Low

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Thank you NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for this arc.

Just what I needed -- Fluffy & outrageous fun. This is the second Jane Avery book and she manages to find as much trouble as in her first one. But she got to dress up as a purple/lilac elf queen in this one. It's been overcast and kind of rainy, so I had a big bowl of popcorn with this one.

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I didn't know that Lying Low is the second book in a series. I don't think that hindered my understanding of this book. Jane has decided to always tell the truth. With a dead man in her bed and on the run, it's an entertaining read that has plenty of fun, action and mystery. Jane has many likeable qualities. Overall a good read. Thanks to NetGalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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I love, love, love this book. Note this is the second book in the series. It is laugh out loud funny and entertaining.

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I read the first book and really enjoyed it. I have mixed feelings about this one, during most of the book I was feeling a bit bored and not enjoying much the humour style. I think the problem for me is that, while I liked Jane's character in the first book, now in the second I felt like she was too annoying, I couldn't relate, so that is probably why I lost some interest in the reading.
I enjoyed it more towards the end, the plot twist was interesting but sadly that is a small part of the book. This is the same problem I had with the first book, I think the development is slow and not much interesting during most of the book and everything happens too fast towards the end.
But despite the problems I am still interested in the story and I would read a next book to see what happens next.

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this story takes different twist when the main character decides to always tell the truth after man is found dead in her bed. the story deals with characters that are very diverse from autism to super rich to needing witness protection. It is an exciting mystery as the protagonist searches for her mother when she should be trying to find the killer.

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Jane is back with another dead body on her hands well in her bed. I love this series. Jane is a fabulous character surround by other fabulously zany characters. This is a hilarious mystery with quite a few twists and turns. There is never a dull moment in Jane's life so there is never a dull moment for the reader. I definitely recommend this book to anyone looking for a mystery full of comedy. I would also suggest reading Private Lies first as Lying Low pick up where Private Lies leaves off.

I voluntarily agreed to read an ARC of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own and in no way have been influenced.

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This is a great book with a wonderful story and well developed characters. The story flowed very well and was very enjoyable. This book will keep you reading long into the night and you will not want to put this book down until you finish. This was such a great read and full of surprises. I am looking forward to reading other books by this great author.

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Lying Low by Cynthia St. Aubin is the 2nd book in the Jane Avery Mystery series, and another great addition to this series. I loved this book/series! It was like a wild roller coaster ride, Jane is charged with killing a man she never met, who is dead in her bed. There is so much going on, it is a fast read that I could not put down. This book made me laugh out loud, it was so funny. Fabulous book/series, which I thoroughly love and highly recommend. I will be reading more books by this author, and can't wait for the next book in the series.

I received this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Lying Low by Cynthia St. Aubin is a quirky and witty mystery that kept me guessing who the villains were.

Jane Avery has recently graduated at the top of her class from the University of Denver school of law and for all intents and purposes has a bright future ahead. That is until she comes home to find a mysterious naked dead guy in her bed! Add this to the fact that she believes her private investigator mom has gone missing and is in danger somewhere in Seattle.

Jane is charged with murder, but thanks to a wealthy benefactor, Valentine, and her dashing mentor, Sam Shook, she is released on bail. She soon escapes the watchful eye of her former Special Ops bodyguard, Shepard. Then, ignoring her mentor’s instructions, fueled by jealousy of her colleague Melanie, Jane joins Sam and Melanie on the flight to Seattle to work on a huge case involving dueling tech giants over the origin of industry-changing 3-D technology.

We soon learn that this is a case to kill for, literally. Along the way, we are introduced to Tyler, the brilliant principal engineer of the company Jane’s client is suing, who has a unique connection to the dead naked guy found in Jane’s bed. He and Jane form an unlikely yet mutually beneficial relationship that becomes dangerous.

Soon Jane is questioning who she can trust, including her mom, who Jane still has not been able to see face to face and instead only catches glimpses of her engaging in clandestine meetings.

Will Jane solve the mystery of who framed her for murder and get her mom back? Just when you think you are safe can be when you are in the most danger.

This was a fun read. Thank you to NetGalley and publisher Thomas & Mercer for this free ebook. I rate Lying Low ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫/5.

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Jane is back, I've been waiting patiently (yes it's true so no laughing) for this book! I should know better than to read this author's books in either 1- in a drs office or such place laughing out loud would get you glares or 2 - while drinking (go on admit you've done this too), this time it was #1. From the beginning this book did what all her books do, put a smile on my face while laughing.

