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Evidence of Desire

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Suspense, love, romance, action, sassiness and lots of hotties. Isla realizes she needs to up her game! And with some twists and turns leads to a road of finding out.......

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Another wonderful book by Lexi Blake – I have to wonder at times, if she will ever lose her charm to me - & then I think, why mess with a good thing :D

I honestly do not know how to put forward my review here – Ms. Blake has actually put forward a romance with a foundation of a serious disease that has recently been talked about in connection with athletes – which she has done not only empathetically but also quite informatively.

When a client of Isla’s – someone whom she considers family, ends up being murdered and her husband is a suspect in the murder, she calls in a favour from an old college friend and brings her on the path of David Cormack.

David is an ex – NFL player and an attorney, making him probably the only person who would understand Isla’s client’s situation.

Its not a slow burn between Isla and David – more of a smack dab, in your face attraction – and somehow it works for both of them; I liked their connection, their chemistry with each other.

But it’s the mystery in the plot that had me captivated – after a long time, I have found a mystery that I was quite having fun making assumptions about – and while my suspicion about the culprit was bang on, it was the motive that had me surprised – I honestly didn’t see that coming, and it was a wonderful feeling in the end!

Lexi Blake is an author I would recommend blindly, and this is just another feather in her hat!

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*4.5 stars*

I got lost in this riveting murder mystery/romance…

Okay, I may have been just a tad disappointed this wasn’t Noah’s story but if you read Order of Protection than I’m sure I’m not alone. I recovered quickly, how could I not, as Isla and David were quickly embroiled in a murder mystery that was personal from the start…

Oh, this story was amazing! Whether it was front page news or battles they were silently waging, the connection they had weathered one huge bump after another. Isla was a firecracker who had endured a lot but came out still smiling, optimistic and, above all, open to love. David was her opposite in so many ways but the love he had for those closest to him could not be measured. Together, they could overcome anything and that theory was tested again and again…

This was romance, suspense and above all, love in its messy, multi-faceted forms. A great read! Though I still want/need Noah’s story (I’m so greedy)….

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I really loved David's character. His funny comments, and just how good of a person and friend he was, really added to the story and made me fall in love with it!

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This book was just okay. I was really excited for a smutty book with a legal plot, but it was not what I really wanted. In truth, it is hard for me to pinpoint exactly why this didn't work for me.. it just... didn't. I still enjoyed the writing style and would consider reading more from Lexi in the future.

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No one does romantic suspense like Lexi Blake, and Evidence of Desire is a stunning story with twists and turns on every page, amazing suspense and a gorgeous romance all wrapped within its pages.

When Isla’s client and long time friend is found covered in blood and clutching his dead wife, she knows he needs more help than she can offer as his personal lawyer. From the moment criminal defense attorney David Cormack walks in the room, he commands the space and takes control of the situation and brings an unexpected feeling of security to Isla, who’s entire world was just turned upside down.

For Isla, winning this case mean supporting those she cares for as family, even when there are secrets being exposed she had no idea she’d be faced with. For David, taking on this case brings him back into a world he’s left behind as well as forces him to confront his personal fears about his future. The more time Isla and David spend together, the hotter their passions burn. But, there are forces waiting in the wings to tear them apart, including a killer who may not be through yet and the overwhelming fear of a disease that would leave David’s future in peril.

I absolutely adored everything about this book from the story to the cast of characters. Lexi Blake did an amazing job of creating characters that feel very real with their thoughts and emotions. David’s fears of having CTE from his time as a professional athlete are heartbreaking as we see just how it affects every aspect of his life. It’s such a contrast to the alpha and protective man he is as well as his domineering role as a lawyer. Isla is a total and complete bada$$ in her loyalty, faith and passion for those she holds dear. Even in the face of fear and danger she continually puts others first and proves her character again and again.

Evidence of Desire kept me guessing as to the outcome of the trial as well as who the real bad guy was until the very end. This is one book that PassionFlix needs to grab and make into a movie right away, because it’s a tale that will leave readers emotionally engaged and utterly entranced. 5 stars!

