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Forget You Know Me

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This was one book that I half enjoyed half really didn't like. The end was supposed to be a surprise but it wasn't really and the switching of the perspectives randomly grated and didn't add much to the book. It was okay and I wanted to read to the end but not something I was excited about at all.

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I received a free e-copy of Forget You Know Me by Jessica Strawser from NetGalley for my honest review.

Liza and Molly have been friends for their entire lives. They remained very good friends even through marriage and raising children but raising children, of course, took some of the time they spent off their friendship. One day, while video chatting, the girls are talking but Molly has to leave the computer screen to check on the kids. Suddenly Liza sees an intruder in Molly's house. Lisa, terrified calls the police. She also decides to get in her car, with her friend, Max and go to Molly's house to check on her.

Molly's husband, Daniel, isn't in town when all of this happens and doesn't find out until the next day, when he came back home. When Liza arrives at Molly’s house, she is greeted by Molly and things get weird. Molly tells Liza that she over-reacted and to go away.

The story gets a bit weird after that as it is based more about two friends, their secrets, lies and struggles in life and how damaging those secrets can be that can make everything spin out of control.

This was a book of intrigue but I wouldn't consider it a thriller. A good book but I was hoping for a bit more action. Good writing and good characters.

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I enjoyed the story line and the writing but I did find I kept skipping over parts. Molly and Daniel's marriage isn't what it used to be, Molly is in constant pain and Daniel either doesn't want to see it or just can't be bothered by it. He has his job and there are troubles there too. Add to that, Molly has a friendship with Rick, a single parent who lost his wife to cancer. and whose daughter Rosie has only spoken a few words since her mother's death.

Liza is Molly's best friend, she left to take up a new job and has found since then, their friendship is floundering. Determined to do something about it, Liza Facetime's Molly and when Molly leaves the room, Liza sees an intruder in the home. She yells at the intruder to leave the house and then the screen goes blank.

When Liza can't get in tough with Molly, she decides the only thing after contacting the Police is to drive hours to talk face to face with Molly and try to figure what exactly is going on.

This is where everything starts to become complicated. Molly and Liza's friendship seems to be torn apart, Daniel comes to some conclusions about his wife's health, her friendship with Rick, how he can save his job and the realisation that his wife is hiding some very big secrets, and they just may ruin their marriage.

Liza finds herself back in town after returning to find her apartment had gone up in flames, along with half of the occupants from her level and above and trying to come to terms with the fact that if she hadn't visited Molly, she wouldn't be alive now.

There are so many things going on in this book, and some unanswered questions at the end. The lives of most of the characters are complicated and because of this I found it hard to get through the book.

Thanks to Negalley and St Martins Press for the opportunity to read and review.

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First off I'll say, I didn't enjoy it as much as her other novels. But that being said (and the 3 star rating), I did like it.
Molly and Daniel are both in trouble individually and instead of confiding in each other as a married couple, they try to figure it out on their own.
Liza witnesses something she can't quite figure out ( did she really see what she saw) and rushes (12 hour drive) to her friend, Molly.....saving her own life in the process as she comes back to her building gutted from a fire.
Liza and Molly have been the best of friends since college but have drifted apart over the last few years. Molly shuts Liza out after she runs to her. But they eventually get back to being friends.

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Forget You Know Me is a fast paced book that keeps you hooked from the very beginning. The very end of chapter one had me thinking I may want to wait to read this because it’s going to be a book I wouldn’t want to put down. When one friend catches a heart wretching moment on camera their lives will never be the same. Jessica Strawser delivers a book that will have you thinking about Liza and Molly for days after you’ve finished it.

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I received an ARC from Netgalley of Forget You Know Me by Jessica Strawser This is a story of complicated relationships- a complicated friendship, a complicated marriage, even complicated professional relationships. Molly and Liza have been best friends since childhood and they use Skype to keep in touch since they live in different states. One night, while on Skype, Liza sees an intruder enter Molly’s house- she is terrified. She calls the police but Molly insists everything is fine. Liza becomes concerned about Molly and the way she is acting. This is a story that makes the reader wonder- what is going on with Molly, why is she behaving so oddly toward Liza and her husband. This book has many twists and turns and kept me guessing until the end. There were parts that I wished were developed further, but overall the suspense in this novel kept me reading and interested.

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It lost me within the first few pages when the friend decided to take a 4 or 5 hour (?) road trip to see if everything was okay. By that time, the whole family could be dead or long gone. When little plot points like that don't make sense, I move on and go to my next read.

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I have to admit, the premise of this book definitely grabbed my attention and I was so excited to learn I was approved to read and review this one! Many women in my book club group suggested this novel and so I thought I would give this new author a try. As a mother myself, I could not imagine knowing someone broke into my house without my knowledge while we were there. The suspense in this book was set at a great pace and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I recommend this book to those who enjoy reading the family suspense/drama genre.

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I enjoyed this solid 3.5 star book, first time author for me.

Two friends, Liza is single & living in Chicago & Molly a married mom of 2 young children living in Cincinnati. Molly looks forward to their late night face time chats, she loves to hear about Liza's life, her dates & the guys she meets. Liza on the other hand is done with the crazy dating single life. One night while Molly's husband is away & Liza is waiting for Molly to return to their live chat, Liza sees something moving in Molly's house- an intruder! But the most surprising part is how Molly reacts to what Liza sees & how it is handled....

Not a thriller or a psychological thriller but a story of how a marriage can stop feeling special, how secrets are never a good thing & how friendship matters.

Good book!

Thank you Net Galley & St Marton's Press for this advance copy.

