Member Reviews

Excellent story with dark undertones but inspirational overtones. Expertly written prose that read like watching a movie.

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I loved the combination of romance and mystery. The hero and heroine were engaging and kept me rooting for them. I will read many more books by this author.

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I Wanted to love this one, but after trying three different times to read the physical book and once with the audio. With the audio I made it to chapter 14. But the characters got on my nerves. And the setting didn't click with. Though the characters got on my nerves they were well developed. I did enjoy the mystery aspect, juts not enough to keep reading. However, I do plan to pick up the author's next book. One book I dislike doesn't mean that shouldn't try to author's other work

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This was my first Gothic Regency Romance and it won’t be my last!! I was glad I got to read a book by Abigail Wilson. She has a way of writing that I love and can wait to read more from her!!
This book was very clean!!


When Sybil Delafield’s coach to Croft Towers was robbed by highwaymen, she should have realized that her new position as companion to old Mrs. Chalcroft would be no ordinary job. Upon Sybil’s arrival, Mrs. Chalcroft sneaks into her room in the dark of night, imploring her to relay messages to town that are to stay hidden from the rest of the family. Who exactly is she working for and what do the messages contain?

When fellow passengers of the robbed coach are later murdered, Sybil’s hunt for the truth takes on a new urgency. The only person she can rely on is Mr. Sinclair, Mrs. Chalcroft’s godson, but under all his charms he too leads a double life. Sybil must decide if he is the one honest voice she can trust, or if he is simply using her for his own advances.

Croft Towers holds more than its share of secrets . . . and Sybil is determined to uncover them all.

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An intriguing mystery, mixed with the strife of family relations and learning who you are.
Abigail Wilson writes beautiful setting and draws you into the story with her characters and dialogue. The pace was a bit slow sometimes, but I found I didn't mind terribly in the face of the relationships that were developing and the story taking place.
Sybil is one of those heroines you root for from the very beginning and you can't wait to see how their happily ever after unfolds.
I received a copy of this book from NetGalley. I was not required to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed arey own.

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As a Jane Austen fan, I was attracted to this book set in the same time period. This was a fun read, stronger in the romance category than as a mystery. I guessed many of the secrets well before the end of the book. A book I will recommend to the teen Austen fans I know; a pleasant afternoon read during quarantine.

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In the Shadow of Croft Towers by Abigail Wilson is a brilliant historical novel. I have been a fan of historical fiction for a long time but lately I feel like there is so much historical fiction and much is not as well written as they are just full of historical facts. This novel surprised me from page 1. The author has such a strong sense of voice and writes in a way that quickly draws you into the world of the story. I absolutely loved this book and look forward to more books by this author. I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher with no obligations. These opinions are entirely my own.

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“Everyone at the Towers had a secret. Every. Single. Person.”

My first read of 2019 has gotten the year off to a very good start indeed! What a fabulous debut novel! Intrigue, secrets, romance, deception, murder, did I mention romance? My readerly heart sighed blissfully all the way through this delicious story.

Sybil is a compelling heroine, an orphan swept into a household filled with secrets, a lady’s companion caught in the awkward middle ground between family and servant. Her charge – Mrs. Chalcroft – is just as intriguing. But even before Sybil can arrive at Croft Towers, her coach is set upon by highwaymen and she arrives at the Towers quite bedraggled for the experience. Even as she’s processing the cast of characters in Mrs. Chalcroft’s family, she’s left reeling by the discovery that Mrs. Chalcroft’s godson Curtis Sinclair is one of the highwaymen who robbed her earlier that evening. Why did he do it? Is someone in the family a spy for the French? Is Sybil unwittingly a participant in treason? This sets off some delightful tension between the two characters, and Sinclair and Sybil form a rather unlikely partnership that hits all the right romantic and suspenseful notes.

Sinclair is just the perfect Regency gentleman hero – the right blend of angst, wit, mystery, and swooniliciousness. You’ll want to trust him immediately but, just like Sybil, you’re not sure you can. He’s very good at distracting with his swooniness, though, so be forewarned lol.

The setting becomes its own character, and Wilson excels at setting the tone with atmospheric details and tension. Croft Towers is a little bit spooky and a little bit comforting, all at once. It’s a refuge and a danger, a retreat and a breeding ground for secrets. The ideal place for such a story to unfold.

Bottom Line: In the Shadow of Croft Towers is everything I love about Regency intrigue. The characters, the setting, the tension – all of it in just the right amounts to weave together a delicious story. The author’s smooth and engaging writing style draws readers in completely and will have them eagerly waiting for the next book after this highly-skilled debut!

(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book)

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It's always a pleasure to have a book that is a fantastic read. Here's a read with mystery, murder, gothic tones, a bit of romance and history all rolled into one tale. War and spies, drama and adventure are all included. It's a clean read. It is not overflowing with "Christian" content, which keeps it open to all readers. That could be a big bonus if the author is working to get people in, and then give them more Christian content in upcoming books. It's not preachy, and I'm grateful for that sometimes. Today is one of those times. It's a book you can pass out to just about anyone, and pray over it and see how it opens doors for later on. Because of that, and the really interesting story, I give it 5 stars.

