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She Lies in Wait

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She Lies in Wait is a story of a girl who went missing in the '80s and her body being found 30 years later. Aurora went camping with her sister and her sister's friends. Topaz, Coralie, Brett, Benners, and Connor are a little older than Aurora and very different. They enjoy drinking while Aurora doesn't. The story unfolds what happens to Aurora the night she went missing while following the chain of events in the present when her remains were found. Each character has their secrets, including the sergeant, Jonah Sheens.
The story reads somewhat like a police procedural about solving a cold case. There are a lot of details and movements as well as reasoning from the police perspective. I enjoyed this because it was well-done and wasn't boring. I thought the book was good and followed an interesting story and timeline/chain of events. It was only a little dry through some parts. I thought reading from Aurora's perspective was interesting and a little heart-breaking. It's hard to read what happens to a 14-year-old girl, but I think it ends well.

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What a good read. I was hooked from the first few pages through to the end. A suspenseful story that kept me guessing. I can't wait for the rest of this series.

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She Lies In Wait is the first novel in the DCI Jonah Sheens series and it did not disappoint. A fast past paced thriller, it alternates between an even thirty years ago and a current investigation. The way the story was written, I felt connected to multiple characters and enjoyed the way each character developed. Be prepared to hunker down with this book for hours and possible tears at the end! Looking forward to another DCI Sheens story.

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Thirty years ago in July 1983 and seven teenagers are out camping, but by morning one will be dead. Now a family are camping in the area and the young daughter finds the bones. DCI Jonah Sheens, as he was a young constable at the time, knows who the bones belong to and it is him and his team who are brought in to investigate.
With two different timelines the truth is finally revealed. I enjoyed this mystery, and find the police team a good mix of characters. But who could not be charmed by Aurora herself.

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1983 . Six friends. One killer. Who do you trust? Thirty years later, a body is found and investigator Jonah Sheens reopens the case of missing teenager Aurora. More of the synopsis in the comments section below.
I was excited to see this had the trifecta I enjoy most: alternating POV, set in England & a mystery to solve. Not to mention, I love author debuts. If you enjoy a police procedural-based investigation with an alternate view of the murder victim, then I would definitely recommend this. The story does take some dedication to get to know all the characters involved, so expect to take this one slower and absorb all the twists it has to offer.
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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A camping trip of teens goes wrong when Aurora goes missing. Det. Chief Inspector Jonah Sheens is thrown back into the memory of his first case of the missing Aurora when her bones are found 30 years later. The circle of friends now become suspects as facts come to light. Drugs where found with Aurora's bones and in a can found near by. Investigation proves that someone in the group had purchased a very large amount of drugs but swears he never returned to the scene to retrieve them. The investigation reveals a drug dealer, a womanizer and secrets all work together to keep the past hidden for 30 years. The story often told through Aurora's eyes leads the reader through present day investigation while learning about the past.

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Teenagers camping in the forest, drinking, dancing, kissing, fighting - in the morning - one is missing. 30 years later, a body is found in a secret hideaway that the 6 friends all knew about. Detective Jonah Sheens is on the case.

Okay look. This book is good. BUT I've read so many other books just like this - including two standout novels from Riley Sager - that just do it so much better. This is the first book of a series and while it's good, I highly doubt I pick up others. Again, it's been done.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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I really wanted to like this book due to the great cover and description. The author was a great writer and they story was easy to follow. However the story itself fell flat. I felt as though it was slow moving and contained many unnecessary details or long chapters.

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A young girl’s body is found 30 years after her disappearance in She Lies in Wait.

Benners, Connor, Brett, JoJo, Coralie, Topaz and her younger sister Aurora go camping. One evening of drinking, drugs and sex later, Aurora is missing. Despite an intense searching effort, she remains an open cold case.

When Aurora’s body is found 30 years later buried on the very campsite where she disappeared, the police reopen the case. The friends all maintain that they saw nothing unusual the night Aurora disappeared but could they be covering for one another?

It is hard to imagine She Lies in Wait was written by a debut author. The rollercoaster plot had me guessing everyone but the victim was either the murderer or complicit in the crime. The police managing the case were equally clueless. Watching the police group wade through piles of data seemed much more realistic than in most police procedurals.

She Lies in Wait is an excellent British police procedural. It recommended to anyone who enjoys playing armchair detective. 4 stars!

Thanks to Random House for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Back in 1983 six friends go camping on an overnight, but only five return. Now, thirty years later, youngest camper, Aurora Jackson, is discovered in a hideaway that only the friends knew about. Detective Jonah Sheens is put on the cold case, but the case hits a little close to home as he personally knew all six of the group from school thirty years prior. As he begins to unravel the web spun by five lifelong friends, he uncovers more truths about that night than he could have even imagined. Did the group really have no idea how Aurora disappeared? Or will someone surface to shed some light on that fateful night?

