Member Reviews

In the Neighborhood of True had so many factors that made it such a memorable read, agh I don’t know where to begin!

I’ll start with characters… Specifically Ruth! Ruth was an extremely well-written protagonist. Her love for her family, sadness towards her father’s passing, and hidden devotion towards her religion were all things that made her a deep character. She had many inspiring qualities (strength, caring, empathy), but at the same time, she had flaws, which made her very real. I loved reading through Ruth’s beautifully complex perspective, and I must say, Susan Carlton really couldn’t have created a better main character!

And let’s just take a moment to appreciate Susan Carlton’s writing itself! Carlton threads her beautifully descriptive sentences together in a fashion that can only be described as (seemingly) effortless! Throughout my years of being an avid reader, I’ve come across many different writing styles that are unique and enjoyable to read in different ways! Susan Carlton’s writing definitely fits that description!!

Another thing I liked about this book was that it focused on a lesser-known part of Jewish history. While most YA novels I’ve heard of/read that are narrated by a person of this religion are set in the midst of WWII (which is totally fine, WWII novels are very fascinating), I haven’t come across many that are set in the events before or after WWII. Which is why I think that it’s so great Ms. Carlton has given us a closer glimpse at a very interesting historical time period!

Overall, I'd recommend this book to anyone eager to read a novel that sheds light on an interesting yet less discussed part of history. This book comes out in less than three days, so I encourage you to pre-order it now so you can get your hands on a copy ASAP!

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It's very unusual that I can read (and actually finish) a Historical Fiction novel. I'm just not a fan of the genre. But sometimes I run across one that has something that I actually am interested in along with it and I'm suddenly a lot more into the novel. In the Neighborhood of True was this kind of novel .

Ruth Robb and her family have moved down to Atlanta, Ga after living in NYC. In Atlanta she realizes that things aren't as they were in the North. Here her being Jewish hinders how popular she is and makes those she wants to like her look at her different. So, she neglects to tell anyone about that part of her. Suddenly, a hate crime makes her look at those she called friends and those who she thinks actually are.

As I said, historical fiction usually isn't my go to genre. But when I saw that this was a book about a Jewish family that WASN'T about the Holocaust, I jumped on the chance to read it. This own voices story was a coming of age story that I hadn't read before and that made it so different from others that we've seen before. The scary thing is there's also a bit of a contemporary feel and that makes me so mad and so sad.

As for the characters, there were times I wasn't a fan of the MC, but I finally realized that she was a teen and the things that were important to her might not have been to me now, but they could have been when I was that age. I also had to remember that she had to make her own mistakes. And I was so proud of her when she ended up making the right decisions when they counted.

Really the only thing I didn't really care for was the ending. It felt rushed, like it was over too fast. Definitely something I would have tried to stretch out or something. I felt like I missed out on something, but I also get that maybe the author didn't want to give that much time to the "bad guy/girl" and wanted her focus more on Ruth. Whatever the case may be, this ending didn't work for me.

This book is very different than what I would normally read. This is probably why I enjoyed it so much! It reads easy and I can take a break from the normal in my life. It turned out to be just the break I needed!

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All I can think is WOW. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – sometimes you come across a YA book that just sweeps you right off your feet. The writing is so beautiful and the plot is so well thought through that you just sit there and think, why hasn’t everyone on the planet read this? And then you feel like shouting about the book from a rooftop.

The story begins a couple of months after the main events of the book, and being thrown into the story like that really just grabs you and doesn’t let you go. I finished the book in about two days because I just could not put it down.

The characters were so great and Ruth’s struggles with her identity and her longing to fully be a part of a group felt so real that I sometimes forgot I was only reading a fictional novel. I know what it’s like to grow up and feel that you don’t really belong, so this book managed to hit close to home. Susan Kaplan Carlton has truly written a story that will stick with you for a long time.

