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The Lady Travelers Guide to Deception with an Unlikely Earl

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I am definitely a fan of this author, and this book was no exception. Appealing characters, laugh out loud humour, and with a smattering of education about Egypt.

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I loved the latest novel in the Lady Travelers series. This time we get to go to Egypt in 1892, a less common setting for historical romance. There were lots of interesting locations to read about and experience which is one feature that I enjoy about this series.
Another unusual feature of this book is that Sidney is 32 instead of 22 or younger. She is an experienced writer and a level-headed adult. This means that she is not constantly flying off the handle over things and that she is capable of besting Harry as they clash over her writing. She bests him verbally several times, and it is great fun to read.
Harry is caught at a crossroads in his life. Instead of traveling and exploring, he is unexpectedly an earl. He is stuck grieving for his old life and for a friend who died in Egypt. When Sidney's stories come to his attention, they push several buttons for him. He feels honor-bound to challenge her. He realizes pretty quickly that he has overreacted, and he starts to back off. But there are complications, not the least of which being he really likes Sidney.
Both Harry and Sidney have to balance several competing interests, and this story is not simple. In real life, people don't do things for one reason, and these characters don't either. They have to learn about themselves and forge a new future as they go. I found their story very engrossing.
To sum up, I loved the setting, the characters, the banter, and the character arcs. I also enjoyed the humor very much. Effie, Poppy, and Gwen are such fun! I will definitely reread this book in the future.

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What can I say about this third book of The Lady Travelers Guide ? Again another great adventure. Mrs Alexander has done it again. She tells a story so fascinating that I wanted to be there in person and felt like I was! I hope the ladys will return to Egypt in another wonderful adventure soon.

I received an ARC from the author for purposes of an unbiased review

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What FUN! I've been a fan of The Lady Travelers book since the first one! This one is probably my favorite.

What happens when you've studied all things Egypt for your whole life, but have never actually been there? You begin to write about it! Your editor doesn't believe an unmarried young woman would know as much as the writing shows you do, AND somehow, everyone assumes that you're an old widow, well you become Mrs. Gordon and the Queen of the Desert!

What happens when you've spent most of your youth in Egypt, first larking around to make your fortune, becoming truly caring about your adopted country, then through no fault of your own, curse you Debretts peerage, you become an Earl and are thrust back into life in England. You see the discrepancies in the stories about Egypt and want to show the world that Mrs. Gordon is a fraud, well you take on the Queen of the Desert!

Misunderstandings abound on both sides and, just like that, we have a fabulous book!

Off we go on a wild ride! On to Egypt to put the book knowledge of Sidney against the experience of Harry! Each assuming they'll be the victor. The original Lady Travelers, Poppy, Gwen, and Effie are also along for the time of their lives! After listening to tales brought back from their long deceased husbands, these three talk Sidney's editor into allowing them to chaperon this mad voyage. Camels, donkeys, and other conveyances await the intrepid travelers, with all of the hilarity you'd anticipate.

Lest we forget, there is also intrigue, attempted murder, treasure, and a possible kidnapping. All in all another fabulous journey with the Lady Travelers Society! Here's hoping they have many more adventures!

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These series is a great one of all the books. I love Sidney and Harry verbal dialogue the founding members are funny and have their own agenda. I totally enjoyed this book and it will definitely be a re-read. This is one book I will hand sell to our customers.

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Convinced that Mrs. Gordon’s popular novels based on her adventures in Egypt are total fiction written by someone who has never even been to the country, the Earl of Brenton challenges her to travel there to prove she knows what she is writing about. Unfortunately, the author, Miss Sidney Honeywell, only finds out later that the challenge has been accepted on her behalf by her (honorary) aunts. Yielding to their persuasions and pressure from her publisher, she reluctantly agrees to make the trip along with the three elderly aunts and the earl’s nephew. Since she based her novels on her grandmother’s journals and her own diligent studies of Egyptian archeology, she is knowledgeable, but can she deceive the nephew? As readers of Victorian romances might expect, they fall in love, but will their burgeoning relationship survive revelations on both sides?

This is a light-hearted adventure tale of the type popular in the era (Rider Haggard?), but its appeal benefits from the humorous literary subtext: the need for romance novels to heighten an often-pedestrian reality, in order to entertain as well as inspire readers. Recommended to those who enjoy a playful approach to the genre.

