Member Reviews

Fast-paced start to a new series! Fans of Lori Foster will love Driven to Distraction’s road trip romance full of chemistry, emotion, romance, and intrigue! Brodie Crews is a rough around the edges smooth talker and Mary Daniels is the object of his desires, but she’s got some scars from her childhood he’ll have to heal first. I loved the two family dynamics, the Crews and the people who make up Ritter’s household, and that building those relationships was as central as Brodie and Mary themselves. I also love that reading a Lori Foster book guarantees a strong alpha male who will be a badass when needed but also a heart-melting hero and Brodie is no exception! Very intrigued for Jack’s story next!

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from Netgalley

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The first book in the Road to Love Series draws us into Mary Daniels story. Her job is to secure certain collectibles for her employer. She ends up working with Brodie at the request of her boss . Mary is very conservative and doesn’t let anything interfere with her job . She finds this much harder with Brodie around and she quickly learns to let her hair down a bit.
This book had a little bit of everything. Between the steaminess, the humor, and romance it is a great read. I received an ARC for my honest review from Netgalley.

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Driven to Distraction by Lori Foster
WOW, I haven't read a Lori title in a wee whiles, and I forgot how much I do enjoy her writing and stories.
This is a first in a new series, about Mary and Brodie. I did find the story to be a little too long and drawn out at times, its a goos start to a new series that is recommendable to everyone. I look forward to see where the series goes.

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This is the first in a new romantic suspense series by the author, and I really enjoyed it! I loved both main characters so much and was thrilled to tag along on their HEA.

Brodie Crews is a great guy. He loves his mom, and his brother, and his pseudo-sister. He loves his dog, Howler, and his Mustang, and his family owned business, in his small hometown. He's never really loved a woman yet, but he's sure he'll get there one day. Maybe. Right now, he has no interest in that. He runs a transport business with his brother, and he works on his beloved car in his spare time. When a rich, eccentric, new client comes calling to hire his services, he's all for it. Especially once he sees the man's curvy, petite, red-haired goddess of an assistant, Mary Daniels.

Mary Daniels had a terrible childhood, which led to some quirks as she grew up. For one, she is always perfectly wonderful at her job. She always makes sure her boss is satisfied with his acquisitions and she enjoys doing it. Her work ethic is second to none, but she also holds herself to impossibly high standards regarding her professionalism, and the results she gets for her boss. She has no plans on letting anyone interfere with her work, or her perfectly ordered life. Especially not the too hot for her own good new driver, Brodie. She wants him like she's never wanted anyone. But she'll never tell him that. It'll just stay her safe, secret fantasy.

Brodie and Mary had great chemistry from the first time their eyes met, and I loved watching their long fall into love. Mary underestimates everything about Brodie from the start, and he gives her a hard time about being a stick in the mud. They are constantly bickering and fighting, but it's all really foreplay, and it was so much fun. They truly get to know each other on their many trips for their boss, and they begin to really care for one another, even before they actually sleep together, and I enjoyed that. They are a perfect complement to one another, and you really felt their connection.

Brodie's family was a delight, as were the happy brood that live with their boss, Therman. They were each hilarious in their own ways, and I loved how much everyone loved and took care of each other. They also all love Howler, Brodie's dog, and he was such a hilarious sweetheart of a character. The suspense plot here wasn't too scary or convoluted, but was still exciting, and I was always waiting on the edge of my seat for what would happen next. It made each job they went on exciting on it's own, separate from their falling for each other.

Brodie was an amazing hero and he was so caring and gentle with our strong, but damaged heroine. Mary was a delight, and you feel everything she feels while she's fighting falling for Brodie. She was strong, and sassy, and fully her own person, and seeing her really need someone for the first time was so heartfelt and relatable.

I always enjoy this author's writing immensely, and this was no exception. I was a little sad, as her last few series have all been loose extensions of the ones before them, and that has been such fun for the last few years. I loved those characters dearly, especially after getting to know them so well. However, these are completely new characters, with no relation to anything from before, and that does bring it's own fun and exciting new story as well.

I highly recommend this exciting, and sexy story. I loved every minute of it.