As much as I loved Ruth, Nattie was definitely my second favorite character. The little sister of the family was especially relatable to me because 1) I am also the youngest of my siblings, and 2), just like Nattie, I also like to count things. She was so perceptive, even for her age, and I just wanted to give her a hug. I also absolutely adored their mother, who really embodied the strong, indepent soul of women today (only she managed to do it all in the 50s).

The one little thing that I didn’t like was the focus on boys. Every boy Ruthie laid her eyes on just had to be scrutinized and deemed attractive or not. However, boys are a big part of the plot and I can’t deny that. I just wish Ruth’s first reaction to meeting a new boy wasn’t to think of how attractive they were.

This was such an emotional story, and I never wanted to stop reading. I also loved that the book focused on Jewish struggles in the past, which is something that I haven’t come across in past YA novels.

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Thank you so much to Algonquin Books for providing me with this eARC in exchange for an honest review.


Set in the late 1950s, this historical ownvoice novel centers on Ruth Robb, a 16-year-old girl who’s desperately trying to make sense of the world around her. Recently uprooted from the life she knew, Ruth quickly finds herself immersed into the pastel world of debutante balls, etiquette classes, and dimple-clad Southern boys. With her old-money lineage and “exotic” good looks, it’s no surprise that she’s adapting quite nicely to her new surroundings.

The only problem? Ruth is living her new Southern life in the neighborhood of true — trying to pass herself of as something (or someone) close enough to her friends “ideal” standard. You see Ruth was raised in the Jewish faith, which doesn’t fit in with her new Christian crews’ way of thinking.


Yikes, am I right? But those “words of wisdom” come straight from Ruth’s very own grandmother who frequently encourages Ruth to keep her “religious preferences” on the downlow. Eager to fit in and maintain her new glamorous lifestyle, Ruth doesn’t mind keeping her mother-mandated trips to the synagogue a secret. But like many teenagers that have come before her, Ruth starts to struggle with the lies as she becomes more aware of who she wants to be in this world.


Sparked by repeated hate crimes, Ruth soon in thrown into a chain of events that will force her to acknowledge her beliefs and “make a little ruckus.”

Inspired by real events, this coming-of-age novel elegantly delivers a story of identity and what it means to find your own path to your true self. Carlton’s narrative captures everything from the joy and levity of first loves to the fear and hatred surrounding our nation’s racism and anti-Semitism. And although it’s set 60+ years ago, the content in this novel still felt incredibly relevant and important for today’s readers. The novel beckons us to discover who we are and own it and to be brave (more than in theory) by speaking out and speaking up for those that need our voices.

All quotes were taken from an advanced ecopy and may not match the final release.

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In The Neighborhood of True follows Ruth, a Jewish girl from NYC who moves to Atlanta following the passing of her father. Atlanta is where her mother grew up and Ruth, her mother and her sister move into her grandparents guest house. In Atlanta in 1958, segregation, racism, anti Semitism and the ideals of white supremacy are very evident. Ruth really struggles with her identity and who she wants to be. Her mothers family are Catholic, members of "The Club" and run in higher social circles. Initially, all Ruth wants to do is fit in with "the pastels" and go out with the popular boy Davis. She hides her faith from her new friends. This book follows her journey as she navigates who she is and who she wants to be. ⠀⠀⠀⠀I'm not sure why more people aren't talking about this book. I think that it's a very important book, especially in the world we live in today. It is loosely based on the Atlanta temple Bombing. Unfortunately the themes of racism and discrimination still exist heavily in our world today. This book really hits you head on and makes you think. Carlton talks you through Ruth's thought processes as she starts to really take notice of the blatant discrimination all around her. And she points out those who turn a blind eye, or passively use their privilege to ignore what happening right in front of them. Although it was painful and uncomfortable to read at times, I'm so glad that I did. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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We readers so often approach novels set in the past and believe that the struggles depicted within their pages couldn't be relatable to us currently. As I read Susan Kaplan Carlton's In the Neighborhood of True, I thought of how little we had actually changed, especially in light of blatant events in the past few years.

