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Iron Garland is the third book in the Harbinger series by Jeff Wheeler. Follow Sera Fitzempress and Cettie Pratt in this new adventure.

The story of Sera Fitzempress and Cettie Pratt continues in Iron Garland, the third book in the Harbinger series by author Jeff Wheeler, a word wizard who knows how to intermingle characters and historical elements with fantasy in a perfect balance to cast a spell on all his readers with his stories.

By far the best part about this series is the worldbuilding- it's really, really neat and you should at least check it out for that. I'm a little meh about the characters and the plot but I think I will continue on with this series because it definitely has it's moments.

From: https://bluehavens.wordpress.com/2018/10/23/iron-garland-by-jeff-wheeler/
(Reposted from Goodreads)
Iron Garland marks the midway point of the Harbinger series. In most series, this is where the story slows down and not much happens as the author slowly moves pieces into place but withholds any sort of resolution in order to keep the tension for the concluding installment(s). I am so glad to report that Iron Garland does not succumb to that problem. It is not a stand-alone novel in any sense of the word, but enough of the story lines are given a sense of completion that it feels like a novel and not just a part of something bigger. But at the same time, Iron Garland stands as a great middle chapter in a much larger epic.
A full review of the story line would reveal too many spoilers, but I can at least say that Iron Garland continues the stories of Cettie Saeed and Sera Fitzempress. As the Kingfountain novels loosely followed the Wars of the Roses, so these loosely follow the early reign of Victoria. But having that knowledge makes the story even more enjoyable: Wheeler does not slavishly copy history with the names changed, but uses it as a springboard to create a complex set of events leading to climactic final chapters (and additional books in the series). Iron Garland opens with a shocking death and doesn’t let up until the final surprises in the last chapter. I got to the end and had to remind myself that the next installment is still months away.
But the book’s strengths come not just from the action (which is well paced and frequent) but also from the various characters and their relationships. We get to see Cettie and Sera grow into even stronger protagonists, as they deal with one problem after another. Wheeler is one of the leading proponents of clean fiction, but that doesn’t mean boring or flat characters: both Cettie and Sera face tough moral questions throughout and do not always respond like Polyanna. But it’s still a morally complex story that gives the reader more than just an action buzz.
This may be a cliche, but I honestly am looking forward to the next installment, more than I have found myself doing in a long, long time. In general, I’ve gotten tired of the ‘grimdark’ storytelling that a lot of fantasy holds to these days, but Wheeler’s fresh and exciting storytelling has given me renewed hope for the genre. We need more of this.
(Disclaimers: (1) I received an advance copy of the book in exchange for this review; (2) I was the book review editor on the original run of Wheeler’s Deep Magic magazine, and so I have counted Jeff as a friend for more than a decade. My enthusiasm over this book comes not from any desire to help him get sales — he has managed that well enough on his own — but because this is one really good book!)

Jeff Wheeler is an accomplished story teller. He handles mythological/folklore tropes with great creative skill. The Harbinger Series takes the reader to two very different societies in two different dimensions. One society is more spiritually advanced and the other is technologically advanced. The characters are very nicely developed and the reader quickly becomes involved in their dilemmas.
Notes Suitable for Teens. Clean.

This series just keeps getting better and better. Jeff wheeler is one of my go to authors and for good reason. The first 2 books I wasn’t completely invested in Sera’s POV but this book’s changed that for me. I love seeing her political maneuvering and her time in KingFountain.
*i received a free copy of this for review from Netgalley *

Iron Garland, the third installment in Jeff Wheeler’s Harbinger series starts three years after the events of the last book. Sera has been isolated in Pavenham Sky after her disgrace in the last book. Though she is a prisoner, she is not broken; instead, she bides her time until she can make a move. Meanwhile, at Fogwillows, Cettie has grown stronger and more independent in her role as keeper of the estate. She continues to grow stronger with the Mysteries, but her life might fall apart as secrets from her past threaten to come to light.
I find that, for the most part, I liked both of these protagonists – Sera, with her stubborn determination; Cettie, with her maturity and strength – though neither girl knows what she is capable of. This was my favorite in the series so far for several reasons, such as its fast-paced nature with corruption and under-the-table political maneuvering that makes you want to know what’s going to happen next. However, I feel that the author focused much more on the religion of this world (and Kingfountain) more than he did in his previous books. While it was present an integral part of his Kingfoutain series, it was done subtly in a way that didn’t feel as preachy. However, I can appreciate the detail and the story that has gone into the series so far, and I look forward to reading the next two installments.
Thank you to NetGalley and 47North for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Another great chapter in this series by Jeff Wheeler. I thought this book in the series really elevated the whole series to a new level. While the characters grew, I think the story is what really grew. The introduction of the other world added a new twist and I thought personally made for an exciting journey moving forward. I look forward to reading the next book in the series soon.
Thanks to Jeff Wheeler and 47north for the advanced reading copy.