Thank goodness I finally found a thriller that grabbed me right from the get go! It seemed like the last few thrillers I read didn't really thrill me, so this was a nice change of pace. I loved the back and forth perspective switching from the present day to Aurora on the day of the killing. Lodge perfectly crafted a gripping mystery that leads the reader on a winding path to figure out what happened to Aurora. Because there are so many characters, it could be easy to slough over some of their development, but Lodge does a phenomenal job of layering all of the characters, leaving the reader up in arms over who the killer should be. She tosses out bite-sized clues that keep the reader questioning who the murderer really is, and when we finally find out- it is a wait that is well worth it. This is a novel that I would recommend anyone looking to escape reality for a day or two because once you start, you won't want to put it down.

And bonus, it's the start of a new series featuring Detective Sheens!

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She Lies in Wait by Gytha Lodge is a highly recommended police procedural and the start of a new series.

A body is found in Brinken Wood in England’s New Forest and it is identified as Aurora Jackson. Aurora went missing thirty years ago, on July 22, 1983, when she was out camping with a group of six other teens. At fourteen she was the youngest and really an outsider in the group that consisted of her sister, Topaz, and Topaz's friends. There was a lengthy search for her, or her body, but the case went cold. Jonah Sheens, who was new to the police force at that time, also knew the teens in question and was involved in the original search. Now Jonah is the DCI in charge and he remembers the original investigation and the tight-knit group of friends. He is determined to solve the case this time around.

She Lies in Wait is an engaging and interesting British police procedural and it held my attention throughout. The writing is great and the novel is well-paced and well-constructed. I appreciated the chapters alternating between the current day investigation and from Aurora's point-of-view during the day of her disappearance in 1983. It was compelling to follow the present day interviews and what the suspects, now in their 40s, remember from that night. The accounts of their actions contrasted or were confirmed by Aurora's narrative, and slowly a picture of the night begins to emerge. As in any investigation, there are a few false leads and twists to hold your attention. There is plenty of back story between these six adults who are now suspects again after thirty years.

The members of Sheen's investigative team are introduced in She Lies in Wait and they all are interesting characters. Lodge delves into some of the personal lives of her detectives while leaving plenty of room to develop them more fully in future additions to the series. She even had a few intriguing loose ends that will likely come into play in further stories, especially one involving DC Juliette Hanson.

This is a great start to a new series and I'm going to keep an eye out for the next book(s) in the series.

Disclosure: My review copy was courtesy of Penguin Random House.

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She Lies in wait by Gytha Lodge is an easy read about a 30 year old mystery .
Seven teens kids went to party deep in the woods and the 14 year old little sister, Aurora, disappeared.
Aurora's body was discovered 30 years later and the who dunit begins.
The other six who were all the In Group and best friends from high school return to help in the investigation.
While still hiding secrets,and defending thierselves and each other out of denial.
At times this story drags a bit but soon picks back up.
DCI Jonah Sheens and his investigative team do a good job of unraveling the events that took place.
A good start to a new series!

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Thank you to NetGalley, Random House and Gytha Lodge for an ARC ebook copy to review. As always, an honest review from me.

She Lies in Wait is quite an addictive read. This mystery captures my attention from the very beginning and didn’t let up. The author creates suspense in part by alternating chapters, between present day and the night Aurora died. As soon as we get another clue, we can’t be sure what’s the truth or a lie.

The book was especially suspenseful, because everyone had something to hide, even one of the police detectives. As a reader, I didn’t know who to trust, but also wanted to believe that everyone was innocent. The mystery and tension was great.

A few parts I found myself getting a little lost, but nothing that dramatically affected the story. Also I much preferred the friends as teenagers and the police as adults. The friends as adults weren’t as intriguing and tension filled as it could have been.

Overall, a really good book in the genre. I definitely recommend giving it a read!

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Thank you so much to Random House Publishing and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

This book just wasn't doing it for me.  Six teenagers go camping in the woods with drugs and alcohol and only five of them return.  Not really all that surprising to me but I thought okay, maybe this will be a good book.  I was wrong.  Honestly I feel like this book was a rip off from other authors that I've read, just a little slower.  The beginning of this book intrigued me but the constant back and forth over a 30 year span confused the hell out of me.  I would quickly lose in the book which character it was talking about and at what point and time it was, even when the beginning of the chapter would tell me what date it was. And it just had sooo many slow spots. I honestly contemplated giving up at times but I powered through hoping it would get better and it never did. I guessed the murderer pretty early on so that kind of ruined the rest of the book for me because the whole book was based around finding out who killed the girl.

Another thing I didn't like was the characters with the exception of JoJo. I immediately liked her early on even though she didn't have a main role until the very end. All of the other characters drove me insane, in their present day role and their role from 30 years ago. Also the whole story behind the murder bored me. The most interesting part was that it took 30 freaking years to find the body and figure out who did it.

Thank you again to Random House Publishing and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book for my review.

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Six teenage friends spend an overnight camping in the forest and in the morning, one of them is missing. Thirty years later, her remains are discovered, reopening a cold case that was never resolved.

This was more of a police procedural than a psychological thriller. Being that I prefer the latter, it was an ok read and an ok mystery but I was not overwhelmed one way or the other by it. There were multiple suspects and a resolution but no major twists or “aha” moments that had me on the edge of my seat. Still, not bad for the first in a series and definitely an author to keep an eye on.