Ruth has just lost her beloved father to a heart attack five months earlier and now she, her mother, and younger sister have moved in with her grandparents in Atlanta. Ruth is immediately swept up in the fashionable world of pre-debutantes and aspires to wear a crown like her grandmother and mother did before her. However, if anyone ever discovers that she is Jewish, she'd have little chance of attaining that crown.

The conflicts Ruth feels are understandable, especially as she has her eyes opened to the violence and oppression of the Jim Crow south but still wants to enjoy the seeming beauty and culture of Atlanta's affluent. While she calls herself "shallow" frequently, Ruth simply strikes me as a young woman who is on the road to discovery and one of the biggest discoveries is who she is.

Even Ruth's relationships are telling. She falls in love with the handsome boy with the dimple, Davis, who's a stargazer and wants to be someone who travels in space, perhaps to ignore all of the ugliness around him, but she can only really be herself with Max, a Jewish college student, who is smart, brash, wears Buddy Holly glasses and frequently annoys her although he is fighting the fight for social justice.

While the pacing of most of the novel was on target, I felt the end was too speedy with everything too nicely sorted especially when the opportunity was ripe for conflict, belief challenges, and the messiness that comes from clashing cultures. However, Ruth does find herself, and the reader suspects that Ruth's future will entail some messiness.

I received an ARC from Algonquin Young Readers in exchange for an honest review.

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trigger warnings for antisemitism, racism, terrorist behavior. somebody explain to me how this book is set in 1958 when everything that happened in it could’ve happened in 2019 and it would still be relevant?? 1958 AND 2019 ARE 60 YEARS APART. this is such a heartbreaking and disappointing thought and I can’t believe we as a species literally just….. consistently mess up without ever worrying about doing better.

In the Neighborhood of True is such a powerful read, and an even more brilliant debut. its political and religious parallels with today’s social issues makes up for a harsh reality check, which Susan Kaplan Carlton pulls off masterfully. her characters speak volumes of the kind of oppression that was commonplace in the 50s and 60s, social conflict and everything included. all political issues aside, I’m also truly just wonderstruck. Susan Kaplan Carlton’s writing skills are INCREDIBLE. In the Neighborhood of True captured me in its beautiful balance of severity and lightness—its soft, comical moments mixed in with offhanded, internalized antisemitism and racism. Ruth and her family genuinely were amazingly crafted, complex characters and I couldn’t get enough of them.

my one and only semi-lukewarm note on this book is that the ending felt a bit rushed and slightly anticlimactic since we’d been building up to that final scene from the very first chapter of the book, and really nothing much happened in the end. I would’ve maybe liked to see some more of the true aftermath of the legal implications related to Ruth’s case, but to be fair this is actually quite a short and quick read and dragging the end out might not have been a good idea because it would’ve completely broken the incredible tone and pacing of this book. aside from that, though, In the Neighborhood of True is a highly recommended read!! thanks again to NetGalley and Algonquin Young Readers for providing a free copy of this book!!

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In the Neighborhood of True by Susan Kaplan Carlton is a historical fiction novel about a girl named Ruthin the summer of 1958. After Ruth’s father dies her family moved from New York to the south. There Ruth decides to hide her religious identity and not tell people she is Jewish. In this novel we see the struggle of a girl wanting to fit in and also some southern beauty pageants. Along with a lot of sweet tea. This novel shows the brutal truth of racism. A powerful read about the struggle of being who you truly are or being popular. If you’re into reading historical fictions and shedding tears this one might be for you! 🌸

