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Driven to Distraction

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If you're looking for small town romance, slow spicy burn with a twist on a driver for hire, loyalty, honesty, and a load of chemistry. A fun and wild ride ;).

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Although I was offered an ARC copy, I purchased the paperback at my local box store so that I could read it even when at work. Low or no battery on the kindle equals no reading time. I am so glad I did. This book has everything you could want in a relationship and much, much more. Definitely a must read!

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This is the beginning of a new series from Lori Foster and she did not disappoint! I have to say that other than the Transporter movie I have never thought of delivery drivers in the way Lori writes about them in this book. The chemistry is great between Mary and Brodie from their first meeting when she is SO not impressed.

I think my favorite parts of this book is Brodie’s treatment of Mary. It’s clear early on that Mary’s boss somewhat absentmindedly puts her in harms way and Brodie quickly steps in about that (but not in an arrogant way—at least in my opinion). I also love how Brody slips in under Mary’s shell.

Add to this Brodie’s dog Howler and a fun cast of secondary characters and you have the beginning of another great world created by Lori Foster.

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This is a brand new series by Lori Foster. This story started off with a very interesting beginning. Mary is walking up this very difficult road to get to a driver, Brodie Crews, who is supposed to help her pick up items and deliver them to her boss without any incident. There is an immediate attraction between the two and the first time they meet is very hilarious. Their relationship blossoms throughout the story and you can’t help but fall in love with these two. You will fall in love with Brodie’s family and I can’t wait to see who his brother, Jack, ends up with! If you love Lori Foster’s books you will have to read this one!

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Driven to Distraction is the first book in the Road to Love series. Like most of Lori Foster’s books, this one does not disappoint. Brodie Crews, a crass, crude, obnoxious, caring, over protective, no pretense kind of guy, who is dedicated to his family. Brodie and his brother, Jack, run Mustang Transport courier service in Ohio.

Mary Daniels, aka “Red”, is flawed, uptight, reserved and all business. She works for an eccentric 86 year-old collector, and has come to specifically hire Brodie to pick up her employer’s merchandise. After a very interesting meeting, in which Brodie discovered he thoroughly enjoyed needling Mary and Mary enjoyed putting Brodie in his place, Brodie is hired and put on retainer for her boss.

The attraction is immediate between them and sparks fly. All of Lori’s characters are interesting and lovable, from Howler, the dog Brodie rescued, to Charlotte, their assistant. The reader can’t help but fall in love with Brodie, who is always jumping to the defense of helpless maidens, innocent dogs and even the occasional outnumbered man! I received this ARC from NetGalley, and this is my honest review.

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With an opposites-attract storyline, the main characters are forced into close proximity on a road trip to acquire rare collectors' items for work. The heroine is more buttoned-up, and the hero is a laidback hunk with a protective streak, but they really do work well together in this enjoyable story.

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DRIVEN TO DISTRACTION is the first book in Ms. Foster’s new ROADS TO LOVE series, and it’s vintage Foster, filled with sexy characters, family, and love. There were many burn-up-the-sheet moments, which I wasn’t expecting. When uptight Mary meets her new driver for work, Brodie, they are nothing alike, but sparks do fly!

I loved the warmth between Brodie, his mom, brother, and their almost-like-a-sister office worker. Brodie’s dog, Howler, was comical in his actions but got serious whenever he smelled danger. Mary and Brodie were brought up very differently even though raised by single moms, since Brodie’s dad wasn’t in the picture much and his parents were divorced. Mary’s mom liked men too much, contributing to Mary’s horrible childhood. I liked the way Brodie respected her privacy but knew he needed to learn more about her and her earlier life, giving her someone to confide in, that she might get on with her life.

As we got to know the characters, we realized their depths. There were twists and turns to the story and lots of danger and injuries. The story had a nice flow, but a lot of goons and a pissed off wannabe girlfriend didn’t mix at all. I didn’t like Mary and Brodie’s employer initially because he had no heart, and his money could buy him anything he wanted no matter whose lives he put in danger. Once he recognized some of the uncomfortable situations he was putting Mary and Brodie in, he became more human. I liked the housekeeper and her husband and could all but taste the food that was prepared.

Life in a small town is never easy, but it grew even more complicated with the characters’ lives posted on social media. There was nice closure, and I enjoyed the excerpt for the next book in the series, SLOW RIDE. I can’t wait to read more when it’s released.

Ms. Foster is an author whose books I enjoy, especially when I’m looking for some edginess or heat. I can’t wait to see what she pens next.

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This book was so much fun to read - especially the first meeting between Brodie and Mary. It had me hooked and I couldn't wait to find out more about these two characters Brodie is at the point where he is confident in who he his and presents a laid back attitude although he is constantly aware of what is going on around him. Mary is all business even though she finds herself very attracted to Brodie. And then there is Howler, Brodie's dog, who also takes a liking to Mary. Loved how Brodie teased Mary but was also concerned about not wanting to make her self-conscious or uncomfortable.

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Driven to Distraction kicks off Foster's latest series and as with every new series I fell in love with the new world unfolding within the pages.

One of my favorite parts of this story was the main characters, Brodie sucked me in from the start and I really wanted to get to know more about him and I loved that Mary wasn't your typical heroine because that made the story all the more interesting for me. The chemistry between these two was powerful and I couldn't wait for them to act on it and realize what could be between them. The addition of the suspense angle had me excited to see what came next.

