Cover Image: Super Chill

Super Chill

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There are some fun illustrations in this book but plenty of them feel like are there just to fill up the book, they seem unfinished. I didn’t like that I had seen a lot of the illustrations/comics in social media before reading the book.
Being honest if I didn’t like the drawing style me the book wouldn’t have been worth it.

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I've enjoyed Ellis's comics since reading them on Buzzfeed and his sense of humor usually appeals to me. I was interested to see how much material for the book would be new, and now much I would already know from following his online presence. Luckily, most of the comics are new and all of them are enjoyable. Several are longer than what he typically put out online and it was great to see how he could carry the storytelling on for more panels.

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Adam Ellis has a pretty not-awesome reputation on Reddit for being mediocre at best. And as much as I have enjoyed some of his comics, I kind of have to agree. Some of them were amazing and really relatable (like the one titled "Dr. Feelbad") but then others were just bland and felt pointless. I was able to read this book in what felt like two seconds because his comics are also so short. I almost wish he had more comics with longer stories. I do appreciate that he approaches depression and anxiety with an honest perspective. I always felt as if being honest about one's own mental illness and being able to throw some humor in it was a good thing. But overall, this was almost too short and a good chunk of these comments were just so yawn-worthy. I will still read what Adam Ellis puts out here and there though because I know he is just a comic artist who is working his hardest through a mental health struggle that a lot of us go through as well. Maybe over time his comics will develop some higher maturity and depth that I hope to see.

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Adam Ellis is an illustrator; he used to work for Buzzfeed until recently, where he decided to strike out on his own. If this book is any evidence to go by, then I have to say that Ellis made the right call here.
What first caught my attention to Super Chill, other than the artwork which immediately told me who was behind it, was the subtitle; A Year of Living Anxiously. I think anybody living with anxiety would immediately zoom in on that title, and it’s hard to blame us for that fact. It’s not every day you get to see a comic artist being that brutally honest about their life and their experiences – though thankfully it is becoming more common. I love that this sort of graphic novel is normalizing those conversations. Keep up the great work!
I’ve been aware of Adam Ellis for a while now, following him on social media and the like. But this is the first time I ever binge-read any of his comics. It was such a fun and enjoyable experience. While there are heavier discussions being carried through the course of this book, Ellis manages to keep things light on the whole, a fact that is helped by the number of purely comical comics mixed in.
If you’re a fan of Adam Ellis then this would really be a great purchase for you – especially if you like the idea of being able to keep these on your shelf for a moment where you need a pick-me-up. It’d also make a great gift for a fan of his – or even somebody that you suspect would like the series. In short, yes I know you could get the comics online for free, but supporting the artist is a great way to ensure that they continue making the thing you’re enjoying.

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I'm a fan of Adam Ellis's webcomics and really enjoyed this collection of comics. It's funny and relevant and loved the whole collection. It's a great collection and one I could go back to time and time again.

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Ellis’s comics deal with some pretty heavy topics, such as seasonal affective disorder and struggles with self esteem, while still being silly. SUPER CHILL manages to be bright and positive, making it both relatable and comforting. Definitely happy to have added it to my collection.

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Note: I received an Advance Reading Copy of this book through NetGalley for an honest review.

In the evenings I like to read comics/graphic novels on my computer, just to relax a bit. When I saw Adam Ellis' book "Super Chill" I thought I remembered this style. I have seen his comics shared online a lot, so I was interested, and requested his book from NetGalley for review.

"Super Chill" is a book with short (one, two maybe three pages long) comics about Adam Ellis and his life. Most deal with (social) anxiety, depression and awkwardness in his daily life. Some are pretty funny, some are recognizable, and some aren't funny. I think if you like Adam Ellis' work (and I understand that there is a big difference of opinion about this), you'll like this book. I did, and give it three stars out of five.

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Really enjoyed this smart, funny and self deprecating collection of comics looking at everything from social anxiety to seasonal affective disorder. Ellis' sense of humour veers from bizarre to dry but is always on point. Not a book that made me laugh out loud but definitely one that had me nodding in agreement. Highly recommend

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Adam Ellis is no stranger to internet fame. He's come out with a fantastic new comics collection called Super Chill, based on autobiographical comics over a year in his life after he left his job as an illustrator at Buzzfeed. He is able to balance hilarious comics about collecting comics with heavier subjects, like Season Affective Disorder, self-esteem, and obsessions. 

Super Chill is super enjoyable and extremely funny. I don't feel like there was a single weak comic in this whole collection. Remember that Adam Ellis does occasionally have a gross out factor in his comics, so if you're made queasy easily, I'd skip through this with care.

Super Chill is available from Andrews McMeel Publishing October 23rd.

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I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

OMG, I laughed so so much. And not just me, I also whatsapped my fiance with some of the comics and I dare to bet people have looked at him funnily given his reaction back to me. :P

I have read a few Adam Ellis comics, but only a few. So I was pretty dang excited to see a whole book of them. And boy, they are so good.

The comics are about a variety of things, from student loans (Nobody cares!), going to Japan (Gudetama and relating to that little egg dude), moms and their obsession with keeping gift paper intact, anxiety (really, don't eat that xanax bar), to cats (so many cats) and self-esteem. But there are tons more. Most are hilarious, but some made me feel a bit sad (even if I also laughed a few times, which made me unsure if I should laugh). One of my favourites, and maybe I should bring that to my dentist the next time, was the dentist comic. Yes, if you hack and saw so much in my mouth of course I will bleed! Dang it!

