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Quinn Sutherland is fighting for the lives of his fellow tribe members. It seems everywhere he turns there is another threat threatening to destroy their existence. Could there be something more and can the FBI Agent Melody Lyons who has joined their ranks finally provide some answers in the threat that lingers in the distance? He never thought he would find love and the truth of who Melody is could possibly change everything. It ended when I was desperate to find out what happened!

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Uncontrollable is the third installment of the Beyond Human series. I read the first, skipped the second, and followed it up with the third. I wasn't much of a fan of Unthinkable but always give things a second shot. Uncontrollable was much better!

I really liked the direction the story went and loved the tangled mess Quinn and Melody end up in. It warmed my sci-fi heart and was certainly better than the way things seemed in Unthinkable. Quinn and Melody were ciphers for the most part but there were glimpses underneath that kept me intrigued. Plus, I really wanted to know how things were going to end up. I mean, future or current: a lot of implications there.

I'd say the series took a good turn and Uncontrollable worked well for me. The relationship kid of struggled a bit for me, the push-pull worked on a couple of levels but it felt a bit forced on the personal level. All lust and little love. But the plot worked really well for me with the interstellar genocide (Babylon 5 vibes for me) and the involvement of some not so nice people along side that as well. The whole purpose of this seemed clearer and more defined that previously.

Plus, Kane and Kaitlyn had me dying for their story. I mean, the electricity they were throwing was scorching the pages more than Quinn and Melody hands down. I'm definitely looking forward to that!

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Love this series and once I started reading it, I couldn’t put this book down! Chock full of intrigue and suspense, as well as fascinating characters and romance, the storyline pulled me from the beginning to the end. Highly recommend!

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Started a bit slow for me, but I really began to get into the story by the third chapter, and after that I was hooked till the end. I've enjoyed some of the previous books in this series (haven't read them all), and I like the addition of the sci-fi trope.

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This was a bit hard to get into, after all the time since I had read the earlier books, but it grabbed me by about 15% in. The romance is a bit instalust/instalove but the science fiction and the characters themselves are interesting enough that that doesn't matter.

I have to laugh at Nina Croft's thing for blue aliens though. I believe one of her more erotic series featured a Bhaxian? ;)

I am anxiously awaiting the next book in this series! I am intrigued about what comes next!

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Superbly written, and a real “sit on the edge of your seat” storyline. Nina Croft kept me holding my breath until the very end. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough with this book. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and series. Highly recommend, especially if you love paranormal.

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Oh mah dayummmm!! Uncontrollable had me from the get-go...a fantab sci-fi romance that really mixes things up! Grab onto your seat and get ready for one helluva ride!

Please note that an ARC was generously provided in exchange for an honest review of which this is both honest and completely voluntary.

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A great intense futuristic love story between Quinn a member of the Tribe and a special agent from the future Mel. I liked the story it was great full of action and suspense, I liked that it was not predictable and had a few twists. I loved the characters main and all the rest. I loved that story had also fun side. Mel and Quinn had a crazy good attraction between them and in a short time, they started to really care for each other. All the time traveling back forward future crazy and I can't wait to read about Kane and Katlin it seems that will be another great story.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for Netgelly

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What a fabulous story. Uncontrollable kept riveted late into the night. Good solid plot and I enjoyed it

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4-stars — OMG!! I mean, I totally knew this wasn’t going to be the last book in the series, and I know they always end with a lot of questions, but wow…it’s going to be seriously hard waiting for the next book, and I have NO IDEA what’s going to happen!

This book went in a lot of different directions from the previous ones! It’s funny how the series started off feeling more urban fantasy, and has progressively been getting more sci-fi, particularly in this book. I mean, we’re dealing with a time traveller in this one! And time travel becomes a very central theme instead of just a side plot. And we get glimpses into 2000 years into the future, so we even see aliens!! I can’t say much more than that, but I really loved the things we discovered in those last few pages. It truly has me intrigued to find out more.

As with the previous books, the action/suspense parts of this novel were fantastic. Quinn and Mel truly go on a wild ride in this one. And I thought the sci-fi aspects were done quite well as well! Time travel is kind of a mind-fuck, and it can be so easy to get caught with inconsistencies and paradoxes, but quite a few of them were explored…and I don’t think I ended up confused at the end, which is always a bonus.

I connected with both Quinn and Mel and their romance better than Sadie and Ethan in the previous book, but not as much as with Jake and Christa in the first. There was still just a little something missing to really suck me into the characters. Characters tend to be the biggest draw into stories for me, and so I notice it when I want something more. In non-contemporary books I at least have plot and world building to make up the difference, but I still want those characters.

