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Picture Perfect Cowboy

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This was a nice, sweet, sexy story. Usually when speaking of The Original Sinners, the words sweet and nice don’t usually come up. But as the title says, picture perfect to me usually deals with sweetness.

Simone Levine is a professional submissive and photographer. She has ties with Søren, Nora and Kingsley and that world. When she meets Jason Waters, ex professional bull rider for a photographic calendar shoot, there is a spark. But Jason, who is a dominant is not sure what he is because he was raised very conservative. Simone sees what he is and decides to help him come out of his shell. She will be his submissive for a few days. Even though it’s only a few days, feelings develop. Simone and Jason are sexy but have a sweetness as well. Jason is a gentlemen but has specific feelings of what his love life should be and can Simone be the woman who will finally let him be his true self? But will his upbringing and his family ruin what Jason wants and needs? A sweet romance with a side of kink!!

I loved that Nora and Søren have cameo appearances in this story. In all, this story was an easy fast read that packed in full sexy sweetness. There was also a bonus short story that was quite delicious!!

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A great addition to Tiffany Reisz's Sinners novels. I love the theme of accepting who you are and being yourself.

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I really enjoyed the beginning. I love the way Tiffany Reisz creates such fleshed out, real-to-life characters. I wanted to love this story, but something was missing.

The tension that kept me flipping pages in the beginning fizzled out. There wasn't enough conflict to keep the story moving forward and things started to feel repetitive for me.

If you're in it for the steamy sex and the HEA, maybe this book is for you. If you're in it for the depth of story usually found in Ms. Reisz's books, maybe skip this one.

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“Kink and crazy aren’t the same thing.”

When I read my first ever Tiffany Reisz book, I admit, I was a little bit shocked. I squirmed. I didn’t breathe. But man alive, The Siren was and still is one of my favourite books.

Picture Perfect Cowboy and my latest TR book just made me smile and laugh and feel like I’m home. Hold the horses, I’m not saying spank me, spank me now, burn me with a candle, I’m just saying everything about Tiffany Reisz’s books appeals to me.

PPC is written with such wit and warmth. The conversational prose is real, perfectly observed and hilarious yet heart warming too. The characters jump out of the pages. Sweet, sweet Jason Waters, cowboy, sometime model, retired bull rider, trainer of ponies for special needs children, little bit kinky but in denial. Could this man be more perfect? Really? Find me one. Now! I want a Jason.

Along comes a pinky, pretty, spanky Simone Levine. Guess what - she knows my King (yes, he’s mine) and she’s besties with my bestie Nora. And the holy one, gulp! She has subbed for HIM! Do the wow face emoji!

This book comes with a message. An important message. Don’t ever look at the photos on your siblings phone.

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5 ChapsofGlory Stars

Picture Perfect Cowboy is book 10 of The Original Sinners series. However, you do not need to have read the others to totally enjoy this quick paced, packed full of action book!

Jason moved from Montana to Kentucky to start a new life. One that took him off the bull riding circuit and to the beautiful horse farm he now operates. Being a PBR and knowing when to walk away was a huge step for Jason.

Simone is super sexy and knows what she wants. Part time professional freelance photographer and part time pro-submissive is what she does to pay the bills. Pink hair, piercings and tattoos cause people to immediately form a different opinion of her. Although once you see through the outside to the inside of this sexy one, you find a loving, caring, super supportive woman who knows what she wants.

When these two meet at the library under unusual circumstances for a library day, the fire was there. What was smoldering with-in Jason was ignited. The air that Simone brought to the fire was refreshing and allowed Jason to finally feel what he had only fantasized about.

I absolutely loved the romantic story that was included in this book. The banter between Simone and Jason was perfect.
The super-hot Flogging 101 with professors at the end of the book was the perfect treat for us.


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Simone our rainbow haired girl now gone pink is on a job photographing now retired bull rider Jason. What she wasn't expecting was for him to be so demure for a sexy Cowboy. There's something under that mask that Jason wears and Simone can sense it. Through out the session it turns out they both share a love, of something in common. Jason needs a little more convincing good thing Simone is good at this. Good thing Jason is good with ropes.
I fell hard for Jason from page one. This story besides the insane chemistry, was so heartfelt. I didn't want it to end. The bonus scene has you grinning like a fool. Tiffany Reisz as always brings you into the the world of Kink that is so genuine and beautiful. This can be read as a standalone even though it is part if the Original Sinners Universe. ARC provided by NetGalley for honest review.

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4.5 stars

Really enjoyed this story. Lots of erotica and passion.

I think the picture makes Jason look a little too cute but that's probably just that it doesn't match my imagination and I think the editors just need to check out his eye colour in Chapter 8 (brown) whereas he has blue eyes in Chapters 2 & 4!

I've read a few of Tiffany's other books and this doesn't disapoint and now I may search out some more from this author!

