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Sweet Home Montana

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Book three in the Charity Montana series, Sweet Home Montana is a heartwarming small town contemporary romance. The story is largely set at the Healing Heart Acres farm run by volunteers and offering a place for people to learn about themselves and how to develop relationships with others through animal therapy.
Erin Clark is a volunteer at the property, helping to care for the animals, supervising clients and helping them learn how to relate to the horses they are there to groom. She started as a client after being jilted by her fiancé just before their wedding and is still feeling a little uncertain about men as this story opens.
Wade has come back to Charity for a few weeks to look after his teenage half brother while his father and new wife are overseas for work. Wade hasn’t had a good relationship with his father for a long time, having resented him for divorcing his mother and subsequently marrying a much younger woman. He hasn’t ever had a chance to get to know his brother Brent and there is a degree of distrust and resentment between the two as the story opens.
As Wade and Erin begin to fall in love and Brent learns how to interact with the horses he is grooming we see broken relationships healed and the importance of family stressed, but this story also strongly encompasses the “love thy neighbour” theme. It is definitely a Christian romance and while Christian values are prominent throughout they are not thrust down the reader’s throat. The result is a pleasant, feel-good story which I enjoyed.

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Sweet Home Montana is such a really good read. Author Lynne Marshall gives us a wonderful clean romance that touches the hearts of reminds us that we need to gather our family together if possible.

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SWEET HOME MONTANA by Lynne Marshall is a wonderful sweet clean romance. I loved reading not only the romance but also the brothers relationship growing. It's a great read!

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He's only supposed to be home for a couple of months to be guardian to his half brother. She's healing from a broken engagement and a wedding called off at the last minute. His brother needs help and she's a counselor at the Healing Heart Acres. When they see each other its instant attraction. Can they over come their emotional hurts to fall in love?

Erin has been working at the therapy ranch since going there to heal from what her fiance' did just before their wedding. Wade needs to connect with his half brother and build a realationship. When he brings him to the Healing Heart Acres both are immediately smitten. Erin hasn't felt these type of feelings for a man in along time. Since Wade and his brother are basically strangers because of the age difference and Wade putting distance between him and their father. Wade must disconnect from being so focused on his business. He volunteers along with his brother. His brother has a crush on Erin and they try to discourage him because of the age difference and its against the rules. They're very attracted to each other and try to ignore it. Erin confides in her sister and also applies for a virtual assistant job with Wade. She get the job. The brothers enter a charity chili cook-off and place second. This leads to Wade and Erin's first kiss. It kind of freaks Erin out. His bother doesn't like it. As they exchange emails for the job. His brother doesn't take the advice about the crush. As they spend more time together Erin and Wade reveal their pasts. As a thank you for keeping an eye on her niece he's asked to dinner. Her sister's family and Wade get along well. He gives Erin a gift and asks about a date. He goes to his pastor and asks advice. He talks to his brother about selling the chili for charity and dating Erin. When his brother freaks out about Erin they decide to not date. Erin checks out an apartment and she's Wade on the street kissing another woman. Her old insecurites surface. Wade begins to suspect that his virtual assistant and Erin are the same person. When their parents return and he decides to stay for awhile in Montana. Wade needs to talk to Erin especially after its revealed his brother's crush is no more. He's going to talk to a friend and sees Erin at the cafe'. He decides to test his idea of Erin and the virtual assistan are the same. He realizes they are and asks the assistant for help with a personal problem. He comes into the cafe' and they make up revealing their feelings and setting up that special date.

Sweet Home Montana continues the stories of the residents of Charity, Montana. They fall in love and believe in God. These are very sweet emotional stories that tug at your heart and fill you with joy when the characters come together and find the answers to there problems and their attraction becomes true love. Lynne Marshall writes from the heart and with emotion. I look forward to the fourth book in the Charity, Montana series.