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When Sybil Delafield’s coach to Croft Towers was robbed by highwaymen, she should have realized that her new position as companion to old Mrs. Chalcroft would be no ordinary job. Upon Sybil’s arrival, Mrs. Chalcroft sneaks into her room in the dark of night, imploring her to relay messages to town that are to stay hidden from the rest of the family. Who exactly is she working for and what do the messages contain?

I would not categorize myself as a historical fiction reader in any way. I am a mystery/thriller reader. But I really liked this book. There was enough of the mystery about the book and just enough romance. And the author added in some humor to get me laughing. So I guess you could say that it had everything to keep any reader engaged. I was drawn in from the beginning with the coach robbery. But I was surprised when the robbers were revealed.

This was a debut book by this author and she certainly has a way with words. I cannot wait for the next book by her. It was well written from beginning to end. The book is consider Christian fiction and I could have used just a tad more Christian in the book. But it was a good clean book and that made it a really good read.

I am looking forward to reading more by the author. I received a copy of the book for review and the review is my very own.

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There is a reason the hype around this book has been nothing short of amazing. The book is fitted for Austen fans, mystery fans, and Christian fans. It has charming and delightful characters that make the setting come to life. The interactions and storyline is one that makes a reader instantly dig right in for a long winter’s read.

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Abigail Wilson takes a regency romance and adds a dark side to it. Who is the dark and mysterious stranger that Sybil is sure was one of the highway men who robbed her coach? And is Mrs. Chalcroft as crazy as people say? I love when authors add something different to a traditional genre. A good book for not only regency readers, but mystery readers as well.

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This was an excellent story!
It totally surpassed my expectations for a debut author and I'm already looking forward to reading her next book!
Sybil Delafield is on her way to Croft Towers, expectant of her new job as a comparion to Mrs. Chalcroft. Searching for her own identity, related to this family, she will encounter so many mysteries surrounding this estate and the people that live/d in it. Starting by her coach being ransacked by masked highway men and the later murder of the passenger of this coach. And Mrs. Chalcroft makes her visit town with mysterious errands and messages to deliver.
Her only ally is Mr. Sinclair, but he seems to lead a double life too... Who can she trust?
This was a sweet romance full of suspense. intrigue and humor. I felt it had a very "Jane Eyre" kind of style. The mystery, the intensity of the character's feelings and the drama of it all.
I really loved it and was totally captivated from page one, guessing the character's true intentions, hidden clues left throughout the story, etc.
The characters felt realistic and relatable, yet endearing. I loved their dialogues and interactions. The secondary characters were interesting too! And an unexpected and great HEA.
I vividly recommend this novel. I received a complimentary copy of this book by the publisher via NetGalley and this is my honest and unbiased review.

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I had a hard time getting into this book. The story just didn't grab me. I think many others would enjoy it but I just kept putting it down and it wasn't the book that was my first priority to pick up and finish.

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Set in England, this story will keep you guessing until the very end. Full of highway men, spies, traitors, murder, and dark family secrets, this book delievers everything needed for a great storyline of suspense and intrigue. Follow Sybil as she delievers secret letters for her new employer and falls in love with Mr. Sinclair, a highway robber which further complicates her life.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson through NetGalley. Opionions expressed in this review are completly my own.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Well done debut novel! Mystery and suspense woven into a romance. Lots of secrets amongst all the characters. I pretty much had it figured out by the ending, but it was an excellent read along the way. I’ll look for more from this author in the future.

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I'm a sucker for Regency novels. This one had a really great mystery and great characters. The story kept me guessing the whole time. I'm excited to have another Regency author to read. I would recommend this books to readers who love historical romance and mystery.

I received a copy of this book from Netgalley.

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This debut novel from Abigail Wilson has a little something for everyone. Romance? Yes. Mystery? Yes. Beautiful setting? Yes. With twists and turns to keep a reader guessing, this book is hard to put down for long stretches of time. Wilson writes wonderfully, so much so that I did not think it was her first novel. She charms you as if she’s written Regency novels for years.

The characters were well created, although Sybil was my favorite. Even though I found her a bit naive at times, overall she was strong and willing to do what was right. And there are some good kisses – oh my! Don’t worry, it’s still a clean read 🙂

Romance, historic and mystery readers will enjoy this lovely debut novel from Wilson. I look forward to what she has to bring to the reading world in the future! I received a complimentary copy of this book. I was not required to write a favorable review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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The writing is competent enough, but the plot is completely dependent on the heroine being both hapless and gormless, and this heroine is entirely without without both hap and gorm.

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In the Shadow of Croft Towews kept me engaged for most of the story where I liked it enough to read quickly. The setting and descriptions were great. I would have enjoyed it a little more if the main character had not been quite so nieve to the point where she made a really foolish decision that I won’t go into more details because I don’t want to ruin the story for anyone, but it was a bit hard to believe she would be that trusting of one of the characters that was so wish-washy. The mystery part of this book wasn’t s huge surprise, but it was fun to watch it unfold. This is a solid debut, in my opinion, and I want to read more by this author as she writes more. Some of the characters in this book were so intriguing and fun! If you are looking for a mystery, I would rate this a 3, but if you just want to read a good book with an element of mystery, which is what I like best, I give it a 4.

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