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This book really hit me hard! What really shocked me was that that it is set in the 1950’s but honestly it rings true for some events that are currently taking place now. When Ruth’s father passes away her mother packs her and her sister up and moves them to New York to Atlanta. Ruth is amazed with the debutante culture she desperately wants to fit in, so she keeps the fact she’s Jewish a secret. Ruth’s mother wants her to stay close to her religion so has her attend temple. While at one of the debutante balls Ruth sneaks away with a boy she finds herself falling for Davis Jefferson. While she’s spending time with Davis her temple is filled with dynamite. Deep down Ruth believes she may know who was responsible for her temple attack and she may not be able to keep her faith hidden if she comes forward , she may also risk losing her friends and her debutante society she has become part of. This book took my breath away! The details about the 1950’s south and the racism really made me hurt for them. I absolutely enjoyed reading about a Jewish girl that wasn’t set in World War 2 , while she discovered her own identity and living in a world where being Jewish was a target. I should note that Ruth’s temple was a target because the Rabbi encouraged its members to work toward racial integration during a time where Jim Crow was still in practice. Watching Ruth’s character grow really had me cheering for her! I give this four stars and highly recommend fellow readers to pick this book up and read it!

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The Quick Cut: A girl struggles to be her true self when her family moves from New York City to Atlanta. Drama ensues the more she tries to hide her Jewish roots.

A Real Review:
Thank you to Algonquin Young Readers for providing the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Identity is such a central part of who you are as a person. Whether that be race, religion, health issue, or country of origin - who you are is tied very closed with what you identify as. However, when society looks down upon that or you feel shame for it, what is the best way to respond? Hide it? Show it proudly and deal with the consequences? It's in this struggle that we meet Ruth.

When Ruth's father dies, her family moves from New York City to Atlanta in the 1950s. Being half Jewish, it's not easy to fit in though as her local Rabbai is preaching of integration during the times of the KKK. With the Jewish population being seen as troublemakers, Ruth hides her Jewish heritage in order to fit in with the high class society Southerners and attempt to become a part of the debutante class. Will hiding her heritage be worth the trade or is she just giving away her soul in the process?

When I read the summary for this upcoming book, I got so excited to read a story entrenched in historical detail about 1950s society and the racial divides through young eyes. Unfortunately, this book fails to deliver on its lovely premise and quickly becomes hard to read. Rather than develop Ruth as a well rounded character, she is flat and shown as being obsessed with popularity and a boyfriend with no explanation why. Is it because her dad died? Something else? Give me some depth here, I know there's more here.

In addition, so much of the book is spent talking about southern society instead of the fascinating topics the story is based on. There isn't nearly enough time spent on the racial divides and historical events. It wlends up being so many pages of sweet tea and gossip that you start to turn into a southern gossip yourself.

Rather than being a scintillating read, this historical fiction ends up a bore with not enough time spent on its best topics.

My rating: 2.5 out of 5

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61 years – that is the amount of time in between 2019 and 1958. But even with six decades separating then and now the events of 1958 still resonate, ripple down our today.

I don’t know what that says about us as human beings, about our ineptitude and willful ignorance, repeating all our past mistakes over and over again.

Loosely inspired by the October 1958 bombing of the Hebrew Benevolent Congregation, Atlanta’s oldest synagogue, Susan Kaplan Carlton tackles racism, discrimination and identity in In the Neighborhood of True.

The story follows 16-year old Ruth Robb, who moves to Atlanta from New York after her father’s untimely death. Ruth quickly acculturates to her new home, embracing tea and etiquette lessons, pre-debutante balls and accepting inclusion into the “pastel posse” – the group of popular girls all from well-pedigreed, all-white, all-Christian families. Knowing that she wouldn’t be welcomed otherwise, Ruth hides her religion, her Sundays at the temple with her mother and younger sister in exchange for her new life, and for a while this works for her. But a violent hate crime smash together the two halves of her life and forces Ruth to choose between what she wants and what she believes is right.

In the Neighborhood of True was such as simple story of a young girl coming of age in a period of great changes. This simplicity and uncomplicatedness, however, only made this book standout, giving me a snapshot of history and highlighting the message it wants to impart. Racism and discrimination are still topics very relevant to our lives in this day and age. These are topics, hurtful as they may, that we need to talk about.