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Both Sidney Honeywell and Harry Armstrong (Earl of Brenton) have something to hide. Sidney cannot risk Harry discovering that she isn’t the experienced traveler her stories in the papers make her appear: mind you she never meant for anyone to think her stories were factual. Harry has to debunk Sidney’s validity while making sure she doesn’t discover that he isn’t the the Earl of Brenton’s nephew, but is actually is in fact the Earl who publicly called into question the truthfulness of her stories.
When Harry, Sidney, the three founders of the Lady Traveler’s, and a new reporter head off the Egypt to prove Sidney’s experience, nothing goes as planned. From being taken to a harem, the return of one thought dead, and possibly locating a long lost city, this trip does not go as expected for anyone. Particular Sidney and Harry, who least except to find love of all things.
This story is reach in details and the reader feels as though they are waking side-by-side with Sidney. This series can be read alone and would highly recommend any book written by Victoria Alexander.

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I believe this book is part of a series - I have not read any others, so please keep that in mind!

Historical romances were never my "cup of tea" (see what I did there?) about two years ago - but now, I am happy to say that I am an ecstatic convert to the genre. I enjoy the subtlety, the chivalry, and the rebellion of their heroines - no matter how fictitious the stories (unlike how it probably was...). The Lady Travelers Guide... was truly a breath of fresh air in a genre that I am getting well acquainted with. It provided, along with its romance, a whirlwind of adventure and some mystery. It was quite funny having the side characters join Sidney and Harry. They definitely provided much of the humor and helped move along the story. As for the hero and heroine - what can I say? I am a sucker for the main characters having a secret hiding from the other. Usually the books I read have this going only one way (i.e. the guy is hiding something from the woman), but in this case, we see both hiding something from the other. Hijinks ensue.

I definitely recommend this book to anyone wanting to give historical romances a try, and to any already-lovers of historicals who would like some adventure with their romance!

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Victoria Alexander was one of my OG authors when I first started reading historical romance way back in the day. I absolutely loved the fact that she could absolutely transport me to another time and place with her words, and I would eat them up like candy. I haven’t read a book by her in years and years, simply because I got away from the genre, but I am so glad that I took the time to pick up her newest release because I was not disappointed!

The Lady Traveler’s Guide to Deception with an Unlikely Earl is by far, one of the best historical romance books I’ve ever read. This book was just so much more than your run of the mill romance. It was a romantic comedy wrapped up in an adventure story with a dash of daring romance. And the best part was of course, the ladies of the Lady Traveler’s Society. They were hilarious! They had me cracking up laughing, and giggling to myself throughout the pages. These ladies were my favorite from the first few pages of the story, and I adored them throughout.

Our two main characters are Sydney and Harry. Sidney is portraying herself as a young widow writing about her adventures in Egypt. But in reality, she’s a single woman, writing a fictional account of her mother’s adventures in the desert, alone with the help of her three friends Aunt Effie, Poppy, and Guin. When she’s challenged to prove herself as a worldly traveler by the Earl of Brenton, she jumps on a boat to prove just how true of a Egyptian scholar she really is. However, the Earl has secrets of his own, and the story that ensues around these two is fantastically written!

If you’re looking for a fun, daring adventure with a bit of romance entwined, this book is the one for you. It’s different because of the location, and the large cast of supporting characters. It kept me intrigued because it caught my attention in a different way from so many othe historical romances that seem to go down the same path time and time again. I cannot wait to go back and read the other novels in this series, and spend more time with some of these supporting characters!

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This is a rather light, silly tale that has its enjoyable moments.
Sidney Althea Gordon Honeywell is an oddity in late Victorian England. She is a woman who supports herself on writings of her travel adventures. Except she has never left the country and never traveled to Egypt.
She bases her heroines adventures on the diaries of her grandmother -- with artistic license to make them exciting and enjoyable. She never meant to imply they were true, but readers have assumed they are.
The Earl of Brenton knows a great deal about Egypt, having adventured there with his friends for more than 20 years. He has taken great exception to "Millicent Forester's" writings because he feels she must be lying and has never been to Egypt. His biggest complaint is that people like her tales and aren't interested in his rather dry scholarly works. He calls her out in a series a newspaper articles.
In order to prove herself, her publisher send her and the Earl of Brenton's "nephew" on a trip to Egypt to show she really is the Queen of the Desert.
And here the fun begins. Can Sidney convince the Earl's nephew? Can she save her livelihood?
This is a rather slow moving novel. The action, adventure and peril all occurs in the last third of the book. The characters lacked any chemistry and it was a challenge to root for them as a couple. They seemed to move from strong dislike to we are perfect for each other and it wasn't believable.
However, there is a strong element of fun in the story that will be appealing to many readers. And, the ending improved a great deal. It was nice to read a historical romance where the intimate scenes, while they were present, were not the entire focus of the novel. This novel will be a good choice for romance readers who like lighthearted, adventure stories in exotic locales. 3 stars

