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Bible Journaling Made Simple

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Bible Journaling Made Simple by Sandy Allnock was an inspiring book. This book points toward passionately pursuing a relationship with God as the first focus with the art side coming in after and I really was blessed by that. I found her instructions to be doable and understandable. I didn’t feel unwanted pressure, but I did feel her encouraging me to go for it. There is nothing like adding art to Scriptures that speak to me, taking it to another level of meditation on His Word, cementing it in my heart.
I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

***Also posted on CBD, B&N

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A terrific guide with gorgeous illustrations that instructs on every aspect of journaling the Bible to deeply connect with the Creator. 5 of 5 Stars.

Thanks to the author, the publisher and NetGalley for the review copy. Opinions are mine. Pub Date 23 Oct 2018. #BibleJournalingMadeSimple #NetGalley.

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This is a creative book with some interesting ideas. The creative ideas inside are beautiful. Many of us often make notes in our Bible while reading or during Bible lessons. This book takes it a step further. It gives us an idea of journaling and making our ideas or notes in a way of beautifying these thoughts without the Bible pages.

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I've been following Sandy Allnock on YouTube for a while now. I didn't think much about it when she talked about creating a book, but then when I saw it available for review on NetGalley, I knew I'd want to get it and review it. And I'm so glad that I did.

I'm fairly new to these kinds of books. I read and reviewed my first arts/craft book last year and recently I've been on a kick with them as my creative juices have been overflowing. I purchased Complete Guide to Bible Journaling last year and it was so full of great content that I wasn't sure Bible Journaling Made Simple would really have anything to add, but I was so wrong. This book ended up being so much more than I expected it to be.

First off, I love that Sandy Allnock set up this book as a guide for teaching/participating in a Bible journaling group. But if you choose to follow alone that's perfectly fine. The group suggestion is mentioned in the beginning with a guide on how you could go about working the book around a group, but this isn't mentioned over and over throughout the book which I appreciated.

I loved that there are art tutorials, but symbolism is talked about a lot so that why you are creating a particular design for a particular Scripture makes sense. Yet Sandy Allnock really stresses how much the focus is on spending time with God and not simply creating perfect art. As a matter of fact, at times she purposefully encourages you to be imperfect with your art to keep yourself focused on what really matters most.

The art itself and the tutorials on how to create the same or similar pieces feels both challenging and achievable which is a huge line to balance without going over too far to either side. There were certainly examples of her art that is currently beyond my skill level. Yet there were so many things I felt I could replicate in my own style.

Each chapter has a subfocus of a fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5) so it was almost like a devotional at the same time. I appreciated that I could nod my head to the Spiritual things she discussed while she maintained distance from doctrinal issues that might be controversial making this book a good fit for any who claims the name Christian.

Also included in each chapter was a list of verses and topics applicable to the tutorials and subjects of each chapter. I really love that this was included because it makes the book practical for the very beginner level of Bible Journaling or a very new Christian.

Bible Journaling Made Simple was so exciting for me because it exceeded my expectations in every way. There's art that challenging yet achievable. There's Scripture and subject focused chapters. And there's focus on symbolism. Bible Journaling Made Simple gets 5 Stars. Have you read Bible Journaling Made Simple? What did you think? Let me know!

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I love this book. I purchased a journaling bible over a year ago and barely used it. When I did I just colored in the coloring pages already there with colored pencils. This book gave me so many new ideas and inspiration. The author details many different types of materials to use and explains how to use them so they don’t damage your fragile bible pages. Sandy give the reader great ideas to color outside the lines and over the text. Her drawing corresponds with the bible verses and makes the verse more memorable by drawing it.

Throughout the book, Sandy includes thought-provoking questions to help you dig deeper into the bible verse. For example, some of her suggestions encourage you to write a list of God’s character traits in your journal.

With Sandy’s ideas, my bible journaling has expanded from coloring to making beautiful drawings to depict bible verses and

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book courtesy of NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I always thought Bible journaling was too scary to even try. After reading this book, I believe that I was mistaken. Sandy Allnock uses numerous examples of how to tie verses with words and/or drawings. She encourages us to explore our talents and to stay with it until we realize what type of art we are best at. Art types may involve pencils, colored pencils, watercolor pencils, watercolor paint, markers, gel pens and more. She shows absolutely gorgeous journaling that she has created. Even if I don’t get brave enough to journal in my Bible, I plan to begin practicing in a journal right away. Once comfortable I will get a journaling Bible. Sandy is sure to tell us that any Bible can contain journaling. This book is such a great resource! I am going to buy copies for my friends.

