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You Had Me at Jaguar

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Jaguar, shifters, protection, combat, missions, rain forest, and spice. Another shifter romance that brings suspense and action.

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I was interested to see this new joint series beginning and looked forward to finding out how the two species of shifter might be coming together to fight evil. We got to see some characters we watched fall in love in previous novels and also got to enjoy sensual and amazing locales as we traveled to the Amazonian rainforest with our Jaguar shifters as they chased down as serious group of bad guys. Howard and Valerie have both led relatively solo lives to this point, relying only on family and a few close friends to keep them safe while they fought to bring deadly and dangerous Jaguars that are criminals to justice. Now they have to find a way to work together in order to bring down as drug-dealing killer and the ring of other Jaguars that he is working with. When Valerie and Howard start to see one another in different light, as maybe something more than just adversarial co-workers the passionate sparks between them quickly become a conflagration. I liked Valerie from the beginning, though her unwillingness to play well with others was a bit over the top, but her sneakiness was funny and certainly gave Howard and Jillian a run for their money. Howard has never gotten over the initial reaction to Valerie from their training days, and being in close quarters brings his hormones and attraction right to the forefront, but he never forgets that his most important job is keeping her safe and bringing the killer to justice. While I enjoyed seeing them working together and accomplishing their mission, the story fell a bit short for me and I wished for just that little something more. I had hopes their might have been more mixing of the species in this new series, with maybe even a wolf/Jaguar mating, but it seems like maybe that is not to be. While the story itself was pretty god, I will hold out for that mating and hope that we will get even more from this series in the future. The skill of the author continues to shine and I always enjoy her books, but this one definitely fell a bit short for me.

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You Had Me at Jaguar was a good story from beginning to end. with likable characters. Can't wait for the next book in this series

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Although YOU HAD ME AT JAGUAR is the first story in the Heart of the Shifter series there are so many faces that readers of Ms. Spear’s related or connected series will recognize with little trouble. That is just one of the many reasons I return to her series constantly, once we’re done with a story doesn’t always mean we’re done with those characters and that only adds to the draw of Terry Spear’s stories for me.

Valerie, an Enforcer, is on a mission to take down a rogue jaguar who turned his wife and then killed her. Val is intelligent, strong, independent and usually works alone as she prefers it that way. But with parents who are also Enforcers, well, sometimes unwanted help is called in as a backup… only this time the man she’s after is going to lead to other connections that several different teams are also on missions about, so that backup isn’t as completely unwanted as Val first insisted.

Howard, as a member of the USF (United Shifters Force), has had more than his share of intriguing and frustrating assignments – but shadowing and protecting without her knowledge a capable jaguar Enforcer has to be one of the most… intriguing. It also doesn’t hurt that Howard and Valerie have encountered each other before, and each has gone away with an unspoken attraction. Now that spark is going full bloom as they are working together to take down a rogue with several far-reaching connections.

YOU HAD ME AT JAGUAR is another fast-paced, interesting story from this unique world. There are definitely vile villains to go after but also several familiar faces to enjoy once again as so many assignments will cross during this investigation and takedown of the bad guys. You’ll find suspense, twists and turns, humor, sizzling moments and a couple who work together in so many ways. I enjoyed my time in this world once again and would not hesitate to recommend this story to any reader who loves Paranormal Romance or Shifter Romance.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

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Another solid book from Terry Spear, “You Had Me at Jaguar” is aptly titled. It has been almost three years since I have read about the werejaguars with “A Very Jaguar Christmas.” So, when I received the ARC for this book, I was totally pumped.

And, Terry Spear did not disappoint. From the streets of Houston to the jungles of Belize, it is an adrenaline rush from start to finish as jaguar shifters Howard Armstrong and Valerie Chambers try to catch one of their own.

This is not your usual paranormal story wherein the weres are pitted against humans who are bad guys. “You Had Me at Jaguar” gives a glimpse on how the wereworld police themselves and hide their existence from the general population.

The novel is first and foremost a police procedural, paranormal style. It is also a slow burn romance between the hero and heroine. They could have used more character development. But I presume that there are no more pages available to do that because of the main plot and the other two subplots.

There is also a crossover with the werewolves, which is good to see. I had that in “A Very Jaguar Christmas” and it was thoroughly enjoyable.