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This was such a fun book to read. I love reading romance books that take place in counties other than England. Sydney and Harry's story was great. I look for to reading more from this author.

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I have to say the beginning of The Lady Travelers Guide to Deception with an Unlikely Earl started out extremely strong. The banter between Harry and Sidney was amazing. I had a lot of fun reading that part. However, there was a loll in story when in the middle. There were some of Sidney’s character that drove me nuts. Yet, she was still a fun character. Her entourage was a bit kooky, but still lovable, and they had felt Sidney's best interest at heart. Harry was a bit of a prig through most of the story, but he felt he had the right. However, does pick up towards the end, and there were a few twist on turns toward the end.

Overall, The Lady Travelers Guide to Deception with an Unlikely Earl was a pretty good read. I had a lot of fun at the beginning and the end, and the middle was a little rough. However, it all balances out, as long as you plow through the middle. Victoria does write fun, lovable characters. This series has been a lot fun and I can't wait to see what the next book has in store.

Copy provided by Harlequin via NetGalley

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Oh my lanta do I love me some historical romance? I know, I a mush for sappy, and I cannot help it! Sometimes you just need that swoon worthy, historical setting to get your goats going! Seriously, I love it. And honestly, I really liked Victoria Alexander's writing style, it was light, entertainingly delicious, definitely one author to scope out in the future.

The characters - oh my! Harry and Sidney were absolutely amazing. I loved their interactions the most. But honestly what made me realize that I would enjoy their romance was when they first met, Harry wasn't expected Sidney to not be an old batty lady, and yet his first reaction towards her was priceless. They personalities really didn't clash either, they have a deliciously flawlessly chemistry. Harry made me swoon each time he encountered Sidney, it was just something about their dialogue, their flirting and among other things, their arguments that was just amazing.

And those damned old ladies. The unlikely trio were definitely one for the laughs, they really were an interesting bunch. I think between the banter of Harry and Sidney then down to the shenanigans of these secondary characters made me chuckle more throughout the novel than anything.

And although, in all the midst of awesome that I enjoyed, because I really did enjoy a lot about the secondary characters and obviously the main characters, I still have a slight distaste that there were so much drag. I liked the overall build, the setting and the development of the placement where Harry and Sidney were going, but I cannot help but think the novel was drawn out to a level that perhaps could have been shortened a smidge. Even in the moments of fast paced adventure, there were points where I was rather bored.

Overall, I enjoyed Lady Travelers Guide to Deception with an Unlikely Earl, though it really is a mouth full of a title, it was witty, clever, the dialogue was light, fun and yet there was enough angst romance feels to keep my heart pounding. I enjoyed the connection between Sidney and Harry, their banter truly made this novel worth everything. I really look forward to adding more of this author to my TBR, she is one to add to my ever growing historical fiction section!

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~~Reviewed by Monique~~

Have you ever read a book that you cannot wait to tell everyone about how amazing it is? THE LADY TRAVELERS GUIDE TO DECEPTION WITH AN UNLIKELY EARL is one of those. Miss Sidney Honeywell is the authoress of the Tales of a Lady Adventurer in Egypt under the name of Mrs. Gordon. Everyone raves about her articles and her book, but Sidney is not a widow and has never set foot in Egypt. “Mrs. Gordon” and the Earl of Brenton have been publicly feuding in the newspaper which publishes Sidney’s articles, but things take a turn for the worst when the Earl dares her to travel to Egypt along with his nephew, Harry Armstrong, and a journalist to show her throng of admirers everything she knows.