Ruth, the focus of much of this story, was a well-developed character. Being once a teen myself, I understood her position and reasoning why she chose to hide part of herself to fit in with her new friends. She was a young girl, still dealing with the pain and grief of losing her beloved father. I think she found comfort (and maybe some distraction) in being part of something that was so different from her old life in New York – a life where she had a living father and a complete family. Atlanta and its pre-debutante/debutante balls must have felt like a fresh start for Ruth. In her I saw bits of my younger sisters, and I felt for Ruth, wanted her to be happy even as I cringe and roll me eyes at all the frippery she seem to genuinely love.

Ruth was believable – like a real-life teenage girl with flaws and still have a lot of learning and growing up to do, and she lends the story a great amount of realism. The thing I appreciated the most, though, in the way Susan Kaplan Carlton wrote her was how she didn’t make out Ruth as a white savior. Instead, she had her called out like the part when she told the pastel posse about Birdie’s, her grandparents’ maid, daughters being in college the housekeeper took her aside and told her to not use her children to impress her friends.

Susan Kaplan Carlton was, like the story she wanted to tell, simple, straightforward and on point. No fripperies for her at all, as opposed to her main character, and it made her story flow easily.

Still, there were a couple things that could have been done better. The secondary characters comes to mind immediately. With the exception of Alice, Ruth’s mother, and Nattie, her younger sister, Carlton’s supporting cast felt one dimensional. They were there to play parts in relation to Ruth. I couldn’t imagine what their lives are, what they do when they are not with Ruth – and these are all signs that they aren’t as fleshed out as they could have been.

The blurb was also a bit misleading. Going in, I anticipated some sort of love triangle between Davis, Max and Ruth. Sure, there was a Davis and Ruth pairing and something with Max was alluded to, but other than that? Nil.

Overall, In the Neighborhood of True was a thoughtful read. I enjoyed it a whole lot, its flaws aside, and honestly feel like this should be a book that should be read by everyone. YA historical fiction fans, as well as YA contemporary lovers certainly will find something for themselves in this book.

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It was so nice to read historical fiction with a Jewish main character that is not set during the Holocaust.. I think this book dealt with its topic very well and is another great YA historical novel.

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This is such a necessary and great story about identity, history, and accountability. In the Neighborhood of Truth follows Ruth Robb, New York transplant as she navigates the racially and anti semitic environment of her new home in min-1905s Atlanta. I immediately liked Ruth. Even though she’s unsure of how much of her identity she wants to reveal, she is confident in herself. And her love of all things fashion and beauty related. I also really loved the family dynamic in the story. There was a lot of honesty there - especially as Fontaine is more judgemental and ignorant than you may desire. But I really liked Mr. Hank. I didn’t really like the romance in the story. It was kinda rushed and not that well-developed. The ending of the story could have been a little more flesh out as well, but I really enjoyed the story and bringing this time in history to light.

I received a copy of the book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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It's always refreshing to read historical fiction geared toward young people that isn't about about WWII. That being said, it's horribly unfortunate that this novel is still so relevant today, despite being historical. I enjoyed this book overall but parts did fall short to me. Ruth is a likable narrator torn between two worlds; I would've liked more of her inner conflict spelled out. Some of the characters felt very one-note, which might've been the point. I did appreciated Ruth did not turn into a white savior and her thoughts on race & racism grew in complexity the more she was realized things weren't exactly as she thought they were. The writing was very honest and a good, important fact that this is an #ownvoices voice.

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Part of what I enjoyed about In the Neighborhood of True is how relatable Ruth's character is. Having just moved from New York to the South, Ruth's life has utterly changed - going from having a father, to living in her grandparent's guesthouse where she is encouraged to omit her Jewishness. In the Neighborhood of True is a book about the ways Jews who stood in solidarity with black people in the South were also targeted, and looked down upon within society.