A fast and easy read, “You Had Me at Jaguar” is Rated M for Mature due to paranormal violence and sexual content.

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Who doesn't love a good old supernatural romance novel? “You Had Me At Jaguar” left me surprised as I didn't anticipate liking this a lot more than I originally expected. I had originally thought it would be filled with a cheesy plot and dull leads but the way Terry Spear was able to capture my attention with the romantic suspense, likable characters and supernatural element I am overjoyed that I gave this series a chance. Overall Terry Spear has fallen in my author must watch list and I look forward to future reads.

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Jaguar shifters and military special forces. It seems like a match made in paranormal romance heaven. However, You Had Me at Jaguar falls a little bit flat.
Valerie Chambers is a strong she jaguar and respected enforcer who prefers to work alone. Howard Armstrong and his partner have been assigned to covertly back her up on what soon turns into a routine mission gone awry. While the characters had plenty of chemistry, there were some story issues that made for a distracting read.
There was too much telling about the action, characters and thoughts and not enough showing. The premise where we have a strong, capable woman who is lethal in her own right needing to be protected by a man was annoying. The dialogue and action were a bit stilted. And there were many ridiculous plot elements. For example, when Howard's phone was destroyed he took the bad guy's cell and used that until he could replace his. Here is a trained agent and he is not aware of or concerned by the fact that he might be tracked by the phone he picked up. It was laughable. As was the fact that our couple took time for nookie even though they were unsure of the villain's location and their partner was outside alone keeping watch. Very unbelievable.
While this is billed as the first in a series, there were many references to characters and events that had taken place in prior connected stories that will make this novel a choice for fans of the author and her works only. It will also have some appeal for dedicated readers of paranormal romance who enjoy a quick read. 2 stars
I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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He’s been given the impossible task to protect the fierce jaguar Valerie while on an international take down. He can guard Valerie all day long, but he doesn’t stand a chance of guarding his heart in the thrilling new shifter series by Terry Spear. The United Shifter Force has the wolves and the jaguars working together to take down rogue shifters and this time they are after a killer. The characters are strong, bold and easily draw readers into their story and the romance is sweet and the passion is hot with lots of sizzling chemistry between Howard and Valerie. Their relationship is hampered by the mission they are on but that doesn’t stop the magnetic attraction and the undeniable feelings from keep these two apart.

The plot is fast paced and full of thrilling suspense and dangerously exciting events as the case Howard and Valerie are on is more complicated than they could have imagined. The single suspect becomes a group of suspects when he flees to meet up some drug dealers and the danger escalates with some unexpected twists adding even more excitement to the story. Terry Spear has joined her two shifter worlds into another exciting world full of suspense and action for readers to enjoy and the first one is a thrilling read that readers can’t put down.

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The United Shifter Force gives jaguar agent Howard Armstrong an impossible task—to protect fierce she-jaguar Valerie Chambers, when the last thing she wants is protecting. They're going international to take down a killer and he can guard Valerie all day long. But guard his heart? He doesn't stand a chance.
This was a pretty good story. I really liked both Val and Howard. I liked reading along on their adventure. My only complaint is something that happens with this author. It’s just very wordy in places I don’t think are necessary. When this happens. I tend to skim through a bit. I’d still recommend to anyone that likes shifter books.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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Emotionally thrilling, sexy, witty and engaging adventure filled with heart pounding danger, exciting twists and unrelenting passion.... was a great read from beginning to end. Highly entertaining reading that was so hard to put down (house work was left undone.... LOL) was a great read!

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Heart of the Shifter #1, first book of the USF spin-off. For fans of the Heart of the Wolf series( and the other spin-offs) we do see some familiar faces but this book centers around Valerie Chambers and Howard Armstrong. I didn't get into this one as much as the previous books, it just didn't catch my attention the same way. Jaguar shifters don't mate for life, they also can sleep with each other before deciding to mate, unlike wolf shifters. I liked the set up for the series and the characters well enough even though I really didn't feel the chemistry between Val and Howard and the story didn't grab me.