I was given a copy of Netgallery for my honest opinion.

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Picture Perfect Cowboy is a standalone novel within Tiffany Reisz's Original Sinners series. It’s a sweet cowboy romance with a side order of kink.

There is only a light smattering of kink in Picture Perfect Cowboy but enough that it leaves Jason feeling ashamed over his desire for a dominant sex lifestyle. His romantic relationship with Simone develops slowly and believably. While helping Jason to explore his dom tendencies, Simone allows him to see that he’s an adult who has the right to make his own choices about how he lives his life. Ultimately, Jason has to decide which is more important to him: Simone and his desire to be a dom or his conservative family.

Picture Perfect Cowboy is a fast and light read that mixes Western romance with a modicum of erotica.

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A professional bull rider and an erotic photographer have a meet-cute at a calendar photo shoot, and decide to explore their mutual attraction. Our hero has been suppressing his latent dominant tendencies, and the heroine is only too happy to help him embrace his desires and learn to love himself. (So to speak.) Fun, surprisingly heartwarming, and steamy enough that I'm shocked my ereader screen didn't melt from the heat!

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This book had a lot of elements that I like: insta-love, steamy scenes, exploration of a character's sexual preferences, a strong independent woman, and a sweet male lead. I also enjoyed the happy ending. Although this is a full length book, it read more like a short or novella to me. I feel like I got details about the characters, but I needed more to better understand them. I wasn't really invested in either of the lead characters. Overall, this book just wasn't a good fit for me. That being said, I think other readers may really enjoy this book, especially for the reader's looking for sexy dom/sub scenes.

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Wow, wow, wow. I am not too familiar with the erotica genre and was looking for one that was well written, with interesting characters, and an actual plot line. I got lucky with this book.

The main characters, Jason and Tiffany, are both fleshed out enough that when they do start their relationship, you can understand their motivations and desires, This wasn't a book where they just jump into bed without any reason or completely change who they are in order to be with someone, Jason's hesitance and reluctance to explore an "alternative" lifestyle is understandable and Tiffany's confidence in who she is was admirable. I found myself rooting for them which is what a good romance does.

The dialogue between the two was realistic as was the reason they part and come back together (I would warn about a spoiler but it seems to be a pre-requisite that all romances don't run smoothly and there are bumps along the way). This book wasn't ever overly dramatic or cheesy (okay there was some cheese but most romances have this as well) but I didn't find myself rolling my eyes as I have done while reading other romance novels.

Overall, I would highly recommend this to people looking for a smart, hot, erotic novel.

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I learned of Tiffany Reisz as an author from a friend. Not having read her books before, nor her book 'category, after my friends recommendation and know she was a fellow Kentuckian I decided to give her a try. I'd only read The bourbon theif, so when I saw this on Netgalley, had to get it. Thank you Netgalley for the digital ARC for an honest review. I was interested because I've always loved stories about cowboys--Magnificient 7, Tombstone wanted to read Picture Perfect Cowboy. Par of the Original Sinners group, this cowboy is a tall drink of cool water on a hot day! This is a sweet, sexy and sassy book...with some naughty as well. A good read to curl up to on a cloudy day--just make sure you have the a/c on, it will set you on fire!

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So sexy! 4.5 Stars
Oh my gosh! This book blew me away. It’s totally not what I was expecting but I am so glad that it was what it was.

This is one naughty cowboy and boy do I like that! Who knew what he had behind his sexy exterior, or should I say posterior! LOL. This kinky cowboy is a delicious specimen you would take home to mama. Just not his mama.

A little bit sweet, definitely hot and sexy, and an overall spicy story with a tasty BDSM flavor that you will want to check out. Especially if you love Cowboys. Yes, ma'am!! I think I will!

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4 Finding Your Match Stars
* * * * Spoiler Free
It can be so difficult to live true to yourself. Especially if you have been raised with certain rules and beliefs from your parents where if you didn't measure up at any given were severely punished. The family felt they were doing right and others around them agreed, this was how to be...

But what if you felt a need... something you couldn't put a name to, or a specific description to what it was...You just knew you wanted things that others thought wasn't the norm.

Jason "Still" Waters was in a situation which had him wishing he was anywhere else then there. Because Jason was a stand-up guy and never would let his friend down. Once he said he would do something, he did it. This was how Jason was set to be photographed for a charity calendar...where he was going to be buck naked. How he was going to tell his mama... he had no idea.

Simone was setting up her equipment for the shoot when Jason walked into the area. The local library offered the room for the shoot... but had no knowledge of the way the Cowboys were going to be dressed or not dressed...Simone had learned to ask forgiveness rather than permission when it came situations like that. Jason seemed very uncomfortable from the outset and Simone offered to let him be shot another way. Instead, Jason thanked her but said he was there to do the real deal so he was doing it.