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Mary's boss picks Brodie's transportation company to be his newest driver for the things that he collects. Mary is very conservative, organized and a time and place for everything. She runs her life by not letting anyone get close. If they don't get close, they can't hurt her.

When meeting Brodie she finds him attractive but knows that nothing will ever come to it. Boy is she wrong! Brodie is funny, protective and will try anything to get Mary to open up. He wants to show her there's more to life than work and keeping everyone at arms length.

The more time these two spend together Brodie starts wearing her down. She looks at him with a different light in her eyes. When her employer notices he's happy. When things happen that scare Mary, Brodie is the one protecting her and telling her boss how it is.

Will Brodie and her employer and other employees make Mary see that it's ok to let herself feel and let people into her life, that it's ok to love?

Loved the chemistry between Mary and Brodie, the humor that Brodie always seemed to have brought a smile to my face. Great start to a new series!!!

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What a great start to a new series I'm going to absolutely love!!
Follow the story of Mary, who works for a man who acquires rare collectibles and is in need of a new transporter. Enter Brodie, hot as sin, and very good at his job! While they don't start off on the right foot, they build a solid relationship when Mary is somewhat finally able to open up about her past with her mother.
Brodie breaks down here walls one brick at a time, it's..sigh...amazing!!!
But don't forget this wouldn't be a Lori Foster book with out some danger lurking in the back ground so just enjoy this story, 5 stars and I can't wait for the next book to come out!! Grab this one asap!

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This is such a great start to a new series. I loved all the characters, especially Howler. Brodie is rude, charming, sweet and protective. He speaks his mind whether you want to hear what he has to say or not. Mary is immediately attracted to Brodie, but she is also repelled by him because of his outspoken manner and blatant sexuality. She is so buttoned up and given the way she grew up, she tries to be professional and reserved at all times. It is not that easy to stay professional and reserved around Brodie. She is not only falling in love with Brodie, but also his family too. She has held herself apart from everyone for so long, how will Brodie get her to open up?

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As one of the first authors who introduced me to contemporary romance, I’ve followed Lori Foster from hot, protective MMA fighters to small town heroes, to first responders, to private security, and now to transportation specialists with her latest, Driven to Distraction. Mary Daniels works for a obseenly wealthy man with a proclivity for acquiring unique collectibles. Although I got the impression Mr. Ritter didn’t anticipate any trouble for Mary in traveling to retrieve his new acquisitions from buyers, there must be a reason he specifically requested the tough, protective Brody Crews to be her new driver. And if there is such a thing as love at first sight, well Mary and Brody are the polar opposite of that. But between the close quarters of automobile travel and unanticipated roadblocks of the human kind, it’s not long before Mary and Brodie get closer and figure out how to work together, especially when their lives depend on it.

This book struck me as a bit different from what I’ve come to expect from Foster, but every bit as exceptional as her other work. Mary is an interesting heroine. She comes across as professional, strong, independent and somewhat standoffish. We eventually get a few details about her challenging, difficult background and what has made her into the woman that Brodie falls for, and it’s clear Mary sees herself very differently than Brodie sees her. Of course, Brodie is a strong, protective alpha, and Mary wonders, “What would it be like to be that strong, to be able to save not only herself, but others? She had the awful fear that she’d never really know.” The reality is that Mary is a much stronger person than she realizes, and this is a large part of the attraction for Brodie. A huge draw for me was watching Mary discover and reveal her deeper self and rise to the occasion. She becomes courageous in the face of fear, both from external sources and the fear she's carried in her heart for years. She learns to open her heart and trust others, but most beautiful of all, Mary learns that family isn’t made of shared blood or DNA but of unique individuals with quirks and foibles that fate brings together who hold her in their heart and choose to love her, faults and all.

Foster reminds us of the importance of connections and relationships, of opening our heart and taking a chance because the rewards are always worth it. Just like Mary, I fell in love with all of these amazing characters, who Foster truly made feel like family, and I’m eager for the next book. I’m not sure if Howler the dog or matriarch, Ros, was my favorite secondary character, but I’m looking forward to more of all these characters. And that’s the sign of a superb book, when the reader isn’t ready to say good-bye to the characters she still holds close in her heart. So one click this gem, jump on board and enjoy the ride as you’re Driven to Distraction!