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If, like me, you enjoy small town community setting for delightful, heartwarming romance, look no further - go grab yourself a copy of this lovely book to read! Set in Charity, Montana, Erin Chase returned there after her fiancé called off their wedding, leaving her heartbroken and with everything to sort out. She’s working as an equine therapist at Healing Heart Acres and, although she’s there to help others, it has also helped her to heal, too. When Wade Conrad brings his sullen teenage half-brother, Brent, to the centre Wade is so relieved when she actually manages to break through to the teen and encourages him to join in events and activities at the centre. There’s attraction between them but Wade’s only there for a couple of months to look after Brent, is it worth taking a chance on love?

This is a splendid story involving half brothers getting to know each other, sibling rivalry, horses, therapy, healing and romance. It is an engaging read with laugh out loud moments, a cooking contest and plenty of wariness and uncertainty before the dramatic confession and possibility of a HEA. I have no hesitation in highly recommending it to anyone who enjoys reading of family dramas and healing as well as romance.

I requested and was given a copy of this book, via NetGalley. This is my honest review of the book after choosing to read it.

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Sweet Home Montana brings three people together who are each broken in their own ways by life and circumstances. They each have a good chance at happiness individually, as a couple and as part of a larger family. But in order to find that happiness they’ll need to learn to trust, and let go of the past… and that’s not always easy to do. Erin lost her ability to trust when the man she was to marry left her basically at the altar with no explanation. She’s found peace working with equine therapy both for herself and for others. Healing Heart Acres has done wonders for her and she strongly believes that it can help others. She may not be completely whole yet, but she is far better than she once was. Which is why when Wade brings his half-brother, Brent, to the center for help Erin is convinced they can help them both. She couldn’t have known how tightly bound their futures were about to become

An emotionally powerful story, Sweet Home Montana slowly unfolds layers in Erin, Wade, and Brent’s lives to allow for healing to begin. There’s no magic, there is understanding and facing what happened in the past and dealing with it realistically. It is a compelling story as we watch these characters grow, learn, and let go of their pasts and begin to let trust, acceptance and even hope have a place in their hearts. It’s not easy, anyone who has dealt with a teenager in rebellion knows that — but it is possible with the right words, tools and compassion.

Wade and Erin work as a couple, they have a rocky road to their happiness but the attraction and respect is obvious. Brent has some growing up to do, he can’t have things his way always and that lesson is part of the growing pains of youth. Watching the brothers form a relationship was emotional as well – there is a lot of pain in this trio, and seeing them at the ending as happier, more secure people was worth what they had to go through to get there.

I enjoyed this story. It touches on deeper issues in a realistic way, yet also allows for lightheartedness and some truly fun moments as well. I would recommend Sweet Home Montana to any Romance reader who enjoys going a bit deeper into the issues that cause our reactions, and watching that moment of happiness emerge like a battle well fought.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

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Erin Chase works at Healing Heart Acres, which is a horse therapy center. She began as a patient there recovering from the disappointment of being left at the alter by her fiancé. Now she was a therapist helping others to heal.

Wade Conrad took his half-brother to the therapy center to help him to heal since he had been acting out. Their father had left the country with Wade’s step mother to pursue her acting career and had asked Wade to come home and stay with his brother for a couple of months while they were gone. At first Wade isn’t thrilled about being back in Charity, Montana. The place he loved and called home but he needed to be in California running his very successful business and not in Montana babysitting.

When Wade met Erin for the first time at Healing Heart Acres, there was an instant connection between them. He enjoyed spending time with her and recognized her kindness and appreciated her concern for his brother. Both Wade and Erin had been hurt before and were healing from those scars. Would they be willing to take a chance on love again or would they give up before it was too late for them?

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Very enjoyable sweet read. It has a pleasing storyline and it's well written. Loved all the characters especially Wade and how hard he tries with his brother. Erin and Wade's romance is slow and sweet making everything completely believable and fun to read. I definitely recommend.