During the shoot, Simone tried to make it as comfortable as possible for Jason. They ended up chatting a bit and somehow Simone revealed her being a Sub for hire as well as a photographer. Jason was hearing something which struck a chord deep down in his soul. Simone offered to be his for a night so he could see what he wanted, how it would work and experience it without any shame or guilt. To have what he needed and have it all... and with Simone.

This was an interesting read because it addressed how we are wired and should be able to accept it freely. It was loosely attached to Tiffany Reisz's Original Sinners series.

A gifted copy was provided by author/publisher for an honest review.

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If you are a fan of Tiffany Reisz this book will not disappoint! A sexy cowboy and a spicy romance make it a blast to read.

Thank you netgalley for this arc in exchange for an unbiased review.

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Reviewed by Emma-Louise on behalf of KindleFriendsForever

Montana to Kentucky but still carrying the weight of the bulls he used to ride, Jason continually lives his life for everyone but himself. What I mean is that each person who knows him has expectations of what he should and shouldn’t be. The way he was raised was hard and brutal. Jason keeps part of him locked away never daring to bring the Master in him.

His meeting with Simone was pure divinity. If he’d not turned up for that appointment he’d have never had a chance to get to know her and ultimately spend four of the best days of his life in her company. Simone lives her life for her and her alone. Pink hair, tattoo and nose ring are just a small part of what makes her, her. She is a natural at what she does, in and out of the playroom. The term Pro Doms/subs was a new thing to this reader. I had never come across it in all the time I have been enjoying reading BDSM. It isn’t seedy or cheap. Simone takes it as a duty she enjoys and I believe she gets just as much out of it as the training Dom does.

The sexiness was through the roof. Very raunchy and done with full effect. Oftentimes safe sex is forgotten or never even mentioned in these types of books. Not a single time was it missed out here. The characters actively spoke about safety etc. making it feel far more lifelike.

‘He had a feeling he’d never get tired of kissing this girl. She knew exactly how to let a man lead a kiss and all the right sounds to make him feel like a man.’

Jason and Simone’s feelings for each other were very much insta-lust to insta-love, I’m not saying I’m not a fan because I am. Sometimes even in real life, you can meet someone on Monday and profess your undying love to them on Saturday. Life and the heart are fickle and strange, curveballs can and do come out of thin air.

Jason makes mistakes in this book and when he makes one particular mistake, I almost couldn’t believe he could be so dumb. I know some people take longer than others to wake up and smell the coffee but by the time he figured out, someone else could have picked the coffee beans, roasted them, ground them and then made enough coffee for a boardroom meeting. Maybe he fell off the bull one too many times and landed on his head; but seriously, I don’t know if I’d have been as forgiving as Simone was.

I could and did swoon over Mister S, even Jason felt the power and dominance that man wore like an expensive dinner suit. Each book in this series can be read as a stand-alone, and as I've never read this author's works before, after this thrill ride I’ll be sure to check her out. Well done Ms. Reisz, and thank you.

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Hot, sexy, sweet cowboy - what's not to like? Only that I wanted more of the sexy cowboy and more character development. I know it's erotica, but I still like a little depth to the characters.

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Couldn't you just stare at this cover all day? Yum, I could.

Jason the conservative cowboy and Simone the spunky photographer made me smile a whole lot. I know sweet and adorable don't seem like they would fit in such a sensual book, but they do. These two are cute together, learning the ropes of what works for them both, falling hard and fast.

This has a good storyline, interesting and likeable characters, a happy ever even has appearances by a couple people we all know. I feel like I could read this just fine having not read any of the other books, though. I think I would label this couple as dirty cute. I loved them. Now I really want his friend to get a story! Bring it on please.

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A fun romping erotic romance between a closet kinky cowboy and an out there girl. Would recommend to those who like erotic sub/dom romances.

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When a book sucks you in and you just can't get it out of your head, well, that's worth more than 5 stars. So 100billion stars from me, y'all!

I'm struggling to put into words my thoughts and feelings about this book, and at this time I'm not sure I'm able to express them fully.

Tiffany is my unicorn author she has such a talented mind she could write about anything and I'm pretty sure it would be amazing. She is just genius at depicting emotions, understanding relationships, and communicating what is going on in her characters’ minds. Picture Perfect Cowboy have made my heart burst and break, made me laugh and cry. It is definitely one of my favorite readof 2018. Hands down. The depth to which the characters are taken and described is beyond words.
Jason Still Waters was an amazing character and Dom: clever, caring, not afraid to express his feeling to Simone. Simone is an awesome girl. I loved the way she taught Jason, explained him that being kinky is NOT a bad thing.♥

A wonderful blend of hot kinky f**kery and a deep emotional journey and love story. This is one of those books that will stay with you forever!

So steamy
Much romantic

Highly recommend!

I'd like to thank Tiffany Reisz and 8th Circle Press for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my honest review.

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