Member Reviews

While I’m new to manga, I still loved this book. The story is well known - Shakespeare’s classic play Macbeth - although the format is unique. There were a few quirks to get used to, and I had a few issues finding the right app to read it, but I loved the style.

Highly recommend.

I received a free copy of this book from and voluntarily chose to review.

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I love Shakespeare plays. I think that putting them in manga format helps younger people get into these amazing plays.
My biggest complaint is that since it's a manga it is read back to front and on the phone you have to scroll all the way to the back. Also page breaks are not always that easy to identify so sometimes I didn't know where to start

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1.5. So, thank you NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read it. But I have to be honest, I didn’t finish it. The drawings are wonderful, this is a great point, the best. I don't want to be mean or anything, but I don’t think the manga format is a good choice if you keep the original text. Maybe, a more modern adaptation of it would have been better. Because between the text, that can be difficult, and the drawings, which are full of details, you can easily get lost.
I’m pretty sad to be honest. I really wanted to like it.

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I gave feedback on this book ages ago but lost the book. I just loaded the book again to show a friend of mine at work who sounded really interested in this concept

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I really enjoyed getting to read Macbeth in manga format! I’ve always been curious about Macbeth and now I’m glad I tried it! I give this one 4 out of 5 stars!

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Macbeth is one of the Shakespeare Classics that I haven't read yet, but I will do for sure (maybe only for un, but still). Again this Manga Classic made me fall in love with the story and gave me back the spark of love for Shakespeare that I seemingly lost due to university stuff. But now I'm back in the game, thanks to the beautiful artwork of this Manga!

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A wonderfully original way to read one of Shakespeare's plays! This really helped me better envision the play, which I knew and loved from before. Loved the art style too!

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If you love classic literature and mangas you'll love this book. Great modernization of a classic novel without trying to pass it off as their own story. Truly appreciated.

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This Manga Classics adaptation of Macbeth really excels with the use of imagery. For those who may not be familiar with this play or Shakespeare in general, this adaptation does a great job of allowing the reader to follow along. However, I do think the downfall of this adaptation is the use of the original text. It makes it difficult to fully understand sometimes and requires additional sources that can help the reader to grasp what is said if they're not familiar with this play.

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I wasn't able to download this manga but I do enjoy the original macbeth, or rather The Scottish Play. I do like reimagined tellings of old stories. It keeps old classics new-again. I would have loved to have been able to read this.

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"Macbeth" is amongst my top 3 plays by Shakespeare, so I was very excited to see what they'd do for a manga adaptation, especially because of Crystal Chan's artwork and the fact that I liked the other adaptations done by Udon that I've read so far.

Unfortunately, it felt like a dry retelling in which everything is taken from the play as is, old-fashioned language included, and thus means nothing new nor fresh was brought in. I feel this was a lamentable miss of an opportunity, because at least the language could've been updated. As is, the only thing that shines through in this adaptation is the artwork, which stays as lovely and beautiful as I've come to expect from this artist.

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Gave it something for the art as that was the only saving grace. It is basically the play but with art to cover it which was a little disappointing!

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This is the second manga of a classic I have read. As I said in a previous review, I love the concept of turning these tried and true books into something new.

Macbeth is a classic story with so much heart, drama, and deception. The artwork in this goes along so well with the story. The story is the same as they leave the text word for word but add the pictures and artwork that just adds to it.

Highly recommend it. I am also going to find some more classics to read.

Thanks to NetGalley for the read.

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I was skeptical when I downloaded "Manga Classics: Macbeth" because while I enjoy manga, I'm not as keen on Shakespeare. That said, I think the combination for this manga works. The entirety of "Macbeth" is not contained in this tankubon. Rather, the creators pick scenes that fit the narrative that they want to present. I liked it because it doesn't take away from the story, but rather condenses it. The art is good, if a bit generic. Macbeth is a bit too smooth (I like Macbeth rough), but for this presentation, I'm good with it. Overall, it is a fun read.

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I have read several of these manga classics now and I just absolutely love the artwork - this was a great retelling.

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Illustrations were top notch, the story's a classic so I can't really trash it but I'll just say it's not for me. Maybe if I didn't have to study it, it would've been better.

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A great way for kids to read a classic Shakespeare and be able to visual the words that they are reading. Old English is hard for most people to read but seeing facial expressions and scenes play out can help any student learn what is happening in this story.

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Another thoughtful classic manga that makes my classic reading journey is more fun. The beautiful artwork helps alot to make the story easy to understand and standout. The narrative using the real classic draft so maybe kinda difficult to understand for some who not get use to classic style language. The kid will enjoy to learn classic more with this manga.

Thanks Netgally for providing me with this copy.

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Another example of a Manga Classic that was written with education in mind. There are cast pages which really help identify who was who in the story. It uses the original Shakespearean English and combined with the art it will help the play make more sense for a lot of students.

Creative Team;
By Shakespeare
Art by Julien Choy
Adapted by Crystal S Chan
Lettering by Wing-Yin Leung and WT Francis

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DNF 50%

I tried really hard to finish this books, but i couldn'd, i feel so sad for this because i had great expectations.

I can't say a lot about this manga because i dnf'ed so I will tell what i was experienced in the first half of the manga, the writing, i couldn't really connect with the reading style, it was so difficult for me to read it, i couldn't get into the history because of this. Also I felt that some of the dialogues were weird, because it felt more like thoughts that something that the characters would say out loud.

I was annoyed with the characters for some reason, i couldn't connect with them.

But not all was bad, I liked the ilustrations and the cover is pretty too. I recomend you to read it though, because I think that the moment i read this manga, i was just not into reading and definetly not a classic.

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