*I reviewed this book freely and voluntarily, having made no commitment to provide a review and receiving no compensation of any kind from any source for this review. Huge thanks to Harlequin and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book early!

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I have been a fan of Lori Foster for years so I was excited when any of her books are for review, even though I tend to purchase regardless, since as I mentioned I am a fan. So in this new series we meet Mary who has to hire a courier on her bosses order and when she sees this sexy hot guy working on a car and a woman all over and him being drunk she knew that he was not the man she was looking for, well she assumed wrong. Brodie was instantly captivated with Mary but she was a little bit stuck up, and she did not want to work for him but she was overruled. While on assignment they both see each other in a new light and we find out their past backgrounds that are heartbreaking but these two were two strong people and they both deserved love with each other. We have some action, drama and mostly friendship and love..Now we wait for Jack's..Enjoy!

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"Driven to Distraction" was an interesting romance about a woman who works in acquiring collectors items (often from shady situations) with the help of a courier driver. Mary has been working for the wealthy Therman Ritter for a few years, alongside various drivers. Now, Therman has decided he wants Brodie to be the new driver- mainly because he saw news articles about how he rescued an abused animal.

Mary and Brodie's first meeting is tense- but filled with lust. He tries to get her riled up at every turn. As the collectors' world seems to get more and more intense, this book gets a level of suspense that I wasn't really expecting. Mary and Brodie are constantly bickering and disagreeing. A lot of it is about Mary's independence and Brodie's interference with that. He does it all in the name of protecting her, and I had some mixed feelings. While yes, it's nice to look out for people you work with and want to be something more with, I felt like he crossed a lot of boundaries and justifies it with a dose of sexism (although he groups small or disabled men in with all of womankind). I found that it grated on me over time.

In terms of the romance, it was pretty steamy and the beginning pulled me right in. As we added in the elements of Brodie's personality that I found stifling (and Mary slowly comes to accept), I wasn't sure how I felt about him and cooled a bit on the romance. What made this contemporary romance a bit more was the thriller feel with a classic bad guy who feels like a common villain. The added element of suspense gave it a quicker feel and kept the book moving along.

Overall, I wasn't sure how I felt about it- I loved the first part, but definitely cooled on the romance later in the story. I also liked the suspense early on but eventually it started to feel like a cartoon villain and a bit of a caricature of a bad guy (and what is with everyone's hang-ups about women being porcelain dolls?). I did read it all the way through, and so I am rating for that plus an average between the first and last half for me.

Please note that I received an ARC from the publisher through netgalley. All opinions are my own.

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Driven to Distraction is not only the title but the description of this hot read. I could not stop reading this book. Lori Foster hooked me. Her characters were definitely swoon-worthy. Hot, demanding, and clever would describe the female protagonist. There's more to her than the curves, fair skin with freckles, and gorgeous red hair. Brodie is just as hot, funny, and brave. Together they have a chemistry that sizzles off the pages. The slow yet gradual buildup of intense heat between had me all in. Then there was the risk they were taking by doing an errand for an older man. One who has plenty of money to dish out. Danger, romance, and an emotional roller-coaster are found here. I was dazzled from the first chapter. Sexy as hell, Driven to Distraction, is more than just one's normal contemporary romance. It's about the life and emotions that were explored deep by readers like me. All in all, I recommend this beautiful tale to all.

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I love to find new-to-me authors, but there’s something cathartic about a juggernaut like Lori Foster. Solid storytelling, compelling characters, interesting plots … her latest is no different. DRIVEN TO DISTRACTION is guaranteed to, well, drive you to distraction. It’s really a nod to some of my favorites of hers, like the Love Undercover series, and the Ultimate series, with an opposites-attract vibe, a sexy romance and just enough suspense to keep it interesting.

DRIVEN is the first in a new Road to Love series about Mustang Transport courier service, owned by brothers Brodie and Jack Crews, and it’s revving up to be addictive. Mary Daniels works for eccentric millionaire Therman Ritter, who is a collector of “valuables and expert at avoiding society.” Once Therman read about Brodie rescuing Howler the dog, that was all she wrote. Mary, on the other hand, did not share her boss’ enthusiasm. Because the thing that made Brodie sexy and wild and addictive were the things that she avoided like the plague. But you and I both know that is the perfect combination for an explosive romance.