Many thanks to Netgalley, Random House, and Gytha Lodge for my complimentary e-copy ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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It took me a while to get into this book, but once I did, I couldn’t put it down. This is a well-crafted mystery with good explorations of relationships and memories and how sneaky and manipulative people can be.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was not paid for this review.

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I would first like to thank Netgalley and Random House for allowing me to read an advanced reader's copy of this novel for an honest review.

4.75 Stars

In 1983 smart,thoughtful,quiet and beautiful 14 year old Aurora disappears on a Summer camping trip with her older sister and her sister's friends. It's been thirty years and Aurora's body is finally found.

It's up to DCI Jonah Sheens to sift through the secrets that bind the friends after 30 years. Jonah was a casual acquaintance of the group all those years ago. More like an observer really. He always wondered what is was like to be in the popular group, to really know them but now that he is investigating them he is not all that impressed.

I love a good detective series and this novel is a perfect introduction to Sheens and his group of detectives. The novel did feel a bit long and it took me longer than it normally does to read this kind of novel. That being said I really enjoyed this ride, this mystery was well done even if I did figure it out rather quickly and the writing was tight. This will be a series I will be reading from now on.

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She Lies in Wait by Gytha Lodge is a compelling first book in a new series featuring Detective Chief Inspector Jonah Sheens. This murder mystery reminded me in some ways of a Dateline episode and I definitely mean that in the best way possible!

The story is about a teen girl, Aurora, who goes missing after a night of partying in 1983. Thirty years later, the discovery of her body reopens a cold case and Jonah Sheens is put in charge of solving it. Back in 1983, Jonah was a young cop in the small town, he had known the teenagers—including Aurora—personally, even before taking part in the search. Now he’s determined to finally get to the truth of what happened that night. Sheens’s investigation brings the members of the camping party back to the forest, where they will be confronted once again with the events that left one of them dead.

I was captivated by the mystery and what happened to Aurora. It makes the story even more immediate and impactful by having us read part of the story from her perspective. She's only fourteen and had so much life to live and she seems to be a kind and intelligent girl. It's truly tragic what happens to her and I will give a warning there are some graphic scenes involving her, especially toward the end.

Overall, the character I was most engaged with was Hansen. She's also a bit of a mystery but the reader can tell she's smart and talented at her job. I hope she's even more of a feature in the next book in the series.

While not a perfect land, She Lies in Wait is an intriguing mystery that is a promising start to a new series.

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Great book, interesting story. Loved the flashbacks to the camp, never expected the person who did it. Can’t wait for book 2.

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Of all of the genres that I love, and I do love a lot, the one I find myself immersed in most often is police procedurals. Police Procedurals are a sub-genre of “Detective/Crime novels” and are told from the police point of view, often involving several, often unrelated cases that seemingly come together in the end. I give you this definition because She Lies in Wait is, honestly, a perfect example of a British police procedural done well.

Thirty years ago, six teenagers went camping in the woods. Only five of them would awaken the next morning. Now, the body of the sixth friend, Aurora, has been discovered in a “grave” in the woods and it is up to DCI Jonah Sheens and his murder squad to uncover the details of what really happened that horrible night, a night filled with too much booze, drugs, consensual and non-consensual sex. Was one of the campers the killer or was it someone who knew they and the drugs would be at the campsite? They aren’t talking which leaves only the 30-year old, decomposed body of Aurora to tell her tale.

She Lies in Wait is a slow burning, methodical detective story where every clue, every person, every detail is thoroughly looked at and discussed. This is not a “thriller” or a “suspense” novel, it is procedural where you – the reader – are along for the ride with the police as they go through their investigation. If you go into this book expecting “edge of your seat” excitement, then you will be slightly disappointed. If, like me, you love and adore well written, hard core detective books, then this will be a winner! Lodge has crafted a story that has a lot of back-story in these once-teens/now-adult characters who have remained unusually close for thirty years. In addition, DCI Sheens was on the peripheral edges of the group and appears to have a bit of history with them as well, something he would like to keep hidden from the remainder of his squad. His squad, in turn, are an interesting group. The two men are complete opposite of one another: one quiet and thoughtful, the other gregarious, and the newest member, a female, has a few secrets of her own. The intrigue of all of the characters helps to push the storyline along.

I really do hate for books to be compared to one another, but I often thought that She Lies in Wait was quite similar to Tana French’s Dublin Murder Squad series. No doubt fans of that series would disagree, but the writing is similar and, of course, the methodology of the squad itself is the same. In addition, the way that both authors sink into the personal lives of the characters and weave it into the main story felt familiar to each and it was something I enjoy in both series.

If you enjoy police procedurals, particularly British ones, then I highly recommend She Lies in Wait. If you like a good mystery, I think you will enjoy it as well.

Thank you to #Netgalley, #RandomHousePublishingGroup and @thegyth for my copy of She Lies in Wait which will be published in the US on January 8, 2019.

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