Member Reviews

A concise book that provides lots of information about the origin of meditation, how to approach it and other significant details. Well written.

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I enjoyed that this book gave background and history of meditation, as well as different ways to meditate so that you not only can choose what suits you, you know the how and whys behind it as well. I would recommend to anyone getting started on their meditation journey!
Thanks Net Galley for the ARC!

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I received a copy of this book for a fair and honest review. I love learning different techiques to meditation. This book gave me a better feeling for how to perfect my meditation routine and focus on my inner and spiritual path. It was enough to get back on track and it made me feeling better having discovered this book.

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This comprehensive guide gives a thorough look at meditation’s history, types and techniques and includes a set of seven helpful reference cards. Although some of the concepts were way out of my comfort zone, the design was beautiful and easy to follow. 4 of 5 Stars

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC. Opinions are mine.
#InFocusMeditation #NetGalley. Pub Date 31 Jul 2018.

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This was a well thought out book and gave me enough information without being overwhelming. I enjoyed the layout and feel that it reinforced things that I knew while teaching me new things as well.

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In Focus: Meditation by Jacqueline Towers is a comprehensive overview of meditation that serves as a perfect introduction to the subject. It looks at what meditation actually is, how different religious and spiritual practises view it, and the various tools of common meditation practises. I appreciate that the author stresses that no tools or equipment are actually necessary, only that you sit in a comfortable position, where you are unlikely to fall asleep. And that it is okay if you do fall asleep the first few times when just beginning to learn or occasionally, with an established practise. She puts emphasis on not letting this destressing tool become a source of stress, and to remember there are many ways to achieve a meditative state. Several forms of meditation are introduced. There is a chapter for 'master key’ meditations that serve as a prep for deeper forms. These master key meditations help open the chakra channel, wash away dense energy or set up protections and strength. There's an entire chapter devoted to the chakra system, and meditations to open, close, and cleanse blockages from them. Other chapters have meditations to access inner knowledge, meet spirit guides or angels, help with specific emotional and psychological issues, and working with totem animals. There's a chapter devoted to spellwork as meditation, in order to solve problems or draw things to you. Another chapter goes over psychic techniques

The archaeologist in me was quite pleased that the author used the abbreviations BCE and CE, instead of BC and AD. The chapter devoted to psychic techniques, while interesting, seemed quite out of place in a meditation book. I felt the same about the reincarnation chapter, though that one had a neat journeywork meditation. Overall, this was a great introduction to meditation, offering plenty of different types. Recommended for any with an interest in meditation, be they established practitioners or those new to the practise.

***Many thanks to the Netgalley and Quarto Publishing for providing an egalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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I really wanted to enjoy this book. However, I was expecting a less spiritual approach to meditation and more of informative perspective on it. Thank you for the publisher for granting this wish, but this wasn't for me.

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If you're new to meditation, and want a basic, unbiased primer - this is likely the book I'd recommend.

Does it give in-depth reviews of anything? Nope. It is meant to? Nope. Expecting this would be folly, although admittedly some of the explanations are maybe one paragraph long.

I still found In Focus Meditation to be thorough and comprehensive, if brief. I loved the different variations of meditations provided in the last half of the book. Unfortunately, most are guided meditations, which is exceptionally difficult to do in book format. I'd recommend an audio companion to the book, or an audio version.

There's nothing negative to share about this book, and I enjoyed it as well as found a few new ideas to try within my daily meditative practice. There wasn't a "wow" factor however, and much of the information is more suited to a young, inexperienced reader than someone seeking to further their meditation practice.

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This book is part of the In Focus series which talks about a series of spiritual/new-age topics that I am curious about, however meditation is the one subject that I know more about since I practice meditation.

While I was hoping for more history based in facts about meditation, this book talks a lot about the spiritual aspect and a lot of... let's just say is nowhere close to MBSR or any types of meditation that I am familiar with, nor does it present arguments good enough to convince me to give it a chance.

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A great starter book for anyone who wants to learn about mediation, chakras and energies. Perfect addition to any yogis bookshelf.