Jeff Wheeler draws readers back into the magical world of Muirwood in the latest installment of the Harbinger series. Three years have passed, and the war with Kingfountain continues. Sera remains in isolated exile, yearning to be free and able to take her rightful place as Empress. Cettie fills her time as Keeper of Fog Willows, as well as making important (and secret) contributions to the war effort. Meanwhile, long kept secrets are at risk of being revealed, and a new threat lurks in the horizon.
Iron Garland kicks off with a shocking prologue that left me gasping and on the edge of my seat. Pretty impressive for five minutes worth of reading, right? Holy smokes! And you know what? It only got better from there.
I had no idea what to expect in this book, after the way book two ended, but I was surprised to see it begin three years later. Ordinarily, this is something that disappoints me—because I want to know every single thing that happens when I'm reading a series—but my disappointment barely had time to register before I was completely immersed in the book. It didn't take me long to decide the time skip was the perfect way to continue the story, as it gives readers a sense of urgency where the war is concerned. Great loss had already been suffered, and the need for the war to (finally) come to an end was omnipresent throughout, whether the war was actively being discussed or portrayed in any given scene.
Most of the characters went through changes, to some degree, but it was most gratifying to see how much Sera grew in wisdom during her imprisonment at Pavenham Sky. She knew what would give her the best shot at being released from exile, and made sure to make it seem as if she was humbled by her punishment. Clever girl!
I won't mention all the things that stood out to me about this book, because there are SO MANY... and it would spoil things for those who haven't read it. Suffice to say that there more than a few surprising twists (particularly the one in the epilogue!), new locations to discover, interesting romantic developments, and someone's unexpected (though welcome) change of heart.
This book was simply delightful to read, and I can't wait to read Prism Cloud (the next book in the series) because Iron Garland ended with some particularly chilling words from a certain lady, making it clear she had plans that didn't bode well for Cettie.
If you haven't started reading this series, I do hope you'll give it a try! I think it's safe to say that this book firmly cemented Harbinger as my favorite young adult fantasy series. Perhaps it will be yours, as well?
I received an advance reading copy of this book courtesy of 47North via Netgalley.

I will try not to include too many spoilers of Mirror Gate (book #2) in this review, but this book starts a few years after Mirror Gate ends.
Yet again, Jeff Wheeler kept me on the edge of my seat, speeding through this book because I couldn't wait to see what happened next!
My only issue with this series is that all of the books weren't released at the same time, so I have had to wait in between releases to see what happens next!
The author continued to do an excellent job of world-building and character development, as well as introducing us to some new characters that we will grow to love and/or hate. Many, you do not know whether you should love or hate them, and certainly not whether or not the characters should trust them. The author sucks you into this book with the amazing world he's built, and his characters keep you glued to the pages, determined to learn about what they do next.
The ending to this book was a bit anticlimactic. Yes, secrets were revealed and a bit plot point ramps up at the end. However, I found that it was a little lacking in excitement. It definitely sets up the scene for a super exciting beginning of book #4 though. In some ways, I am a little happy about this, if this book ended in a huge cliffhanger, I would be complaining even more about how long I have to wait to read the next book.
I haven't had time to read the Kingsfountain books yet, but this book just reinforced my need to get them and read them... like NOW.
However, I hope I find an ARC of Prism Cloud (book #4) soon so that I don't have to wait until March to read it!
I received a copy of this book from the publishers, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.

I haven’t read the other books in this series, so some things were hard to follow however the world-building was great! The characters had a lot of depth and I wasn’t sure who to trust and who to be wary of.
The author often mentioned incidents from previous books which helped provide back story and it was much appreciated. Sara was definitely my favorite character because she was more interesting than Cettie and her storyline was intriguing. I will definitely read the next book in the series and will go back and read the first two.
I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