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Sweet Home Montana is book number three in the Charity Montana series by Lynne Marshall. This is Wade Conrad and Erin Chase’s story.

I really loved Wade and Erin’s story. Their characters were so much fun. Brent, Wade’s half brother, was a great addition to the story too. This is a sweet slow burn romance.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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What I liked:
The writing style
The characters
Part of a series: Charity, Montana

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Sweet Home Montana is just that: sweet. The story is wrapped around the hard reunion of an older half-brother, Wade, with his younger half-brother, Brent, who barely knows him. Their local chaplain suggests having Benton volunteer at a local ranch which works with kids who need to learn trust. Wade exited the family after his parent’s divorce and now has a ton of work to do in order to gain Brent’s trust and a relationship. Working at the ranch is Erin, who not only catches Wade’s eye but also Benton’s (even though she is ten years older). Erin has her own story to tell that tempers her life. Brent stymies Wade and Erin’s budding romance but time can change everything.

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Sweet Home Montana by Lynne Marshall is a sweet romance combined with a strong rebuilding of family relationships story. It is the relationship between brothers, the fight to reconnect, the resistance, then the bonding with the men in Wade Conrad’s family that held my attention most. The romance is good just not as powerful. Perhaps the calmness of the center is carried over to Erin’s personality, so the romance is quietly built. Part of this is also because of a teen crush that must be dealt with using sensitivity. Still I enjoyed the romance.

Healing Heart Acres, an equine therapy center made for a perfect fall setting. It is book three in the series, so some previous characters make an appearance. This added to the appeal of the story but did not affect the story’s ability to be a stand-alone. Charity, Montana is becoming one of those places I look forward to visiting now as I read.

An ARC of the book was given to me by the publisher through Net Galley which I voluntarily chose to read and reviewed. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Sweet Home Montana by Lynne Marshall
Charity, Montana, Book 3
Entrepreneur Wade Conrad is called home to act as a temporary guardian for his teenage half-brother, who’s acting out and needs strong guidance. Wade feels they are both floundering, so he seeks help for Brent at Healing Heart Acres, an equine therapy center.
Erin Chase has been working as an equine therapist since her fiancé called off their wedding with no explanation three years ago. She personally enjoys the peace found through animal therapy and enjoys passing on the gift. When Erin meets Wade, she’s instantly drawn to his concern for his brother, as well as his kindness and charm.
Wade enjoys time spent with Erin. They both long for more, but Wade’s leaving for California soon and his brother’s needs come first. Will he take a chance on love before it’s too late?
This is Erin Chase and Wade Conrad's story.
Erin Chase took the day’s schedule from her work cubby in the office and perused it. Dr. Anderson had assigned Erin to giving the next tour for new visitors again. It wasn’t that she didn’t like the job, or that she didn’t understand the importance of explaining the purpose of Healing Heart Acres to potential clients and volunteers. It was because of a little-known fact that Dr. Anderson knew about her and chose to overlook. Erin had become an introvert, who preferred to be alone, working with the animals, not schmoozing with guests. Or humans in general. Except for maybe her three-year-old niece.
There was something Dr. Anderson didn’t know though—Erin hadn’t always been that way.
She had been volunteering at the acres, as the crew called it, for three years, and Dr. Anderson insisted it was time to move on. To finish that degree in business. Get a job that paid more. In the real world. For Erin, Healing Heart Acres was as real world as she wanted to be. Because it was the place that helped put broken people back together.
A flashy silver sedan drove up and parked in the lot, and a father-son duo straight out of the pages of Gentleman’s Quarterly magazine got out. The son was sullen, casting a suspicious gaze, as if thinking this was the dumbest idea he’d ever heard of. Breaking with GQ chic, he wore a silly knit cap that stood out for two reasons; it wasn’t that cold and there was a moose face on it. It took confidence to pull off the look.
The father seemed determined, as many parents were when they arrived, usually after having Healing Heart Acres recommended by someone in the professional community—a teacher, therapist, or pastor. The parents often arrived hoping to find the magic solution to help their kid. Erin knew the look, even though it was on an exceptionally young-looking father’s face.
She concentrated on the teen, the reason for them being here. According to the guest list, he was coming for equine therapy. Would Healing Heart provide what they needed?
“I’m Wade Conrad. Grew up in Charity, around an hour from here. Heard about Healing Heart Acres and wanted to check it out.”
I highly recommend reading.
"I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book."
I am looking forward to reading more books by Lynne Marshall.
Sweet Home Montana by Lynne Marshall is a wonderful well written 5 star book.
Lynne's Books with Tule:
Her Baby, His Love
Charity, Montana
Their Christmas Miracle
Charity, Montana
Sweet Home Montana
Charity, Montana