I just loved seeing Dami Lee in them as well. She is another artist that I follow and read comics of, and it was so fun to go: OMG, is that Dami? It must be! The pink shirt, the egg, the hair! Nice!

The art? Well, I already knew his art, but it was fabulous to see it again. I just adore how he does backgrounds (so many details).

All in all, I hope Adam Ellis will make more art/comics. I would definitely recommend this book if you want to laugh your butt off.

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*shrug* This was okay. It made me chuckle a few times, but a lot of the strips were jokes about anxiety, depression, and being a millenial that I've seen a bunch of times before. Also, the art style isn't really my thing, even though I can tell Ellis is a skilled artist.

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YAS! A great collection of comics by Adam. I was super happy to see that a lot of the comics in this book were content new to me, still in his signature style that touches on a lot of fun and sometimes way too real topics. I really enjoyed reading this and can't wait to read more from him.

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I enjoyed some of this, and disliked others. Some of the images kind of grossed me out (i.e. “My Birth” comic strip, “Pull Tab,” “Yearly Checkup”). Didn’t care for those. I could definitely relate to a lot of the anxiety comics and liked the ones related to Japan. My favorite comics in this were “When I get sick,” “Getting ready,” “Memory foam,” “This week on Top Chef,” “Vending Machine,” “Food I thought I’d be excited to eat in Japan,” and “America’s Next Top Therapist.” I thought the crystal comics were kind of irrelevant to the rest of the book and didn’t fit well with the rest of the comics. Some were funny and others just fell flat. This may be worth reading for some, but some may not enjoy it. I enjoyed some of this, and the art was quite nice as well.

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As funny as the rest of his comics. It is relatable, anxious in a "normal" way, I love the way it is drawn.

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Fun illustrations and peppy, honest humor. As a follower of Adam Ellis on social media, I was not disappointed. Will appeal to comedy lovers and young adults.

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Adam Ellis is a creator of comics and previously was an illustrator at Buzzfeed. Super Chill: A Year of Living Anxiously is his second book of comics and it chronicles a year in his life of his life. It is a quick read with nice artwork that will most surely put a smile on your face.

I hadn’t heard of Adam Ellis before or seen any of his webcomics but I enjoyed Super Chill. His comics are relatable and funny and there is a few quirky ones in the mix as well. The topics are wide-ranging from quitting Buzzfeed to finding a pull-off tab on your body to a trip to Japan.

In this book we learn that Adam’s food pyramid contains buttered popcorn jelly beans at the top and that memory foam pillows may taunt you unhappy events of your past. Ellis’ musings on depression are very relatable and I particularly liked the one where he chooses a new therapist. Another favorite of mine was the guide to crystals in which he explains how each one of 10 different types can help you. I think many of us could benefit from a milky quartz cluster because it keeps you from liking your ex’s facebook post at 3 AM!

Thank you to NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for this advance reader copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Once again, this is a case of if you like a particular cartoonist that you follow online, you will like them in a dead tree collection too. So, if you have read Adam Ellis, and liked or even loved his work, you should go out and get this collection. The jokes are funny, in a peculiar way, as evidence the two I have put below.

<img src="" alt="" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4505" />

<img class="alignleft size-full wp-image-4502" src="" alt="" />

If you have never head of Adam, and like what you see here, it is a quick read, and you might enjoy this collection.

I found these mildly amusing, and oddly funny, although I didn't always agree with the sentiment behind them.

#SuperChill #NetGalley

Thanks to Netgalley for making this boosk available for an honest review.

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Usually graphic memoirs are either funny or have good art but not both. Luckily, Super Chill: A Year of Living Anxiously has both laugh-out-loud (but embarrassingly familiar) slices of life and clearly beautiful artwork.

What if your memory foam pillow starts whispering about the worst events of your life? Your DNA results come back 37% chicken nuggets? You have just discovered the 100% most efficient and effective method for clean dishes (that every 20-year-old has found before you)? Hint: it involves a large trash can and a quick visit to Amazon.

As a nerd from birth, I resemble many of the life moments captured here. Why didn’t I see the humor in them at the time? Then create a web series and eventually write a book about them? Ahhh, the familar feelings of envy and regret...

Seriously, these comics are both true and funny! Highly recommended to anyone with a funny bone and/or a life (see Super Chill: A Year of Living Anxiously is inspiring me to be funny—at least I hope so—okay maybe I’m overthinking this—it must also be inspiring me to live anxiously—life gives and it takes away) 5 stars!

Thanks to Andrews McMeel Publishing and NetGalley for an advance copy.

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I'e been following Adam Ellis on Instagram for a while now and I LOVE his comics. Plus, he's a cat lover so you know that scores extra points with me. I've seen a few of these before, such as Pull Tab, New Beginnings, Grey Gardens, and Autumn Leaves but I still always enjoy his illustrations.

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Loved the honesty and the awesome art. Great sense of humor. Def not for kids. Lost a star for the profanity. After reading all about his anxieties my wife and I expected him to look weird and homely. HA! That just goes to show you... even the coolest of us have massive insecurities.

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