He did it again. Mr. Wheeler sets about making me care about people and then up-ends them. Twice in this book! Once in the first chapter!! I expect this kind of tricksy-ness from George R. R. Martin, but you sir! Don’t stop! 😊
These are such great books. Cettie, is becoming a force to reckon with. Her power is unstoppable but it is tempered with such a sweetness of character. I adore her and her entire adopted family. Yeah that’s right, I said all of them. Even a little more after this book. (no spoilers!)
Sera is fast becoming a favorite as well. She’s a canny, brave little thing. I love that her story line is taking her straight to our beloved Kingfountain. Oh, oops that was a spoiler, but I won’t say more. Other than there is the promise that a character of some renown from the Kingfountain books will be making an appearance in the series. CAN NOT WAIT!
Like the other books in the series this one is highly readable, smoothly written and absorbing. However, this is not something you can pick up in the middle of the series. I would recommend going back to at least book one of the Harbinger series, if not all the way back to the beginning of his books … actually yes … do that last thing. If you love a good long series like I do then by all means get to steppin’. In case you needed any more incentive most of them can be found on Kindle Unlimited. Now I just have to wait until book 4 comes out in March 2019. I think I can make it!
Song for this book: Last of Days – A Fine Frenzy

Jeff Wheeler doesn't hesitate to start "Iron Garland" off with a jaw-dropping reveal that yanks you into the story and makes you want to continue reading to the end!
Three years have passed since the events of "Mirror Gate," and both Sera and Cettie are surviving their current situations. The former is still exiled from society and is living under house arrest, and the latter is running her family's estate. However, while people continue to shun them, both young women fortify themselves in order to meet the challenges they face, which will become necessary as events unfold within the novel.
The war with Kingfountain has been going on for three years as well. And, in order to secure victory for Harbinger, both Cettie and Sera must demonstrate their skills in order to preserve their worth to society. Cettie uses her abilities to secure victories on the battlegrounds, while Sera uses her negotiation techniques to come up with an armistice. However, there are more forces and enemies at work and they want to topple everything that Sera, Cettie, and their comrades are striving to save.
By the end of the novel, more twists and revelations are known. This can only mean that Sera and Cettie will continue to be pawns in the game for power. Only this time, Sera and Cettie will have a better handle on things, for now.
With each book I read, I become more and more pique by the way Jeff Wheeler manages to write his stories. He makes you want to read his next one! The characters and the world building allow fascination to transpire as one continues reading. I cannot wait for the next book in this series!
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Once again, Jeff Wheeler has done it. Usually the second book in his series are the strongest, but this has been the best one so far. We are taken three years after Sera’s been exiled to Pavenham Sky for “rehabilitation” and since has Cettie passed the maston’s test. The war between Comoros and Kingfountain is weighing heavy on both sides. Massive losses are happening for each kingdom and neither side is close to winning. Fast pacing really drove this book in a good way. I didn’t feel like I was missing any details or events - rather, I felt like I read too fast instead of taking my time with the story. The way that everything is described is just perfectly done. This is one of my favorite things about his writing. He takes the time to explain the scenes, but never drags them out. A thoroughly descriptive world that it is easy to imagine. This book really combines the empire Comoros and Kingfountain and I loved it. It breaks my heart to see two of my favorite worlds at war with each other, but that’s what Jeff does. He plays with our emotions, and this book has plenty of that. One of my favorite aspects is the way he brings all of these ideas in from his other books. Whether it is a family name, an object, or even a creature that had existed previously. This is all done in a way where new readers can still enjoy. This story was a huge set up for the next book and I cannot wait to finish it.
While building a wonderful world, Jeff’s characters are truly what makes his stories amazing. Admittedly , Sera triumphed Cettie in Mirror Gate, but in this book, I really came to adore Cettie. She is so much stronger and sure of herself in Iron Garland. As head of Fog Willows and, secretly, the harbinger, Cettie has a lot of responsibility. I admire the way she never let her status of being from the Fells deter her work. Cettie is always certain in herself and rarely doubts her decisions. She wants to make the Fitzroy’s proud and she definitely does that. Sera has just proven herself even more in this book. She uses her status of being exiled to her advantage. Her rash decision making has turned into strategy and when she really stops to think about her actions, she is unstoppable. I am so happy to see her really progress into what she knows will be good for her empire. Both of these girls faced struggles and have done the best with their situations. Besides Cettie and Sera, we see other characters really start to come into their own. While Cettie and Sera are the main characters, each side character is vital to the story. This book really explored their roles and how it will affect our girls in the next book.
Final Thoughts
Overall, Iron Garland by Jeff Wheeler was an amazing addition to the Harbinger Series. This book really dived into the conflicts between Kingfountain and Comoros along with lost ideas from the past. Cettie and Sera are truly becoming memorable characters. The development in this book created an intense ending and, as always, I cannot wait for the next book. I highly recommend this book - to everyone.