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I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I read book one in the series last year and enjoyed it. This too was a terrific read. We meet Wade and his half brother Brent who was suggested to go to Healing Acres for therapy and volunteer work as he has been acting out. Wade and Brent’s father and his wife have to go where she is making a movie in Croatia for a few months. Wade and his family have been estranged since his parents divorced. Wade’s father asks him to come stay with his 15 year old brother. Wade is much older. At Healing Acres they meet Erin who works there and both are drawn to her. Erin came to the camp after her fiancé cancelled their wedding a few years prior. Wade and Brent bond over the activities at the camp and Wade is drawn romantically to Erin. It appears the feelings are mutual. Wade needs to hire a virtual assistant for his computer company and Erin applies under a dummy name and gets hired. The book goes into more detail about the interactions between the main characters and other secondary characters in the book. I wished the book had been a little longer and more detailed on the relationship between Wade and Erin. I recommend this enjoyable series.

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I was thoroughly charmed by my first visit to Charity, Montana. An engaging romance. Interesting life lessons. Fun learning new expressions typical of Montana.

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Was slightly dubious about giving this book a read as I haven't like the past couple which I got through Netgalley to review. However I was pleasantly surprised, it was such a lovely feel good book. Erin is a fantastic character and really relatable, getting back into the big scary world again is a massive step and it was captured really well by the author. I found this to be well written and engaging from the start, and thoroughly enjoyed reading all about Erins, Wade and Brents journeys.

Happily devoured this book in one sitting, can't wait to discover more by this author amd will no doubt visit Erins story time and time again.

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Sweet Home Montana by Lynne Marshall. A great addition to The Charity, Montana series. I enjoyed the small town, the connection between the characters, dialogue and storyline. A heart-warming story that pulled me in.

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Sweet Home Montana was a sweet story about two people who were clearly not necessarily in a place where they were looking to find love. The characters are likable and you do find yourself rooting for the both of them.

The story focuses on Wade Conrad who returned home to take care of his half-brother, when his dad and step mom have to travel for work. And based on his lack of relationship with his brother before, things start off rocky, to say the lest.

Erin Chase has been working as an equine therapist at a center in Montana since her fiancé called off their She personally enjoys the peace found through animal therapy and believes in passing on the gift. When Erin meets Wade, she’s instantly drawn to his concern for his brother, as well as his kindness and charm.

It is a sweet and quick read that will make you content, definitely worth a read.

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3 stars- A story which brings siblings and their dynamic, a woman who is helping with those who are involved in animal therapy and a budding romance. All of these elements are put to the test in this book. Teenage years...ugh... so hard on those in them, a wistful look at falling in love and the challenges of working and crossing paths with those in charge.

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Overall a good story. Wade has come back to Montana to take care of his half brother while his dad and wife are in Europe. Struggling to get along, he takes the 15 year old to a equine therapy ranch nearby, and ends up falling for Erin. She is struggling with her own issues, but the sparks fly and the story is good. End is a little rapid though, and felt rushed, otherwise I highly recommend this story. Always fun to read about the beautiful state of Montana.

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