Val and Howard met in training for the Enforcers where they make a practice of putting the men against the woman so the women can find ways of subduing larger prey. Val so far has been the only who could pin Howard down. Couple years later Howard started working for the newly formed United Shifter Force, a co-op where shifters of all kind work with each other. Val is still an Enforcer, the Jaguars shifters execution squad for those who have killed humans and/or shifter. Val has been working just fine on her own but for some reason her parents, who are also both Enforcers, thought she would need back up on this next mission. They asked the USF to provide some for her; Howard and one of his wolf shifter partners Jillian get called in for the job. The job was suppose to be an easy one in Val's opinion the guy turned his wife and murdered her when he couldn't handle her and with irrefutable proof he did it all Val had to do was track him down and then put him down. Val didn't want the back up but when her guy makes a trip to Belize with his new girlfriend he's thankful for all the help she can get because once they get down there things get way more complicated especially when they discover the case Val's parents are on and hers are connected.

Overall, I enjoyed the characters more than the story. Terry Spear, much like Lynsay Sands, tends to be formulaic in her writing but it's still entertaining to read, the quirky characters make each book memorable. The story felt neverending, up into the last 90% of the book they were still trying to finish the mission and then the climax felt rushed. I am curious about what side characters in this book will continue on to the next book, I kinda want to see Rowdy get his HEA.

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It's been quite some time since I've read a book by Terry Spear. It appears that this one was the right one to pick to get reacquainted with her writing. One word that can sum up this story? FUN. It was just a fun tale, full of sexy jaguar (and wolf) shifters and lots of action. I love books with lots of angst; but sometimes, when life is being ornery, I just want to be entertained.

Instead of detailing the plot, let me explain why I loved these characters. When Howard was training Val before he was assigned to protect her, she surprised him by jumping the gun and taking him down to the mat before the whistle blew. Did our hunky hero get mad? Did it threaten his manhood? Nope. He found it sexy and intriguing. That's what made these characters so appealing. There was no fight for supremacy. They were simply equals. They respected and appreciated each other's strengths and compensated for the other's weakness. And that, dear readers, was totally refreshing. Take some time to relax and treat yourself to some hot shifter loving, excitement and characters you can not only enjoy, but can also respect.

I received an ARC of this book courtesy of the publisher and NetGalley. I received no compensation for my review, and all thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.

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First time I have read Terry for awhile and I really enjoyed it. Great start to a new series. Lots of action and romance.

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You Had Me at Jaguar by Terry Spear is a hot exciting adventure unlike any other. It was fast-paced due to the characters and action inside. I was amazed at how fast and easy this was to read. The characters were fun, charming, and strong. Each one added to the flavor of this book. The cast ranged from a human homicide detective to jaguars and wolves that worked with a special police force. Humor and romance oozed on every page. 

Terry Spear knew how to combine enough action, heat, and danger to keep my pulse soaring high. I was entertained from the first page. Suspense, risks of both the physical and emotional kind, and rich characters made this a must read. I highly recommend You Had Me at Jaguar to all romantic suspense readers. If you're one of  those who love a paranormal romance, then this is for you!

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I loved this book, Val & Howard were a perfect match! Plus we still got to catch up with couples from previous books. It's great seeing more cases with the USF as well. Looking forward to the next book in the series!

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3.5 out of 5 stars

You Had Me at Jaguar is the first book in the Heart of the Shifter series by Terry Spear. It felt like a spin-off series since some things and couples are already established, but there was no problem with understanding what was going on in this world. To be completely honest, the book wasn' able to capture my interest completely and I found my thoughts wandering off during some parts. Thankfully that didn't happen often and I was able to follow the story. It was interesting and it had a good pace which was almost fast, but not in a bad way. I liked the main characters and a few of the secondary seemed interesting enough for me to want to read their books if the author plans to write them. The main characters had enough chemistry and their romance was a slow burn. I would have liked just a little bit more character development and a little more time on getting to know them since most of the story is focused on the suspense part. For all the reasons above I am giving 3.5 stars to the book which I am round up to four which was the first rating that popped into my mind when I finished the book.

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YOU HAD ME AT JAGUAR will hold you from the first word to the very last. Val is a no-nonsense Enforcer who has her mind on a killer, and the last thing she expects is to fall for Howard. The romance between Howard and Val is fun to read. She is typical for an Enforcer, going it alone and does some sneaky things to ditch Howard and his partner. But, Howard was a former Enforcer, so he knows a few tricks too, and is not far behind the stealthy little jaguar.