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Beautiful book with great ideas!
I love how the author shares how someone can get into bible journaling AND gives ideas on how to get into some different techniques or get ideas on how to make it more beautiful but still keep it relatively simple in the amount of supplies you need.

It defiantly made me want to give bible journaling a try, which as a very unartistic person is something to be proud of, since i normally never personally inspired to try something artistic no matter which book i read/look at.

Defiantly wroth a look!

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This was a beautiful and inspiring book. I honestly have been looking for a way to read the Bible that would help me be more consistent in reading and more meaningful in my fellowship. For the past few days, I've been following the concept of reading a passage in the morning, reflecting on it during the day, and then drawing in the evening. I really enjoy it and I will be ordering a "journaling" Bible to get more space on pages for artwork.

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Though I have wanted to for a long time, I have never actually read the bible. Now that I have this book with its great suggestions on how to make the bible personal and relevant to me, I can’t wait to dive in and find the verses that I can bring to my life. I have the supplies and am ready to start. This book is a wonderful resource, both in the book form and the links included. Even though I am not very artistic the author is very encouraging and has great ideas for all levels of abilities.

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I read this book hoping to see tips and techniques for journaling, aside from the religious aspect. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone new or beginning Bible Journaling, but not to anyone who was hoping for artistic inspiration or technique outside of Bible Journaling. It is fantastic for a beginner, but very religious focused (which is appropriate for this book). The tips and techniques shared in here, while valuable, are not too different than most techniques in beginner level books. Those other books most likely wouldn't have as much of a religious push. I love that this book contained a variety of ideas to build on, tips for making a group effort, and very simple and easy to follow instructions. I appreciate the traceable additions and downloadable content. The images of Sandy's Bible Journaling art are beautiful and explained very well in her demonstrations.

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I’d heard about Bible journaling via artwork but was not quite sure what it entailed. Looking through this book, I learned a lot! The most important thing is that journaling doesn’t have to be only writing. For the creative or artistic person, it is another way to record reflections. The author makes it clear that you may journal in a journaling Bible or in a separate book. What is important is that you record what you are learning as well as your reflections as you read through the Scriptures. The artwork may consist of words, diagrams or pictures and various artistic mediums may be used to record the reflections. The supplies needed are minimal. What is needed is an open heart to allow the thoughts that flow out to become word pictures.

In addition to Bible journaling, the author also presents information on developing an idea log, how to post your journaling on social media, journaling in groups or independently as well as selecting and using different mediums and supplies. There is even information on a website that will provide additional information and ideas. For timid beginners, the author also provides tutorials in art and sketching.

I LOVE this book!! It provides an added dimension to Bible Study and is a lovely book to buy for yourself or to give as a gift.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book that was provided by the publisher through Net Galley. However, the thoughts presented here are my own.

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I grew up at a time when the most interaction you had between a page of the Bible, beyond reading it, was a possibility of highlighting or underlining a passage, possibly with an added liner note (and some people didn't even feel comfortable with that). I don't know if the popularity of bullet journaling had any impact on the emerging popularity of creating visual art on Bible pages, but it's been interesting to see the evolution take place.

I have a creative side, but my drawing abilities are at the level you'd find in an average early-elementary-school-aged child. However, I have some friends that have begun Bible journaling, and we bought our oldest a Bible with pre-printed marginalia that she colors in. I appreciate seeing what others can do.

When I saw the soon-to-be-released book Bible Journaling Made Simple by Sandy Allnock, I was interested to review it. It is rich with helpful step-by-step illustrations aimed at non-artists. The primary goals are to teach techniques that will give others confidence as well as create a new medium for interacting with the text. As far as the latter is concerned, Allnock shares how she reads in the morning, reflects on a key verse or theme throughout the day, then if she is inspired, she will draw or paint in her Bible that evening. Whether or not she creates, she has deepened her faith by her reflections.

Allnock starts each chapter with a number of questions for those who may go through this book in a group setting, and at the close of each chapter, she recommends similar passages that could use the illustrations that were the focus in that section.