I think for both of them on the surface I got a lot of background on both of them, and what was driving them, but I didn’t *feel* it. But maybe that was just me. And as for the two of them together, again, I *definitely* felt the lust and attraction, but I had a harder time understanding the love so quickly. I understand that under extreme circumstances emotions can build faster, but I still didn’t quite buy it. Again, I did moreso than with Sadie and Ethan, but still wanted a bit more.

As always, it was awesome to see other members of the Tribe and have them along on different parts of the journey. In this case Rose and Kaitlin were the main secondary characters… I wouldn’t have minded seeing more of the others, but I’m guessing I’ll get that in the next book.

So yeah. Super duper intrigued by where this is all going, and it’s going to be hell waiting to find out what’s next. I can honestly say I didn’t see some of the answers coming, but they totally satisfied me.

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Quinn and Melody come together and sparks fly. Can they trust each other and will the secrets break them or make them. I love stories with psychic twist always and this author did not disappoint. The story was fun, fast, and intense. I am so ready to read her next book. She is now a go and must read author.

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Unfortunately I was unable to really connect or immerse myself into Uncontrollable. I couldn't get into the flow of the story or become invested in the characters - I'm unsure if this has to do with not having read the prior books, but since this book is marked as a standalone, that shouldn't have been an issue for any reader. I simply take it as being a story that wasn't meant for me, but I do hope to be able to try again with a Nina Croft book.

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Melody is from the future - 2000 years ahead- sent back to present day America and her mission is to to make sure nothing changes the horrific events that are about to happen and check the time anomaly that was detonated and eliminate a group of rogue time travelers. . Melody portrays herself as an FBI agent. But actually Melody is really a member of the Federation’s elite time control unit that governs time travel. . The Concave’s mission is to eliminate all Tribe members. Quinn is second in command of the Tribe. He is trying to reunite all of the Tribe. The Tribe is trying to help each other escape manipulation and misuse of their telepathic talents. Quinn and his team was on a rescue mission getting Martin out of prison where he was being held. Melody said she was with the FBI and was interviewing Quinn. Martin is the key to Melody’s investigation of the anomaly.Melody appears to want justice for those the Conclave have murdered but she isn’t telling Quinn the truth. Quinn knows Melody is hiding a secret yet he can’t read her mind. What Quinn doesn’t know is Melody has enhancements which stop him. Quinn couldn’t completely trust Melody since he couldn’t read her so he holds back information.
I enjoyed this book and I usually don’t get into time travel books. I normally hate cliffhangers but this was good enough book I did get past these things for the most part. I did love the twists and turns. I loved how Melody got to experience tasting food and human touch. But it wasn’t fair that Melody wanted Quinn to be open and honest when she isn’t with him. I enjoyed the plot and the fast pace. This had: intrigue, betrayal, time travel, aliens, romance, Conclave, the Tribe, Federation, lies, drama, discrimination, aliens and a lot more.I advise you to read the books in this series in order for a smoother read. I loved the action. I really liked the characters and the twists and turns and I recommend.

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The third book in the Beyond Human series is quite interesting with thrills, romance and some very intriguing elements. Quinn and Melody are solid convincing characters that readers can relate to which makes it easy to become caught up in their story. The romance has an unusual obstacle to be overcome which keeps this relationship on pins and needles throughout the story no matter how strong this couple’s sizzling attraction is and since the stronger the attraction gets the harder Quinn and Melody try to keep emotions tucked in tight and keep their objectives in sight at all times. This keeps the sparks flying as well as keeping emotional turmoil flowing from the pages and ensures that readers want to know every last detail of this couples’ romantic journey to their happily ever after.

Thrills and interesting elements keep readers turning the pages of this steady to fast paced and smooth flowing plot. First, Melody is from the future so that gives readers a word of possibilities for readers to imagine and adds to the adrenaline pumping atmosphere of the story and then there is the all the exciting events that keeps readers on the hanging on the edge of their seat, prison breaks, shoot outs, astonishing secrets revealed and a trip through time and space with some surprises along the way as well. Unfortunately, this series should be read in sequential order in order to get maximum understanding of the events taking place as readers may feel as if they have dropped into the middle (this would be me as I missed the first two), also while this couple gets their happy for now, the story ends on a cliffhanger so readers have to wait impatiently to find out what happens next.

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Until a year ago, Quinn Sutherland thought he and the Tribe—a secret group of powerful telepaths—were working for the good guys. When that assumption appears to be false, and new alliances are formed, Quinn is understandably apprehensive, but one thing he does know, he trusts his friends and family and will keep them safe at all costs. While on a rescue mission for one of his trusted-few, Quinn runs into Special Agent Melody Lyons who is apparently on the same mission as Quinn and his crew, and she seems to know a lot about the Tribe. Plus, there’s the small fact that he can’t read her mind which is something he’s never encountered before.