You want action, steamy and sweet romance, dialogue that is fun and funny and amazing descriptions of the jungle of Belize that make you feel like you are there then get your hands on YOU HAD ME AT JAGUAR.

Annetta Sweetko, reviewer for Fresh Fiction

Complete review may be found at:

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This is a voluntary review of an advanced copy.

Wow, this book is just non-stop action as Howard and Val slowly fall for each other. Val is after a man who killed his wife, and Howard has been sent to back her up.

Lots of chases, attacks, and red herrings along the way. I loved that we see Rowdy again and his desire to become a wolf!! It was funny that he really did not want to be a jaguar when you could see the advantage in strength that they had.

I also loved that we see other couples from previous books included and maybe even will see more of Emmie or Izzie in future books??

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✦Review, Excerpt & Giveaway: YOU HAD ME AT JAGUAR (Heart of the Shifter Book 1) by Terry Spear
Publication Date: February 26, 2019
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Reviewed by: Reading in Pajamas/ Donna
Rated 3.5 Stars

This is a fast paced and action-packed story. It seemed to ramble a bit, but it all tied in toward the end. This book was so close to being a great read, but I never connected to the characters. Perhaps if there was less talking and explaining, and more showing, I would have cared about them more. It was still a suspenseful and sexy romance that kept me reading to see how it all turned out. I enjoyed it.

*Review copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for a review.


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3.75 stars-- YOU HAD ME AT JAGUAR is the sixth instalment in Terry Spear’s contemporary, adult HEART OF THE JAGUAR, and the first instalment in the Heart of the Shifter paranormal, romance series. This is she-jaguar Enforcer Valerie Chambers, and United Shifter Force (USF) Agent Howard Armstrong’s story line. YOU HAD ME AT JAGUAR can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Valerie and Howard) YOU HAD ME AT JAGUAR follows the building relationship between she-jaguar Enforcer Valerie Chambers, and United Shifter Force (USF) Agent Howard Armstrong. Valerie Chambers’ latest assignment as a member of the Enforcer Team is to hunt, and take down a killer; a jaguar male who killed his newly turned mate, then ran to places unknown. While on assignment Val will come face to face with former Enforcer, and new USF agent Howard Armstrong, whose own assignment is to shadow and protect our story line heroine. What ensues is the building relationship and romance between Val and Howard, and the potential fall-out as several investigations cross paths in Belize, placing the Enforcers and USF team in the line of fire.

As a Enforcer, Valerie’s job is to take down the worst rogue shifters, and sometimes the human who were killing jaguars or shifters in the wild but never had Valerie suspected that the USF would assign backup, on her latest solo mission. Howard Armstrong’s attraction to Valerie began during Valerie’s training as a jaguar Enforcer. Now, months later Howard ‘volunteered’ along with his USF partner and wolf-shifter Jillian Greystoke, to cover and protect the woman with whom he is falling in love.

Meanwhile Valerie’s parents, and jaguar Guardians are on an assignment of their own, tracking a drug dealer in Belize, who may or may not have connections to the jaguar shifters, and the man for whom Valerie and Howard are on the hunt.

The relationship between Valerie and Howard is one of mutual attraction; a friends to lovers romance heightened by their current working assignments that forces our couple to work and live in close proximity. The quick building romance is fated, passionate and hot.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including human homicide detective Rowdy Sanderson whom we have met on a number of previous occasions; wolf shifters Jillian Greystoke and her mate Vaughn ; Valerie’s parents; Izzie Summerfield- a woman whose life is about to change, and jaguar female Emmie Bancoft. The requisite evil has many faces including jaguar and murderer Benny Canton.

The world building continues to look at the law enforcement and secret society of shifters; their private police and investigative forces, as well as the political hierarchy of the shifter nation.

YOU HAD ME AT JAGUAR is a character driven story line of family, friendship, betrayal and love but a story line with more telling than showing driven by the conversations between most of the characters. There is some redundancy and repetition when the characters restate or explain previous conversations. The premise is engaging; the romance is seductive; the characters are numerous, colorful and energetic. YOU HAD ME AT JAGUAR is a fast paced and intriguing story of shifters and the human world of which they inhabit.

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