But Ruth struggles with figuring out who she is - is she the girl who wants to read the Etiquette manual and omit her Jewish identity or is she the girl who attends the synagogue on Saturdays and speaks her mind? It's in the comments of people who are both intrigued and curious about her curly hair. And throughout the book, we witness how the women of her family deal with this transition.

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IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD OF TRUE follows Ruth Robb in the aftermath of her father's death, moving from New York to Atlanta in 1958. At first, Ruth is dazzled by the city, the debutante season, the people, and the fashion. But she quickly realizes that being Jewish and being accepted don't go hand in hand in her new town. On Saturday mornings, she's at the temple with her mother and sister, and on Saturday nights, she's attending mixers and going to an all-white, all-Christian Club. When a hate crime is committed at the temple she's come to find a home in, Ruth must decide whether or not to speak her truth before it's too late.

There is so much to love about this powerful historical novel. Firstly, the premise highlights an event in history often overlooked: the bombing on a Jewish temple in Atlanta in the 1950s. Antisemitism did not stop after World War II, nor was it confined to European countries. Ruth struggles with the challenges of being both Jewish and a teen girl. She is grieving from the loss of her father, shaken by the move, and desperately wants to make friends, make her grandmother proud, and maybe even fall in love.

While some might read her desire to be popular as shallow, I would argue the exact opposite. Ruth is seeking connections and seeking ways to make her new life happy. She's still learning what it means to be a full self, to find and accept your own identities with honesty, while facing immense pressure of social and cultural norms.

Another aspect I really appreciate about this story is its inclusion of other types of discrimination and hate. Antisemitism is not the only problem at this time; Jim Crow and other racist regulations and attitudes are rampant as well. Nothing exists in a bubble, and Ruth is quickly seeing how everything is connected.

In short, IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD OF TRUE has one of the most honest, multifaceted, and authentic portrayals of teen girlhood I've ever read. This is a must for readers of historical fiction, particularly areas that receive less attention.

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My Review: It is really scary to know that events from the 1950 & 1960s are as relevant today as they were then. Just as back then it was Jews and Blacks today we see hate crimes for the Muslims and other races. This story was both beautiful and heartbreaking to see what people went through.

The story itself did very well with the topics of racism/anti-semitism. I think the author used grace when writing this title.

The characters also shined I loved how Ruth grew during the pages and I would love to see where she goes once she's an adult.

This #OwnVoices story is one that you will not soon forget.

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In the Neighborhood of True is the story of a young woman trying to find herself while also figuring out the values that mean the most to her in life. It’s an absolutely beautiful tale, and for a multitude of reasons.
It’s a historical fiction novel set in the 1950’s, and it’s heavily focused on the racism and anti-Semitism of the time. That alone makes this novel extremely important. What is more though, are the lines it draws between those moments in the past, and the present. It forces the reader to realize what is happening even today (and for those that are affected by anti-Semitism and racism it likely rings painfully true).
Ruth is torn between the world she’s built for herself that she loves, and the world she was born into. She can’t have it both ways, but for just a while it would be nice to pretend.
Warnings: In the Neighborhood of True is unabashedly about racism and anti-Semitism. A lot of the novel is pretty heavy for that reason, though no less important because of that. There are events that are uncomfortable, and events that are outright painful.
In the Neighborhood of True caused a tumult of emotions as I read, and I couldn’t be more grateful for that fact. There are novels that open your eyes to what is important, and this is one of them. This novel draws connections between racism and anti-Semitism, connections between the past and the present. It all becomes unavoidable and undeniable.
I particularly loved how the novel started. I don’t always love it when a novel begins with a point later on, but in this case it worked out really well. It gave us a hint to where Ruth’s character was leading, and left us with more questions than answers. Naturally we couldn’t do anything other than continue reading.
Ruth is a strong and fascinating character. It was impossible not to be fond of her – especially when it was so easy to see how torn she was. She had an extremely difficult choice to make, no matter how much we’d like to overlay our own opinions on the matter. The truth is that while it may appear black and white to people on the outside, that sort of decision isn’t always easy. And I don’t blame her for her struggle, or for her need to fit in or go for what she wants.
That’s actually what made this novel so human. There were so many complex situations and emotions being thrown around, but it never surpasses what a single person experiences in their lifetime, if that makes any sense. Everything that happened in this novel was perfectly believable, because it happens so frequently.
I can honestly say that this was the first novel I read that delved so heavily into anti-Semitism and Jewish culture while not being set during the Holocaust. First, that says that I need to do some digging for more books of this nature. And second, it means that this book will forever hold a special place in my heart. So thank you, Susan Kaplan Carton, for that.
I think my one and only complaint about this novel would be that it was a tiny bit too predictable for my liking. I enjoyed reading about the situations and characters, even as I sort of had a feeling about where everything was going to lead in the end. As far as complaints go though, that’s not a very big one.
I can’t wait to see what Susan Kaplan Carlton comes out with next. Her writing style alone would have me interested in reading anything else she publishes. I’m looking forward to seeing what it will be.