Unfortunately, Brodie isn’t at his best when first he meets Mary — he’s hot and sweaty from working in the hot sun on his car, he’s hung over and grouchy, and he’s fending off the advances of a woman who decided she’d made a mistake in sleeping with his brother — a fact that further constricts an already puckered-up woman. But Brodie’s hooked from the get-go, and it makes for a fun read.

The acquisitions business ain’t for the faint of heart, though, and the potential for danger is around the next corner. Good thing Brodie is big and brawny, and good at things other than just driving. When trouble meets them on the road, he proves Therman’s selection for in-person acquisitions was the right choice.

This was just an enjoyable read all around. Brodie’s evolution from the handsome, good-time guy to the protective, proficient courier was exciting, but it was Mary’s progression from the conservative woman (who started out as a shy, vulnerable child) we first met, to the confident, capable associate that really grabbed me.

*Originally published at USA Today's Happy Ever After:

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4 1/2 sexy stars. Brodie Crews and Mary Daniels will take you on fantastic ride! Their chemistry is off-the-charts!!! There is an interesting story line, fun banter, and steamy scenes that all make for an entertaining read. Excellent first in a new series and I look forward to Jack's book next!

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Wat a great start to a new series and if this book is anything to go by Lori Foster will have another hit series on her hands. Driven to Distraction is Brodie Crews and Mary Daniels story two very different types of people but as the saying goes opposites do attract.......
Brodie is laid back nothing worries him except Mary the girl who he can’t get out of his mind problem is she isn’t laid back at all so what can Brodie do to get her to loosen up and enjoy life and enjoy him....
The perfect mix of romance, suspense, banter, sarcasm and well developed characters make this a great read. There are plenty of laugh out loud moments while Brodie and Mary are deciding should we or shouldn’t we move forward with this sizzling chemistry and I’m looking forward to book 2.

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This book is so very good; it is a captivating start to the Road to Love series with engaging characters and a thrilling storyline. As far as I'm concerned, nobody does suspenseful romance like Lori Foster and if you haven't read her yet, what are you waiting for?
I read an advanced copy of this book

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3.5 - "It is my responsibility to ensure the safety of my clients purchases... You are merely the transporter." Stars!

It’s been a while since I have read anything by Lori Foster, and the blurb for Driven to Distraction intrigued me enough to want to dip my toe in Foster’s pond again.

She’d been forever without a man… Why now, and why him..?

The first book in the Road to Love series gives us buttoned-up Mary Daniels and laid-back Brodie Crews’ story. They are pretty much forced into close proximity with each other on a regular basis through her boss’s unique, unusual and sometimes not completely legal purchases of rare and specialised collectors’ items. Which requires Mary to go and pick them up at a moment’s notice and at times in some inhospitable and slightly shady places. Brodie as the driver should stay in the car, but Mr. Laid-Back also has a protective streak a mile wide, so ends up getting himself into a few situations (along with his dog Howler) in order to keep Mary out of harm’s way.

Every damn thing she said managed to offend him… Or turn him on.

With the addition of a slightly odd villain, and a little suspense thrown in as well, Driven to Distraction is a story that has a little of everything in it. Opposites attract when it comes to Brodie and Mary, and the author wrote some pretty spectacular sexy scenes between the two of them on that front. We also got an introduction to the rest of the Crews family as well which I liked, especially with Jack’s book due next, with Slow Ride releasing April 2019.

"I didn’t expect this…"


"That it could feel so good."

The one negative, and the reason for the 3.5, is that I found the book a little long and drawn out, and a lot of the inconsequential stuff for me could have been pared away, leaving a shorter, sharper and all-round better flowing read. There were parts that clipped along at a steady pace and the dialogue was witty and sharp, then a lot of others where it was more a meandering stroll, with lots of internal monologue (some of it repetitive) which is where I found myself drifting a bit too.

All in all a good start, lots of promise with the Crews family in general, and I look forward to seeing what the author has in store next.