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Molly and Liz were the best of friends who were video chatting one night while Daniel, Molly’s husband was out of town on business.
Molly had to go quickly check on the kids but left her call live. Liz witnessed a masked intruder in the house. They then cut the call off. Liz panicked and with a friend drove 10 hours to see if Molly was ok when repeated calls to her were left unanswered. Imagine her surprise when Molly didn’t believe her about the intruder and was cold to her and kicked her out of the house.
Their lives as friends and separately would never be the same. Would they ever find the intruder? Could Molly and Liza ever repair their friendship?

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A great premise to this book! Less tension, more suspense. The development that the characters go through in the book was pleasing.

I definitley recommend this book for readers of literary fiction with a suspenseful plot and interesting characters.

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"Forget You Know Me" was the first Jessica Strawser book I've read, and it began with a terrific premise: two friends are on a Skype type of call when one of them, Molly, takes a break to go check on a child upstairs, and her friend in another city, Liza, is still watching the computer screen when a man in a black mask enters Molly's home and slaps her computer closed as Liza yells at him. And as we love to say in fiction, Things Are Not What They Seem. While the set-up was great, I found the book was unable to sustain the momentum, and I found Molly an annoying character and Liza not much better, but then I have little patience with weak female characters. That said, Strawser's writing style is enjoyable, and she occasionally tosses in intriguing philosophical asides (""How long could you hinge a relationship on a history of what had been?" or "The person who wants less from the relationship holds the power"). The conclusion of the book wasn't very satisfying, but Strawser's elegant writing style was enough to make me want to try another of her books, because there's every possibility these characters just weren't for me.

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Excellent novel! Pulls you in from the very beginning with the intruder and all that follows! I love how this story developed and I never once felt like I was reading anything that didn't pertain to that development. A lot of books in this genre tend to ramble about irrelevant things just as a sort of filler. This book is a great example of how life throws you twist after twist. Sometimes you jusy have to roll with the punches! Often you have everything the way you want it but other feel like you have lost yourself somehow. Suprisingly, this book review came at a stressful/troubling trial in my life and helped guide me through. There is always hope and things always work themselves out! This book emphasizes on cherishing what you have even when things are going badly. This is not the first book I have read and loved by this artist! Check it out :)

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I really enjoyed this book. I actually liked most of the characters and wanted to see what happened and how they worked out their problems.

This was an advanced reading copy from NETGALLEY and I am hoping some of the little things I didn’t like get corrected in the final copy. I felt some things needed a bit more insight and information to wrap up the story, but I don’t want to put that in my review and spoil it for anyone who hasn’t read it.

I was thinking this was a psychological thriller, but it is really more about secrets, friendships, and relationships. It is my first book by Jessica Strawser and she is a very good writer.

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This book was well written and fluid to read; however the plot was not suspenseful and their seemed to be no goal to the book.

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Interesting story line. The beginning really grabs you. Not quite the suspense type of story i was expecting but compelling story. Very complex characters. Would definitely read more by this author .

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Thank you to NetGalley and St Martin's Press for an advanced read in exchange for this review.

Liza and Molly have always been close, even through moves and marriage.  While video chatting one evening, Liza sees an intruder in Molly's house.  Liza panics, calls the police, and then the screen goes black.  When she finally reaches Molly, Molly is icy and reassures her that everything is fine...

I was expecting one type of story and was completely surprised in a good way what this turned into.  This book dives deep into the relationships that everyone has with each other.  Best friends, spouses, mothers, fathers - things are strained and people need to quit pretending.  I appreciated how this was not a typical thriller but a story with great character development and how relationships go through different phases.  A good and solid read.

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“Forget You Know Me” by Jessica Strawser”

I picked this up as its description sounded like it would be a very interesting psychological thriller. It was an interesting read, did have a slight psychological thriller aspect to it, but mainly it was about two long term friends who have slowly grown apart, a marriage that was struggling, and the personal issues of all the main characters.

This was not a novel that I read straight through without stopping. In fact, I only read it in the evening before bed. Mainly because it held my attention for only an hour or so at a time. For me, the ending was rather anti climatic, although for many other readers this may not be the case.

As an avid reader and one who reads a variety of novels, a great many of which are thrillers, psychological mysteries or thrillers, and this just didn’t hold up to a good majority of them. This is a novel I would recommend for those who don’t often read this genre. You will appreciate this book.

The writing and storyline are clear, while some sections need a bit more expanding for full understanding. The characters have their positive and negatives and are generally well written.

For me, this novel is a 3 star read, yet please understand many would classify this as a four star read.

Rating: 3.4

** I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this novel. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This is my first book by this author, but it won't be my last. What a page turner! This story between two best friends will keep you guessing right up til the very end. Highly recommend!

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What an intriguing great premise! Childhood best friends Liza and Molly decide to catch up over a Skype call and some wine. But when Molly goes upstairs to check on her daughter, Liza sees a masked intruder enter her house. This one incident sets off a chain reaction of intriguing events that kept me guessing.

Guys, this is not a thriller, it is a domestic suspense novel, and as such there is less tension and suspense, and more character development and thoughtful themes. No, the plot doesn’t veer wildly from one plot point to the next, but you will get to know these intricately crafted characters and understand each of their motivations.

This book is about friendship, honesty and deception. It is emotionally complex and thoughtful. It asks if a debt can ever be paid and if forgiveness can ever entirely be given. With thoughtful themes and well-drawn characters, Forget You Know Me is a lovely book to read over a glass of wine and chat with your girlfriends about.

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