Melody Lyons is not just any normal FBI Agent. She’s with the Bureau of Time Management. Never heard of it? That’s because it won’t exist for about another 2,000 years. That’s right, Mel is from the future and when she discovers a time anomaly in 2018 that may have repercussions for a cataclysmic event that occurs on Earth in 2020, Mel is sent back to investigate. She’s the most qualified person to make such a huge jump in time, but Mel is definitely not prepared for Quinn. When the two meet and sparks fly, despite the trust issue, they’ll have to work together to ensure the survival of Quinn’s people, and Earth itself, in the future.

So, I went into reading this book at first not realizing that it was book three in a series. Nina Croft goes a long way to reiterate where we are in the story especially in regards to the Tribe, but I still felt like I was missing some essential pieces of who these people are that I probably would have learned better had I read the first two books in the series.

While I probably should have looked harder at the book before reading, these things do tend to happen. I know I’m not the first person to pick up a book not realizing its part of a series. Regardless, looking at this book on its own, what initially drew me was the time traveling aspect. I thought that Nina Croft’s view of the future was interesting and, for all intents and purposes, the concept was easy to grasp. The only problem was that I wanted more.

I almost felt like I was reading two stories. One continuing the series revolving around Quinn and the Tribe, and the other dealing with the time travel anomaly. Unfortunately, the issues surrounding the anomaly are seemingly pushed back and dealt with in the last 10% of the book (Kindle reading). The ending appeared to be heading towards an interesting inconclusive conclusion, assuming it would pick up with the next book, but no, within a couple of sentences the connections linking up future to past are made relatively clear. Easy peasy.

This series has a lot of potential and an interesting premise. There were quite a few teases at secondary characters I’d like to understand better. I’d definitely pick up the first book to see how it aligns with what I’ve learned in Uncontrollable.

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4.5 stars--UNCONTROLLABLE is the third instalment in Nina Croft’s paranormal, sci-fi, post apocalyptic romance series focusing on a class of supernatural humans known as the Tribe-descendants from a group of people discovered, over 150 years earlier, by an expedition to the Mountains of the Moon (Congo Free State of Africa). This is Tribe member Quinn Sutherland, and Special Agent Melody Lyons’ story line. UNCONTROLLABLE can be read as a stand alone but I recommend reading the series in order for backstory, history and cohesion. There is a continuing premise throughout. There is a prequel short story-NO MORE LIES-that introduces the premise behind the series concept. On that note, NO MORE LIES can be found in the multi-authored anthology THE TELEPATH CHRONICLES originally released in 2014.

SOME BACKGROUND: The Tribe believe themselves to be descendants of a species of humans, found in Africa, blessed and cursed with obviously similar physical traits, and supernatural, psychic powers. Their discovery has led to the formation of the Conclave who have taken it upon themselves to experiment with the mind and the brain, destroying that which they do not understand. The Beyond Human series focuses on the Tribe’s struggle to survive against a human faction of government who have been tasked with hunting down anyone with psychic powers.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Melody and Quinn) UNCONTROLLABLE follows Special Agent Melody Lyons as she embarks on a two-thousand year journey into the past wherein she will meet the man with whom she will fall in love. Melody is a member of the Federation’s elite Time Control Unit, a special faction that governs time-travel, searching for the source of anomalies in space, an anomaly that has led our heroine to the year 2017, and the hunt for a man linked to the original Tribe. What Melody never expected was to find her future in the guise of Tribe member Quinn Sutherland, a man who battles between head and heart with his attraction to a woman he knows nothing about. What ensues is the building relationship between Quinn and Melody, and the potential fall-out as the past, present and future collides in an attempt to thwart or engage the Cataclysm that destroyed 95 percent of the Earth’s population in the year 2020.

Melody Lyons holds the secrets to Earth’s demise but sworn to not interfere in Earth’s history, our heroine struggles as she endeavors to uncover the truth about what happened and why. Quinn Sutherland knows that Melody is hiding a secret but something is blocking his ability to read her mind. Unable to resist due to his attraction to our story line heroine, Quinn will find himself two thousands years in the future caught between an interstellar war between species of unknown origins.

The relationship between Quinn and Melody is one of immediate attraction but Melody knows she doesn’t belong in the twenty-first century. From a time where physical and emotional comfort have but all been forgotten, Melody finds herself wanting and needing the pleasure and luxury of physical contact. Quinn isn’t about to question his attraction to a woman who could destroy them all but something about Melody tugs at his heart. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate, without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

The colorful secondary and supporting characters are fun, flirty, knowledgeable and strong. Quinn’s group is desperate to rescue the man they have come to call friend and father, but the group has been targeted by more than one enemy.