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What You Need to Know:
-Book 2 in a standalone series, you can pick up this book and easily read it without having read the previous book in the series.
-Scorching hot sex scenes and chemistry that flows off the pages.
-Definite Page Turner
- Lexi Blake's writing is addictive, the moment that I pick up one of her books and step into the world that she has created, all I want to do is stay there.

Evidence of Desire, the second book in Blake's Courting Justice series, features the intelligent and charming Isla Shayne (I love her name!) and the charismatic, clever, teddy bear of a man, David Cormack.
The pair meet when Isla calls for help for her client, Trey Adams (who's story, I kid you not, will have you crying), who's facing murder charges and from there things take off.
This is a sexy, mystery read that's full of heart and I can't wait to read the next book in the series.
Highly Recommended Read

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So, in all honesty, romantic suspense isn’t a genre that I normally pick up. It’s not that I don’t like it, because I typically do enjoy the books when I read them. It’s more of a “right time, right place” kind of thing. Romantic suspense books simply aren’t on my radar, and I miss out on reading them do to this. However, when I saw the cover and read the description for Lexi Blake’s newest book, I knew this was definitely one that I wanted to check out and dive into.

Evidence of Desire hooked me rather quickly, and I dove into the story headfirst. With this being my first Lexi Blake novel, I wasn’t sure what to expect with the writing style, or pacing but I was quite pleased with how the story presented itself. The story opens up and jumps into the action quite quickly, and introduces us to a whole bevy of characters, some of which I loved, and others whom I couldn’t stand. I was intrigued to know more about everyone we were dealing with, and quickly got caught up in the mysterious “who done it” surrounding this group of people. Our main characters, Isla and David make a wonderful couple, and I loved their backstories and how Isla dealt with David’s fears of his future.

One of the things that impressed me the most about Evidence of Desire and Lexi Blake’s storytelling was the uniqueness of the story. Isla is a contract lawyer, who is called in when one of her clients and friends, Trey Adams is accused of killing his wife, Portia. Trey was a superstar football player at one time, but now suffers from chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). David is an ex football player turned Harvard graduated criminal attorney who faces his biggest fear in taking this case. Lexi Blake did extensive research into CTE when writing this book, and the attention to detail shows. I was aware of CTE before reading this book, and knew about how it had affected real life football players, but I wasn’t aware of all the nuances involved in these types of injuries. It made the story even more interesting as I soaked up all the new facts and information about this tragic consequence of football.

This is one series that I look forward to continuing, and going back and reading book one!

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This is the second book in the series, and doesnt stand alone very well. There are too many characters referenced that the reader has no back story for unless they've read book one. I felt that one purpose of this book is to set up the next book. The hero and heroine were just a little too weak for me. I didnt really find their happily ever after easy to root for in this story. So, though the story was good, I recommend you read the series in order, and I'm hoping the thiurd one is a s strong as the first.
I received my copy through NetGalley under no obligation.

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THIS WAS AN ABSOLUTE DELIGHT OF A READ, which came as a complete surprise considering my absolute lack of sports knowledge. Blake’s writing shone here, making it clear why I consider her one of the best—the romance was on point, the mystery was engaging (even though yes I figured out whodunit but not the why in the first fifty pages), and there was so much emotional nuance it was gut punch after gut punch. A+ do recommend.

TW: vivid descriptions of parents with dementia, discussion of spouses’ death from cancer

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Evidence of Desire by Lexi Blake is the second in the series Courting Justice and was a very good read. Just enough romance, mystery and suspense to keep you interested. The main characters, David and Isla come together because of a murder. Both are lawyers, but David (criminal lawyer) is drawn in when Trey Adams, icon of football, is accused of killing his wife, but he doesn’t remember doing it as he has issues with memory as well as anger issues due to the concussions that he had as a player. Isla (not a criminal lawyer, but works for the family) doesn’t think he is guilty. Then more players are thrown into the mix. It is a very good “Who done it?” mystery. And of course there is the romance. Will David and Isla come together? Will David keep them apart because HE is a former football player with concussion issues and has a fear of going through the same thing that Trey has had to contend with? The only way to find out is to read the book!
I do look forward to the next installment of this series and plan on reading the first one.
Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an ARC and leave an honest review.
#EvidenceOfDesire #NetGalley

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My first time reading a book by Lexi Blake. I had a hard time reading this as I could not relate to the characters. The romance between Isla and David didn’t have enough passion. I skimmed over half of this to see the reason for the killing as I already knew who did it. Those interested in football concussions may find this story interesting.

