Member Reviews

I will say this: I have actually never read Macbeth. Because I am terrified of classics. But reading this one in a manga format definitely made me not only not be afraid of classics, but thinking about actually picking up this one in the original form and also other classics.

Thank you so much to NetGalley for a copy of this book, I cannot wait to read more.

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'Manga Classics: Macbeth' by Stacy King, Crystal Chan and William Shakespeare with art by Julien Choy takes the ambitious task of taking the whole text of Macbeth and illustrating it over 321 pages.

Macbeth is loyal to King Duncan of Scotland, but things have changed. Urged on by supernatural forces and his own wife, Macbeth sets out to win the throne. In the process, he loses his sanity, his friends, and his treacherous wife. It all culminates in a big battle, and since this is a tragedy, the outcome seems pretty certain.

I really liked this take on the play. The imagery really helps to flesh out Shakespeare's language. It does feel a bit stilted when speeches are covered over multiple panels, but I suppose that is the trade off. The art is really amazing, and I loved reading the art and translation notes at the end. This was one of my favorite Manga Classics.

I received a review copy of this manga from Udon Entertainment and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this manga.

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L'uso dell'inglese antico è encomiabile, tuttavia ciò ha reso veramente molto difficile la lettura, per cui sono stata costretta ad abbandonare il manga.

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I really enjoyed this adaptation. It remains faithful to the original while at the same time being accessible to a group of people who might otherwise not read anything Shakespeare outside of their English class. The manga sticks to using old English which is a choice that may have worked against widespread accessibility if not for the literal illustrations of the metaphors Shakespeare uses. This might sound off putting to some readers, but it does work really well to bring the story to life visually while at the same time helping readers understand what is being said more clearly.

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The artwork is great, the artist did a good job of illustrating this work.
I wasn't a fan of this and it is probably just me. I thought this would make Shakespeare's classic Macbeth more understandable and more readable. It didn't. The prose was just as confounding as the original. After a few pages i just flipped through to look at the pictures, which again, were well done.

The copy i had did give instructions on how to read: back to front and right to left which took some adjustment, but it was nice to include those or i would have been completely lost.

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If I would have had this rendition of Macbeth when it was a required read in high school, I may have actually been more interested and understood what was going on with this book. Shakespeare was always a little difficult. Even just reading this along side, I feel would have made it a better experience.

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This is another great one for Manga Classics. The art is amazing. This would be great adapted into a classroom to help with teacking the story.

Thanks Netgalley and publishers for allowing me to read this.

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Despite its popularity, MacBeth has never been one of my favorite Shakespearean plays. Too bloody and gory and gloomy for my taste. But if you like a dismal adventure with plenty of violence and mayhem, MacBeth has plenty of that! And this manga adaptation rings true with the moods and poetry of the original play. I like that the exact dialogue of the play is used in this manga, and the artwork beautifully illustrates all the action and drama.

Each character has a memorable and striking appearance, and I found it especially interesting to see how MacBeth's demeanor changed after he commits murder. His posture and facial expressions are different, and shadows gather around him in the darker colors of the artwork. It's a subtle but effective way of showing the development of his character, slowing falling into madness and despair.

The witches were especially frightening and creepy with all their dark arts and ugly meddling. Their faces were hairy and eerie, and it weirded me out! All of the paranormal scenes were chilling, and that is just how powerful the illustrations are.

I love the heroic characters, with their square jaws and clear eyes. Just from seeing their facial expressions, I could really imagine their dialogue being spoken in distinct voices.

I'm so in love with all the Manga Classics series, and this one is excellently done!

Disclaimer: I received an ecopy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for a free and honest review. All the opinions stated here are my own true thoughts, and are not influenced by anyone.

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The art is beautiful! I'm glad I got to read this manga for free, this website has great opportunities. The story was just like the original. I highly recommend this if you've read the classic, or you enjoy manga. The author did a great job turning the book into a manga. 5 out of 5 stars.

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A great adaptation of Macbeth. The art is beautiful and makes it easier to understand the dialogue/scene if you’re not familiar with the story.