What Jane gets into, or what happens to her, is crazy but oh so the Jane we met in the first book. I just want more of her and her crew, new and old. Be prepare for surprises, purple (yes the color), and "the persuasive power of tits". You definitely want to read this!! Now to patiently wait for the next book (starts tapping fingers on the desk as I wait).

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OMG...I just don't even know where to start...this was one of the best books ever! No Lie! (no pun intended)! How can you NOT love a book that starts out with the very first line being "There was a man in my bed." I was captured and captivated from that moment on! Super fun and even more snarky, this Jane Avery mystery is sure to keep your attention too! Jane is nothing if not a badass woman! She kicks ass and takes names and everything she does, even if you say "WTF" leaves you smiling! You will not find any spoilers in this review, just know that this story moves right along and is chock full of characters you love to love, love to have, and just really want to go to bed with too! Mystery and intrigue, twists and turns that keep you swiping the pages of your Kindle well past your bedtime. If you love characters with personality, and believe me, everyone in this book holds their own, this is certainly the book/series for you. I had more than a few laugh 0ut loud moments, and just need to tell you that if you wait a minute longer to get this book (one click NOW) you will certainly be missing out on a sure fire winner. Jane, my newest, BAD ASS heroine! P.S. You don't need to read the first book to follow along, but why not get if if you haven't? You really won't be sorry!

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Jane is one fantastically crazy lady! She's caught up in something so far out of her realm but she just goes with it and fights back with hysterical sarcasm. Still on the hunt for her mother she finds more secrets, more death and how to LARP. There's never a dull moment for Jane and she seems to make friends wherever she goes. I wanted to read a bit slower so I could enjoy the humor and wonderful storytelling a little longer. I received my copy from Netgalley and have voluntarily written my unbiased review.

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You wouldn't think being charged with the murder of a man found dead in your bed would be a laughing matter but Jane Avery always keeps her sense of humor. Even as she's dealing with that little problem, she's searching for her mother Alex. There are some good twists in this funny, smart mystery and like the last book, the end left me going hmmmm. Don't worry if you didn't read the first one, btw, because St Aubin gives newbies enough info to appreciate this while not overloading those of us who are familiar with the characters. As always, keep an eye on the new characters as they aren't all what they seem. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC.

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This clever mystery is filled with secrets as well as with characters who are aren’t what you think they are. St. Aubin keeps the action going at a fairly fast pace, leaving the reader ready for the next entry in this series. Jane Marple Avery (other names from the anna,s of mystery stories appear throughout the novel) could come out of one of Amy Stewart’s fine books. While her wisecracks are smart and funny they are also riddled with language that might be offensive to some readers.

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Witty and fast-paced - I'd say these two describe this murder mystery the best. There are also quite a few moments of pure shock, but the good kind. The kind that make your jaw drop and stay up all night in order to reach the next one.

Thank you NetGalley for this copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Jane Avery is back on the case! This is the second of the Jane Avery series, and the second I have reviewed for netgalley. This series is funny and smart and a great way to spend a few hours with a great character. If you enjoyed the Lisa Lutz's The Spellman Files or Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series, this is a must read!!

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This is the first book I have read by this author and wow, I was blown away by it. I literally couldn't put it down, except for yesterday when I celebrated my birthday. I so enjoyed the characters, the snarky comments, the story line, everything clicked with me. Now I have to wait for her next in in the series, hope it is soon. Romantic suspense with humor, a top notch read! Even though this is the second in the series I had no problem following the story. I received an e-book from NetGalley in return for an unbiased review. Thank you NetGalley for this opportunity to find a new exciting author.

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Aubin continues on with the Jane Avery mysteries. A software engineer was murdered and Avery is charged with the crime. With help from a billionaire, Archard Valentine, she is let out of jail. They then begin a quest to figure out what the heck is going on!

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I was so super excited that I got a copy of this book from NetGalley, in exchange for a review, which I am as always happy to provide, that I actually jumped up and down. Did I mention that I am a huge fan of Cynthia St Aubin? This is the second book of the series and I would definitely recommend that you read them in order, since this book picks up were the other one left off. What a wild and crazy ride, I was laughing out loud so many times that my husband demanded to know what I was reading and I ended up reading out loud to him, what can I say Jane has some great one-liners. It had action, suspense, romance and I can't wait to see what will happen next. Awesome characters and a whole lot of fun to read.

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Absolutely a sht ton of the most outrageous crap comes out of Jane's mouth. I freaking love her lol! Then you throw in Tyler and you have yourself a party lol. Along with death and destruction you have day in the life that is Jane Avery's norm. THIS IS A MUST READ.

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