The world building continues to focus on the members of the Tribe, as they search for more of their kind in an attempt to understand the who, what, how and why. As the Conclave continues to search and destroy, another enemy from the future is hoping to kill them all.

UCONTROLLABLE is a fast paced, action-packed, intriguing and intelligent time-travel story line of discrimination, specieism, betrayal and lies. The future has collided with the past ensuring total annihilation of the present- a butterfly ripple of epic proportions. Worlds at war are battling for power and control affecting everything in their path. The premise is thought-provoking, intense and imaginative; the romance is stirring; the characters are spirited and lively. Nina Croft’s BEYOND HUMAN is a dramatic, intimate and captivating series that will have you thinking twice about interfering in the space-time continuum.

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Beyond Human #3, This series and this book is so unbelievably good. With how this series is I would recommend read the first two; I do think you could read this one without reading the first two but so much happens in every book there is quite a bit of little details you miss not reading the first two. So much happens in this book it's kind of hard to talk about without potentially ruining anything. Croft is a fantastic writer, she puts so much into her books without them getting overly complicated and hard to follow. This is easy to read and as complex as it is it's easy to follow. The characters have plenty of depth with quirk and wit, head strong determination and strong ethics of what they think are right and wrong even if those lines are getting more and more blurred the deeper they dig to find the truth. It's a very fulfilling story with plenty of action and character development, the romance between Quinn and Melody is a slow burn to start off but as soon as they give into it there's no stopping them.

This book definitely takes a big step into the Sci-Fi genre by bringing in time travel and an apocalyptic future complete with space aliens and intergalactic space travel. Melody herself was adopted and raised by an alien. Two thousand years into the future time travel is forbidden Melody is part of a time enforcement agency and recently volunteered for a case that will take her back farther than anyone else has safely gone before. Quinn has finally located his mentor and the man who is the however many greats grandson of the man who originally found the Tribe hidden away in the depths of the Congo. The Tribe has telepathic powers and in more recent years a secret organization tried to harness that power by controlling them. When the genetically modified children of the Tribe had had enough of the experimentations they broke free. When they did this the man who helped raise them their mentor went missing. Four years later Quinn finally located him in an American prison but when they went to free him they meet up with a rogue FBI agent who claimed she was there to help. Melody posing as FBI goes along with Quinn, because nothing she read about in the history books said anything like what happening is suppose to happen yet but nothing they are doing is registering as an anomaly. The more questions that get answered create more questions and it's up to Quinn and Melody to get to the bottom of what's going on.

Overall, this was an outstanding book. It sucks you in and you become so engulfed into the story everything else fades away.

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WOW - this series just keeps on getting better! This is the third book in the series and is an enthralling mix of science fiction, paranormal, suspense and romance. The Tribe are powerful telepaths who discovered how their powers were being abused in earlier books in the series and who are now endeavouring to help each other escape manipulation and misuse of their talents. In this story Quinn, who is second in command of the Tribe, meets Melody Lyons who claims to be a FBI agent but is actually from the future. She’s travelled more than two thousand years into the past to deal with a time anomaly that has been detected as she is actually a member of the Bureau of Time Management. As attraction between the two grows, the secrets and the truth can drive them apart. Get ready for another great set of secondary characters, danger from meddling with what happened in the past and the consequences of actions influenced by knowledge of the future!

This is an enthralling read, with a complex plot packed with so much action and twists and turns to keep you guessing. It is written so it can be read as a standalone and whilst many aspects are resolved it does give hints as to what may be the subject of the next book in the series. I recommend this very different book and series to anyone who enjoys science fiction and/or romance.

I requested and was given a copy of this book, via NetGalley. This is my honest review of the book after choosing to read it.

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Uncontrollable by Nina Croft is a wonderful addition to the Tribe paranormal/ science fiction series. It has intrigue, suspense and romance in a tightly woven plot that further a theme that had been hinted at earlier but now fully developed. Refreshing and innovative, this is my favorite of the series.

The third time is a charm, well, it certainly is with book three of the series. Quinn Sutherland and Melody Lyons make a dynamic couple in spite of the instant lust/love that happens. There ae lots of twists in the story with plenty of surprises that keep it page-turning. Even for non-sci-fi fans this is a book that they will enjoy.

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The latest in books about The Tribe this is a thriller from the first. Quinn Sutherland goes to break Martin out of prison and finds him with Melody Lyons who says she is a FBI agent. From there on it is a run for their money. Quinn and Melody connect even as both have secrets. Some questions about The Tribe are answered and Quinn and Melody do end up together after a very interesting journey. I enjoyed their story but did not really like the ending. Did they save the world? Don't know so there must be more to the story. Hope so anyway.

I received a free copy of the book in return for an honest review.

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