I appreciated how Allnock intentionally recommends quality but affordable materials to make beginning Bible journaling an inexpensive venture, as well as making sure, if she paints over the entire page, that the text is still readable underneath. With how thin most Bible pages are, one can imagine them curling with a lot of water or paint applied. She also has suggestions for how to safely iron a page to combat that. She also recommends patience and reminds people not to be too critical of their handwriting, fear of painting, and so on.

I found this a pleasant experience; I'm not yet sure if I have the confidence to color and paint in my Bible, but maybe I'll take an intermediary step to do a page or two in a bullet journal (another suggestion of hers). Bible Journaling Made Simple is just that -- a good resource for those who don't feel they are naturally artistic but have an interest in learning.

(I received a digital ARC from NetGally and F+W Media in exchange for my honest review.)

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Artistic Bible journaling is a relatively new way for readers of the Bible to connect with its teaching. For some, merely reading or hearing the Scripture is enough to help them identify with and understand the text. With artistic Bible journaling, Scripture-readers use watercolor pencils, markers, and other art supples to journal through pictures. For visual learners and creative types, Bible journaling is a unique path to understanding. For those who find that they express themselves better through art or find that words sometimes fail them, this book is an excellent guide to getting started in Bible-journaling.

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Bible Journaling Made Simple is a beginner's guide to Bible Journaling.. It has instruction and inspiration to get you started. This handy guide will help you in your walk with God by bringing scripture to life.

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I was able to read Bible Journaling Made Simple by Sandy Allnock for free from Netgalley, the publisher and the author for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review; thank you netgalley and publishers for offering me this book!
I am giving this book five stars because it very helpful on making our Bible an interactive journal. The tips and ideas would be great for anyone to get more involved in Bible journaling. The books gives a lot of tips on recreating easy designs and being able to branch out on your own. Easy tools to use: colored pencils, watercolor paints, wash tape, regular pencils, ruler, objects to make circles/squares. I highly recommend this book.

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I recently started bible journaling and this book was fantastic to get me started in the right direction. I am not artsy at all, but this book showed me how to be creative, using colors and different mediums to create joyful journaling pages. It's a daunting task to start bible journaling, but you have to start somewhere and the author definitely provides creative ideas to get the creative juices flowing.

Thanks to Netgalley for an electronic copy of this book in exchange for a fair review.

#netgalley #biblejournalingmade simple

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This book showcases a way for everyone to take their daily Bible reading from boring to engaging. The author explains how this book is intended especially for the every day person who isn’t an artist. Here, stick figures are welcome! The author takes the reader through every step of creating a journal that is all their own. What a wonderful way to breathe new life into a daily Bible reading and quiet time that has gone stale or stagnant. It has certainly created an excitement in this Christian of 40 years to start making her own journal!

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Bible Journaling Made Simple is a very inspirational book on a topic I didn’t even know existed! The pictures are just stunning and it makes me want to go out and buy a journaling Bible so I can try my hand at this awesome art form. My Bible is marked up with highlights and pen notes, but how enriching would it be to meditate on my favorite verses by turning them into art? This book has a lot of tips for recreating the designs and branching out on your own. Tools include colored pencils, watercolor paints, baby wipes (for blending), washi tape, regular pencils and other easy to find items. I recommend this book for anyone wanting a different and very hands on way of studying the Bible. I received an arc copy of this book via netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

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I love this book! I have been Bible journaling for close to two and a half years. "Bible Journaling Made Simple" is the book that I wished existed when I began embracing my creative side in my walk with God.
Many Pinterest searches gave me some of the answers I was looking for but it took a lot of time. This book gives you everything you need to start.

Highly recommend!

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I belong to a lot of bible journal groups on Facebook because I love seeing what everyone can do. I have not tried to yet because I don't  like to mark up my favorite bible. I might buy one from a thrift store and do study and journal in it at home. Also I had no clue where to start so when I saw this book I had to review it! Honestly I can't  wait to go shoping for supplies to give this a go. Both of my daughter's  want to try this too and I babysit and would love to get them involved  too. This would be a ton of fun to do as a group as well. There are 146 pages in this book showing you step by step how to journal  in your  bible. Please enjoy these image's and I highly  recommend  this book if you are wanting to start Bible Journaling.

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