As with most of her series books, we got glimpses into the characters we might see in future books and got to know their surroundings as well. Lori Foster has always been great at bringing together romantic entanglements that are enticing and sexy while leading readers on a fun journey with bits of action, suspense, and piecing things together - this new series is sure to be full of much more of the same with it's own special twists.

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Lori Foster's book Driven to Distraction is the first book in her new A Road to Love series and it is hilarious! The book is quirky and fun and reminds me a lot of Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series.

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This is a new series by Ms. Foster and what a start! Brodie is quite a guy! Comes off as a real tough guy and he can truly be one if the need arises but his family and now Mary bring out the softie in him. Mary has a tough exterior and a bit of a loss soul on the inside. We learn why in the story but she and Brodie have an instant chemistry and he does his best to break down her walls to earn her trust and love. Great start to this series and I look forward to the next story. I received an ARC and am voluntarily leaving my review.

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Title: Driven to Distraction
Series: n/a
Stand Alone Title: yes
Author: Lori Foster
Genre: Romance
Blurb: When desire gets this hot, you’d better buckle up…

Mary Daniels doesn’t let anything get in the way of her job acquiring rare artifacts for her wealthy boss. But this particular obstacle—huge, hard-muscled, unashamedly masculine—is impossible to ignore. Stuck in a cramped car with Brodie Crews for hours en route to their new assignment, Mary feels her carefully crafted persona—and her trademark self-control—is slipping, and she won’t allow it.

Brodie can’t imagine what secret in Mary’s past has left her so buttoned-up, though he’d dearly love to find out. Maybe then she’d trust him enough to explore their explosive chemistry. But he needs this job, so he’ll play by her rules and bide his time…until an enemy determined to outwit them strikes and he needs to get close—in every way—to protect her. Otherwise they could lose much more than a precious collectible. They could lose it all.
Favorite quote(s): “This isn’t a carnival. You don’t get a ticket for all the rides.”
Thoughts: This is classic Lori Foster. If you are a fan of her books, this one will be right up your alley. A little romance, a little action…this book has about all you need. Very enjoyable!
Rating: B

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I love author Lori Fosters book, but I honestly think this might be one of my favorites. I love Brodie! Her writing style/voice never fails when it comes to her books and this book was no different. I flew through this book and wanted more once it was finished.

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This book was so good, I couldn't put it down.
Mary picks up artifacts for her boss, Brodie is the driver they have hired. Both want to be in charge.
This book is excellent. It will make you laugh out loud.

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Foster never fails to deliver a great story, and this book is no exception. A great story that you won’t be able to put down. Enjoy this story, I know I did.

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A great fun read. Loved the characters and Howler the dog. Can't wait to read other books in this series.

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Truly enjoyed this book. entertaining plot, characters I actually liked, and a satisfying ending. looking forward to reading any future books in this series.

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This was an opposites attract romantic fiction novel and I loved the characters, especially Brodie. He had a really great sense of humor and loved to tease Mary. Where Mary was all straight-laced and buttoned-up, Brodie was the complete opposite of that. The thing I loved was that he was a transporter - i kept imagining Jason Statham (don't ask me why) because he's not described like him. When I was asked to review - I jumped on it because it's LF and her books have always intrigued me...this wa as no exception. With a great cast of side characters and main characters this is going to make for a great new series.

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I've been enjoying Lori Foster's books for years and let me just say, she always delivers. I am a huge fan of her Body Armor, Ultimate, and Men Who Walk the Edge of Honor series, so I was excited to read her latest series, Road to Love. While not as action-packed or intense as her other books/series, Driven To Distraction has the same amazing chemistry, adorable characters, and witty humor that turned me into a "Foster Fan" to begin with.

I absolutely adored Brodie, and I appreciated that Mary was a strong, self-sufficient, and relatable character. The dynamic between all of the characters was fun to read and there were enough secondary characters to make things more interesting while not being overwhelmed by them all. I did feel as though the "bad guy" had a weak plot, but I enjoyed following Brodie and Mary too much to care, really. I look forward to reading the next in the series!

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Mary Daniels is sent by her boss to hire Brodie Crews as a courier. Mary tries to be professional with her figure hiding clothes, but her attraction to Brodie makes her feels things she has never felt before. Brodie Crews is a fun-loving, reliable man who talks baby talk to his rescue dog, Howler. Brodie tries to hide his attraction to Mary by being sarcastic and teasing Mary. Mary reluctantly works with Brodie to pick up items her boss has purchased. Can Brodie help Mary loosen up and have fun? Can Mary relinquish her control to let Brodie step in to protect her when certain purchases bring danger? Can Brodie break down Mary's walls to show her how a family really acts and about love? Can opposites come together and find their happily ever after? Can Mary show Brodie what she is really like under her button up exterior? The chemistry between Brodie and Mary is off the charts SCORCHING HOT! Another fantastic book by Lori Foster. Driven to Distraction is full of laugh out moments, steamy chemistry, danger, and some intrigue. Brodie's dog, Howler, and a great secondary cast add to a great beginning of the Road to Love series. Lori Foster is a MUST read author, and I would highly recommend getting Driven to Distraction. I received an ARC of this book, and I am leaving my honest review.

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