THE LADY TRAVELERS GUIDE TO DECEPTION WITH AN UNLIKELY EARL (what a mouthful!) had me smiling at page one, I was completely under Victoria Alexander’s spell, and it only got better from there. And I’m not sure if I have ever said that, but it could have been 200 pages longer, and I would not have complained. Not one word is wasted, it’s fast-paced all the way through, the prose is impeccable and always respectful of Victorian usage. The dialogues are probably the best I have read this year, brilliantly written, and so dazzlingly witty that I laughed out loud many times. Harry, Sidney, and the journalist are accompanied by the Lady Travelers – Gwen, Poppy, and Sidney’s Aunt Effie – who are so spectacularly entertaining, that I wish they were in my own life in some way. Ms Alexander’s characters live and breathe, every detail is essential and she creates a vibrant and realistic background and weaves a story so captivating that my mind never wandered for one second. Although this is book three in the series, I found it astonishing that I never felt there were things I was missing, but I will certainly make sure to read the previous instalment in this series because it is absolutely smashing!

Sidney is definitely one of my favourite female characters ever in too many ways to enumerate; I also loved that she is older, she is thirty-two, and Harry is thirty-eight, and they acted like people their age. Ms. Alexander’s understanding and knowledge of the Victorian era and its people is astounding, and I loved how she made Sidney – and the Lady Travelers – independent women because they knew how to manoeuvre in order to improve their life. The story is captivating, there are unique and very ingenious twists and turns, prickly situations are dealt with the utmost intelligence by the characters; I love an author who respects her reader’s intellect. This is such a happy, wonderful book where I got to experience vicariously the wonders of Egypt through Sidney’s eyes by way of the author’s vibrant and loving descriptions. The romance is utterly exquisite, as Sidney and Harry approach each other with extreme caution at first, but they like each other in spite of the circumstances, and how perfectly lovely it is to watch their love grow; both are such extraordinarily well-crafted characters, engaging and charming, and their few moments of intimacy are sensual, joyous, and loving. Oh, I could go on forever about THE LADY TRAVELERS GUIDE TO DECEPTION WITH AN UNLIKELY EARL and how perfectly, utterly, truly enchanting it is!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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My Thoughts...

Sometimes lies aren’t born out of purposeful deception. Sometimes a misunderstanding can snowball out of proportion, until it’s almost impossible to correct. This is a relatable challenge, and exactly what happens to Sidney Honeywell. Often, when books attempt to have a problem of this type, the plot can be convoluted in an attempt to create more conflict when the solution could be simple. The Lady Traveler's Guide To Deception With An Unlikely Earl is refreshing because Sidney’s life circumstances provide the perfect catalyst for ongoing dishonesty.

The real stars of this book for me were the founders of the Lady Traveler’s Society. They provided comedic relief and much needed mischief when Harry became far too serious. Each lady had her own personality an each were written perfectly.

My only real critique of the book is Harry Armstrong. I didn’t really get invested in his story, and never really felt like he was likeable enough to be with Sidney. He seemed so hard, serious, and almost mean in his dealings with Sidney, that I couldn’t completely fall head over heels for him when the romance began. By the end of the book, however, I was mostly convinced.

This was a cute book that read very smoothly. The plot unfolded timely while maintaining dramatic tension. If you like historical fiction with a bit of romance thrown in, pick up this book.

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I'll admit that I don't think I was in the mood for this book, so I don't think I got as much enjoyment out of it as I would have, had I been in a different mood. I will say that it was a fun and quick read and if you like historical farce this would be a great book for you.

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The Lady Travelers Guide to Deception With an Unlikely Earl is a historical novel that tells the story of Sidney Honeywell. Although she is the author of a popular book set in Egypt, her readers do not realize she has never visited Egypt or even traveled outside England. On the other hand, Harry Armstrong has a wealth of experience in Egyptology, but his writing is dull and dry. He challenges Sidney to travel to Egypt and prove that she is really who she pretends to be. This adventure really picks up speed as Harry, Sidney, and her dear elderly lady friends from the Lady Travelers Society all journey to Egypt together. Adventure ensues and sparks fly!

I absolutely love the Lady Travelers Society series of books. They are so smart and well written and just so much fun to read. I always think of them as romps. (Now how many books can be described that way?!) Although this book would work as a standalone, I highly recommend reading the entire series.

