Member Reviews

I read Macbeth in high school and actually really enjoyed it. Unfortunately I didn’t enjoy it so much in Manga form. It was just so confusing with all the pictures. At times I wouldn’t know what to read in what order because it felt like a jumbled mess. Of all the manga classics I’ve read, this one was probably my least favorite.

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I was really curious how an old classic can be adapted into manga form, so that's the main reason I wanted to read this book, and it didn't disappoint. I wouldn't say it can replace reading the original, but it sure makes the whole thing easier to understand and digest. I wish we had these at school, it would have made things so much more enjoyable.

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Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book! The title and this beautiful cover drew me in and i was excited to read this book! I will be recommending this book to others for readers advisory

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I have been in and out of Shakespeare's Macbeth. The literary one always made me too anxious! I was afraid I wouldn't grasp what it actually stands for.
But this Manga edition made me at ease and was so pleased to enjoy the book!! Also I'm a great fan of Manga's itself so extra happy:)
It's a must read, I must say.
But fyi, the manga version has its own Characteristics!! If you love manga or wanna try out , please read this :))

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A famous story being told as a manga is fantastic to new readers who wants to know Shakespeare's works in a different or simplified way other than his traditional plays. Good job !

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Listen y'all: I am a great big Shakespeare nerd. Always have been. I have a tattoo covering a huge chunk of my arm that is a recreation of text as printed in the First Folio. And I would not have guessed it, but it turns out? Manga is the PERFECT medium for Shakespeare's works, and I will not rest until I have reread them all this way.

I know a lot people I studied with in school turn up their noses at the very idea, but hear me out: Shakespeare's works have the Drama set to an eleven all the time. You know what medium also has that by default? Manga. It's such a perfectly natural fit, especially for something like the Scottish Play, which is so deeply melodramatic from moment one that I can't believe I haven't seen a manga/anime adaptation of it before.

This adaptation does such an excellent job using traditional manga elements to give life to Shakespeare's words that it truly does bring new life to a several-centuries-old story. Part of what I love about Shakespeare is how his works can exist in so many different forms, and I think this one will especially appeal to fans of either genre--or anyone having to read it for school who isn't enjoying it at all! I know a lot of the kids in my high school English classes would've had a lot more fun reading this play if they'd had this version available at the time. I hope teachers today take the opportunity to have their students check out Manga Shakespeare; it can only provide deeper enjoyment for natural readers of Shakespeare, while providing a new access point for students who don't connect with the material yet.

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The manga classics series is the perfect way to introduce reluctant readers to classic novels or introduce classic novel fans to manga. This series has shown to bring vivid expression and detail in a way that fully engages the reader with the work while honoring the original work! Shakespeare would absolutely love this rendition of his work and his fans should pick up their own copy as soon as possible.

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Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for proving me an eCopy of this astounding manga in exchange for an honest review.

It's no secret that Macbeth has always been my favorite Shakespeare play, so when I saw this manga adaptation on Netgalley, I pressed that "request" button hard and fast.

As a dedicated fan of both manga and Shakespearean plays, I just had to read it. The combination of manga and Shakespeare surprisingly (for some), works great.

This manga adaptation is faithful to the cursed "Scottish play" and I especially appreciate the fact that the original dialogue was kept. So yes, you'll still find Shakespeare's early modern English in there.

Nevertheless, I found that the art style was "too cute" and not dark enough to sedate my Macbeth needs.

I strongly recommend this for manga fans or anyone else who is open to exploring manga.

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**Disclaimer: I received a free copy of Manga Classics: Macbeth by Stacy King through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.  Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for this opportunity.

Manga Classics: Macbeth by Stacy King is a graphic novel adaptation of the classic play Macbeth by William Shakespeare.  It tells the story of the infamous Macbeth who is prophesied to become king and ends up taking things way too far.  It was published on September 1st, 2018.  I rated it 5 stars on Goodreads.

Macbeth is one of my favourite Shakespearean plays.  I love the tragedy of it and the dynamics between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.  It's just a really gripping story and I love the mythos of it.  It also has a special place in my heart because it was one of the first Shakespearean plays that I taught to students on my practicum.

This was a really excellent adaptation.  I loved how the story was illustrated the events of the play and how well depicted the story was.  It was very clear who the varying characters were, and that really helped as you were reading through the story.  It was really cool to see it done as a graphic novel/manga.

The story was fully there, and I really enjoyed how fast paced it was.   I really wanted to read it in one sitting and ended up staying up late to do so.  The illustrations help the reader understand what's happening/being said, and I can't recommend it enough.

If you're at all interested, I highly suggest that you check it out!

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All throughout my teenage years my mother made me read all the classics, so much so that I began to dread the name Shakespeare. So when I heard about a manga, a type of genre I actually enjoy, I was very very skeptical so much so that I expected something I would totally hate. However the more I read the more I found myself actually enjoying the story once again. Although the story is a summarized version of the original, the drawings which portrayed the characters emotions made it all worthwhile to read. I’ll be completely honest this is not a manga that I would see myself buying; it is worth the read however.

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As a big fan of Shakespeare's work, I was very excited to see this title available to request on netgalley. It's a unique way of telling the play Macbeth whilst the manga art draws attention to the reader's eye. I was very excited to read this, and I wasn't let down at all. If you're also a fan of Shakespeare, then I recommend it, but if you're not, you should give it a go! It's different to reading straight off a playscript and is also arguably a lot more interesting.

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Macbeth, by william shakespeare one of my favorite works. This is a very refreshing alternative to such a good story. It was a nice way to re-read it. Its nice for whoever doesnt like reading theater.
Thanks net galley and Udon Entertainment for allowing me this expirience
Maria Lourdes

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This may be my favorite Manga Classics yet. This version of the Scottish play was propulsive, action packed, kept most of the original dialog, and used manga art tropes to good effect. The art at times was a bit too literal with Shakespeare's language, but on the whole a fun read and a good adaptation.

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Always loved any work based on Shakespeare and this was no surprise. The artwork is a fun one and I really enjoyed how everything was laid out in this book. Thank you to netgalley for providing me with this book.

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I never realized how much work and effort went into converting a book into a manga. The details and the use of imagery to explain the metaphors used that otherwise went over our heads. This adaptation is perfect for lovers of Shakespeare and non-lovers alike.

First thing I fell in love with were the graphics. They compel you to pick up the book and look at it more closely. Its as you read the book that you fall in love with the characters and become invested in what happens next.

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This was a perfectly stunning way to bring Macbeth to life! The illustrations were wonderful and I appreciated the English wasn’t modernized. It gave a classic feel to this graphic novel. Loved it!

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Manga Classics: Macbeth

Full feature for this title will be posted at: @cattleboobooks on Instagram!

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The art was stunning and the way the artist incorporated the story was absolutely freaking amazing. I definitely recommend and will also be purchasing.

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Fascinating way to present a classic story. Loved the images. Very approachable for readers hesitant to tackle Shakespeare.

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I absoluely love this story , the manga adaptation was just amazing and super entertaining . The book was very fast paced and the execution of Shakespear's story was perfect . Overall a fun , light ,great read indeed!!

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