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"When hatred shows its face, you need to make a little ruckus."

So you would think that antisemitism is just as much a thing of the past as people saying "swell" whenever they thought something was cool. But hate and terror against Jews is just as real today as Islamophobia and racism. And I doubt this comes as a surprise to you. As it turns out, the themes of this book are just as relevant today as they were back in the 1960s.

In the Neighborhood of True is an OwnVoices young adult novel loosely based on the events of the Atlanta Temple Bombing in 1958. It tells the story of a Jewish teenager torn between wanting to fit in and staying true to herself and her Jewish community. After her father's death, Ruth, her mum, and her sister move from New York back to Atlanta, Georgia. Here, being Jewish often doesn't just mark you as an outsider but could also put you in grave danger.

Antisemitism and racism play big roles in this book. And while it was easier for Ruth to pass as a white girl at school, the author also shows that the reality for black people was often worse. What I do like is that the author managed to discuss racism without stepping into the position of a white saviour who is speaking for black people. When Ruth tries to do just that, she is immediately reprimanded for it. She wants to elevate herself by praising Birdie's (the black maid's) kids and is put in her place when Birdie tells her not to use her children's accomplishments to improve her own status. The author also talks about the grim history of lynchings carried out by the Ku-Klux-Klan in Atlanta.

I wish that the book had been a little less predictable and a lot more emotional. I often felt that the author only touched the surface of the reality of a Jewish girl that hides her Jewishness when faced with a squad of white and blond teenager Southern belles. That shit is frightening and while the was potential to really show that fear, it wasn't carried out. The events of the Atlanta Church bombing took place in the last 15% of the book, and if the bombing had taken place earlier in the novel, there might have also been more potential for conflict. I feel the same way about the romance in this novel. Sure, there was a cute guy with even cuter dimples that Ruth crushed on, but it fell flat because there was no chemistry, there were no emotions.

I did, however, like Ruth's mother and sister. They seemed to have more depth than the other characters. I would have wished for more confrontation with Fontaine, Ruth's grandmother, who seems like one of those people that would say problematic things like "I don't see colour." She often acted like the fact that her daughter married a Jew was a stain that needed to be removed. She should have been told off or should have had a moment where she realises that her attitude towards her daughter's and granddaughters' Jewish backgrounds is problematic at best, antisemitic at worst.

All in all, I believe that this story is timeless. We need to talk about antisemitism, racism and Islamophobia more than ever before. They are being normalised - on social media and in the news. Far-right extremism needs to be fought and eliminated, and although it will probably never be erased, it is our duty to spread awareness and acceptance whenever we can.

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This was a sweet YA book that deals with death of a loved one, popularity, first love, segregation and religion. I really loved what the author was trying to accomplish, and I also loved that she was doing it in a fresh, new way, but it fell a little flat for me. The ending felt very rushed, and it just wasn't all that it could have been.

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