I loved the interplay between Sidney and Harry, with lots of verbal sparring and a battle of wits ... as well as a slow building attraction. They are my very favorite couple in the Lady Travelers Society series.

The Egyptian setting was fascinating. I know very little about this historical setting and really enjoyed the details like the marketplace, and Sidney and Harry's visit to the Great Pyramid. The descriptions were amazing ... so many little intriguing details, and a real sense of time and place.

Just one example of the fascinating descriptions in this book:

"Massive stone columns topped with capitals carved to look like palm fronds soared to a ceiling a good two stories overhead. A grand stairway swept upward to the next level guarded by bronze, life-size statues of dancing girls. With potted palms in ornate urns, patterned carpets and intricately tiled floors, it was the epitome of the Egypt she had long seen in her mind's eye" (location 1189).

I also enjoyed seeing the older ladies from the Ladies Travelers Society having an adventure in Egypt ... that was another highlight of this delightful book for me.

I recommend The Lady Travelers Guide to Deception With an Unlikely Earl highly to fans of historical fiction, and especially for readers who enjoy a smart, well written, and light hearted read. Five stars!

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This is ther story of Miss Sidney Honeywell and Harry Armstrong.
Sidney is an author of travels in Egypt by a lady.
Harry has been traveling in Egypt for years. He comes home for 2 reasons. One, to write his own story. And two, to become the new Earl of Brenton. But Harry finds no one interested in his writings. After all a women traveling in Egypt is much more interesting. Harry reads Sidney's stories
and calls her out as a fraud. There's nothing in her stories that are accurate to him.
Of course he's not totally wrong. The stories aren't Sidney's but her grandmothers stories found in her grandmother's diary. With the help of Effie, Poppy and Gwen from The Lady Travelers Society, Sidney writes her columns.
Sidney and her publisher decide to challenge the Earl by suggesting an expedition to Egypt. The Earl accepted the invitation and sends his nephew "Harry" in his place.
And so the adventure begins as all make a trip to Egypt.
You have deception on both sides, Stolen artifacts, kidnapping, and a very nice twist at the end.
I enjoyed reading this book. It kept my attention from beginning to end. I liked seeing the relationship grow between Harry and Sidney. I loved seeing all the trouble the 3 Lady Travelers got into.
I hope Harry's two friends get a story of their own

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One of the things I've most enjoyed about this new series by Victoria Alexander is the settings. Pair an adventurous, historical romance with an exotic location and I am so there!

Alexander has assembled an entertaining cast for this newest novel and given them an adventure reminiscent of an Indiana Jones movie, complete with witty banter, humor, and an archeological quest. Harry and Sidney are likeable characters who engaged my interest from the get-go but it's Sidney's "chaperones," three lively widows on their first overseas adventure, who come close to stealing every scene they're in. There are also a couple secondary characters who I would love to read more about. Hopefully, Alexander has something in mind for them.

While there's an HEA, the story itself leans more heavily toward adventure/romantic comedy than a full-fledged romance. Alexander's smart, witty, dialog, beautiful descriptions of Egypt, and skillfully-depicted characters made that perfectly okay with me.

This is the third book in Alexander's Lady Travelers series but though there are a few continuing characters who appear in all three books, each story stands on its own so feel free to jump in at any point in the series.

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The Lady's Travelers Society is off for an adventure to Egypt! This is the third installment in The Lady Travelers Guide series and it is easy to pick up the story and become familiar with the ladies, even if one has not read the earlier stories. What is different this time is that Mrs. Ophelia Higginbotham, Lady Guinevere Blodgett, and Mrs. Persephone Fitzhew-Wellmore will accompany Sydney Althea Gordon Honeywell (aka Mrs. Gordon) on her trip to Egypt. Sydney has been writing fictional stories about adventures in Egypt for the "Daily Messenger" and has become very popularly known as the "Queen of the Desert." However, the Earl of Brenton has alleged that she doesn't know what she's writing about and thus a challenge is issued!

Harry Armstrong is the new Earl of Brenton and is trying to acclimate himself to the new title and lifestyle after spending most of the last twenty years in Egypt. He feels that he's a true authority on the area and intends to go along on this new adventure of the Lady's Travelers Society. What a great adventure this turns out to be for Sydney and Harry!

Thanks to the publisher and to NetGalley for an ARC; all opinions are my own.

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