We enter the scene three years later, and Sera and Cettie have both matured and grown. Their circumstances and responsibilities have formed them into new people - but better.
Sera is more reticent, keeps her own counsel and has unintentionally learned the art of manipulation. That may sound like a negative, but because she's honest she works through this as well as other issues.
Cettie has the responsibility of caring for the family home and has earned the respect of many, though there are some who just can't get past her background. As the threads in the story twisted and reformed, I found myself spinning as I wondered what would happen next.
I know that Wheeler doesn't mind having these go awry and I still don't have a clear picture where this tale will land in the next book! I love a good surprise.
Iron Garland has been my favorite in the Harbinger series because the intensity is ramping up exponentially. This series is a must read for fantasy lovers.
I also love the covers! I find them artistic and refreshing.

Iron Garland continues the adventures three years after Mirror Gate; the war with King Fountain has been calamitous. Both girls have developed into stronger versions of their personalities. Sera has learned to bide her time and control her impulses; Cettie, whose skills are crucial in the war with King Fountain, has learned how to handle those who would pressure her.
The possibility of a negotiated end to the war has been floated and will require a sacrifice on Sera's part.
Fully fleshed characters and engrossing plots make Wheeler's work stand out, and I'm glad to see the connection with King Fountain becoming a significant part of the story.
NetGalley/47 North
YA Fantasy. Nov. 13, 2018. Print length: 352 pages.

Wow wow wow!! March can’t come soon enough!!
I have read all of Jeff Wheeler’s books and have experienced how his writing has evolved.
This series has been quite an adventure to read through and envision the worlds and characters in my head. I really enjoyed how he has masterfully weaved different characters, worlds, and cultures from his previous books into this one.
I do hope he writes more about Lady Sinia in the next book, about what happened to her. Or even an update about Trynne. We at least briefly find out in this book that she’s a Llewellyn now. Yay!!! I’m really happy that she really had her own happily ever after.
Definitely a great read, all on its own or as part of the entire JW magical universe.

I'm addicted to this series, the characters are detailed and we'll developed over the storyline/years. I look forward to every new book to discover what's happening in their world.

I would like to thank 47North for the advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.
These books are so fun and engaging. I rarely run through a series like I did this one and I can't wait for the next installment.
Cettie and Sera are pretty awesome. They are smart and in control and make mistakes here and there to keep them down to earth.
Jeff gives you the closure you need for this book but leaves you dying for the next one at the end.
The imagery and magic system are very well done.
I had a great time guessing who the bad guys were and who's actually on their side.
I don't really have any for this one.

I always find it quite tricky to review a series, particularly one being published as quickly as this one is, I don't just want to repeat what I've said in previous reviews, but it's hard to build on them without mentioning things from before. I've left links to my previous two reviews above, so maybe check those out for some additional context.
A hallmark of a book in a Jeff Wheeler series is, of course, the time jump, in this case, we're a few years ahead of the events of Mirror Gate (at least that's how it read to me) and not only have our characters aged and changed in the meantime, but the world is now also at war. I thought this was a great way to build the stakes of this particular story, creating a new wave of excitement and some changes within society that would have been hard to engineer otherwise.
I might have actually switched favourite character over from Cettie to Sera - not something I thought would happen. This isn't to suggest that Cettie is any less fun to read, but Sera's story and her boldness becomes so much more compelling in this book. I always see it as a great thing when characters can shift and change in your perception as a series goes on. I thought that the way this book dealt with the fallout of Sera's perceived disgrace at the end of the previous book was really well done, I don't know about other readers but I felt genuinely affronted on her behalf.
I'm looking forward to a time when these two characters stories will be joined up again, at the moment it's starting to feel like two books that have been smooshed together. It isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I did like the friendship between these two women and I would appreciate more moments between the two of them in future books.
There is more romance in this book than I felt there was in the earlier books. Since the characters are now getting to a marriageable age it's not too surprising and again I think it adds to the book rather than taking away from the plot. It's another Sera and Cettie can either defy what is expected of them or it can be a way for them to use the system to their own advantage.
I find it really hard to pin down what it is that keeps me coming back to these books. I think there's something about Wheeler's writing that feels very nostalgic to me, like aged up children's stories (and I very much mean that as a compliment). There's that safe feeling that, despite everything that goes wrong, it will all come out right in the end. I suppose I'll have to wait until May 2019 to be proved wrong with book four Prism Cloud.
My rating: 4/5 stars
I received a free digital advanced review copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.