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5 Star review of Driven To Distraction (Road To Love #1) by Lori Foster

I know it is hard to believe but Lori Foster is a new author to me. I have no idea why that is but I know I will be looking at her other books as soon as time permits.
From start to finish this Ms. Foster had me hooked and I couldn’t put Driven to Distraction down.
Brodie Crews is attracted to Mary Daniels but she has no interest in him, totally focused on getting the job done. However, Mary is tempted by the sinfully hot Brodie and doesn’t know how she will manage to ignore his flirting. These two are total opposites and yet their attraction is explosive. The chemistry between them was off the charts and I could not wait to see how the story unfolded. When danger strikes, Brodie will do what it takes to protect Mary whatever the cost. There is mystery, suspense, and some smoking hot scenes which will keep you invested in the story well into the night.
The writing was strong and I really liked the characters of Brodie and Mary. This is book one in a brand new series and I for one cannot wait to see what Lori Foster has in store for the next book.
I received this book in exchange for an honest review from the publisher through Netgalley.

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It seems like I haven't read a Lori Foster book in forever. But this is just what I needed. So many books lately have shown strong women, to the point that they don't need or want any help, but I love the books that show strong women who actually need help.

Mary lives her life alone. Her job is everything to her, she has nothing and no one else. But when she meets Brodie, and has to see him multiple times a week, she realizes that she's been missing something.

Brodie has been raised to be the strong man and take care of those around him who are smaller and weaker. When he meets Mary, his instincts fire up and protection mode kicks in. trouble is that Mary doesn't want his help, even though she actually needs it.

I loved how Brodie was able to get through to Mary and show her that she isn't alone and it's okay to have help from others. The secondary characters were so loving and wonderful. Everyone is a family, even if they're not blood related. I love homemade families like that. And I'm looking forward to next books in this series.

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This book was fantastic! I loved Brodie and Mary! Their chemistry is amazing and i love their banter and dialogue. The story was a slow build at first and then got so much better! Definitely some action and some sexy times! I really enjoyed this. It was an easy, fun read and i need more of these in my life.

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Some authors have a framework around which all stories are developed.  With Lori Foster, It is always a big story, with more than a bit of suspense, This one is a surefire winner, sexy and funny with scorching chemistry.  The plot is constructed such that although it is a big story, it is understated and doesn't eclipse the characters.  Few authors can paint such a detailed picture of the leading characters that the reader becomes as familiar with them as with their next-door neighbor, perhaps more.  And as in many of this author's books, there is a dog with personality who has a starring role in the story.  

Mary with her red hair and freckles clearly has body image dissatisfaction.  Her self-talk is all about her dissatisfaction, both with herself and with others.  She is anxious about many things; her ability to please her employer, her ability to keep her job, how others see her and she is always waiting for the other shoe to fall.  When she goes to meet Brodie, concerned about making a good first impression, she is so disturbed by her first impression that she tries to control the situation, to back away, to no avail.  

Brodie is hung over, shirtless and working on his car with a woman hanging all over him.  When he sees Mary, his perception upon taking inventory is vastly different from Mary's.  He sees, a prissy although a gorgeous young woman who is clearly less than impressed with him.  She has come with clear instructions that she is to hire Brodie to acquire an 'artifact' of sorts for her employer.  Her employer has chosen Brodie and isn't interested in making a change at Mary's request.  She is not the easiest woman to like with her controlling behavior and negative attitude.  Brodie would cut her loose if it weren't for the money.  This job brought with it a big payday needed for his business.  He is determined to do the job and take care of Mary despite her resistance.

The author quickly sets the stage for the journey which, as you might imagine is much more complicated than anticipated.  Mary's employer knew what he was doing when he selected Brodie as Mary's driver.  He had done his research.  He sees that Mary has no life-balance and intends to shake her up a bit in this partnership.  An unforeseen danger lies ahead.  Mary has much to learn about herself, about trust and about how important she is to her work family.  

Some things about this story are a bit farfetched and yet they work to add flavor to this mixture of Rom-Com and Romantic-Suspense.  I'm quite anxious for Book 2 in this entertaining new series.

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