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Very informative, complete with steps by steps, and I especially like the meditation cards.
This book is suitable for those who wants to deepen their meditation knowledge along with chakras knowledge.
There are many meditations to choose depending on your situation.

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I absolutely loved this book! I’ve been a fan of meditation for about a year now, and am always looking for new hints and tips on how to make meditation more effective. This book was a wonderful, helpful way to make you get the most out of your meditation time.

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In Focus Meditation is a short book with a brief but interesting description of the history of meditation and how different world religions make use of it. I would have liked this to be written in more detail.

What follows is based on the authors’ own methods of using meditation. There are several step by step meditations for you to use for different purposes. I think it would be useful to read and record these for your personal use, or read them out in a group meditation which the author recommends.

Some of the uses for meditation, such as making contact with your spirit guides and how to develop your skills as a medium, are not something that I am personally interested in.

Thank you to #NetGalley and the publisher for my free copy in exchange for an unbiased review. #InFocusMeditation

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'In Focus Meditation' is the perfect guide on how to ease the stresses of our busy modern lives, and although this will be particularly beneficial for beginners, it also has some interesting, in-depth information for those more experienced in the art of meditation. It's simple and accessible with easily understandable concepts that most people will gain a lot from. Not only does it cover the basics such as how to meditate, in what position and why meditation can make a difference to both an individuals physical and mental health, it also looks at the various meditation techniques, its history and links to religion, the use of music or scent to help get into a meditative state and chakras.

There are also tips on how to avoid being distracted which can often be something many novices struggle with, and I know when I first started this was one of the main issues for me, so I am pleased there is guidance given here on how to minimise the potential for that to occur. The design of the book is excellent with the accompanying illustrations very much complementing the information. I cannot recommend this highly enough for people who are looking towards a more spiritual existence.

Many thanks to Quarto Publishing Group – Wellfleet Press for an ARC. I was not required to post a review, and all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

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This is a very through and informative book on meditation. I really have problems shutting off my brain sometimes and it has been suggested I try to meditate. This is why I wanted this book. I especially like the different types of meditation that I did not know there were. The guide to incense and information on Chakras is also a very good addition in the book. This book also goes into the history of meditation and more. I really found this book very helpful.
I received this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I have been liking this series. I find that it is a good introduction to the topic. I like that there are the cards, so you can have a meditation guide on the go if you want. It does give some different topics within it. Nice.

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This book takes the time to break down meditation in a very simple yet pretty in depth way. It not only goes into how different religions and practices use meditation, it also provides examples. This is also great for someone who wants to create their own meditations, as it provides examples not only of words to use but environments that are best for what you want to achieve.

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Thanks to Quarto Publishing Group – Wellfleet Press for the ARC!

We live in a very stressful world. Every day, we face new challenges and situations that can really leave us drained. Lately, I've been feeling very into meditation.

I watched a few videos on youtube, I downloaded some apps, but honestly, nothing helped me as much as this book. "In Focus Meditation" is a very complete guide, not only telling us what to do, but also explaining the meaning behind every action. The 7 cards are very helpful. The graphic work is absolutely beautiful. The author did a great job making everything easy to understand, even if you're not much experienced in the subject.

I'm still a beginner, but I already feel much better. Thank you!

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In focus Meditation by Jacqueline Towers

Interested in meditation and unsure where to begin? This might be the book for you since it gives not only the history and equipment one might need but provides a wide variety of meditation ideas/examples that are varied and plentiful. Some of the topics include: seeking knowledge, finding ones spiritual guide or guardian angel, animal totems, chakras, reincarnation, spirits, mindfulness and more. One of the new things to me was the idea of bringing in positive and visualizing the color gold then pushing the gold throughout the body to improve positive energy. Usually I have read that one breathes in positive and exhales negative so this was a tidbit I enjoyed.

Thank you to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing for the ARC – This is my honest review.

4-5 Stars

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This concise book provides information about the background and origins of meditation, how to approach meditation, which music to play and which incense to diffuse. Chapters on different forms of meditation, e.g. for relaxation, for knowledge, angel meditation, or to find your spirit guide, introduce different meditation techniques and traditions.

This is probably best for people who are new to meditation and want to try out different forms to find the one that suits them most.

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