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Another excellent Shakespeare classic adapted into a Manga Classic. The art was attractive and detailed. The story was true to the original and was clearly portrayed in a way that made it easier to understand. My favorites scenes were all of the ones that had the witches and the ones that really showed Macbeth's descent into madness.

My thanks to NetGalley, the publisher Udon Entertainment, and the author for giving me the opportunity to read a digital copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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I thought the artwork was fantastic but I wish the text had been contemporary English. Alas I dont have much more to say. Brilliant artwork and if the language used had been contemporary this would have been five stars from me. I will not be leaving a full review on review websites because I think my review is subjective.

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Manga Classics: Macbeth by William Shakespeare keeps the original text from the play, complementing it with gorgeous manga artwork. Macbeth is one of the Bard's most famous dramas, and my personal favourite of his dramas. As much as I love both the play, and manga style artwork, this book didn't resonate with me so much. It was good, don't get me wrong. I think it just really messed my mind up to have the classic text with this quite modern artwork. However, if you're a fan of the Manga Classics series, or of Macbeth, definitely check it out!

***Many thanks to Netgalley and Udon Entertainment for providing an ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Macbeth is one of my favorite play from Shakespeare, it's full of deception and intrigue and very intense. :)

I love reading Shakespear's plays in this form. It adds a whole another dimension to the story and makes it come alive. Macbeth is such a good play, with many twists and turn.

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Another good manga classic. It was a bit hard for me to follow the Old English, but the art was as good as all the others.

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I don't know how to rate this. I don't completely hate it, but I didn't love it either.

I liked the story but at the same time, didn't care for it at all. I'm just really meh about the whole thing. I just really don't care for anything Shakespeare, really. Who would've thought. Actually, I knew. Please don't hate me.

Let's talk about something very positive, tho. The artwork. Hot damn, the artwork was just fantastic and beautiful and just everything that made me actually like the book enough to keep going. Damn, they are good.

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Loved this version! The artwork it captivating, and really brings the story to life. I think it's such a cool idea to bring well known classics to life using manga style artwork, and these are beautiful and something that would add beauty and brilliance to anyone's library!

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Thank you NetGalley for letting me read an early edition. If I were a high school teacher, this is where our study of !Macbeth would begin. The layout is visually pleasing. It makes reading the Shakespearean tragedy much easier and more entertaining especially for young people.

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I just recently read Macbeth because I've been wanting to read it for way to long, and when I saw this, I just decided to go for it. Only to learn this is actually the freaking Original Text!! The synopsis I read didn't say it and the book's cover was tiny and I didn't see it written there... So basically I just read Macbeth twice. 

I've read only one play by Shakespeare before and to be honest, this one was slightly more difficult to read, although I loved it even more. This is such an intense story and I loved to read it in manga format! My original edition is the Folger Shakespeare Library and it helps to understand some words/expressions. But so did the manga, because by seeing the characters, their actions and emotions it also helped visualizing it more! 

This is an incredibly tragic, dramatic and bloody play and I was all for it! I love all the mysteriousness and darkness of it and how crazy everything turned out! It's not very easy to talk much about this play without spoiling it, but I do have to say this... Those witches give me the creeps! after those prophecies, everything just came down and well... That end was just WTF. I was NOT expecting it and I think it's amazing. That's all I'm gonna say.

The manga design was really good and quite detailed like always, pretty much like Romeo and Juliet, but in my opinion even more expressive, which is not one of my fav things, but it does fits the drama quite well. My fav design was of Macduff. I just really liked how he was portrayed.

Overall I really liked reading this and it made me finally read the original classic, which is always a plus. I really didn't know what to expect before reading the original book's version, but I'm actually happy I got to experience both and I LOVE that this contains the actual Original Text. I believe it invites more people to read classics and in this case to actually read the full novel in a more enjoyable and accessible way! It's a great idea and I'm a BIG fan of the Manga Classics collection. I really think you guy's should give it a try!

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This was a case of “it’s not you, it’s me”. The art style of this manga was amazing, but English is not my naive language and I usually don’t read lots of classics, so reading this was kind of a struggle. I’m pretty sure people who’ve already read something Shakespeare or who are more used to reading classics might love it.

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