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It was okay. I couldn't get invested in the romance between Isla and David. I'm not quite sure why, but I didn't feel a lot of connection or chemistry between these two.
I did find the mystery and the trial portion of the book interesting and made me kept reading. I did skim about the last 40% of the book, just to see if I was right about who the killer was (I was). I wouldn't say it was a bad book or anything, it just wasn't really my cup of tea.

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5 Stars

Evidence of Desire is the all new riveting novel by Lexi Blake. It is the second book in the Courting Justice series, but it can be read as a stand-alone. This book!!!! I honestly got sucked into the story from the very beginning, and I did not want to put it down! Full of mystery, suspense, and Ms. Blake’s amazing writing skills, Evidence of Desire was PHENOMENAL!

I don’t want to give away any spoilers so I am going to make this short and sweet. Hired to protect a famous ex-pro footballer, David Cormack has his hands full. Not only will this be a high profile case with trying to prove Trey Adams’ innocence, the gorgeous family attorney Isla Shayne, is proving to be an unwanted distraction. Their attraction is palpable but with the case at hand and both of their pasts, it’s nearly impossible to start a relationship. Will they be able to not only prove Trey’s innocence, find the real killer, and fall in love?

I loved this story so much! It was so captivating and emotional, and addicting! I loved having to try and figure out who did it and the reasoning behind it. Ms. Blake wrote an excellent novel with characters that were unforgettable!

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This book surprised me and kept me on the edge of my seat. I knew going into Evidence of Desire I was going to love it and boy did I.

This book was packed full of romance and suspense. David and Isla had great chemistry. Isla is an attorney for the Adam’s family and David is a former football player turned attorney. The mystery of this story kept me wondering what was going to happen next. I really enjoyed this book and this series.

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Evidence of Desire is the second installment in the Courting Justice series by Lexi Blake!

These twisty, head-spinning murder mystery is well developed. The story is captivating, intense, entertaining and very emotional. The characters are likeable, believable and even fun at times. A great plot twist mixed with suspense, mystery, tragedy and a sizzling romance thrown in.

Expect the unexpected!!

I really enjoyed this book and can't wait for what comes next!!

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Evidence of Desire is the second installment of the Courting Justice series by Lexi Blake.

I was engrossed with this story that I never wanted it to end. Lexi Blake has been a go-to author since a friend of mine introduced me to her. And Evidence of Desire just took the cake for me! I’ll admit, whenever I dive into a new series, I’m always hesitant, but this one didn’t disappoint! The legal procedurals, mystery and the undeniable sexual tension had me reading this story at a quick page. Staying way past my bedtime in order to find out what happens with the case, and the romance brewing between David and Isla.

Will this criminal attorney ready to accept full partnership outside of the courtroom?

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I did not finish this. I tried a few times but just couldn’t connect. Normally I enjoy this type of series but not this one. I love this author so I’ll definitely try the next book.

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Oh the twists and turns!

Wow - this is my first Courting Justice book and bam! what a winner!! Just when you think things are going one way --> they turn in a different direction.

This one has heat, heart, drama, intrigue, and of course, murder. I enjoyed the surrounding characters almost as much as Isla and David. They were a great power couple even if David's nobility made me want to gentle whop him upside the head!

This book was so fun and kept me riveted.

I voluntarily requested and reviewed an advance reader copy from the publisher through Net Galley.

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Oh man! I loved this one so much. I think this has to be one of my favorite Lexi Blake books so far. I love the chemistry and passion. This book is oh so steamy. I love the suspense. It is intense and held me to the page. I could not put this book down. I also loved the characters. I enjoyed how complex they were written and yet completely understandable. I cannot wait for more from this series and from Lexi Blake. So excited to see what she has in store for us next.

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